HackHPC@ADMI22 3/31-4/4 2022
Team - Elizabeth City State University
Using HPC, we analyzed the Nhanes dataset and generated graphs that depicted how population health has changed over time for various races.
Google App Engine - Used to make and host the flask app
Google Cloud Storage - Used to store the images created from the python script
Google Cloud Run - Continuously Deploy website docker image
Google Cloud Build - Continuously Build docker image from git repo
Cloudy Cluster - Submit jobs in parallel
Python - Data ingestion, manipulation, visualization
Pandas - Dataframe was used to organize data
Seaborn - Used to create our graphs, turned into figures
Flask - Used to host website content
HTML/CSS - Build frontend page, host figures
Google Colab - Used Jupyter Notebook to collaborate on code
Jupyter Notebook - Used as a python IDE
Open-on-Demand - Used to access and develop on the cluster
Github - Created a repo, Pushed and pulled from the repo
This website is used to display the figures that were generated from the Nhanes data.
Cole McKnight
Robert Barrett
Tony Guy
Marquis Brown-Elahi
Cameron Pendergrass
Daniel Lamb
Thank you to all of the mentors, organizers, institutions and companies for the amazing opportunity!