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Agda formalisation of a core language for temporal resources


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A core language for temporal resources

A (work in progress) Agda formalisation of a (Fitch-type) modally typed, effectful core language for safe and correct programming with temporal resources, i.e., resources that become available only after some amount of time after being brought into scope, e.g., when on a production line the assembly operation needs to wait for (car) parts to dry after the paint operation.

The main features of this core language are:

  • Fitch-style temporally graded modal types [ tau ] X are used to capture temporal resources, expressing that an X-value will be available in at most tau time steps, after which it becomes possible to unbox it.

  • A novel notion of temporally aware algebraic effects, where operations' specifications include their execution times, and their continuations know that an operation's worth of additional time has passed before they start executing, making it possible to safely access further temporal resources in it.

  • Effect handlers, also temporally aware, that have to respect the temporal discipline of algebraic operations.

  • A graded monads based effect system (with some added temporal awareness) that modularly tracks the execution times of computations.

This formalisation supplements the paper "When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry" that will appear at FoSSaCS 2023. Its preprint is available on arXiv.

The formalisation is developed and tested with Agda version and Agda Standard Library version 1.7.1.

The formalisation consists of three main parts:

Core language, type system, equations, basic meta-theory

The main modules presenting the core language are:

  • Syntax/Types.agda defines types.

  • Syntax/Contexts.agda defines contexts and operations on them.

  • Syntax/Language.agda defines well-typed values and computations.

  • Syntax/Renamings.agda defines an inductive notion of renamings and its action on well-typed terms (i.e., proves the admissibility of structural rules such as weakening, contraction, etc.).

  • Syntax/Substitutions.agda defines/proves the action of substitution for well-typed terms.

  • Syntax/EquationalTheory.agda defines a mathematically natural beta/eta-equational theory for well-typed terms.

Abstract category-theoretic denotational semantics

The abstract model is summarised in Semantics/Model.agda. The main modules presenting this model are:

  • Semantics/Model/Category.agda axiomatises the basic abstract category-theoretic structures used in the interpretation (e.g., products, exponentials, etc).

  • Semantics/Model/Modality/Future.agda axiomatises the (future) modality used to model the modal temporal resource type [ tau ] X, as a (covariant) strong monoidal functor.

  • Semantics/Model/Modality/Past.agda axiomatises the (past) modality used to model the Fitch-style temporal modality on contexts, as a (contravariant) strong monoidal functor.

  • Semantics/Model/Modality/Adjunction.agda axiomatises an adjunction between the two modalities used in the interpretation of computation terms (boxing, unboxing, but also sequential composition, etc).

  • Semantics/Model/Monad.agda axiomatises [-]-strong graded monad structure used to model computation types and terms.

  • Semantics/Model/Monad/ET-equiv-T.agda proves that [-]-strength is equivalent to asking the graded monad to be [-]-enriched.

This abstract model is then used to give the core language a denotational semantics and prove it sound, in the following modules:

  • Semantics/Interpretation.agda defines the interpretation of types, contexts, and well-typed values and computations.

  • Semantics/Renamings.agda defines the interpretation of renamings.

  • Semantics/Renamings/Properties/VC-rename.agda proves a semantic renaming result.

  • Semantics/Substitutions/Properties/VC-subst.agda proves a semantic substitution result.

  • Semantics/Soundness.agda proves the soundness of the interpretation.

Concrete presheaf model

We provide a natural concrete example of the abstract setup using time-indexed presheaves in Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/. The structure of this model follows the modules of the abstract setup.

The work in progress aspect

Not all the desired results are currently written up in Agda, for two main reasons: running into Agda's bug where due to excessive eta-contraction with-abstractions end up producing ill-typed Agda terms (#2732); and the (naive, straightforward attempt at the) concrete presheaf model producing humongous inequational Agda terms in composite equations/diagrams.

What we currently have:

  • In Syntax/, all the desired definitions and proofs are finished.

  • In Semantics/, the interpretation is defined, and the high-level arguments for renaming and substitution lemmas, and the soundness theorem are finished.

  • In Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/, the presheaf category, with the modalities and graded monad on it, with all properties of modalities written up and most of the graded-monadic properties written up.

What we currently do not have:

  • In Semantics/, some of the auxiliary lemmas used in the high-level proofs are currently partially finished, specifically:

    • Semantics/Renamings/Properties/η-PRA-ren-naturality.agda runs into the problem with with-abstractions producing ill-typed Agda-terms.

    • Semantics/Renamings/Properties/η-PRA-⟨⟩-≤.agda runs into the problem with with-abstractions producing ill-typed Agda-terms.

    • Semantics/Renamings/Properties/var-not-in-ctx-after-ᶜ-wk-ren.agda runs into the with-abstraction problem, but has the corresponding cases proved manually as separate auxiliary lemmas.

  • Further, in Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/Monad/, termination of some functions is postulated where Agda does not immediately see it.

    The reason for this is that the monad is defined simultaneously with its monotonicity proof, meaning that when defining operations such as monad multiplication, the types involved in these definitions have recursive calls of the form μˢ (Tˢ-≤t p k), where Agda does not see that Tˢ-≤t p k is indeed smaller than the original argument to μˢ (with k one of its subterms) because Tˢ-≤t does not change the given tree height.

  • In Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/, some of the modules typecheck extremely slowly due to the current (naive, direct) definition of the presheaf model and the structure on it producing humongous inequational Agda terms in composite equations/diagrams, namely:

    • Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/Monad/Strength/Properties/CartesianStructure.agda typechecks very slowly, with --experimental-lossy-unification option helping Agda to be a bit faster.

    • Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/Monad/Strength/Properties/Algebraicity.agda postulates the algebraicity law for algebraic operations due to typechecking slowness (the corresponding proof for the unary delay operations is written up).

    • Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/Monad/Handling/Properties/ is missing the write-up of the proof of the handling-of-operation law due to typechecking slowness (even for writing the law down with the current concrete model definition).

What and how could be improved:

  • For the with-abstraction problem, the official suggestion seems to be to rewrite the definition with pattern-matching in auxiliary functions as opposed to using with-abstractions. As a stop-gap measure, we could also work out the types of the individual cases and prove them as auxiliary lemmas (analogously to Semantics/Renamings/Properties/var-not-in-ctx-after-ᶜ-wk-ren.agda).

    Another option would be to rewrite the relevant parts of the formalisation to work with an inductively defined graph of the -ᶜ function (as opposed to its current recursive definition), as one could then avoid the troublesome uses of with in the definition.

  • For the slowness of typechecking, we likely need to make some aspects of the concrete model abstract, and manually simplify the generated inequational proof terms in composite equations/diagrams.

  • Regarding the postulated termination of some of the functions in Semantics/Model/Example/TSets/Monad/, we could additionally index the monad's data structure with its tree-height, which should be enough to convince Agda of termination.


Agda formalisation of a core language for temporal resources





