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opts is a library for parsing command line options. It has easy-to-use API that allows you to equip your program with command line options faster than with the ordinary getopt library.

How to use Opts see manpage or Example below.


opts is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "opts.h"

static void helpcb(const char *l, char s)
    fprintf(stderr, "HelpCB: %s %c\n", l, s);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    float opt1;
    float optarr[3];
    int help;
    int i;

    optarr[0] = optarr[1] = optarr[2] = 0.;

    // define options
    optsAdd("opt1", 'o', OPTS_FLOAT, (void *)&opt1, NULL);
    optsAdd("help", 'h', OPTS_NONE, (void *)&help, OPTS_CB(helpcb));
    optsAddDesc("optarr", 'a', OPTS_FLOAT_ARR(3), (void *)optarr, NULL,
                "Array of three ints");
    // parse options
    if (opts(&argc, argv) != 0){
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
        optsPrint(stderr, "    ");
        return -1;

    // print some info
    fprintf(stdout, "help: %d\n", help);
    fprintf(stdout, "opt1: %f\n", (float)opt1);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        fprintf(stdout, "optarr[%d]: %f\n", i, optarr[i]);

    // print the rest of options
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++){
        fprintf(stdout, "[%02d]: `%s'\n", i, argv[i]);

    return 0;

// If compiled as *test* program the outputs should be:
// $ ./test
// > help: 0
// > opt1: 0.000000
// > optarr[0]: 0.000000
// > optarr[1]: 0.000000
// > optarr[2]: 0.000000
// > [00]: `./test'
// $ ./test --opt1 1.1 --opt
// > help: 0
// > opt1: 1.100000
// > optarr[0]: 0.000000
// > optarr[1]: 0.000000
// > optarr[2]: 0.000000
// > [00]: `./test'
// > [01]: `--opt'
// $ ./test -o 2.2 -h -a 2,3.1,11
// > HelpCB: help h
// >
// > help: 1
// > opt1: 2.200000
// > optarr[0]: 2.000000
// > optarr[1]: 3.100000
// > optarr[2]: 11.000000
// > [00]: `./test'
// $ ./test -o 2.2invalid
// > Invalid argument of -o/--opt1 option.
// > Usage: ./test2
// >     -o / --opt1    float
// >     -h / --help
// >     -a / --optarr  float[]   Array of three ints


Library for parsing command line options.






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