-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[50158,1],0]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging module was unable to find any relevant network interfaces: Module: OpenFabrics (openib) Host: Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in lower performance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* This is program DENISE Black-Edition Parallel 2-D elastic Finite Difference FWI code Forward/FWI/RTM codes written by D. Koehn and D. De Nil 2D isotropic PSV forward code partly based on FDVEPS written by T. Bohlen Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Germany See README.md file and LICENSE.md for redistribution conditions. ******************************************************************************* In FD_PSV MYID = 6, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 6 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 6, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 6 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 6, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 6 In FD_PSV MYID = 7, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 7 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 7, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 7 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 7, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 7 **Message from check_model_phys (printed by PE 0): ----------------------- DENISE operation mode ---------------------- MODE=0: Only forward modeling is applied. ----------------------- DENISE Physics ---------------------- PHYSICS=1: Solve 2D isotropic elastic PSV problem. In FD_PSV MYID = 0, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 0 This is the log-file generated by PE 0 **Message from initprocs (printed by PE 0): Size of subarrays in gridpoints: IENDX= 372 IENDY (vertical) = 334 **Message from initprocs (written by PEEEP 0): Processor locations in the 2D logical processor array MYID POS(1):left,right POS(2): top, bottom 0 0: 3,1 0: 4,4 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 0, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 0 **Message from write_par (printed by PE 0): ------------------------- Processors ------------------------ Number of PEs in x-direction (NPROCX): 4 Number of PEs in vertical direction (NPROCY): 2 Total number of PEs in use: 8 ----------------------- Discretization --------------------- Number of gridpoints in x-direction (NX): 1488 Number of gridpoints in y-direction (NY): 668 Grid-spacing (DH): 1.500000e+01 meter Time of wave propagation (T): 7.000000e+00 seconds Timestep (DT): 1.000000e-03 seconds Number of timesteps: 7000 ------------------------- FD ORDER ----------------------------- FDORDER = 8 MAXRELERROR = 1 ------------------------- SOURCE ----------------------------- reading source positions, time delay, centre frequency and initial amplitude from ASCII-file ./source/source_subsalt.dat wavelet of source: reading from ./wavelet/wavelet_subsalt.dat ------------------------- RECEIVER -------------------------- reading receiver positions from single file ./receiver/receiver_subsalt.dat reference_point_for_receiver_coordinate_system: x=0.000000 y=0.000000 z=0.000000 ------------------------- FREE SURFACE ------------------------ no free surface at the top of the model ! ------------------------- CPML --------------------- width of absorbing frame is 10 gridpoints. CPML damping applied. Damping velocity in the PML frame in m/s: 2100.000000 . Frequency within the PML frame in Hz: 11.000000 npower: 4.000000 k_max: 1.000000 No periodic boundary condition. ------------------------- MODEL-FILES ------------------------- names of model-files: shear wave velocities: start/Subsalt_start.vs tau for shear waves: start/Subsalt_start.ts density: start/Subsalt_start.rho compressional wave velocities: start/Subsalt_start.vp tau for P-waves: start/Subsalt_start.tp ------------------------- Q-APROXIMATION -------------------- Number of relaxation mechanisms (L): 0 The L relaxation frequencies are at: Hz Value for tau is : 1.000000 ----------------------- SEISMOGRAMS ---------------------- seismograms of pressure field (hydrophones). output-file: su/DENISE_Subsalt_p.su The data is written in IEEE SU-format . samplingrate of seismic data: 0.001000 s Number of samples per trace: 7000 ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- DENISE elastic specific parameters ---------------------- Maximum number of iterations: 600 location of the measured seismograms : su/Subsalt/Subsalt INVMAT1=1: Inversion parameters are vp, vs and rho. QUELLTYPB=4: Inversion of p component. Shots used for step length estimation: TESTSHOT_START = 1 TESTSHOT_END = 11 TESTSHOT_INCR = 5 Cosine Taper used : 0 Log file for misfit in each iteration step: LOG_TEST.dat Output of inverted models to: model/modelSubsalt --------------- Gradient tapering ------------------- SWS_TAPER_GRAD_VERT=0: No vertical taper applied. SWS_TAPER_GRAD_HOR=1: Horizontal taper applied. (GRADT1=21, GRADT2=25, GRADT3=490, GRADT4=500, EXP_TAPER_GRAD_HOR=2.000000) SWS_TAPER_GRAD_SOURCES=0: No taper around the sources applied. SWS_TAPER_CIRCULAR_PER_SHOT=0: No taper around the sources applied. --------------- Gradient smoothing with 2D-Gaussian filter ------------------- MODEL_FILTER=0: JacobIn FD_PSV MYID = 1, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 1 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 1, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 1 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 1, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 1 In FD_PSV MYID = 2, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 2 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 2, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 2 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 2, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 2 In FD_PSV MYID = 3, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 3 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 3, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 3 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 3, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 3 In FD_PSV MYID = 4, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 4 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 4, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 4 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 4, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 4 In FD_PSV MYID = 5, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 5 In FD_PSV (62) MYID = 5, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 5 In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 5, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 5 ians are not filtered. --------------- Limits of model parameters ------------------- VPLOWERLIM = 0.000000 VPUPPERLIM = 6600.000000 VSLOWERLIM = 0.000000 VSUPPERLIM = 4000.000000 RHOLOWERLIM = 1000.000000 RHOUPPERLIM = 3000.000000 --------------- Optimization method ------------------- GRAD_METHOD=2: LBFGS NLBFGS=20 --------------- Model smoothing ------------------- MODEL_FILTER=0: vp and vs models are not filtered after each iteration step. --------------- Trace kill ------------------- TRKILL=0: No trace kill is applied --------------- Trace normalization ------------------- NORMALIZE=0: No normalization of measured and synthetic seismograms. --------------- Reduce size of inversion grid ------------------- Every 3 time sample is used for the calculation of the gradients. --------------- Step length estimation ------------------- EPS_SCALE = 0.010000 STEPMAX = 6 SCALEFAC = 2.000000 --------------- Reverse Time Modelling ------------------- RTMOD=0: No Reverse Time Modelling applied. --------------- Gravity Modelling and Inversion ------------------- No Gravity Modelling and Inversion applied. GRAVITY=0 Boundary in x-direction [gridpoints] NGRAVB = 500 Boundary in z-direction [m] NZGRAV = 200000 Modelling and Inversion of Gravity Data. GRAV_TYPE=1 Self-defined Model is used as Background Density. BACK_DENSITY=2 background density file: gravity/background_density.rho ************************************************************** In FD_PSV (101) MYID = 0, COLOR =0, MYID_SHOT = 0 Reading receiver positions from single file: ./receiver/receiver_subsalt.dat Message from function receiver (written by PE 0): Number of receiver positions found: 221 **Message from main (printed by PE 0): Size of local grids: NX=372 NY=334 Each process is now trying to allocate memory for: Dynamic variables: 2.48 MB Static variables: 2.97 MB Seismograms: 1.47 MB Buffer arrays for grid exchange: 0.05 MB Network Buffer for MPI_Bsend: 0.22 MB ------------------------------------------------ Total memory required: 7.19 MB. ... memory allocation for PE 0 was successfull. Reading source positions, time-shift, centre frequency and amplitude from file: ./source/source_subsalt.dat Number of source positions specified in ./source/source_subsalt.dat : 12 Maximum frequency defined in ./source/source_subsalt.dat: 1.10e+01 Hz All sources will be modelled individually because of RUN_MULTIPLE_SHOTS=1! Message from function sources (written by PE 0): ...reading model information from modell-files... Vp: start/Subsalt_start.vp Vs: start/Subsalt_start.vs Density: start/Subsalt_start.rho PE 0 is writing model to start/Subsalt_start.denise.pi.0.0 **Message from mergemod (printed by PE 0): PE 0 starts merge of 8 model files writing merged model file to start/Subsalt_start.denise.pi Opening model files: start/Subsalt_start.denise.pi.??? ... finished. Copying... ... finished. Use ximage n1=67 < start/Subsalt_start.denise.pi label1=Y label2=X title=start/Subsalt_start.denise.pi to visualize model. PE 0 is writing model to start/Subsalt_start.denise.mu.0.0 **Message from mergemod (printed by PE 0): PE 0 starts merge of 8 model files writing merged model file to start/Subsalt_start.denise.mu Opening model files: start/Subsalt_start.denise.mu.??? ... finished. Copying... ... finished. Use ximage n1=67 < start/Subsalt_start.denise.mu label1=Y label2=X title=start/Subsalt_start.denise.mu to visualize model. PE 0 is writing model to start/Subsalt_start.denise.rho.0.0 **Message from mergemod (printed by PE 0): PE 0 starts merge of 8 model files writing merged model file to start/Subsalt_start.denise.rho Opening model files: start/Subsalt_start.denise.rho.??? ... finished. Copying... ... finished. Use ximage n1=67 < start/Subsalt_start.denise.rho label1=Y label2=X title=start/Subsalt_start.denise.rho to visualize model. **Message from checkfd (printed by PE 0): Minimum and maximum P-wave and S-wave velocities within subvolumes: MYID Vp_min(f=fc) Vp_max(f=inf) Vs_min(f=fc) Vsmax(f=inf) 0 2.114500e+03 4.318700e+03 1.218400e+03 2.490800e+03 Global values for entire model: Vp_max= 6.514700e+03 m/s Vs_min=1.218400e+03 m/s ------------------ CHECK FOR GRID DISPERSION -------------------- To satisfactorily limit grid dispersion the number of gridpoints per minimum wavelength (of S-waves) should be 6 (better more). Here the minimum wavelength is assumed to be minimum model phase velocity (of S-waves) at maximum frequency of the source devided by maximum frequency of the source. Maximum frequency of the source is approximately 22.00 Hz The minimum wavelength (of S-waves) in the following simulation will be 5.538182e+01 meter. Thus, the recommended value for DH is 1.500862e+01 meter. You have specified DH= 1.500000e+01 meter. ----------------------- CHECK FOR STABILITY --------------------- The following simulation is stable provided that p=cmax*DT/DH < 1/(sqrt(2)*gamma), where cmax is the maximum phase velocity at infinite frequency and gamma = sum(|FD coeff.|) In the current simulation cmax is 6514.70 m/s . DT is the timestep and DH is the grid size. In this simulation the stability limit for timestep DT is 1.209651e-03 seconds . You have specified DT= 1.000000e-03 s. The simulation will be stable. ----------------------- ABSORBING BOUNDARY ------------------------ Width (FW) of absorbing frame should be at least 10 gridpoints. You have specified a width of 10 gridpoints. **Message from matcopy (written by PE 0): Copy material properties at inner boundaries ... finished (real time: 0.00 s). Message from PE 5 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 1 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 2 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 3 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 4 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 7 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 6 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. Message from PE 0 R U N - T I M E E R R O R: Source file could no be opened ! ...now exiting to system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with errorcode 1. NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes. You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on exactly when Open MPI kills them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------