{ "title": "NEPAssist", "maintainer": "EPA", "maintainer_email": "NEPAssisthelp@epa.gov", "author": null, "author_email": null, "notes": "This URL contains information about two GIS tools that use underlying EPA datasets to provide maps with vast layers of information, anything from locations of schools, churches, and parks to soil types and superfund sites. The main subject of the webpage describes the NEPAssist tool. The other tool is called EJScreen. Both tools appear to use the same underlying data located here: ftp://newftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/. The web page also contains a user manual and a description of layers available.", "license_id": "", "landingPage": "https://www.epa.gov/nepa/nepassist", "id": "A05F7CEB-6CCE-4DC8-9D5F-4A29DFE053E0", "doi": "", "isPartOf": "", "tags": "EPA", "organization": { "description": "", "title": "Environmental Protection Agency", "name": "EPA", "is_organization": true, "image_url": "", "type": "organization", "id": "" } }