Minecube is merely a code name, it will be changed. Don't whine that it's too close to another particular cube-related game. Minecube is in no way affilliated with any other game, or any company. Including a particular one with a very similar name.
The name will be changed later, to avoid issues. We're just waiting until it's worth making a name for.
For *NIX, specifically on Linux distributions, the developers don't have a recommended IDE.
- git (optional, but recommended)
- C++ compiler (clang++ and g++ have been tested on *nix)
- GNU make
- OpenGL and headers
- SFML and headers
For Windows, the developers are currently using Visual Studio. We will work on a makefile or similar.
- git (optional, but recommended)
- C++ compiler (MSVC?)
- OpenGL SDK (binaries are included, but are the headers?)
All of these, except MSVC, should be available in your package manager, if you have one. The links provided are only needed if you are using a platform without a package manager, i.e. Windows.
- git: http://git-scm.com/download
- g++: http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/
- MSVC: Purchase Visual Studio or grab an Express Edition
- GNU make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
- OpenGL: Supposed to be provided on Windows and OS X by default. Other platforms: check your package manager if you don't have it already.
- SFML: http://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php