Code everyday, learn everyday!
In this repository I challenge myself to create one project a day until I land a job.
#oneDay, Code everyday, learn everyday! This is a challenge to myself where I will try to create every day one small project (or if bigger over two or more days) until I land a position as a developer.(For the moment I focus on learning Vue.js and I'm not creating projects but they will come back)
The important part of this challenge is that I code everyday and learn everyday. The same time I will document my journey.
Every challenge needs to be documented with a screenshot, description, what I used to create the project, what I learned in the project and it needs to have a start and finishing date.
Optional: Every 10th day I will create a summary where I will describe how the last 10 days went, if there was something I struggled with, if there is something I see that I get more comfortable with, if there is something significant that I learned and how I feel about the last days.
If you are new to coding and you want to make sure that you code everyday and maybe get a job in the industry if that is something you would like then feel free to create your own oneDay repository and to share your projects with the community .
If you do the challenge feel free to send me a link on Twitter to you project I would love to see what you created @CodeWeis and put the #oneDayCodeEverydayLearnEveryday or come and join the Facebook group
In this project I recreated a basic Momentum clone.
- Vanilla JavaScript
- I get more deep in to work with the Date Object
- I learned how to use local storage
Started & Finished: 19/05/2020
This is a small project where the color of the background changes randomly on every click
- Vanilla JavaScript
- How to make text on a website unselectable
Started & Finished: 20/05/2020
This is a RGB to HEX and HEX to RGB converter
- Vanilla JavaScript
-I learned a lot about colors and that I still need a lot to learn about colors -Hot to take the users input and work with it
Started & Finished: 21/05/2020
#4 Flip a Coin
Just a simple coin flip for that I have time to focus on learning today
- Math.random()
- Math.floor()
- toggle attribute
Started & Finished: 22/05/2020
#5 What age?
Input will be a birth date and it will tell you how long until your next Birthday or if it is your birthday
- JavaScript : date object
- HTML : type date
- how to use type="date" value in JavaScript
- how to find out if the browser is Safari and then to show type="number"
Started & Finished: 23/05/2020
This is a hero slider build with no JavaScript only CSS
- CSS keyframes
- how to use CSS keyframes
Started & Finished: 24/05/2020
Today no finished project to show I do currently work on a bigger project since
the 25/05/2020, It is the guess the color game everything in HTML CSS AND Vanilla JavaScript
The game is now playable but still some bugs to fix and the time system is not yet in place
This is the game guess the color
- CSS grid
- Vanilla JavaScript
- how to handle user inputs on buttons
- display elements depending on the inputs
- the game works without page reload
Started & Finished: 25/05/2020 -> 27/05/2020
// There will be a time count implemented later on with storing best times in local storage
#8 Stop Watch
This is a simple stop watch wit start stop and reset function
- Vanilla JavaScript
- setInterval
- clearInterval
- How to use setInterval
- How to use clearInterval
Started & Finished: 28/05/2020
#9 Pomodoro
This is a small Pomodoro I created to be a google chrome extension
- Vanilla JavaScript
- setInterval
- clearInterval
- CSS to creat an animation
- How to use setInterval
- How to use clearInterval
Started & Finished: 29/05/2020
#10 Navbar
Navbar with hover effect and active highlight
- JavaScript mouseover
- CSS ::after
- To do animation on hover with the css ::after
- how to use
Started & Finished: 30/05/2020
#11 Covid-19 API
- fetch
- How to call an API
Started & Finished: 31/05/2020
- Vanilla JavaScript with fetch
- Implement error handling
Started & Finished: 01/06/2020
#13 Crypto Tracker
This is a project which I will grow by time the more I learn
- Two crypto API's which I mix to get the info I wanted
- How to mix two APIs
Started & Finished: 02/06/2020
#14 Pokedex
This is an easy Pokedex in which I started using Vue.js
Two Pokemon API's
- Started to work with Vue.js
Started & Finished: 05/06/2020
#15 Weather App
This is an weather app showing information's about the weather
Weather API
- I try to use Vue.js more and more
Started & Finished: 09/06/2020
Today we are the 14th June, I started this repo almost one month ago and wanted to do an update, I started to learn Vue JS so I don't push a project everyday because it takes a bit time to find the answers to all the questions which come over the time of a project. But I get mor confident with the syntax and all the small details. To soon come back to one project a day for the moment I did update the Crypto project which is not in the list now but it has his own repo because it will become a bigger project .
Anyway I started my next project in Vue JS and it will be soon pushed.
This is a Modern Landing page build with VueJs
- Vue JS
How to switch from one component to an other without destroying the component
How to use Mixins
How to call two methods on one link
Started & Finished: 14/06/2020
I created a small Paper Rock Scissors game
- Vanilla JavaScript
Started & Finished: 19/06/2020
#18 ISS Position
In this project you can see the position of the ISS Space station in real time.
- API for the Longitude and Latitude
- How to calculate the Longitude and Latitude and put them on the correct position on the map
Started & Finished: 21/06/2020
#Number Name
Started & Finished: 28/05/2020