This is the (beginnings of) a PostGIS plugin for sequel.
It's closely related, but hopefully independent of the PostGISTable extensions for rake ( However there is still some code in that set of extensions that more properly belongs here. It will migrate.
The ultimate goal of this is to be a full set of extensions for using PostGIS in Sequel.
Sequel::Model.plugin :postgis
I do my testing in mainline 1.9.3 and PostGIS 2.0.x, and PostgreSQL 9.1. However, I have no reason to think that 1.8.7 and PostGIS 1.5 will not work.
- sequel (duh)
- pg
- logger
- rspec (if you want to write tests)
PostGIS (duh)
This is very much preliminary code. It is unlikely to be immediately useful to you. However, it's hopefully not too far off.
- Needs more tests
- Finish migrating code out of PostGISTable