Timestamps: (00:00) Welcome (00:23) Reshama introduces Data Umbrella (03:45) Reshama introduces Gordon Shotwell (04:21) Gordon Shotwell begins. (04:29) The motivation to develop Shiny for Python. (06:05) The main strength of both the R and python library (06:56) What Gordon Shotwell will build during his presentation. (07:25) Shiny documentation website. (08:01) QuickStart for R users showing differences between the R and Python libraries. (08:44) All the function reference in Shiny. (09:08) Demo starts. (09:50) Virtual environment. (10:36) How to start shiny app in the terminal (11:15) Install shiny extension in VS Code which makes it easier to preview the web app. (11:36) How the output function works on the preview app to execute. (12:22) Penguin dataset description for the demo. (12:45) Modules/submodules shiny app is built on. (13.04) How to add a sidebar layout (sidebar, panel sidebar and panel main) (13.43) How to read in the data and the output functions. (14:31) How to define some server logic. (14:59) The conventional shiny rule. (16:30) Use of slide input. (17:50) Where the reactive magic comes in. (19:30) Important note on what can really slow down your shiny app. (20:14) Importance of Python data copy method when using external dataset. (21:01) Important note to avoid dependency inside the render function. (21:30) Q&A. (29:35) Adding a plot to the output. The UI sides. (30:12) Adding a plot to the output. The render sides. (32:16) The core principle of reactivity in which you do not want to repeat yourself. (33:26) Reactivate calculation concept which allows you to store intermediate values in one place. (37:24) Q&A (38:53) Reactive calculations and rendering functions. (39:30) Side-effects or user effect. Another class of interactions. (41:18) How to tell reactive effect what it should respond to or what events to watch before executing. (41:53) How to update the data filter in the side-effect function. (42:22) The second important pattern for shiny. (43:00) One of the important things to pay attention to once you start learning/using shiny. (44:45) Series of Q&A until the end of the video. Some response includes live demo. (1:01:03) Gordon Shotwell ends his presentation. (1:01:17) Reshama closes the session.