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Timer as a multiplatform module.
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gzoritchak committed Mar 15, 2018
1 parent 6873fb5 commit 87b996f
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Showing 11 changed files with 527 additions and 302 deletions.
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions build.gradle
Expand Up @@ -112,12 +112,13 @@ configure(subprojects.findAll { !sourceless.contains( }) {
compileKotlin { kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = 1.8 }
compileTestKotlin { kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = 1.8 }

// test {
// testLogging {
// events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
// exceptionFormat "full"
// }
// }
test {
jvmArgs "-noverify"
testLogging {
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
exceptionFormat "full"

Expand Down
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

import io.data2viz.scale.scales
import io.data2viz.timer.timer
import io.data2viz.viz.*
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
Expand All @@ -17,6 +18,10 @@ val particuleCount = newText().apply {
val root = newGroup().apply {
timer { now ->

val particules: MutableList<Particule> = mutableListOf()

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,11 @@ import kotlin.js.Date

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val svg = selectOrCreateSvg().apply {
setAttribute("width", widthHeight.toString())
setAttribute("height", widthHeight.toString())
svg.append((root as ParentElement).domElement)
fun animate() {
window.requestAnimationFrame {

actual fun random(): Double = kotlin.js.Math.random()
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@

import io.data2viz.viz.GroupJfx
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer
import javafx.application.Application
import javafx.scene.Scene
import javafx.stage.Stage
Expand All @@ -16,14 +15,6 @@ class SelectionAppJfx : Application() {

override fun start(primaryStage: Stage?) {

val animation = object : AnimationTimer() {
override fun handle(nowInNanoSeconds: Long) {
loop(nowInNanoSeconds / 1e6)

primaryStage?.let {
it.scene = (Scene((root as GroupJfx).jfxElement, widthHeight, widthHeight))
Expand Down
289 changes: 288 additions & 1 deletion timer/d2v-timer-common/src/main/kotlin/io/data2viz/timer/Timer.kt
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,291 @@ package io.data2viz.timer

val yo = "yo"
internal expect fun setTimeout(handler: () -> Unit, timeout: Int):Any
internal expect fun clearTimeout(handle:Any)
internal expect fun setInterval(handler: () -> Unit, interval: Int):Any
internal expect fun clearInterval(handle:Any)
internal expect fun callInNextFrame(block: () -> Unit)
internal expect fun delegateNow(): Double

internal var timeoutHandle:Any? = null
internal var pokeHandle:Any? = null
internal var frame = 0 // is an animation frame pending? todo use boolean?

/** how frequently we check for clock skew */
const val pokeDelay = 1000

var taskHead: Timer? = null
var taskTail: Timer? = null
var clockLast = 0.0

* now set for all timers
var clockNow = 0.0
var clockSkew = 0.0

* Schedules a new timer, invoking the specified callback repeatedly until the
* timer is stopped.
* An optional numeric delay in milliseconds may be specified
* to invoke the given callback after a delay; if delay is not specified, it
* defaults to zero.
* The delay is relative to the specified time in milliseconds;
* if time is not specified, it defaults to now.
* The callback is passed the (apparent) elapsed time since the timer became active.
* (The exact values may vary depending on your JavaScript runtime and what else
* your computer is doing.)
* Note that the first elapsed time is 3ms: this is the elapsed time since the
* timer started, not since the timer was scheduled. Here the timer started 150ms
* after it was scheduled due to the specified delay. The apparent elapsed time may
* be less than the true elapsed time if the page is backgrounded and requestAnimationFrame
* is paused; in the background, apparent time is frozen.If timer is called within the
* callback of another timer, the new timer callback (if eligible as determined by the
* specified delay and time) will be invoked immediately at the end of the current frame,
* rather than waiting until the next frame. Within a frame, timer callbacks are guaranteed
* to be invoked in the order they were scheduled, regardless of their start time.
fun timer(delay: Double = 0.0, startTime: Double = now(), callback: Timer.(Double) -> Unit): Timer =
Timer().apply {
restart(delay, startTime, callback)

class Timer {

internal var _time: Double = 0.0

* The lambda to be call
internal var _call: (Timer.(Double) -> Unit)? = null

* the next timer created
internal var _next: Timer? = null

* Restart a timer with the specified callback and optional delay and time.
* This is equivalent to stopping this timer and creating a new timer with
* the specified arguments, although this timer retains the original invocation priority.
* update taskTail and taskHead (the first timer is both tail and head)
fun restart(
delay: Double,
startTime: Double,
callback: Timer.(Double) -> Unit
) {
val newTime = startTime + delay
if (_next == null && taskTail !== this) {
val tail = taskTail
if (tail != null) {
tail._next = this
} else
taskHead = this
taskTail = this
_call = callback
_time = newTime
// log("after restart")

* Stops this timer, preventing subsequent callbacks.
* This method has no effect if the timer has already stopped.
fun stop() {
if (_call != null) {
_call = null

override fun toString(): String {
return "Timer(_time=$_time,) _next=$_next"


* Returns the current time as defined by if available, and if not.
* The current time is updated at the start of a frame; it is thus
* consistent during the frame, and any timers scheduled during the same frame will be
* synchronized.
* If this method is called outside of a frame, such as in response to a
* user event, the current time is calculated and then fixed until the next frame, again
* ensuring consistent timing during event handling.
fun now(): Double {
if (clockNow == 0.0) {
clockNow = delegateNow() + clockSkew
return clockNow

private fun clearNow() {
clockNow = 0.0

* Immediately invoke any eligible timer callbacks. Note that zero-delay timers are normally
* first executed after one frame (~17ms). This can cause a brief flicker because the browser
* renders the page twice: once at the end of the first event loop, then again immediately on
* the first timer callback. By flushing the timer queue at the end of the first event loop,
* you can run any zero-delay timers immediately and avoid the flicker.
fun timerFlush() {
// log("timerFlush")
now() // Get the current time, if not already set.
++frame // Pretend we’ve set an alarm, if we haven’t already.
var t = taskHead
var elapsed: Double
while (t != null) {
elapsed = clockNow - t._time
if (elapsed >= 0) {
// log("flushing ${t._time.toInt().toString().takeLast(6)}")
t._call?.invoke(t, elapsed)
t = t._next

* Before sleeping, cleans timers, starting from head.
* If taskHead is null, set taskTail to null.
* Sleep the minimum of timers time.
private fun nap() {
// log("before nap")
var t0: Timer? = null
var t1 = taskHead
var t2: Timer?
var time = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
while (t1 != null) {
if (t1._call != null) {
if (time > t1._time) {
time = t1._time
t0 = t1
t1 = t1._next
} else {
// if t1 as no call, remove t1
t2 = t1._next
t1._next = null
t1 = if (t0 != null) {
t0._next = t2
} else {
taskHead = t2
taskTail = t0
// log("after nap")

* Prepare sleep before wake.
* If time is set and long (> 24 ms), use timeOut to wake up and remove the poke.
* If time is not set or short (<= 24 ms), wake up at the next frame.
private fun sleep(time: Double? = null) {

// log("sleep ${time?.toInt()}")
if (frame > 0) return // Soonest alarm already set, or will be.
timeoutHandle?.let {
println("clearEventualTimeout $it")
timeoutHandle = null

if (time != null) {
val delay = time - clockNow
if (delay > 24) {
if (time < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
timeoutHandle = setTimeout(::wake, delay.toInt())
println("HANDLE $timeoutHandle")
pokeHandle?.let {
pokeHandle = null
if (pokeHandle == null) {
clockLast = clockNow
pokeHandle = setInterval(::updateSkew, pokeDelay)
frame = 1
callInNextFrame (::wake)

* Every second update the skew
private fun updateSkew() {
// log("updateSkew")
val now = now()
val delay = now - clockLast
if (delay > pokeDelay) {
clockSkew -= delay
clockLast = now

private fun wake() {
// log("wake")
clockLast = now()
clockNow = clockLast + clockSkew
frame = 0
timeoutHandle = null
try {
} finally {
frame = 0
clockNow = 0.0

* Todo remove after dev
private fun log(msg:String) {
println("${now().toInt()} ${msg.padEnd(20)}handle:: $timeoutHandle timers::${logTimers()}")

private fun logTimers(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder("")
var t = taskHead
var i = 0
while (t != null) {
sb.append(" t$i[${t._time.toInt()}]")
t = t._next
return sb.toString()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion timer/d2v-timer-js/build.gradle
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
dependencies {
// expectedBy project(":d2v-timer-common")
expectedBy project(":d2v-timer-common")
testCompile "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core-js:$coroutines_version"

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