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use tensorflow distributions, closes #132
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dsteinberg committed Sep 20, 2017
1 parent 79ffa92 commit 2f1a9fa
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286 changes: 69 additions & 217 deletions aboleth/
@@ -1,199 +1,79 @@
"""Model parameter distributions."""
"""Helper functions for model parameter distributions."""
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from multipledispatch import dispatch

from tensorflow.contrib.distributions import MultivariateNormalTriL

from aboleth.util import pos
from aboleth.random import seedgen

# Generic prior and posterior classes

class ParameterDistribution:
"""Abstract base class for parameter distribution objects."""

def __init__(self):
"""Construct a ParameterDistibution object."""
raise NotImplementedError('Abstract base class only.')

def sample(self):
"""Draw a random sample from the distribution."""
raise NotImplementedError('Abstract base class only.')

class Normal(ParameterDistribution):
Normal (IID) prior/posterior.
mu : Tensor
mean, shape (d_in, d_out)
var : Tensor
variance, shape (d_in, d_out)

def __init__(self, mu=0., var=1.):
"""Construct a Normal distribution object.""" = mu
self.var = var
self.sigma = tf.sqrt(var)
self.d = mu.shape

def sample(self, e=None):
"""Draw a random sample from this object.
e : ndarray, Tensor, optional
the random standard-Normal samples to transform to yeild samples
from this distrubution. These must be of shape (d_in, ...). If
this is none, these are generated in this method.
x : Tensor
a sample of shape (d_in, d_out), or ``e.shape`` if provided
# Reparameterisation trick
if e is None:
e = tf.random_normal(self.d, seed=next(seedgen))
x = + e * self.sigma

return x

class Gaussian(ParameterDistribution):
Gaussian prior/posterior.
mu : Tensor
mean, shape (d_in, d_out)
L : Tensor
Cholesky of the covariance matrix, shape (d_out, d_in, d_in)
eps : ndarray, Tensor, optional
random draw from a unit normal if you want to "fix" the sampling, this
should be of shape (d_in, d_out). If this is ``None`` then a new random
draw is used for every call to sample().

def __init__(self, mu, L):
"""Construct a Normal distribution object.""" = mu
self.L = L # O x I x I
self.d = mu.shape

def sample(self, e=None):
"""Draw a random sample from this object.
e : ndarray, Tensor, optional
the random standard-Normal samples to transform to yeild samples
from this distrubution. These must be of shape (d_in, ...). If
this is none, these are generated in this method.
x : Tensor
a sample of shape (d_in, d_out), or ``e.shape`` if provided
# Reparameterisation trick
mu = self.transform_w(
if e is None:
e = tf.random_normal(mu.shape, seed=next(seedgen))
e = self.transform_w(e)
x = self.itransform_w(mu + tf.matmul(self.L, e))

return x

def transform_w(w):
"""Transform a weight matrix, (d_in, d_out) -> (d_out, d_in, 1)."""
wt = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(w), 2) # O x I x 1
return wt

def itransform_w(wt):
"""Un-transform a weight matrix, (d_out, d_in, 1) -> (d_in, d_out)."""
w = tf.transpose(wt[:, :, 0])
return w

# Streamlined interfaces for initialising the priors and posteriors

def norm_prior(dim, var):
"""Initialise a prior (zero mean, diagonal) Normal distribution.
def norm_prior(dim, std):
"""Initialise a prior (zero mean, isotropic) Normal distribution.
dim : tuple or list
the dimension of this distribution.
var : float
the prior variance of this distribution.
std : float
the prior standard deviation of this distribution.
P : Normal
P : tf.distributions.Normal
the initialised prior Normal object.
This will make a tf.Variable on the variance of the prior that is
initialised with ``var``.
initialised with ``std``.
mu = tf.zeros(dim)
var = pos(tf.Variable(var, name="W_mu_p"))
P = Normal(mu, var)
std = pos(tf.Variable(std, name="W_mu_p"))
P = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=mu, scale=std)
return P

def norm_posterior(dim, var0):
def norm_posterior(dim, std0):
"""Initialise a posterior (diagonal) Normal distribution.
dim : tuple or list
the dimension of this distribution.
var0 : float
the initial (unoptimized) variance of this distribution.
std0 : float
the initial (unoptimized) standard deviation of this distribution.
Q : Normal
Q : tf.distributions.Normal
the initialised posterior Normal object.
This will make tf.Variables on the randomly initialised mean and variance
of the posterior. The initialisation of the mean is from a Normal with zero
mean, and ``var0`` variance, and the initialisation of the variance is from
a gamma distribution with an alpha of ``var0`` and a beta of 1.
This will make tf.Variables on the randomly initialised mean and standard
deviation of the posterior. The initialisation of the mean is from a Normal
with zero mean, and ``std0`` standard deviation, and the initialisation of
the standard deviation is from a gamma distribution with an alpha of
``std0`` and a beta of 1.
mu_0 = tf.random_normal(dim, stddev=tf.sqrt(var0), seed=next(seedgen))
mu_0 = tf.random_normal(dim, stddev=std0, seed=next(seedgen))
mu = tf.Variable(mu_0, name="W_mu_q")

var_0 = tf.random_gamma(alpha=var0, shape=dim, seed=next(seedgen))
var = pos(tf.Variable(var_0, name="W_var_q"))
std_0 = tf.random_gamma(alpha=std0, shape=dim, seed=next(seedgen))
std = pos(tf.Variable(std_0, name="W_std_q"))

Q = Normal(mu, var)
Q = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=mu, scale=std)
return Q

def gaus_posterior(dim, var0):
def gaus_posterior(dim, std0):
"""Initialise a posterior Gaussian distribution with a diagonal covariance.
Even though this is initialised with a diagonal covariance, a full
Expand All @@ -204,126 +84,98 @@ def gaus_posterior(dim, var0):
dim : tuple or list
the dimension of this distribution.
var0 : float
the initial (unoptimized) diagonal variance of this distribution.
std0 : float
the initial (unoptimized) diagonal standard deviation of this
Q : Gaussian
Q : tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL
the initialised posterior Gaussian object.
This will make tf.Variables on the randomly initialised mean and covariance
of the posterior. The initialisation of the mean is from a Normal with zero
mean, and ``var0`` variance, and the initialisation of the variance is from
a gamma distribution with an alpha of ``var0`` and a beta of 1.
mean, and ``std0`` standard deviation, and the initialisation of the (lower
triangular of the) covariance is from a gamma distribution with an alpha of
``std0`` and a beta of 1.
I, O = dim
sig0 = np.sqrt(var0)
O, I = dim

# Optimize only values in lower triangular
u, v = np.tril_indices(I)
indices = (u * I + v)[:, np.newaxis]
l0 = np.tile(np.eye(I), [O, 1, 1])[:, u, v].T
l0 = l0 * tf.random_gamma(alpha=var0, shape=l0.shape, seed=next(seedgen))
l0 = l0 * tf.random_gamma(alpha=std0, shape=l0.shape, seed=next(seedgen))
l = tf.Variable(l0, name="W_cov_q")
Lt = tf.transpose(tf.scatter_nd(indices, l, shape=(I * I, O)))
L = tf.reshape(Lt, (O, I, I))

mu_0 = tf.random_normal((I, O), stddev=sig0, seed=next(seedgen))
mu_0 = tf.random_normal((O, I), stddev=std0, seed=next(seedgen))
mu = tf.Variable(mu_0, name="W_mu_q")
Q = Gaussian(mu, L)
Q = MultivariateNormalTriL(mu, L)
return Q

# KL divergence calculations

def kl_sum(q, p):
r"""Compute the total KL between (potentially) many distributions.
@dispatch(Normal, Normal)
def kl_qp(q, p):
"""Normal-Normal Kullback Leibler divergence calculation.
I.e. :math:`\sum_i \text{KL}[q_i || p_i]`
q : Normal
the approximating 'q' distribution.
p : Normal
the prior 'p' distribution.
q : tf.distributions.Distribution
A tensorflow Distribution object
p : tf.distributions.Distribution
A tensorflow Distribution object
KL : Tensor
the result of KL[q||p].
kl : Tensor
the result of the sum of the KL divergences of the ``q`` and ``p``
KL = 0.5 * (tf.log(p.var) - tf.log(q.var) + q.var / p.var - 1. +
( -**2 / p.var)
KL = tf.reduce_sum(KL)
return KL
kl = tf.reduce_sum(tf.distributions.kl_divergence(q, p))
return kl

@dispatch(Gaussian, Normal) # noqa
def kl_qp(q, p):
@tf.distributions.RegisterKL(MultivariateNormalTriL, tf.distributions.Normal)
def _kl_gaussian_normal(q, p, name=None):
"""Gaussian-Normal Kullback Leibler divergence calculation.
q : Gaussian
the approximating 'q' distribution.
p : Normal
the prior 'p' distribution.
q : tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL
the approximating 'q' distribution(s).
p : tf.distributions.Normal
the prior 'p' distribution(s), ``p.scale`` should be a *scalar* value!
name : str
name to give the resulting KL divergence Tensor
KL : Tensor
the result of KL[q||p].
D, n = tf.to_float(q.d[0]), tf.to_float(q.d[1])
tr = tf.reduce_sum(q.L * q.L) / p.var
dist = tf.reduce_sum(( -**2) / p.var
logdet = n * D * tf.log(p.var) - _chollogdet(q.L)
assert len(p.scale.shape) == 0, "This KL divergence is only implemented " \
"for Normal distributions that share a scale parameter for p"
D = tf.to_float(q.event_shape_tensor())
n = tf.to_float(q.batch_shape_tensor())
p_var = p.scale**2
L = q.scale.to_dense()
tr = tf.reduce_sum(L * L) / p_var
# tr = tf.reduce_sum(tf.trace(q.covariance())) / p_var # Above is faster
dist = tf.reduce_sum((p.mean() - q.mean())**2) / p_var
logdet = n * D * tf.log(p_var) \
- 2 * tf.reduce_sum(q.scale.log_abs_determinant())
KL = 0.5 * (tr + dist + logdet - n * D)
if name:
KL = tf.identity(KL, name=name)
return KL

@dispatch(Gaussian, Gaussian) # noqa
def kl_qp(q, p):
"""Gaussian-Gaussian Kullback Leibler divergence calculation.
q : Gaussian
the approximating 'q' distribution.
p : Gaussian
the prior 'p' distribution.
KL : Tensor
the result of KL[q||p].
D, n = tf.to_float(q.d[0]), tf.to_float(q.d[1])
qCipC = tf.cholesky_solve(p.L, tf.matmul(q.L, q.L, transpose_b=True))
tr = tf.reduce_sum(tf.trace(qCipC))
md = q.transform_w( -
dist = tf.reduce_sum(md * tf.cholesky_solve(p.L, md))
logdet = _chollogdet(p.L) - _chollogdet(q.L)
KL = 0.5 * (tr + dist + logdet - n * D)
return KL

# Private module stuff

def _chollogdet(L):
"""Log det of a cholesky, where L is (..., D, D)."""
l = tf.maximum(tf.matrix_diag_part(L), 1e-15) # Make sure we don't go to 0
logdet = 2. * tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(l))
return logdet

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