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Initial update to be compatible with Jekyll 2
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imathis committed Jun 21, 2014
1 parent 695fe92 commit 52f9119
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Showing 11 changed files with 79 additions and 711 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .themes/classic/source/index.html
Expand Up @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
{% endfor %}
<div class="pagination">
{% if paginator.next_page %}
<a class="prev" href="{{paginator.next_page}}">&larr; Older</a>
<a class="prev" href="{{paginator.next_page_path}}">&larr; Older</a>
{% endif %}
<a href="/blog/archives">Blog Archives</a>
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
<a class="next" href="{{paginator.previous_page}}">Newer &rarr;</a>
<a class="next" href="{{paginator.previous_page_path}}">Newer &rarr;</a>
{% endif %}
Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions Gemfile
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
source ""

group :development do
gem 'rake', '~> 0.9'
gem 'jekyll', '~> 0.12'
gem 'rake', '~> 10.0'
gem 'jekyll', '~> 2.0'
gem 'jekyll-page-hooks', '~> 1.2'
gem 'rdiscount', '~> 2.0.7'
gem 'pygments.rb', '~> 0.3.4'
gem 'RedCloth', '~> 4.2.9'
gem 'haml', '~> 3.1.7'
gem 'compass', '~> 0.12.2'
gem 'sass', '~> 3.2'
gem 'sass-globbing', '~> 1.0.0'
gem 'rubypants', '~> 0.2.0'
gem 'rb-fsevent', '~> 0.9'
gem 'stringex', '~> 1.4.0'
gem 'liquid', '~> 2.3.0'
gem 'directory_watcher', '1.4.1'

gem 'sinatra', '~> 1.4.2'
97 changes: 63 additions & 34 deletions Gemfile.lock
Expand Up @@ -2,49 +2,81 @@ GEM
RedCloth (4.2.9)
chunky_png (1.2.5)
classifier (1.3.3)
blankslate (
celluloid (0.15.2)
timers (~> 1.1.0)
chunky_png (1.3.1)
classifier (1.3.4)
fast-stemmer (>= 1.0.0)
compass (0.12.2)
coffee-script (2.2.0)
coffee-script-source (1.7.0)
colorator (0.1)
compass (0.12.6)
chunky_png (~> 1.2)
fssm (>= 0.2.7)
sass (~> 3.1)
directory_watcher (1.4.1)
fast-stemmer (1.0.1)
fssm (0.2.9)
haml (3.1.7)
jekyll (0.12.0)
sass (~> 3.2.19)
execjs (2.2.0)
fast-stemmer (1.0.2)
ffi (1.9.3)
fssm (0.2.10)
haml (3.1.8)
jekyll (2.0.3)
classifier (~> 1.3)
directory_watcher (~> 1.1)
kramdown (~> 0.13.4)
liquid (~> 2.3)
maruku (~> 0.5)
pygments.rb (~> 0.3.2)
kramdown (0.13.8)
liquid (2.3.0)
maruku (0.6.1)
syntax (>= 1.0.0)
posix-spawn (0.3.6)
pygments.rb (0.3.4)
colorator (~> 0.1)
jekyll-coffeescript (~> 1.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
kramdown (~> 1.3)
liquid (~> 2.5.5)
listen (~> 2.5)
mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
pygments.rb (~> 0.5.0)
redcarpet (~> 3.1)
safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
toml (~> 0.1.0)
jekyll-coffeescript (1.0.0)
coffee-script (~> 2.2)
jekyll-page-hooks (1.2.0)
jekyll (>= 2.0.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.0.0)
sass (~> 3.2)
kramdown (1.4.0)
liquid (2.5.5)
listen (2.7.9)
celluloid (>= 0.15.2)
rb-fsevent (>= 0.9.3)
rb-inotify (>= 0.9)
mercenary (0.3.3)
parslet (1.5.0)
blankslate (~> 2.0)
posix-spawn (0.3.8)
pygments.rb (0.5.4)
posix-spawn (~> 0.3.6)
yajl-ruby (~> 1.1.0)
rack (1.5.2)
rack-protection (1.5.0)
rack-protection (1.5.3)
rake (
rb-fsevent (0.9.1)
rake (10.3.2)
rb-fsevent (0.9.4)
rb-inotify (0.9.5)
ffi (>= 0.5.0)
rdiscount (
redcarpet (3.1.2)
rubypants (0.2.0)
sass (3.2.9)
safe_yaml (1.0.3)
sass (3.2.19)
sass-globbing (1.0.0)
sass (>= 3.1)
sinatra (1.4.2)
rack (~> 1.5, >= 1.5.2)
sinatra (1.4.5)
rack (~> 1.4)
rack-protection (~> 1.4)
tilt (~> 1.3, >= 1.3.4)
stringex (1.4.0)
syntax (1.0.0)
tilt (1.3.7)
tilt (1.4.1)
timers (1.1.0)
toml (0.1.1)
parslet (~> 1.5.0)
yajl-ruby (1.1.0)

Expand All @@ -53,16 +85,13 @@ PLATFORMS
RedCloth (~> 4.2.9)
compass (~> 0.12.2)
directory_watcher (= 1.4.1)
haml (~> 3.1.7)
jekyll (~> 0.12)
liquid (~> 2.3.0)
pygments.rb (~> 0.3.4)
rake (~> 0.9)
jekyll (~> 2.0)
jekyll-page-hooks (~> 1.2)
rake (~> 10.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9)
rdiscount (~> 2.0.7)
rubypants (~> 0.2.0)
sass (~> 3.2)
sass-globbing (~> 1.0.0)
sinatra (~> 1.4.2)
stringex (~> 1.4.0)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Rakefile
Expand Up @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ task :generate do
raise "### You haven't set anything up yet. First run `rake install` to set up an Octopress theme." unless
puts "## Generating Site with Jekyll"
system "compass compile --css-dir #{source_dir}/stylesheets"
system "jekyll"
system "jekyll build"

desc "Watch the site and regenerate when it changes"
task :watch do
raise "### You haven't set anything up yet. First run `rake install` to set up an Octopress theme." unless
puts "Starting to watch source with Jekyll and Compass."
system "compass compile --css-dir #{source_dir}/stylesheets" unless File.exist?("#{source_dir}/stylesheets/screen.css")
jekyllPid = Process.spawn({"OCTOPRESS_ENV"=>"preview"}, "jekyll --auto")
jekyllPid = Process.spawn({"OCTOPRESS_ENV"=>"preview"}, "jekyll build --watch")
compassPid = Process.spawn("compass watch")

trap("INT") {
Expand All @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ task :preview do
raise "### You haven't set anything up yet. First run `rake install` to set up an Octopress theme." unless
puts "Starting to watch source with Jekyll and Compass. Starting Rack on port #{server_port}"
system "compass compile --css-dir #{source_dir}/stylesheets" unless File.exist?("#{source_dir}/stylesheets/screen.css")
jekyllPid = Process.spawn({"OCTOPRESS_ENV"=>"preview"}, "jekyll --auto")
jekyllPid = Process.spawn({"OCTOPRESS_ENV"=>"preview"}, "jekyll build --watch")
compassPid = Process.spawn("compass watch")
rackupPid = Process.spawn("rackup --port #{server_port}")

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions _config.yml
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ rdiscount:
- autolink
- footnotes
- smart
pygments: false # default python pygments have been replaced by pygments.rb
highlighter: pygments # default python pygments have been replaced by pygments.rb

paginate: 10 # Posts per page on the blog index
pagination_dir: blog # Directory base for pagination URLs eg. /blog/page/2/
paginate_path: "posts/:num" # Directory base for pagination URLs eg. /blog/page/2/
recent_posts: 5 # Posts in the sidebar Recent Posts section
excerpt_link: "Read on &rarr;" # "Continue reading" link text at the bottom of excerpted articles

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions plugins/date.rb
Expand Up @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ class Post
# Convert this Convertible's data to a Hash suitable for use by Liquid.
# Overrides the default return data and adds any date-specific liquid attributes
alias :super_to_liquid :to_liquid
def to_liquid
def to_liquid(attrs = nil)
Utils.deep_merge_hashes super_to_liquid(attrs), liquid_date_attributes

Expand All @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ class Page
# Convert this Convertible's data to a Hash suitable for use by Liquid.
# Overrides the default return data and adds any date-specific liquid attributes
alias :super_to_liquid :to_liquid
def to_liquid
def to_liquid(attrs = nil)
Utils.deep_merge_hashes super_to_liquid(attrs), liquid_date_attributes
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions plugins/octopress_filters.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#custom filters for Octopress
require './plugins/backtick_code_block'
require './plugins/post_filters'
require 'jekyll-page-hooks'
require './plugins/raw'
require './plugins/date'
require 'rubypants'

module OctopressFilters
Expand All @@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ def post_filter(input)

module Jekyll
class ContentFilters < PostFilter
class ContentFilters < PageHooks
include OctopressFilters
def pre_render(post)
if post.ext.match('html|textile|markdown|md|haml|slim|xml')
Expand Down
121 changes: 0 additions & 121 deletions plugins/pagination.rb

This file was deleted.

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