diff --git a/bin/dbatools-index.json b/bin/dbatools-index.json index 44b6a617d6..24c03d651e 100644 --- a/bin/dbatools-index.json +++ b/bin/dbatools-index.json @@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Exports scripts from SQL Management Objects (SMO)", "Name": "Export-DbaScript", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Export-DbaScript", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 | Export-DbaScript\nExports all jobs on the SQL Server sql2016 instance using a trusted connection - automatically determines filename as .\\sql2016-Job-Export-date.sql\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -Append\nExports all jobs on the SQL Server sql2016 instance using a trusted connection - Will append the output to the file C:\\temp\\export.sql if it already exists\r\nScript does not include Batch Separator and will not compile\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaDbTable -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database MyDatabase -Table \u0027dbo.Table1\u0027, \u0027dbo.Table2\u0027 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin) | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql\nExports only script for \u0027dbo.Table1\u0027 and \u0027dbo.Table2\u0027 in MyDatabase to C:temp\\export.sql and uses the SQL login \"sqladmin\" to login to sql2016\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 -Job syspolicy_purge_history, \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin) | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -NoPrefix\nExports only syspolicy_purge_history and \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 to C:temp\\export.sql and uses the SQL login \"sqladmin\" to login to sql2016\r\nSuppress the output of a Prefix\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$options = New-DbaScriptingOption\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.ScriptSchema = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeDatabaseContext = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeHeaders = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.NoCommandTerminator = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.ScriptBatchTerminator = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.AnsiFile = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 -Job syspolicy_purge_history, \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 -SqlCredential sqladmin | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -ScriptingOptionsObject $options\nExports only syspolicy_purge_history and \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 to C:temp\\export.sql and uses the SQL login \"sqladmin\" to login to sql2016\r\nAppends a batch separator at end of each script.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2014 | Export-DbaScript -Passthru | ForEach-Object { $_.Replace(\u0027sql2014\u0027,\u0027sql2016\u0027) } | Set-Content -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql\nExports jobs and replaces all instances of the servername \"sql2014\" with \"sql2016\" then writes to C:\\temp\\export.sql\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$options = New-DbaScriptingOption\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.ScriptSchema = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeDatabaseContext = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeHeaders = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.NoCommandTerminator = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.ScriptBatchTerminator = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.AnsiFile = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Databases = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance sql2016 -ExcludeDatabase master, model, msdb, tempdb\r\nPS C:\\\u003e foreach ($db in $Databases) {\r\n\u003e\u003e Export-DbaScript -InputObject $db -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -Append -Encoding UTF8 -ScriptingOptionsObject $options -NoPrefix\r\n\u003e\u003e }\nExports Script for each database on sql2016 excluding system databases\r\nUses Scripting options to ensure Batch Terminator is set\r\nWill append the output to the file C:\\temp\\export.sql if it already exists", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 | Export-DbaScript\nExports all jobs on the SQL Server sql2016 instance using a trusted connection - automatically determines filename as .\\sql2016-Job-Export-date.sql\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -Append\nExports all jobs on the SQL Server sql2016 instance using a trusted connection - Will append the output to the file C:\\temp\\export.sql if it already exists\r\nScript does not include Batch Separator and will not compile\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaDbTable -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database MyDatabase -Table \u0027dbo.Table1\u0027, \u0027dbo.Table2\u0027 -SqlCredential sqladmin | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql\nExports only script for \u0027dbo.Table1\u0027 and \u0027dbo.Table2\u0027 in MyDatabase to C:temp\\export.sql and uses the SQL login \"sqladmin\" to login to sql2016\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 -Job syspolicy_purge_history, \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 -SqlCredential sqladmin | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -NoPrefix\nExports only syspolicy_purge_history and \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 to C:temp\\export.sql and uses the SQL login \"sqladmin\" to login to sql2016\r\nSuppress the output of a Prefix\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$options = New-DbaScriptingOption\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.ScriptSchema = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeDatabaseContext = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeHeaders = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.NoCommandTerminator = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.ScriptBatchTerminator = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.AnsiFile = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2016 -Job syspolicy_purge_history, \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 -SqlCredential sqladmin | Export-DbaScript -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -ScriptingOptionsObject $options\nExports only syspolicy_purge_history and \u0027Hourly Log Backups\u0027 to C:temp\\export.sql and uses the SQL login \"sqladmin\" to login to sql2016\r\nAppends a batch separator at end of each script.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql2014 | Export-DbaScript -Passthru | ForEach-Object { $_.Replace(\u0027sql2014\u0027,\u0027sql2016\u0027) } | Set-Content -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql\nExports jobs and replaces all instances of the servername \"sql2014\" with \"sql2016\" then writes to C:\\temp\\export.sql\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$options = New-DbaScriptingOption\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.ScriptSchema = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeDatabaseContext = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $options.IncludeHeaders = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.NoCommandTerminator = $false\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.ScriptBatchTerminator = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Options.AnsiFile = $true\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $Databases = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance sql2016 -ExcludeDatabase master, model, msdb, tempdb\r\nPS C:\\\u003e foreach ($db in $Databases) {\r\n\u003e\u003e Export-DbaScript -InputObject $db -Path C:\\temp\\export.sql -Append -Encoding UTF8 -ScriptingOptionsObject $options -NoPrefix\r\n\u003e\u003e }\nExports Script for each database on sql2016 excluding system databases\r\nUses Scripting options to ensure Batch Terminator is set\r\nWill append the output to the file C:\\temp\\export.sql if it already exists", "Syntax": "Export-DbaScript [-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e [[-ScriptingOptionsObject] \u003cScriptingOptions\u003e] [[-Path] \u003cString\u003e] [[-Encoding] \u003cString\u003e] [[-BatchSeparator] \u003cString\u003e] [-NoPrefix] [-Passthru] [-NoClobber] [-Append] [-EnableException] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Gets any SQL Server alias for the specified server(s)", "Name": "Get-DbaClientAlias", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaClientAlias", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaClientAlias\nGets all SQL Server client aliases on the local computer\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaClientAlias -ComputerName workstationx\nGets all SQL Server client aliases on Workstationx\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e\u0027Server1\u0027, \u0027Server2\u0027 | Get-DbaClientAlias\nGets all SQL Server client aliases on Server1 and Server2", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaClientAlias\nGets all SQL Server client aliases on the local computer\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaClientAlias -ComputerName workstationx\nGets all SQL Server client aliases on Workstationx\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaClientAlias -ComputerName workstationx -Credential ad\\sqldba\nLogs into workstationx as ad\\sqldba then retrieves all SQL Server client aliases on Workstationx\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e\u0027Server1\u0027, \u0027Server2\u0027 | Get-DbaClientAlias\nGets all SQL Server client aliases on Server1 and Server2", "Syntax": "Get-DbaClientAlias [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Returns a SQL Server Registered Server Store Object", "Name": "Get-DbaCmsRegServerStore", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaCmsRegServerStore", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCmsRegServerStore -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a\nReturns a SQL Server Registered Server Store Object from sqlserver2014a\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCmsRegServerStore -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin)\nReturns a SQL Server Registered Server Store Object from sqlserver2014a by logging in with the sqladmin login", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCmsRegServerStore -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a\nReturns a SQL Server Registered Server Store Object from sqlserver2014a\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCmsRegServerStore -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -SqlCredential sqladmin\nReturns a SQL Server Registered Server Store Object from sqlserver2014a by logging in with the sqladmin login", "Syntax": "Get-DbaCmsRegServerStore [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Provides detailed CPU usage information about a SQL Server\u0027s process", "Name": "Get-DbaCpuUsage", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaCpuUsage", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCpuUsage -SqlInstance sql2017\nLogs into the SQL Server instance \"sql2017\" and also the Computer itself (via WMI) to gather information\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$usage = Get-DbaCpuUsage -SqlInstance sql2017\nPS C:\\\u003e $usage.Process\nExplores the processes (from Get-DbaProcess) associated with the usage results\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCpuUsage -SqlInstance sql2017 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin) -Credential (Get-Credential ad\\sqldba)\nLogs into the SQL instance using the SQL Login \u0027sqladmin\u0027 and then Windows instance as \u0027ad\\sqldba\u0027", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCpuUsage -SqlInstance sql2017\nLogs into the SQL Server instance \"sql2017\" and also the Computer itself (via WMI) to gather information\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$usage = Get-DbaCpuUsage -SqlInstance sql2017\nPS C:\\\u003e $usage.Process\nExplores the processes (from Get-DbaProcess) associated with the usage results\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaCpuUsage -SqlInstance sql2017 -SqlCredential sqladmin -Credential ad\\sqldba\nLogs into the SQL instance using the SQL Login \u0027sqladmin\u0027 and then Windows instance as \u0027ad\\sqldba\u0027", "Syntax": "Get-DbaCpuUsage [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-Threshold] \u003cInt32\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2343,7 +2343,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Locate a SQL Server that has generated any memory dump files.", "Name": "Get-DbaDump", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaDump", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaDump -SqlInstance sql2016\nShows the detailed information for memory dump(s) located on sql2016 instance\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaDump -SqlInstance sql2016 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin)\nShows the detailed information for memory dump(s) located on sql2016 instance. Logs into the SQL Server using the SQL login \u0027sqladmin\u0027", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaDump -SqlInstance sql2016\nShows the detailed information for memory dump(s) located on sql2016 instance\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaDump -SqlInstance sql2016 -SqlCredential sqladmin\nShows the detailed information for memory dump(s) located on sql2016 instance. Logs into the SQL Server using the SQL login \u0027sqladmin\u0027", "Syntax": "Get-DbaDump [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Runs the SQL Server feature discovery report (setup.exe /Action=RunDiscovery)", "Name": "Get-DbaFeature", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaFeature", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaFeature -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016, sql2005\nGets all SQL Server features for all instances on sql2017, sql2016 and sql2005.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaFeature -Verbose\nGets all SQL Server features for all instances on localhost. Outputs to screen if no instances are found.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaFeature -ComputerName sql2017 -Credential (Get-Credential ad\\sqladmin)\nGets all SQL Server features for all instances on sql2017 using the ad\\sqladmin credential (which has access to the Windows Server).", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaFeature -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016, sql2005\nGets all SQL Server features for all instances on sql2017, sql2016 and sql2005.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaFeature -Verbose\nGets all SQL Server features for all instances on localhost. Outputs to screen if no instances are found.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaFeature -ComputerName sql2017 -Credential ad\\sqldba\nGets all SQL Server features for all instances on sql2017 using the ad\\sqladmin credential (which has access to the Windows Server).", "Syntax": "Get-DbaFeature [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2522,7 +2522,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Get date/time for last known good DBCC CHECKDB", "Name": "Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance ServerA\\sql987\nReturns a custom object displaying Server, Database, DatabaseCreated, LastGoodCheckDb, DaysSinceDbCreated, DaysSinceLastGoodCheckDb, Status and DataPurityEnabled\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance ServerA\\sql987 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin) | Format-Table -AutoSize\nReturns a formatted table displaying Server, Database, DatabaseCreated, LastGoodCheckDb, DaysSinceDbCreated, DaysSinceLastGoodCheckDb, Status and DataPurityEnabled. Authenticates using SQL Server \r\nauthentication.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance ServerA\\sql987\nReturns a custom object displaying Server, Database, DatabaseCreated, LastGoodCheckDb, DaysSinceDbCreated, DaysSinceLastGoodCheckDb, Status and DataPurityEnabled\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance ServerA\\sql987 -SqlCredential sqladmin | Format-Table -AutoSize\nReturns a formatted table displaying Server, Database, DatabaseCreated, LastGoodCheckDb, DaysSinceDbCreated, DaysSinceLastGoodCheckDb, Status and DataPurityEnabled. Authenticates using SQL Server \r\nauthentication.", "Syntax": "Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-Database] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [[-ExcludeDatabase] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2689,7 +2689,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Displays all open transactions.", "Name": "Get-DbaOpenTransaction", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaOpenTransaction", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaOpenTransaction -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a\nReturns open transactions for sqlserver2014a\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaOpenTransaction -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin)\nLogs into sqlserver2014a using the login \"sqladmin\"", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaOpenTransaction -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a\nReturns open transactions for sqlserver2014a\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaOpenTransaction -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -SqlCredential sqladmin\nLogs into sqlserver2014a using the login \"sqladmin\"", "Syntax": "Get-DbaOpenTransaction [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [-SqlCredential \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Gets Performance Monitor Data Collectors.", "Name": "Get-DbaPfDataCollector", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaPfDataCollector", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollector\nGets all Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollector -ComputerName sql2017\nGets all Collectors on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollector -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets all Collectors for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Get-DbaPfDataCollector\nGets all Collectors for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollector\nGets all Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollector -ComputerName sql2017\nGets all Collectors on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollector -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets all Collectors for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Get-DbaPfDataCollector\nGets all Collectors for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet.", "Syntax": "Get-DbaPfDataCollector [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-Collector] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2893,7 +2893,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Gets Performance Counters.", "Name": "Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter\nGets all counters for all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017\nGets all counters for all Collector Sets on on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017 -Counter \u0027\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time\u0027\nGets the \u0027\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time\u0027 counter on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Get-DbaPfDataCollector | Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter\nGets all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter\nGets all counters for all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017\nGets all counters for all Collector Sets on on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017 -Counter \u0027\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time\u0027\nGets the \u0027\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time\u0027 counter on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Get-DbaPfDataCollector | Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter\nGets all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet.", "Syntax": "Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-Collector] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-Counter] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2909,7 +2909,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Gets Performance Counter Samples.", "Name": "Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample\nGets a single sample for all counters for all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -Counter \u0027\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time\u0027\nGets a single sample for all counters for all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 | Out-GridView -PassThru | Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -MaxSamples 10\nGets 10 samples for all counters for all Collector Sets for servers sql2016 and sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -ComputerName sql2017\nGets a single sample for all counters for all Collector Sets on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets a single sample for all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets a single sample for all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample\nGets a single sample for all counters for all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -Counter \u0027\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time\u0027\nGets a single sample for all counters for all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounter -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 | Out-GridView -PassThru | Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -MaxSamples 10\nGets 10 samples for all counters for all Collector Sets for servers sql2016 and sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -ComputerName sql2017\nGets a single sample for all counters for all Collector Sets on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets a single sample for all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets a single sample for all counters for the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet.", "Syntax": "Get-DbaPfDataCollectorCounterSample [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-Collector] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-Counter] \u003cString[]\u003e] [-Continuous] [[-ListSet]] [[-MaxSamples] \u003cInt32\u003e] [[-SampleInterval] \u003cInt32\u003e] [[-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2925,7 +2925,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Gets Performance Monitor Data Collector Set.", "Name": "Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nGets all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017\nGets all Collector Sets on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet | Select-Object *\nDisplays extra columns and also exposes the original COM object in DataCollectorSetObject.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nGets all Collector Sets on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017\nGets all Collector Sets on sql2017.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nGets the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 CollectorSet on sql2017 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet | Select-Object *\nDisplays extra columns and also exposes the original COM object in DataCollectorSetObject.", "Syntax": "Get-DbaPfDataCollectorSet [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -2953,7 +2953,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Provides information about adhoc and prepared plan cache usage", "Name": "Get-DbaPlanCache", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaPlanCache", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPlanCache -SqlInstance sql2017\nReturns the single use plan cache usage information for SQL Server instance 2017\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPlanCache -SqlInstance sql2017\nReturns the single use plan cache usage information for SQL Server instance 2017\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPlanCache -SqlInstance sql2017 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin)\nReturns the single use plan cache usage information for SQL Server instance 2017 using login \u0027sqladmin\u0027", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPlanCache -SqlInstance sql2017\nReturns the single use plan cache usage information for SQL Server instance 2017\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPlanCache -SqlInstance sql2017\nReturns the single use plan cache usage information for SQL Server instance 2017\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPlanCache -SqlInstance sql2017 -SqlCredential sqladmin\nReturns the single use plan cache usage information for SQL Server instance 2017 using login \u0027sqladmin\u0027", "Syntax": "Get-DbaPlanCache [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -3304,7 +3304,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Returns a list of set service principal names for a given computer/AD account", "Name": "Get-DbaSpn", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaSpn", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaSpn -ServerName SQLSERVERA -Credential (Get-Credential)\nReturns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaSpn -AccountName domain\\account -Credential (Get-Credential)\nReturns a custom object with SearchTerm (domain account) and the SPNs that were found\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaSpn -ServerName SQLSERVERA,SQLSERVERB -Credential (Get-Credential)\nReturns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found for multiple computers", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaSpn -ServerName SQLSERVERA -Credential ad\\sqldba\nReturns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaSpn -AccountName domain\\account -Credential ad\\sqldba\nReturns a custom object with SearchTerm (domain account) and the SPNs that were found\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaSpn -ServerName SQLSERVERA,SQLSERVERB -Credential ad\\sqldba\nReturns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found for multiple computers", "Syntax": "Get-DbaSpn [[-ComputerName] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-AccountName] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -3802,7 +3802,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Get-DbaXESmartTarget", - "Description": "Gets an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job created by Start-DbaXESmartTarget.", + "Description": "Gets an XESmartTarget PowerShell job created by Start-DbaXESmartTarget.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -3810,7 +3810,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "Gets an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job created by Start-DbaXESmartTarget.", + "Synopsis": "Gets an XESmartTarget PowerShell job created by Start-DbaXESmartTarget.", "Name": "Get-DbaXESmartTarget", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Get-DbaXESmartTarget", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaXESmartTarget\nGets an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job created by Start-DbaXESmartTarget.", @@ -4487,7 +4487,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Creates a new Publish Profile.", "Name": "New-DbaDacProfile", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/New-DbaDacProfile", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eNew-DbaDacProfile -SqlInstance sql2017 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential) -Database WorldWideImporters -Path C:\\temp\nIn this example, a prompt will appear for alternative credentials, then a connection will be made to sql2017. Using that connection,\r\nthe ConnectionString will be extracted and used within the Publish Profile XML file which will be created at C:\\temp\\sql2017-WorldWideImporters-publish.xml\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eNew-DbaDacProfile -Database WorldWideImporters -Path C:\\temp -ConnectionString \"SERVER=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=True;Database=master\"\nIn this example, no connections are made, and a Publish Profile XML would be created at C:\\temp\\localdb-MSSQLLocalDB-WorldWideImporters-publish.xml", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eNew-DbaDacProfile -SqlInstance sql2017 -SqlCredential ad\\sqldba -Database WorldWideImporters -Path C:\\temp\nIn this example, a prompt will appear for alternative credentials, then a connection will be made to sql2017. Using that connection,\r\nthe ConnectionString will be extracted and used within the Publish Profile XML file which will be created at C:\\temp\\sql2017-WorldWideImporters-publish.xml\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eNew-DbaDacProfile -Database WorldWideImporters -Path C:\\temp -ConnectionString \"SERVER=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=True;Database=master\"\nIn this example, no connections are made, and a Publish Profile XML would be created at C:\\temp\\localdb-MSSQLLocalDB-WorldWideImporters-publish.xml", "Syntax": "New-DbaDacProfile [[-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-Database] \u003cString[]\u003e [[-Path] \u003cString\u003e] [[-ConnectionString] \u003cString[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -4662,7 +4662,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "New-DbaXESmartCsvWriter", - "Description": "This Response type is used to write Extended Events to a CSV file.", + "Description": "This response type is used to write Extended Events to a CSV file.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -4670,7 +4670,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "This Response type is used to write Extended Events to a CSV file.", + "Synopsis": "This response type is used to write Extended Events to a CSV file.", "Name": "New-DbaXESmartCsvWriter", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/New-DbaXESmartCsvWriter", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$columns = \"cpu_time\", \"duration\", \"physical_reads\", \"logical_reads\", \"writes\", \"row_count\"\nPS C:\\\u003e $response = New-DbaXESmartCsvWriter -OutputFile c:\\temp\\workload.csv -OutputColumn $columns -OverWrite -Event \"sql_batch_completed\"\r\nPS C:\\\u003e Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance localhost\\sql2017 -Session \"Profiler Standard\" -Responder $response\nWrites Extended Events to the file \"C:\\temp\\workload.csv\".", @@ -4678,7 +4678,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "New-DbaXESmartEmail", - "Description": "This Response type can be used to send an email each time an event is captured.", + "Description": "This response type can be used to send an email each time an event is captured.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "This Response type can be used to send an email each time an event is captured.", + "Synopsis": "This response type can be used to send an email each time an event is captured.", "Name": "New-DbaXESmartEmail", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/New-DbaXESmartEmail", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$params = @{\n\u003e\u003e SmtpServer = \"smtp.ad.local\"\r\n\u003e\u003e To = \"admin@ad.local\"\r\n\u003e\u003e Sender = \"reports@ad.local\"\r\n\u003e\u003e Subject = \"Query executed\"\r\n\u003e\u003e Body = \"Query executed at {collection_time}\"\r\n\u003e\u003e Attachment = \"batch_text\"\r\n\u003e\u003e AttachmentFileName = \"query.sql\"\r\n\u003e\u003e }\r\n\u003e\u003e\r\nPS C:\\\u003e $emailresponse = New-DbaXESmartEmail @params\r\nPS C:\\\u003e Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session querytracker -Responder $emailresponse\nSends an email each time a querytracker event is captured.", @@ -4694,7 +4694,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "New-DbaXESmartQueryExec", - "Description": "This Response type executes a T-SQL command against a target database whenever an event is recorded.", + "Description": "This response type executes a T-SQL command against a target database whenever an event is recorded.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -4702,7 +4702,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "This Response type executes a T-SQL command against a target database whenever an event is recorded.", + "Synopsis": "This response type executes a T-SQL command against a target database whenever an event is recorded.", "Name": "New-DbaXESmartQueryExec", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/New-DbaXESmartQueryExec", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$response = New-DbaXESmartQueryExec -SqlInstance sql2017 -Database dbadb -Query \"update table set whatever = 1\"\nPS C:\\\u003e Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session deadlock_tracker -Responder $response\nExecutes a T-SQL command against dbadb on sql2017 whenever a deadlock event is recorded.", @@ -4710,7 +4710,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "New-DbaXESmartReplay", - "Description": "This Response type can be used to replay execution related events to a target SQL Server instance. The events that you can replay are of the type sql_batch_completed and rpc_completed: all other events are ignored.", + "Description": "This response type can be used to replay execution related events to a target SQL Server instance. The events that you can replay are of the type sql_batch_completed and rpc_completed: all other events are ignored.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -4718,7 +4718,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "This Response type can be used to replay execution related events to a target SQL Server instance.", + "Synopsis": "This response type can be used to replay execution related events to a target SQL Server instance.", "Name": "New-DbaXESmartReplay", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/New-DbaXESmartReplay", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$response = New-DbaXESmartReplay -SqlInstance sql2017 -Database planning\nPS C:\\\u003e Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2016 -Session loadrelay -Responder $response\nReplays events from sql2016 on sql2017 in the planning database. Returns a PowerShell job object.\nTo see a list of all SmartTarget job objects, use Get-DbaXESmartTarget.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$response = New-DbaXESmartReplay -SqlInstance sql2017 -Database planning\nPS C:\\\u003e Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session \u0027Profiler Standard\u0027 -Responder $response -NotAsJob\nReplays events from the \u0027Profiler Standard\u0027 session on sql2016 to sql2017\u0027s planning database. Does not run as a job so you can see the raw output.", @@ -4726,7 +4726,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "New-DbaXESmartTableWriter", - "Description": "This Response type is used to write Extended Events to a database table. The events are temporarily stored in memory before being written to the database at regular intervals.\n\nThe target table can be created manually upfront or you can let the TableAppenderResponse create a target table based on the fields and actions available in the events captured.\n\nThe columns of the target table and the fields/actions of the events are mapped by name (case-sensitive).", + "Description": "This response type is used to write Extended Events to a database table. The events are temporarily stored in memory before being written to the database at regular intervals.\n\nThe target table can be created manually upfront or you can let the TableAppenderResponse create a target table based on the fields and actions available in the events captured.\n\nThe columns of the target table and the fields/actions of the events are mapped by name (case-sensitive).", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -4734,7 +4734,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "This Response type is used to write Extended Events to a database table.", + "Synopsis": "This response type is used to write Extended Events to a database table.", "Name": "New-DbaXESmartTableWriter", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/New-DbaXESmartTableWriter", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$columns = \"cpu_time\", \"duration\", \"physical_reads\", \"logical_reads\", \"writes\", \"row_count\", \"batch_text\"\nPS C:\\\u003e $response = New-DbaXESmartTableWriter -SqlInstance sql2017 -Database dbadb -Table deadlocktracker -OutputColumn $columns -Filter \"duration \u003e 10000\"\r\nPS C:\\\u003e Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session deadlock_tracker -Responder $response\nWrites Extended Events to the deadlocktracker table in dbadb on sql2017.", @@ -4758,14 +4758,14 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Read-DbaAuditFile", - "Description": "Read Audit details from a sqlaudit file.", + "Description": "Read Audit details from *.sqlaudit files.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "Audit" ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl), netnerds.net", - "Synopsis": "Read Audit details from a sqlaudit file.", + "Synopsis": "Read Audit details from *.sqlaudit files.", "Name": "Read-DbaAuditFile", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Read-DbaAuditFile", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRead-DbaAuditFile -Path C:\\temp\\logins.sqlaudit\nReturns events from C:\\temp\\logins.sqlaudit.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-ChildItem C:\\temp\\audit\\*.sqlaudit | Read-DbaAuditFile\nReturns events from all .sqlaudit files in C:\\temp\\audit.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaServerAudit -SqlInstance sql2014 -Audit LoginTracker | Read-DbaAuditFile\nReads remote Audit details by accessing the file over the admin UNC share.", @@ -4820,7 +4820,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Read-DbaXEFile", - "Description": "Read XEvents from a xel or xem file.", + "Description": "Read XEvents from a *.xel or *.xem file.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -4828,7 +4828,7 @@ ], "Alias": "Read-DbaXEventFile", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl), netnerds.net", - "Synopsis": "Read XEvents from a xel or xem file.", + "Synopsis": "Read XEvents from a *.xel or *.xem file.", "Name": "Read-DbaXEFile", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Read-DbaXEFile", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRead-DbaXEFile -Path C:\\temp\\deadocks.xel\nReturns events from C:\\temp\\deadocks.xel.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-ChildItem C:\\temp\\xe\\*.xel | Read-DbaXEFile\nReturns events from all .xel files in C:\\temp\\xe.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaXESession -SqlInstance sql2014 -Session deadlocks | Read-DbaXEFile\nReads remote XEvents by accessing the file over the admin UNC share.", @@ -4914,7 +4914,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Remove-DbaBackup", - "Description": "Provides all of the same functionality for removing SQL backups from disk as a standard maintenance plan would.\n\nAs an addition you have the ability to check the Archive bit on files before deletion. This will allow you to ensure backups have been archived to your archive location before removal.\n\nAlso included is the ability to remove empty folders as part of this cleanup activity.", + "Description": "Removes SQL Server backups from disk.\n\nProvides all of the same functionality for removing SQL backups from disk as a standard maintenance plan would.\n\nAs an addition you have the ability to check the Archive bit on files before deletion. This will allow you to ensure backups have been archived to your archive location before removal.\n\nAlso included is the ability to remove empty folders as part of this cleanup activity.", "Tags": [ "Storage", "DisasterRecovery", @@ -4930,7 +4930,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Remove-DbaClientAlias", - "Description": "Removes a SQL Server alias by altering HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSSQLServer\\Client", + "Description": "Removes a sql alias for the specified server by altering HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSSQLServer\\Client - mimics cliconfg.exe.", "Tags": "Alias", "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl), netnerds.net", @@ -5191,19 +5191,19 @@ "Synopsis": "Removes a Performance Monitor Data Collector Set", "Name": "Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nPrompts for confirmation then removes all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017 -Confirm:$false\nAttempts to remove all ready Collectors on localhost and does not prompt to confirm.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nPrompts for confirmation then removes the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nRemoves the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet | Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nStops and removes the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nPrompts for confirmation then removes all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017 -Confirm:$false\nAttempts to remove all ready Collectors on localhost and does not prompt to confirm.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nPrompts for confirmation then removes the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nRemoves the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet | Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nStops and removes the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.", "Syntax": "Remove-DbaPfDataCollectorSet [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { "CommandName": "Remove-DbaSpn", - "Description": "This function will connect to Active Directory and search for an account. If the account is found, it will attempt to remove the specified SPN. Once the SPN is removed, the function will also remove delegation to that service.\n\nIn order to run this function, the credential you provide must have write access to Active Directory.\n\nNote: This function supports -WhatIf", + "Description": "This function will connect to Active Directory and search for an account. If the account is found, it will attempt to remove the specified SPN. Once the SPN is removed, the function will also remove delegation to that service.\n\nIn order to run this function, the credential you provide must have write access to Active Directory.", "Tags": "SPN", "Alias": "", "Author": "Drew Furgiuele (@pittfurg), http://www.port1433.com", "Synopsis": "Removes an SPN for a given service account in active directory and also removes delegation to the same SPN, if found", "Name": "Remove-DbaSpn", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Remove-DbaSpn", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account\nConnects to Active Directory and removes a provided SPN from the given account (and also the relative delegation)\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -EnableException\nConnects to Active Directory and removes a provided SPN from the given account, suppressing all error messages and throw exceptions that can be caught instead\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -Credential (Get-Credential)\nConnects to Active Directory and removes a provided SPN to the given account. Uses alternative account to connect to AD.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2005 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $true } | Remove-DbaSpn -WhatIf\nShows what would happen trying to remove all set SPNs for sql2005 and the relative delegations\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2005 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $true } | Remove-DbaSpn\nRemoves all set SPNs for sql2005 and the relative delegations", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account\nConnects to Active Directory and removes a provided SPN from the given account (and also the relative delegation)\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -EnableException\nConnects to Active Directory and removes a provided SPN from the given account, suppressing all error messages and throw exceptions that can be caught instead\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eRemove-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -Credential ad\\sqldba\nConnects to Active Directory and removes a provided SPN to the given account. Uses alternative account to connect to AD.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2005 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $true } | Remove-DbaSpn -WhatIf\nShows what would happen trying to remove all set SPNs for sql2005 and the relative delegations\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2005 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $true } | Remove-DbaSpn\nRemoves all set SPNs for sql2005 and the relative delegations", "Syntax": "Remove-DbaSpn [-SPN] \u003cString\u003e [-ServiceAccount] \u003cString\u003e [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -5239,7 +5239,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Remove-DbaXESmartTarget", - "Description": "Removes an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job.", + "Description": "Removes XESmartTarget PowerShell jobs.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -5247,7 +5247,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "Removes an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job.", + "Synopsis": "Removes XESmartTarget PowerShell jobs.", "Name": "Remove-DbaXESmartTarget", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Remove-DbaXESmartTarget", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaXESmartTarget | Remove-DbaXESmartTarget\nRemoves all XESmartTarget jobs.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaXESmartTarget | Where-Object Id -eq 2 | Remove-DbaXESmartTarget\nRemoves a specific XESmartTarget job.", @@ -5788,7 +5788,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Sets an SPN for a given service account in active directory (and also enables delegation to the same SPN by default)", "Name": "Set-DbaSpn", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Set-DbaSpn", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eSet-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account\nPS C:\\\u003e Set-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -EnableException\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account.\r\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account, suppressing all error messages and throw exceptions that can be caught instead\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eSet-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -Credential (Get-Credential)\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account. Uses alternative account to connect to AD.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eSet-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -NoDelegation\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account, without the delegation.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2016 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $false } | Set-DbaSpn\nSets all missing SPNs for sql2016\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2016 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $false } | Set-DbaSpn -WhatIf\nDisplays what would happen trying to set all missing SPNs for sql2016", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eSet-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account\nPS C:\\\u003e Set-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -EnableException\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account.\r\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account, suppressing all error messages and throw exceptions that can be caught instead\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eSet-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -Credential ad\\sqldba\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account. Uses alternative account to connect to AD.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eSet-DbaSpn -SPN MSSQLSvc\\SQLSERVERA.domain.something -ServiceAccount domain\\account -NoDelegation\nConnects to Active Directory and adds a provided SPN to the given account, without the delegation.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2016 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $false } | Set-DbaSpn\nSets all missing SPNs for sql2016\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName sql2016 | Where { $_.isSet -eq $false } | Set-DbaSpn -WhatIf\nDisplays what would happen trying to set all missing SPNs for sql2016", "Syntax": "Set-DbaSpn [-SPN] \u003cString\u003e [-ServiceAccount] \u003cString\u003e [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-NoDelegation] [-EnableException] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -5910,7 +5910,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Starts endpoints on a SQL Server instance.", "Name": "Start-DbaEndpoint", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Start-DbaEndpoint", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaEndpoint -SqlInstance sqlserver2012 -AllEndpoints\nStarts all endpoints on the sqlserver2014 instance.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaEndpoint -SqlInstance sqlserver2012 -Endpoint endpoint1,endpoint2\nStarts the endpoint1 and endpoint2 endpoints.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-Endpoint -SqlInstance sqlserver2012 -Endpoint endpoint1 | Start-DbaEndpoint\nStarts the endpoints returned from the Get-Endpoint function.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaEndpoint -SqlInstance sqlserver2012 -AllEndpoints\nStarts all endpoints on the sqlserver2014 instance.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaEndpoint -SqlInstance sqlserver2012 -Endpoint endpoint1,endpoint2 -SqlCredential sqladmin\nLogs into sqlserver2012 using alternative credentials and starts the endpoint1 and endpoint2 endpoints.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-Endpoint -SqlInstance sqlserver2012 -Endpoint endpoint1 | Start-DbaEndpoint\nStarts the endpoints returned from the Get-Endpoint function.", "Syntax": "Start-DbaEndpoint [[-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-EndPoint] \u003cString[]\u003e] [-AllEndpoints] [[-InputObject] \u003cEndpoint[]\u003e] [-EnableException] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -5934,7 +5934,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Starts Performance Monitor Data Collector Set.", "Name": "Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nAttempts to start all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017\nAttempts to start all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nStarts the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nStarts the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nAttempts to start all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017\nAttempts to start all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStart-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nStarts the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nStarts the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.", "Syntax": "Start-DbaPfDataCollectorSet [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-NoWait] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -6037,7 +6037,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Stops Performance Monitor Data Collector Set.", "Name": "Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nAttempts to stop all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017\nAttempts to stop all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential (Get-Credential) -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nStops the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nStops the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nAttempts to stop all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017\nAttempts to stop all ready Collectors on localhost.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eStop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -ComputerName sql2017, sql2016 -Credential ad\\sqldba -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027\nStops the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector on sql2017 and sql2016 using alternative credentials.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaPfDataCollectorSet -CollectorSet \u0027System Correlation\u0027 | Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet\nStops the \u0027System Correlation\u0027 Collector.", "Syntax": "Stop-DbaPfDataCollectorSet [[-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e] [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [[-CollectorSet] \u003cString[]\u003e] [[-InputObject] \u003cObject[]\u003e] [-NoWait] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -6100,7 +6100,7 @@ }, { "CommandName": "Stop-DbaXESmartTarget", - "Description": "Stops an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job. Useful if you want to run a target, but not right now.", + "Description": "Stops an XESmartTarget PowerShell job. Useful if you want to run a target, but not right now.", "Tags": [ "ExtendedEvent", "XE", @@ -6108,7 +6108,7 @@ ], "Alias": "", "Author": "Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | SmartTarget by Gianluca Sartori (@spaghettidba)", - "Synopsis": "Stops an XESmartTarget PowerShell Job. Useful if you want to run a target, but not right now.", + "Synopsis": "Stops an XESmartTarget PowerShell job. Useful if you want to run a target, but not right now.", "Name": "Stop-DbaXESmartTarget", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Stop-DbaXESmartTarget\nhttps://github.com/spaghettidba/XESmartTarget/wiki", "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaXESmartTarget | Stop-DbaXESmartTarget\nStops all XESmartTarget jobs.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eGet-DbaXESmartTarget | Where-Object Id -eq 2 | Stop-DbaXESmartTarget\nStops a specific XESmartTarget job.", @@ -6415,7 +6415,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Test all linked servers from the sql servers passed", "Name": "Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlInstance DEV01\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instance DEV01\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlInstance sql2016 | Out-File C:\\temp\\results.txt\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instance sql2016 and output results to file\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlInstance sql2016, sql2014, sql2012\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instances sql2016, sql2014 and sql2012\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$servers = \"sql2016\",\"sql2014\",\"sql2012\"\nPS C:\\\u003e $servers | Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlCredential (Get-Credential sqladmin)\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instances sql2016, sql2014 and sql2012 using SQL login credentials\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$servers | Get-DbaLinkedServer | Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instances sql2016, sql2014 and sql2012", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlInstance DEV01\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instance DEV01\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlInstance sql2016 | Out-File C:\\temp\\results.txt\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instance sql2016 and output results to file\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlInstance sql2016, sql2014, sql2012\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instances sql2016, sql2014 and sql2012\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$servers = \"sql2016\",\"sql2014\",\"sql2012\"\nPS C:\\\u003e $servers | Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection -SqlCredential sqladmin\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instances sql2016, sql2014 and sql2012 using SQL login credentials\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003e$servers | Get-DbaLinkedServer | Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection\nTest all Linked Servers for the SQL Server instances sql2016, sql2014 and sql2012", "Syntax": "Test-DbaLinkedServerConnection [-SqlInstance] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-SqlCredential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, { @@ -6595,7 +6595,7 @@ "Synopsis": "Test-DbaSpn will determine what SPNs *should* be set for a given server (and any instances of SQL running on it) and return\nwhether the SPNs are set or not.", "Name": "Test-DbaSpn", "Links": "https://dbatools.io/Test-DbaSpn", - "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA -Credential (Get-Credential)\nConnects to a computer (SQLSERVERA) and queries WMI for all SQL instances and return \"required\" SPNs. It will then take each SPN it generates\r\nand query Active Directory to make sure the SPNs are set.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA,SQLSERVERB -Credential (Get-Credential)\nConnects to multiple computers (SQLSERVERA, SQLSERVERB) and queries WMI for all SQL instances and return \"required\" SPNs.\r\nIt will then take each SPN it generates and query Active Directory to make sure the SPNs are set.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERC -Credential (Get-Credential)\nConnects to a computer (SQLSERVERC) on a specified and queries WMI for all SQL instances and return \"required\" SPNs.\r\nIt will then take each SPN it generates and query Active Directory to make sure the SPNs are set. Note that the credential you pass must have be a valid login with appropriate rights on the domain", + "Examples": "-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA -Credential ad\\sqldba\nConnects to a computer (SQLSERVERA) and queries WMI for all SQL instances and return \"required\" SPNs. It will then take each SPN it generates\r\nand query Active Directory to make sure the SPNs are set.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA,SQLSERVERB -Credential ad\\sqldba\nConnects to multiple computers (SQLSERVERA, SQLSERVERB) and queries WMI for all SQL instances and return \"required\" SPNs.\r\nIt will then take each SPN it generates and query Active Directory to make sure the SPNs are set.\n-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------\nPS C:\\\u003eTest-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERC -Credential ad\\sqldba\nConnects to a computer (SQLSERVERC) on a specified and queries WMI for all SQL instances and return \"required\" SPNs.\r\nIt will then take each SPN it generates and query Active Directory to make sure the SPNs are set. Note that the credential you pass must have be a valid login with appropriate rights on the domain", "Syntax": "Test-DbaSpn [-ComputerName] \u003cDbaInstanceParameter[]\u003e [[-Credential] \u003cPSCredential\u003e] [-EnableException] [\u003cCommonParameters\u003e]" }, {