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Initial rework of deCSS3 before I get my haircut
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SlexAxton committed Aug 19, 2011
1 parent 1ac99d5 commit 7af6bce
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 107 deletions.
211 changes: 104 additions & 107 deletions deCSS3.js
@@ -1,109 +1,106 @@
var deCSS3 = {

init: function(){
var rules = "", appendStyle = document.createElement('style');
rules += this.addStyleBlock();
rules += this.overrideRules(); = "deCSS3";
appendStyle.textContent = rules;


addStyleBlock: function(){
var rules = '* {';
rules += this.addPrefixes("border-radius:0!important;");
rules += this.addPrefixes("box-shadow:none!important;");
rules += this.addPrefixes("column-span:all!important;");
rules += this.addPrefixes("text-shadow:none!important;");
rules += this.addPrefixes("transform:none!important;");
rules += this.addPrefixes("transition:none!important;");
// TODO: background-clip, background-origin, background-size?, animation
rules += '}';

return rules;

addPrefixes: function(rule) {
var prefixes = ['-webkit-','-moz-','-o-'];
var prefixedRule = "";
prefixedRule += prefix + rule;
prefixedRule += rule;
return prefixedRule;

overrideRules: function() {
# TODO: write function that detects certain CSS3 rules and emptys out the rule to override
# e.g., rgba(0,0,0,0.4) can be overriden by rgba()
# @rules = multiplebg images, mediaqueries, background-size?, @font-face?

var newRules = "";

// - loop each stylesheet
for(var i=0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var stylesheet = document.styleSheets[i];

if(stylesheet.cssRules) {
var numRules = stylesheet.cssRules.length;
var rulesToDelete = [];

// -- loop each rule
for(var j=0; j < numRules; j++) {

var newRule = "";
var currentRule = stylesheet.cssRules[j];
var currentRuleText = currentRule.cssText;

var found = currentRuleText.match(/\@media|column-count|rgba|hsla|linear-gradient/g);

if(found) {

if(found.indexOf("@media") > -1) {
// newRule = newRule + "";
} else {

newRule = currentRuleText;

if(found.indexOf('column-count') > -1) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/column-count:(.*?)\;/g, 'column-count: 1;');

if(found.indexOf('rgba') > -1) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/rgba\((.*?)\)\;/g, 'rgba();');

if(found.indexOf('hsla') > -1) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/hsla\((.*?)\)\;/g, 'hsla();');

if(found.indexOf('linear-gradient') > -1) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/linear-gradient\((.*?)\)\;/g, 'linear-gradient();');


// add this rule index to list of rules to be deleted.


newRules += newRule;


return newRules;


init: function(){
var appendStyle = document.createElement('style'); = "deCSS3";
appendStyle.textContent = this.addStyleBlock() + this.overrideRules();

addStyleBlock: function(){
// TODO: background-clip, background-origin, background-size?, animation
var rules = [

return '* {' +{ return that.addPrefixes(v); }).join("") + '}';

addPrefixes: function(rule) {
var prefixes = ['-webkit-','-moz-','-o-', '-ms-', '-khtml-'];
return prefixes.join(rule) + rule;

* TODO: write function that detects certain CSS3 rules and emptys out the rule to override
* e.g., rgba(0,0,0,0.4) can be overriden by rgba()
* @rules = multiplebg images, mediaqueries, background-size?, @font-face?

overrideRules: function() {

var map = function ( arr, fn ) {
return [] arr, fn );

// Go through each stylesheet and return an array of new rules for each, then convert to string
return map( document.styleSheets, function ( stylesheet ) {
var newRules = "";

// Bail if there are no styles
if ( ! stylesheet.cssRules ) {

// Find the rules we want to delete
map( stylesheet.cssRules, function ( rule, idx ) {
var ruleText = rule.cssText,
found = ruleText.match(/\@media|column-count|rgba|hsla|linear-gradient/g);

// Break early if there are no matches
if ( !found ) {

if ( ~found.indexOf("@media") ) {
// newRule = newRule + "";
else {

newRule = currentRuleText;

if ( ~found.indexOf('column-count') ) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/column-count:(.*?)\;/g, 'column-count: 1;');

if ( ~found.indexOf('rgba') ) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/rgba\((.*?)\)\;/g, 'rgba();');

if ( ~found.indexOf('hsla') ) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/hsla\((.*?)\)\;/g, 'hsla();');

if ( ~found.indexOf('linear-gradient') ) {
newRule = newRule.replace(/linear-gradient\((.*?)\)\;/g, 'linear-gradient();');


// Add to rule list
newRules += newRule;

// add this rule index to list of rules to be deleted.
return idx;
// Reverse this so our indexes keep cool
// loop through and delete them

// Return the set of new rules for this stylesheet
return newRules;
// Join all the rules as a string

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