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Node.js implementation of the Raft concensus algorithm.

  • Persistence: LevelDB
  • Protocol: Msgpack over TCP

(for the abstract implementation check skiff-algorithm).


$ npm install skiff


var Skiff = require('skiff');

var options = {
  dbPath: '/path/to/my/leveldb/database/dir'

var node = Skiff('tcp+msgpack://localhost:8081', options);


  • autoListen: start listening on bootup. defaults to true.
  • transport: transport type. Supported values:
    • tcp-msgpack: Msgpack over TCP (default)
    • tcp-nlsjson: New-line separated JSON over TCP
  • dbPath: database path
  • waitLeaderTimeout: the time to wait to become a leader. defaults to 3000 (ms).
  • standby: if true, will start at the standby state instead of the follower state. In the standby state the node only waits for a leader to send commands. Defaults to false.
  • cluster: the id of the cluster this node will be a part of
  • uuid: function that generates a UUID. Defaults to using the cuid package.
  • heartbeatInterval: the interval between heartbeats sent from leader. defaults to 50 ms.
  • minElectionTimeout: the minimum election timeout. defaults to 150 ms.
  • maxElectionTimeout: the maximum election timeout. defaults to 300 ms.
  • commandTimeout: the maximum amount of time you're willing to wait for a command to propagate. Defaults to 3 seconds. You can override this in each command call.
  • retainedLogEntries: the maximum number of log entries that are committed to the state machine that should remain in memory. Defaults to 50.


A skiff client object implements the level-up API.

You can also extend the client with level-* plugins, including sublevel.

Other than that, you can:


Listen for nodes connecting to us.

.join(url, cb)

Joins a node given its URL.

.leave(url, cb)

Leaves a node given its URL.

Setting up a cluster

To boot a cluster, start a node and wait for it to become a leader. Then, create each additional node in the standby mode (options.standby: true) and do leader.join(nodeURL).

See this test for an actual implementation.


A Skiff node emits a bunch of events that may or not interest you. In no particular order:

  • error (error) - if something goes terribly bad.
  • warning (warning) - if something goes mildly bad.
  • loaded - once the node persisted state is loaded on bootup
  • applied log (logIndex) - after a certain log index is applied to the state machine.
  • election timeout - when a node detects a timeout and will become a candidate because of that.
  • joined (peer) - when a node joins a given peer.
  • connected(peer) - when a node is connected to a given peer.
  • disconnected(peer) - when a node is disconnected from a peer.
  • connecting(peer) - when a node is trying to connect to a peer.
  • reconnected(peer) - when a node is reconnected to a peer.
  • outgoing call (peer, type, args) - when a node sends an RPC call to a peer.
  • response (peer, err, args) - when a node receives a response from a peer.
  • left (peer) - when a node leaves a peer
  • state (state) - after a node has transitioned to a given state
  • leader (node) - after a node has transitioned to the leader state
  • candidate (node) - after a node has transitioned to the candidate state
  • follower (node) - after a node has transitioned to the follower state
  • stopped (node) - after a node has transitioned to the stopped state
  • standby (node) - after a node has transitioned to the standby state
  • RequestVote (args) - when a node receives a RequestVote RPC call
  • AppendEntries (args) - when a node receives an AppendEntries RPC call
  • InstallSnapshot (args) - when a node receives an InstallSnapshot RPC call
  • reply (args) - once a node has replied to an RPC call




Node.js implementation of the Raft Consensus Algorithm






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