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David Ramiro edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 5 revisions

Extruder steps

  • Get your old E-Steps with M503. Look for the line starting with M92, the value after the E are your current steps.
  • Preheat the hotend with M104 S220
  • Send M83 to prepare the extruder
  • Use a caliper or measuring tape and mark 120 mm (measured downwards from the extruder intake) with a pencil on the filament
  • Send G1 E100 F100
  • Your extruder will feed 100 mm of filament now (takes 60 seconds)
  • Measure where your pencil marking is now. If it's exactly 20 mm to the extruder, it's perfectly calibrated
  • If it's less or more than 20 mm, subtract that value from 120 mm, e.g.:
  • If you measure 25 mm, your result would be 95 mm. If you measure 15 mm, your result would be 105 mm
  • Calculate your new value: (100 mm / actually extruded filament) * your current E-steps (default: i3 Mega 92.6, Mega-S 384)
  • For example, if your markings are at 15 mm, you'd calculate: (100/105) * 92.6 = 88.19
  • Put in the new value like this: M92 Exxx.xx, replacing x with your value
  • Save with M500
  • Finish with M82
  • You can repeat the process if you want to get even more precise, you'd have to replace "your current E-steps" with your newly calibrated value in the next calculation.

PID tuning

PID calibration is only necessary if you experience issues with too low or fluctuating temperatures.

  • Turn on parts cooling fan with (M106)
  • If you use the stock cooler, I generally recommend running it at 75% (M106 S191) because of the 12V mod. Remember to also limit it in your slicer.
  • Send M303 E0 S210 C15 U1 to start extruder PID auto tuning
  • Wait for it to finish (Get a coffee. This can take a while.)
  • Send M303 E-1 S60 C6 U1 to start heatbed PID auto tuning
  • Wait for it to finish
  • Save with M500, turn off fan with M106 S0

Note: These commands are tweaked for PLA printing at up to 210/60 °C. If you run into issues at higher temperatures (e.g. PETG & ABS), simply change the S parameter to your desired temperature

Reminder: PID tuning sometimes fails. If you get fluctuating temperatures or the heater even fails to reach your desired temperature after tuning, you can try my personal PID settings: M301 P20.28 I1.45 D71.01 + M500. Also, you can always go back to the stock settings with M301 P15.94 I1.17 D54.19 + M500.

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