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(instantiate-fontset): Delete
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
duplicated call of x-complement-fontset-spec.  Call new-fontset
with a correct argument.
(x-compose-font-name): Argument name adjusted for the doc-string.
(x-complement-fontset-spec): Don't alter the contents of the
(x-style-funcs-alist): The format changed.
(x-modify-font-name): New function.
(create-fontset-from-fontset-spec): The arg STYLE-VARIANT-P is
changed to STYLE-VARIANT, the format also changed.  Use
x-modify-font-name instead of calling functions in
x-style-funcs-alist directly.
(instantiate-fontset): Use x-modify-font-name instead of calling
functions in x-style-funcs-alist directly.
(resolve-fontset-name): New function.
  • Loading branch information
Kenichi Handa committed Jun 12, 1998
1 parent 307245b commit 7d51653
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 106 deletions.
266 changes: 160 additions & 106 deletions lisp/international/fontset.el
Expand Up @@ -228,14 +228,14 @@ PATTERN. If no full XLFD name is gotten, return nil."
(setq name (replace-match "-*-" t t name)))

(defun x-compose-font-name (xlfd-fields &optional reduce)
(defun x-compose-font-name (fields &optional reduce)
"Compose X's fontname from FIELDS.
FIELDS is a vector of XLFD fields.
FIELDS is a vector of XLFD fields, the length 14.
If a field is nil, wild-card letter `*' is embedded.
Optional argument REDUCE non-nil means consecutive wild-cards are
reduced to be one."
(let ((name
(concat "-" (mapconcat (lambda (x) (or x "*")) xlfd-fields "-"))))
(concat "-" (mapconcat (lambda (x) (or x "*")) fields "-"))))
(if reduce
(x-reduce-font-name name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,42 +290,56 @@ FONTLIST is an alist of charsets vs the corresponding font names.
Font names for charsets not listed in FONTLIST are generated from
XLFD-FIELDS and a property of x-charset-registry of each charset
(let ((charsets charset-list))
(let ((charsets charset-list)
(xlfd-fields-non-ascii (copy-sequence xlfd-fields))
(new-fontlist nil))
(aset xlfd-fields-non-ascii xlfd-regexp-foundry-subnum nil)
(aset xlfd-fields-non-ascii xlfd-regexp-family-subnum nil)
(aset xlfd-fields-non-ascii xlfd-regexp-adstyle-subnum nil)
(aset xlfd-fields-non-ascii xlfd-regexp-avgwidth-subnum nil)
(while charsets
(let ((charset (car charsets)))
(unless (assq charset fontlist)
(let ((registry (get-charset-property charset
(let ((registry (get-charset-property charset 'x-charset-registry))
registry-val encoding-val fontname)
(if (string-match "-" registry)
;; REGISTRY contains `CHARSET_ENCODING' field.
(setq registry-val (substring registry 0 (match-beginning 0))
encoding-val (substring registry (match-end 0)))
(setq registry-val (concat registry "*")
encoding-val "*"))
(aset xlfd-fields xlfd-regexp-registry-subnum registry-val)
(aset xlfd-fields xlfd-regexp-encoding-subnum encoding-val)
(setq fontname (downcase (x-compose-font-name xlfd-fields)))
(setq fontlist (cons (cons charset fontname) fontlist))
(let ((xlfd (if (eq charset 'ascii) xlfd-fields
(aset xlfd xlfd-regexp-registry-subnum registry-val)
(aset xlfd xlfd-regexp-encoding-subnum encoding-val)
(setq fontname (downcase (x-compose-font-name xlfd))))
(setq new-fontlist (cons (cons charset fontname) new-fontlist))
(register-alternate-fontnames fontname))))
(setq charsets (cdr charsets))))

;; If the font for ASCII can also be used for another charsets, use
;; that font instead of what generated based on x-charset-registery
;; in the previous code.
(let ((ascii-font (cdr (assq 'ascii fontlist)))
(l x-font-name-charset-alist))
(while l
(if (string-match (car (car l)) ascii-font)
(let ((charsets (cdr (car l))))
(while charsets
(if (not (eq (car charsets) 'ascii))
(setcdr (assq (car charsets) fontlist) ascii-font))
(setq charsets (cdr charsets)))
(setq l nil))
(setq l (cdr l)))))

(setq charsets (cdr charsets)))

;; Be sure that ASCII font is avairable.
(let ((slot (or (assq 'ascii fontlist) (assq 'ascii new-fontlist)))
(if (setq ascii-font (condition-case nil
(x-resolve-font-name (cdr slot))
(error nil)))
(setcdr slot ascii-font))
(if ascii-font
(let ((l x-font-name-charset-alist))
;; If the ASCII font can also be used for another
;; charsets, use that font instead of what generated based
;; on x-charset-registery in the previous code.
(while l
(if (string-match (car (car l)) ascii-font)
(let ((charsets (cdr (car l))))
(while charsets
(if (and (not (eq (car charsets) 'ascii))
(setq slot (assq (car charsets) new-fontlist)))
(setcdr slot ascii-font))
(setq charsets (cdr charsets)))
(setq l nil))
(setq l (cdr l))))
(append fontlist new-fontlist))))))

(defun fontset-name-p (fontset)
"Return non-nil if FONTSET is valid as fontset name.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,32 +403,49 @@ STYLE is a style of FONTSET, one of the followings:
FONTLIST is an alist of charsets vs font names to be used in FONSET.")

(defconst x-style-funcs-alist
'((bold x-make-font-bold)
(demibold x-make-font-demibold)
(italic x-make-font-italic)
(oblique x-make-font-oblique)
(bold-italic x-make-font-bold x-make-font-italic)
(demibold-italic x-make-font-demibold x-make-font-italic)
(demibold-oblique x-make-font-demibold x-make-font-oblique)
(bold-oblique x-make-font-bold x-make-font-oblique))
"Alist of font style vs functions to generate a X font name of the style.")
`((bold . x-make-font-bold)
(demibold . x-make-font-demibold)
(italic . x-make-font-italic)
(oblique . x-make-font-oblique)
(bold-italic . x-make-font-bold-italic)
. ,(function (lambda (x) (x-make-font-italic (x-make-font-demibold x)))))
. ,(function (lambda (x) (x-make-font-oblique (x-make-font-demibold x)))))
. ,(function (lambda (x) (x-make-font-oblique (x-make-font-bold x))))))
"Alist of font style vs function to generate a X font name of the style.
The function is called with one argument, a font name.")

(defun x-modify-font-name (fontname style)
"Substitute style specification part of FONTNAME for STYLE.
STYLE should be listed in the variable `x-style-funcs-alist'."
(let ((func (cdr (assq style x-style-funcs-alist))))
(if func
(funcall func fontname))))

(defun create-fontset-from-fontset-spec (fontset-spec
&optional style-variant-p noerror)
&optional style-variant noerror)
"Create a fontset from fontset specification string FONTSET-SPEC.
FONTSET-SPEC is a string of the format:
Any number of SPACE, TAB, and NEWLINE can be put before and after commas.
If optional argument STYLE-VARIANT-P is specified, it also creates
fontsets which differs from FONTSET-NAME in styles (e.g. bold, italic).
Optional 2nd argument STYLE-VARIANT is a list of font styles
\(e.g. bold, italic) or the symbol t to specify all available styles.
If this argument is specified, fontsets which differs from
FONTSET-NAME in styles are also created. An element of STYLE-VARIANT
may be cons of style and a font name. In this case, the style variant
fontset uses the font for ASCII character set.
If this function attempts to create already existing fontset, error is
signaled unless the optional 3rd argument NOERROR is non-nil."
(if (not (string-match "^[^,]+" fontset-spec))
(error "Invalid fontset spec: %s" fontset-spec))
(let ((idx (match-end 0))
(name (match-string 0 fontset-spec))
fontlist charset)
fontlist full-fontlist ascii-font charset)
(if (query-fontset name)
(or noerror
(error "Fontset \"%s\" already exists"))
Expand All @@ -425,88 +456,111 @@ signaled unless the optional 3rd argument NOERROR is non-nil."
(if (charsetp charset)
(setq fontlist (cons (cons charset (match-string 2 fontset-spec))

(if style-variant-p
;; Generate fontset names of style variants and set them in
;; uninstantiated-fontset-alist.
(let ((style-funcs-alist x-style-funcs-alist)
new-name style funcs)
(while style-funcs-alist
(setq style (car (car style-funcs-alist))
funcs (cdr (car style-funcs-alist)))
(setq new-name name)
(while funcs
(setq new-name (funcall (car funcs) new-name))
(setq funcs (cdr funcs)))
(setq uninstantiated-fontset-alist
(cons (list new-name style fontlist)
(setq style-funcs-alist (cdr style-funcs-alist)))))
;; Remember the specified ASCII font name now because it will be
;; replaced by resolved font name by x-complement-fontset-spec.
(setq ascii-font (cdr (assq 'ascii fontlist)))

;; If NAME conforms to XLFD, complement FONTLIST for charsets
;; which are not specified in FONTSET-SPEC.
(let ((xlfd-fields (x-decompose-font-name name)))
(if xlfd-fields
(setq fontlist
(x-complement-fontset-spec xlfd-fields fontlist))))
(let ((fields (x-decompose-font-name name)))
(if fields
(setq full-fontlist (x-complement-fontset-spec fields fontlist))))

;; Create the fontset.
(new-fontset name fontlist)

;; Define the alias (short name) if appropriate.
(if (and (not (assoc name fontset-alias-alist))
(string-match "fontset-.*$" name))
(let ((alias (match-string 0 name)))
(or (rassoc alias fontset-alias-alist)
(setq fontset-alias-alist
(cons (cons name alias) fontset-alias-alist))))))))
(when full-fontlist
;; Create the fontset.
(new-fontset name full-fontlist)

;; Define aliases: short name (if appropriate) and ASCII font name.
(if (and (string-match "fontset-.*$" name)
(not (assoc name fontset-alias-alist)))
(let ((alias (match-string 0 name)))
(or (rassoc alias fontset-alias-alist)
(setq fontset-alias-alist
(cons (cons name alias) fontset-alias-alist)))))
(let ((resolved-ascii-font (cdr (assq 'ascii full-fontlist))))
(setq fontset-alias-alist
(cons (cons name resolved-ascii-font)
(or (equal ascii-font resolved-ascii-font)
(setq fontset-alias-alist
(cons (cons name ascii-font)

;; At last, handle style variants.
(if (eq style-variant t)
(setq style-variant (mapcar 'car x-style-funcs-alist)))

(if style-variant
;; Generate fontset names of style variants and set them
;; in uninstantiated-fontset-alist.
(let* (nonascii-fontlist
new-name new-ascii-font style font)
(if ascii-font
(setq nonascii-fontlist (delete (cons 'ascii ascii-font)
(copy-sequence fontlist)))
(setq ascii-font (cdr (assq 'ascii full-fontlist))
nonascii-fontlist fontlist))
(while style-variant
(setq style (car style-variant))
(if (symbolp style)
(setq font nil)
(setq font (cdr style)
style (car style)))
(setq new-name (x-modify-font-name name style))
(when new-name
;; Modify ASCII font name for the style...
(setq new-ascii-font
(or font (x-modify-font-name ascii-font style)))
;; but leave fonts for the other charsets unmodified
;; for the momemnt. They are modified for the style
;; in instantiate-fontset.
(setq uninstantiated-fontset-alist
(cons (list new-name
(cons (cons 'ascii new-ascii-font)
(setq fontset-alias-alist
(cons (cons new-name new-ascii-font)
(setq style-variant (cdr style-variant)))))))))

(defun instantiate-fontset (fontset)
"Make FONTSET be readly to use.
FONTSET should be in the variable `uninstantiated-fontset-alist' in advance.
Return FONTSET if it is created successfully, else return nil."
(let ((fontset-data (assoc fontset uninstantiated-fontset-alist)))
(if (null fontset-data)
(let* ((xlfd-fields (x-decompose-font-name fontset))
(fontlist (x-complement-fontset-spec xlfd-fields
(nth 2 fontset-data)))
(funcs (cdr (assq (nth 1 fontset-data) x-style-funcs-alist)))
ascii-font font font2)
(setq uninstantiated-fontset-alist
(delete fontset-data uninstantiated-fontset-alist))
(setq fontlist (x-complement-fontset-spec xlfd-fields fontlist))

;; At first, check if ASCII font of this style is surely available.
(setq ascii-font (cdr (assq 'ascii fontlist)))
(if (= (length funcs) 1)
(and (setq font (funcall (car funcs) ascii-font))
(setq font (x-resolve-font-name font 'default)))
(and (setq font (funcall (car funcs) ascii-font))
(not (equal font ascii-font))
(setq font2 (funcall (nth 1 funcs) font))
(not (equal font2 font))
(setq font (x-resolve-font-name font2 'default))))

;; If ASCII font is available, instantiate the fontset.
(when fontset-data
(setq uninstantiated-fontset-alist
(delete fontset-data uninstantiated-fontset-alist))

(let* ((fields (x-decompose-font-name fontset))
(style (nth 1 fontset-data))
(fontlist (x-complement-fontset-spec fields (nth 2 fontset-data)))
(font (cdr (assq 'ascii fontlist))))
;; If ASCII font is available, instantiate this fontset.
(when font
(let ((new-fontlist (list (cons 'ascii font))))
;; Fonts for non-ascii charsets should be modified for
;; this style now.
(while fontlist
(setq font (cdr (car fontlist)))
(or (eq (car (car fontlist)) 'ascii)
(if (if (= (length funcs) 1)
(setq font (funcall (car funcs) font))
(and (setq font (funcall (car funcs) font))
(not (equal font (cdr (car fontlist))))
(setq font2 (funcall (nth 1 funcs) font))
(not (equal font2 font))
(setq font font2)))
(setq new-fontlist
(cons (cons (car fontlist) font) new-fontlist))))
(setq new-fontlist
(cons (cons (car (car fontlist))
(x-modify-font-name font style))
(setq fontlist (cdr fontlist)))
(new-fontset fontset (x-complement-fontset-spec xlfd-fields
(new-fontset fontset new-fontlist)

(defun resolve-fontset-name (pattern)
"Return a fontset name matching PATTERN."
(let ((fontset (car (rassoc pattern fontset-alias-alist))))
(or fontset (setq fontset pattern))
(if (assoc fontset uninstantiated-fontset-alist)
(instantiate-fontset fontset)
(query-fontset fontset))))

;; Create standard fontset from 16 dots fonts which are the most widely
;; installed fonts. Fonts for Chinese-GB, Korean, and Chinese-CNS are
Expand Down

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