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FileCMS (v0.3.7)

Simple PHP framework that builds HTML files from HTML widgets.

  • Includes a class that can generate and validate CAPTCHAs (uses the GD extension).
  • Includes the CKEditor for full-featured editing.
  • Includes an email contact form that uses PHPMailer.
  • Is able to import single files from a legacy website, or can do bulk import
  • Includes a complete set of transformation filters that can be applied during import, or afterwards
  • Entirely file-based: does not require a database!
  • Includes classes that let you use a CSV file just like a database
  • Very fast and flexible.
  • Once you've got it up and running, just upload HTML snippets and/or modify the configuration file.
  • Works on PHP 7.0 to 8.2

License: Apache v2

Initial Installation

  1. Clone the filecms-website repository to the project root of your new website.
  • If you have git installed run this command from a command prompt / terminal window:
git clone /path/to/website
  • If you don't have git installed, just download the ZIP file from:
  • And unzip into /path/to/website
  1. Use composer to install unlikelysource/filecms-core and 3rd party source code (e.g. PHPMailer)
cd /path/to/website
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar install

Basic website config

All references are from /path/to/website

  • Primary config file: /src/config/config.php
  • Bootstrap file: /bootstrap.php
  • Pre-processing code: /src/processing.php

Additional documentation on these three follows.

To Run Locally Using PHP

From this directory, run the following command:

cd /path/to/website
php -S localhost:8888 -t public

To Run Locally Using Docker and docker-compose


Install Docker Desktop for Windows

Open the Power Shell (some commands don't work in the regular command prompt)

To bring the docker container online, run this command:

cd \path\to\website
admin up

To stop the container do this:

admin down

To open a command shell into the container:

admin shell

Linux / Mac

Install Docker + docker-compose:

Open a terminal window (Terminal Application)

To bring the docker container online, run this command:

cd /path/to/website
./ up

To stop the container do this:

./ down

To open a command shell into the container:

./ shell

Browser Access

To access from your browser:

  • Or, if your IP addressing is working:

Bootstrap and Document Root

Set the website document root to /public

  • The central point of entry is /public/index.php
  • There is a file .htaccess that controls URL rewriting
  • If you are using nginx you will need to incorporate the same logic into your primary config file
  • /public/index.php first loads the bootstrap file /bootstrap.php
    • This file defines three key constants used throughout the program (summarized in the table shown next)
    • The bootstrap file also loads the Composer autoloader
    • If you add your own classes under /src be sure to update composer.json and refresh Composer autoloading:
composer dump-autoload

Here is a summary of the three key constants defined by /bootstrap.php. Change as needed.

Constant Default Description
BASE_DIR Same directory as bootstrap.php Project root
HTML_DIR /templates/site Location of HTML snippets
SRC_DIR /src Location of source code


Before the final HTML view is rendered, /public/index.php includes /src/processsing.php. In this file you can include any pre-processing you need done.

  • The request URL is available as the variable $uri
  • This is where the admin URL (e.g. /super) is captured and sent to processing


By default templates are stored in /templates/site. You can alter this in the config file.

Config File

Default: /src/config/config.php

  • Delimiter: DELIM defaults to %%
  • "Cards" CARDS defaults to cards
    • Represents the subdirectory under which view renderer expects to file HTML "cards"


The overall website look-and-feel is in a single HTML file, by default in /templates/layout/layout.phtml.

  • The view rendered by requests is injected into the layout by replacing %%CONTENTS%%.


You can create HTML snippets designed to fit into layout.phtml any place in the designated HTML directory.

  • Be sure to set the constant HTML_DIR in the file /bootstrap.php.


Important: each %%CARD%% directive you add must be on its own line!

Auto-Populate All Cards

To get an HTML file to auto-populate with cards use this syntax:


Example: you have a subdirectory off HTML_DIR named projects and you want to load all HTML card files under the cards folder:


Auto-Populate Specific Number of Cards

To only load a certain (random) number of cards, use =. Example: you have a subdirectory off HTML_DIR named features and you want to load 3 random HTML card files under the cards folder:


Auto-Populate Specified Cards in a Certain Order

For each card, only use the base filename, no extension (i.e. do not add .html). Example: you have a directory HTML_DIR/blog/cards with files one.html, two.html, three.html, etc. You want the cards to be loaded in the order one.html, two.html, three.html, etc.:


Editing Pages

By default, if you enter the URL /super/login you're prompted to login as a super user. Configure the username, password and secondary authentication factors in: /src/config/config.php under the SUPER config key.

SUPER config key

Example configuration for super user:

// other config not shown
'SUPER' => [
    'username'  => 'REPL_SUPER_NAME',  // fill in your username here
    'password'  => 'REPL_SUPER_PWD',   // fill in your password here
     * extra login validation fields
     * change key/value pairs as desired
     * add as many as you want
     * they're selected at random when asked to login
    'validation'   => [
        // if value is array, authentication needs to use "in_array()"
        'City'        => ['London','Tokyo'],
        'Postal Code' => 'NW1 6XE',
        'Last Name'   => ['Holmes','Lincoln'],
    'alt_logins' => [
        'REPL_OTHER_NAME' => [
            'username'  => 'REPL_OTHER_NAME',  // fill in alt username here
            'password'  => 'REPL_OTHER_PWD',   // fill in alt password here
        // add others as needed
    'attempts'  => 3,
    'message'   => 'Sorry! Unable to login.  Please contact your administrator',
    // reserved for future use:
    'allowed_ip' => ['',''],
    // array of $_SERVER keys to store in session if authenticated
    'profile'  => ['REMOTE_ADDR','HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],
    // change the values to reflect the names of fields in your login.phtml form
    'login_fields' => [
        'name'     => 'name',
        'password' => 'password',
        'other'    => 'other',
        'phrase'   => 'phrase',     // CAPTCHA phrase
    // only files with these extensions can be edited
    'allowed_ext'  => ['html','htm'],
    'ckeditor'     => [
        'width'  => '100%',
        'height' => 400,
    'super_url'  => '/super',                // IMPORTANT: needs to be a subdir off the "super_dir" setting
    'super_dir'  => BASE_DIR . '/templates', // IMPORTANT: needs to have a subdir === "super_url" setting
    'super_menu' => BASE_DIR . '/templates/layout/super_menu.html',
    'backup_dir' => BASE_DIR . '/backups',
    'backup_cmd' => BASE_DIR . 'zip -r %%BACKUP_FN%% %%BACKUP_SRC%%',
// other config not shown

Here's a breakdown of the SUPER config keys

Key Explanation
username Super user login name
password Super user login password
attempts Maximum number of failed login attempts. If this number is exceeded, a random third authentication field is required for login.
validation Set of key:value pairs randomly selected each time you login. Values can be in the form of an array.
alt_logins Additional usernames and passwords
message Message that displayed if login fails
profile Array of $_SERVER keys that form the super user's profile once logged in
login_fields Field names drawn from your login.phtml login form
validation You can specify as many of these as you want. If the login attemp exceeds attempts, the SimpleHtml framework will automatically add a random field drawn from this list.
allowed_ext Only files with an extension on this list can be edited.
ckeditor Default width and height of the CKeditor screen
super_* Settings pertaining to the location of the super admin user URL, templates and menu

Contact Form

The skeleton app includes under /templates a file contact.phtml that implements an email contact form with a CAPTCHA

  • Uses the PHPMailer package
  • Configuration can be done in /src/config/config.php using the COMPANY_EMAIL key
  • CAPTCHA configuration can be done in /src/config/config.php using the CAPTCHA key

Import Feature

You can enable the import feature by setting the IMPORT::enable config key to TRUE. The importer itself is at /templates/site/super/import.phtml. Selected transformation filters can be applied to one or more pages during the import process.

Here are some notes on config file settings under the IMPORT config key:

  • IMPORT::enable
    • Set this value to FALSE if you do not wish this feature to be available.
  • IMPORT::delim_start
    • tells the importer where to start cutting out content from the HTML source
    • default: <body>
  • IMPORT::delim_stop
    • tells the importer where to stop cutting out content from the HTML source
    • default: </body>
  • IMPORT::trusted_src
    • list of one or more prefixes from "trusted" sources for import
    • allows you to limit where imports can be taken from
    • in case you get hacked, this prevents attackers from importing malicious from their own sites
  • IMPORT::import_file_field
    • this file must be in JSON format
    • name of the file upload field used in the form
    • you can upload a list of URLs to import followed by a list of transforms to apply
      • the URLs key is 'URLS'
      • the 'IMPORT' key lets you override any Import configuration including the transforms to apply during import
  • IMPORT::transform
    • sub-array of transforms to make available to the importer
    • callback : anything that's callable
      • if your own PHP function or anonymous function, signature must match SimpleHtml\Transform\TransformInterface
    • params : array of parameters the callback expects
    • description : shows up when you run /super/import After logging in as the admin user, go to /super/import.

Transform Feature

You can apply transformation filters on existing pages. The importer itself is at /templates/site/super/import.phtml. Included transformation classes are located in /src/Transform. You can add your own by simply extending FileCMS\Common\Transform\Base. After logging in as the admin user, go to /super/transform.

Here are some notes on config file settings under the TRANSFORM config key:

  • TRANSFORM::enable
    • Set this value to FALSE if you do not wish this feature to be available.
  • TRANSFORM::backup_dir
    • Directory where backups will be placed prior to transformation
  • TRANSFORM::transform_dir
    • Directory where transform classes are found
  • TRANSFORM::transform_file_field
    • Name of the form field that is used if you want to upload a set of transforms


A class FileCMS\Common\Stats\Clicks was added as of version 0.2.1. Records the following information into a CSV file:

  • URL
  • Date
  • Time
  • IP address
  • Referrer
  • 1 The "1" can be used in a spreadsheet to create totals by any of the other fields. After logging in as the admin user, go to /super/clicks.

Statistical Methods

The following methods are available for your use:

Clicks::get(string $click_fn) : array

Returns an array keyed and sorted by URL, with hit grand totals.

Clicks::get_by_page_by_day(string $click_fn) : array

Returns an array keyed and sorted by URL + Y-m-d, with hit totals for each day

Clicks::get_by_path(string $click_fn, string $path) : array

Returns the same as get_by_page_by_day() except that it filters results based on $path. Use this to return stats on URLs such as /practice/dr_tom/.


You can use a CSV file just like a database using either the FileCMS\Common\Data\Csv or FileCMS\Common\Data\BigCsv classes

  • FileCMS\Common\Data\Csv
    • Use this for small CSV files (less than 10 MB in size)
    • Fast performance
    • Uses a lot of memory
  • FileCMS\Common\Data\BigCsv
    • Use this for large CSV files (greater than 10 MB in size)
    • Moderate performance
    • Uses very little memory
    • If your CSV file is greater than 10 MB in size use this class instead of FileCMS\Common\Data\Csv

public function getItemsFromCsv($key_field = NULL) : array

  • Gets list of items from CSV
  • @param string|array $key_field : header(s) to use as key; leave blank for numeric array
  • @return array $select : [key => value]; key === practice_key; value = $row

public function writeRowToCsv(array $post, array $csv_fields = []) : bool

  • Writes row to CSV
  • @param array $post : normally sanitized $_POST
  • @param array $csv_fields : array of CSV headers; leave blank if headers not used
  • @return bool : TRUE if entry made OK

public function findItemInCSV(string $search, bool $case = FALSE, bool $first = TRUE) : array

  • Finds key in CSV file
  • Assumes first row is headers unless $first === FALSE
  • Stores contents of CSV file in $this->lines
  • If found, sets $this->pos to the line number of the row found in $this->lines
  • @param string $search : any value that might be in the CSV file
  • @param bool $case : TRUE: case sensitive; FALSE: [default] case insensitive search
  • @param bool $first_row : TRUE [default]: first row is headers; FALSE: first row is data
  • @return array

public function updateRowInCsv(string $search, array $data, array $csv_fields = [], bool $case = FALSE) : bool

  • Updates row in CSV file
  • If you don't supply $csv_fields, assumes no headers
  • If no headers, update does delete and then insert
  • @param string $search : any value that might be in the CSV file
  • @param array $data : array of items to update
  • @param array $csv_fields : array of fields names; leave blank if you don't use headers
  • @param bool $case : TRUE: case sensitive; FALSE: [default] case insensitive search
  • @return bool : TRUE if entry made OK

Change Log

tag: v0.2.2 / v0.2.3

  • 2022-04-22 DB: Finished testing modifications to Profile
  • 2022-04-18 DB: Updated tests
  • 2022-02-17 DB: Added option to prevent %%CARDS%% tags from being overwritten + implemented messages marker replacement for static HTML pages + expanded tests

tag: v0.2.1

  • 2022-02-16 DB: Updated tests + removed user key from Common\Security\Profile

tag: v0.2.2

  • 2022-02-13 DB: Fixed bug whereby you can never login

tag: v0.2.4

2022-05-12 DB:

  • Created Email::trustedSend() that allows you to directly call the core email send function
  • Refactored Email::confirmAndSend() to call trustedSend()
  • Added $debug option to facilitate testing and debugging
    • If set TRUE the email is not actually sent, and a PHPMailer instance is set to Email::$phpMailer
  • Added FileCMSTest\Common\Contact\EmailTest test class

tag: v0.2.5

  • FileCMS\Common\Contact\Email::trustedSend()
    • Fixed bug whereby you were only allowed to send a string to $cc and $bcc
    • These inputs now allowed mixed types (expected string|array)
  • Updated FileCMSTest\Common\Contact\EmailTest and FileCMSTest\Common\Security\ProfileTest
  • FileCMS\Common\Import\Import
    • Added message if URL not found
    • Wrapped file_get_contents($url) call in try / catch to prevent expected errors from messing up test results

tag: v0.2.6

  • FileCMS\Common\Contact\Email::trustedSend()
    • Fixed bug whereby PHPMailer was always set to SMTP regardless of config settings
  • Updated FileCMSTest\Common\Contact\EmailTest
    • Added tests to see if PHPMailer instance is set to "smtp" or "mail"

tag: v0.2.8

  • FileCMS\Common\Contact\Email::confirmAndSend()
    • Removed CAPTCHA verification logic and put into new AntiSpam class
  • FileCMS\Common\Contact\AntiSpam
    • Added static function verifyCaptcha($config)

tag: v0.2.9

  • FileCMS\Common\Security\Profile::verify()
    • Removed type-hint from method signature for backward compatibility

tag: v0.2.10

Date: Sat Jun 25 16:42:03 2022 +0700

  • 2022-06-25 DB: Enhancing security in Common\Contact\Email
  • 2022-06-21 DB: Minor fix to Common\Security\Profile::verify()

tag: v0.2.11

Date: Sun Jul 10 12:50:24 2022 +0700 FileCMS\Common\Stats\Clicks: Added new column

  • add() includes json_encode($_GET)
  • raw_get() does json_decode() on new column

tag: v0.2.12

Date: Thu Aug 18 10:33:15 2022 +0700 Modified FileCMS\Common\Stats\Clicks to track all URLs but allow users to add list of URLs to be ignored

tag: v0.2.13

Date: Thu Sep 8 09:54:26 2022 +0700 FileCMS\Common\Stats\Clicks:

  • Added get_by_page_by_month()
  • Fixed get_by_path() FileCMS\Common\View\Table:
  • New class
  • Renders multi-dimensional array data
  • render_table() produces <table> structure with optional CSS classes for table, tr, th and td
  • render_as_div() produces table structure using <div class="row"> and <div class="col">

tag: v0.3.0

Date: Thu Nov 3 11:09:53 2022 +0700 Added FileCMS\Common\Data\Csv

  • See documentation above for method information

tag: v0.3.1


  • Removed the following methods:
    • getAuthFileName()
    • build()
  • Removed the following constants:
  • Added these constants:
    • PROFILE_KEY = __CLASS__;
  • Profile::init()
    • Revised to make backwards compatible
    • Always adds $_SERVER[Profile::PROFILE_DEF_SRC] to profile
    • If profile config keys are present, also adds these to profile
    • All keys must be valid $_SERVER keys
  • Profile::verify()
    • Revised to make backwards compatible
    • Added config file as 2nd argument
    • Always checks value of $_SESSION[Profile::PROFILE_KEY][Profile::PROFILE_DEF_SRC]
    • If profile config keys are present, also confirms these values match

tag: v0.3.2


  • If CSV file doesn't exist, first Csv instance creates it
  • If array of headers are supplied, first instance writes headers
  • Added new method deleteRowInCsv()
  • Slightly refactored updateRowInCsv() but functionality is the same

tag: v0.3.3


  • writeRowToCsv()
    • If you already have headers in the CSV file, this method will now allow you to write a row without using headers as the 2nd argument
  • getItemsFromCsv()
    • Now allows you to read rows even if header count doesn't match
    • If your headers are > the count of the CSV headers, just appends empty strings
    • If your headers are < the count of the CSV headers, adds fake headers Header_1, Header_2, etc.
  • Also updated tests:
    • Common\Data\CsvTest
    • Common\Security\ProfileTest

tag: v0.3.4

Fixed bad sprintf() call in FileCMS\Common\Data\Csv::getItemsFromCsv()

tag: v0.3.5

Arghhhh ... struggling with git

tag: v0.3.6


  • New class
  • Handles files of any size
  • Doesn't use file()
  • Low memory consumption
  • Not as fast as Csv


  • Hold common constants and methods
  • Used by Csv and BigCsv
  • Added new method array_combine_whatever()
    • If header count === data count runs array_combine()
    • If header count < data count starts creating headers header_01, header_02 etc.
    • If header count > data count just assigns the headers to the data items and drops remaining headers


  • Refactored slightly to use CsvTrait
  • Added flag $all to findItemInCSV()
    • If set FALSE (default) only returns 1st match
    • If set TRUE returns all matching rows

tag: v0.3.7


  • Moved CsvTrait::array2csv() and array_combine_whatever() to FileCMS\Common\Generic\Functions
  • Moved remaining CsvTrait functionality to CsvBase
  • Removed CsvTrait
  • Refactored Csv and BigCsv to extend CsvBase


public static function array2csv(array $data) : string
public static function array_combine_whatever(array $headers, array $data, string $prefix = '') : array
  • Does the equivalent of array_combine() even if count($headers) doesn't match count($data)