Command line scripts (windows - bat and Unix/Linux - sh) to create project subfolders. I am using them when I have big project to manage. Folder structure is tuned to my way of managing offshore or shipbuilding (design, construction, overall management) project.
Copy appropriate script file into top folder, where you want to store your project, and run command line scripts.On Windows: from command line run "*.bat script"
Unix/Linux: from terminal type "bash" Scripts will create folder "Project" with subfolder structure. Rename created folder "Project" in something what makes sense for you. Strictly speaking, STEPHEN HACKETT's "Capture-Form-2.pdf" do not belong here, but it fits in my workflow. Feel free to use, modify, twist or watsoever you want to do with these scripts. Those will not break your computer, hard disk or whatever hardware/software you have. However, if that happen, do not call me as there is no support or warranty of any kind. Use them at your own risk.