diff --git a/docs/json_rpc_api.mediawiki b/docs/json_rpc_api.mediawiki index 396c007d3b..7b41901362 100644 --- a/docs/json_rpc_api.mediawiki +++ b/docs/json_rpc_api.mediawiki @@ -2031,10 +2031,17 @@ of the best block. : confirmations: (numeric) The number of confirmations. : value: (numeric) The transaction amount in DCR. : scriptpubkey: (json object) The public key script used to pay coins as a JSON object. +:: asm: (string) Disassembly of the script. +:: hex: (string) Hex-encoded bytes of the script. Omitted if empty. +:: reqSigs: (numeric) The number of required signatures. Omitted if empty. +:: type: (string) The type of the script (e.g. 'pubkeyhash'). +:: addresses: (json array of strings) The Decred addresses associated with this script. Omitted if empty. +:: commitamt: (numeric) The ticket commitment value if the script is for a staking commitment. Omitted if empty. +:: version: (string) The script version. : coinbase: (numeric) Whether or not the transaction is a coinbase. |- !Example Return -|{"bestblock": "00000000000000001914563fe4f93addae64cd2808a81835ae03b0947034843b","confirmations": 19,"value": 4.63835862,"scriptPubKey": {"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 f127302adf84741d28fa705a995dc827030077e5 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG","hex": "76a914f127302adf84741d28fa705a995dc827030077e588ac","reqSigs": 1,"type": "pubkeyhash","addresses": ["Dsnx1HW62otMif9zFyLzDnQdKuaV9cRNoyr"]},"coinbase": false} +|{"bestblock": "00000000000000001914563fe4f93addae64cd2808a81835ae03b0947034843b","confirmations": 19,"value": 4.63835862,"scriptPubKey": {"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 f127302adf84741d28fa705a995dc827030077e5 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG","hex": "76a914f127302adf84741d28fa705a995dc827030077e588ac","reqSigs": 1,"type": "pubkeyhash","addresses": ["Dsnx1HW62otMif9zFyLzDnQdKuaV9cRNoyr"],"version": 0},"coinbase": false} |} ----