A collection of data files you can use for any project. Checkout dedolist.com for easier access to the data in this repo including a FREE Full featured API.
All the data in this repository is free to use for any purpose. It is covered under the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) v1.0
It should be noted that some of this material is sourced from ISO and other standards bodies and their rights and licensing policies are somewhat unclear. As this is a short, simple set of facts, there is a strong argument that no rights can subsist in this collection.
If you intended to use this data in a public or commercial product, please check the original source for any specific restrictions.
We are open to pull requests to make changes to the data or add new data sets. Data sets must be openly available and not under any copyrights in order to qualify to be listed.
We are not currently looking for sponsors at this time, but we are hoping to make this a sustainable project so that this data can be maintained and usable for a very long time.