# The * feature value is the default value Feature Type(*cons, vowel) # Vowels Feature Height(low, mid, high) Feature Depth(front, central, back) Feature Round(*unround, round) Feature Stress(*unstressed, secondary, stressed) Feature Length(*short, long) Feature Diphthong(*monophthong, diphthong) # Consonants Feature Voicing(unvoiced, voiced) Feature Place(bilabial, labiodental, alveolar, palatal, velar, glottal) Feature Manner(stop, affricate, fricative, nasal, liquid) Feature Lateral(*nonlateral, lateral) Feature Ejective(*nonejective, ejective) Symbol ÷ [suffix] Symbol a [vowel central low unround] Symbol i [vowel front high unround] Symbol u [vowel back high round] Symbol ə [vowel central mid] # new vowels Symbol e [vowel front mid unround] Symbol o [vowel back mid round] # # stressed # old vowels Symbol á [vowel central low unround stressed] Symbol í [vowel front high unround stressed] Symbol ú [vowel back high round stressed] #New Vowels Symbol é [vowel front mid unround stressed] Symbol ó [vowel back mid round stressed] Symbol b [voiced labial stop] Symbol d [voiced alveolar stop] Symbol g [voiced velar stop] Symbol m [voiced labial nasal] Symbol n [voiced alveolar nasal] Symbol ŋ [voiced velar nasal] Symbol l [voiced lateral liquid] Symbol r [voiced alveolar liquid] Symbol ʔ [unvoiced glottal stop] # new consonants Symbol ʍ [unvoiced labial liquid] Symbol ʒ [voiced palatal fricative] Symbol ʃ [unvoiced palatal fricative] Symbol ɬ [unvoiced lateral fricative] Symbol p [unvoiced labial stop] Symbol t [unvoiced alveolar stop] Symbol k [unvoiced velar stop] Symbol p' [unvoiced labial ejective stop] Symbol t' [unvoiced alveolar ejective stop] Symbol k' [unvoiced velar ejective stop] Symbol h [unvoiced glottal fricative] Symbol v [voiced labial fricative] Symbol f [unvoiced labial fricative] Symbol w [voiced labial liquid] Symbol j [voiced palatal liquid] # # these are for stress-application Class stressable {a, i, u, e, o} Class stressed {á, í, ú, é, ó́} Class unstressable {ə} # # these are for glottal-resolution Class glotcomb {ʔb, ʔd, ʔg, ʔl, ʔr, ʔ~, ʔm, ʔn, bʔ, dʔ, gʔ, rʔ, lʔ, mʔ, nʔ, nʔ, ~ʔ} Class glotted {p', t', k', tq, kr, ~~, mm, nn, p', t', k', r, lk, mb, nd, ŋ, nk} Class glotsingle {ʔa, ʔi, ʔu, ʔə, ʔá, ʔí, ʔú} Class glottedsgl {ha, ti, ku, tə, há, tí, kú} # # these are for vowel-hiatus Class diph {ai, au, ia, iu, ua, ui, ái, áu, iá, iú, uá, uí} Class diphprecons {e, o, ya, yu, wa, wi, é, ó, yá, yú, wá, wí} Class diphprevoc {ay, aw, ya, iw, wa, uy, áy, áw, yá, iw, wá, uy} Deromanizer: ~ => ŋ x => ʃ j => ʒ q => ɬ ` => ə hw => ʍ y => j stress-application: @stressable => @stressed / {$ [cons]? _, ÷ [cons]? _} @stressable => @stressed / {$ [cons]? ə [cons]? _} glottal-resolution: @glotcomb => @glotted / _ @glotsingle => @glottedsgl / _ ʔ => p / _ $ double-vowels: aa => a / _ ii => i / _ uu => u / _ vowel-hiatus: @diph => @diphprecons / _ [cons] @diph => @diphprecons / _ $ @diph => @diphprevoc / _ [vowel] nasal-assimilation: [nasal] => [$Place] / _ [cons $Place] final-d-loss: d => * / _ $ degemination: [cons]$1 $1 => $1 * Romanizer: ŋ => ~ ʃ => x ʒ => j ɬ => q ə => ` ʍ => hw j => y