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Developer's Guide

Bundle Development


# builds the invocation image and signs the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make build

# builds invocation images and signs all bundles
make build

Docker Build

# builds the invocation image for the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make docker-build

# builds invocation images for all bundles
make docker-build

Docker Push

# pushes the invocation image for the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make docker-push

# pushes invocation images for all bundles
make docker-push

Sign Bundle(s)

This target currently requires and uses the duffle binary in one's path.

# signs the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make sign

# signs all bundles
make sign

Note: the sign-local variant will output the signed bundle into each bundle's directory in the form of bundle.cnab.

Validate Bundle(s)

These targets can be used to validate that a bundle's bundle.json adheres to the official json schema spec.


make build-validator

# validates the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make validate

# validates all bundles
make validate


make build-validator-local

# validates the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make validate-local

# validates all bundles
make validate-local

Docker Run

This command is only valid for a provided BUNDLE.

BUNDLE=<bundle> make docker-run

Test Bundle(s)


This will run inside the latest duffle docker image.

# runs functional tests against the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make test-functional-docker

# runs functional tests against all bundles
make test-functional-docker


This will run using the local duffle binary found in one's path.

# runs functional tests against the provided bundle
BUNDLE=<bundle> make test-functional

# runs functional tests against all bundles
make test-functional