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StephanOepen edited this page Jun 6, 2015 · 9 revisions


Processing Notes

Download the English ToE Graph in Turtle format (June 3, 2015), a file of 421 megabytes, which we version as english.ttl in the public section of the LAP SVN repository.

To simplify parallelization, we extract the transcribed text of each speach into a separate file, also expanding escaped newlines (‘\n’), replacing non-breaking spaces with regular spaces, and stripping initial and trailing whitespace (‘’):

  python english.ttl /work/users/oe/toe/txt

The June 2015 version of the data comprises 292,379 speeches (for some 63 million whitespace-separated tokens). We create groups of 300 speeches (files) each:

  for i in txt/*.txt; do basename ${i%%.txt}; done \
  | split -l 300 -a 3 -d - batch.0;

Each of the groups can be processed sequentially (one speech at a time) using the ToE-specific ‘parse’ workflow, which comprises the following analysis steps:

  • CIS Tokenizer for sentence segmentation;

  • REPP for PTB-style tokenization;

  • the B&N parser for PoS tagging and dependency parsing;

  • export to RDF, using the LAP ontology (see below).

Assuming the LOGON ‘trickle’ script, parsing jobs can be submitted for processing on ABEL as follows:

  for i in /work/users/oe/toe/batch.0???; do \
    echo sbatch ~/src/lap/public/toe/parse "${i}"; 
  done > ~/src/lap/public/toe/toe.0.job

  cd log;
  $LOGONROOT/uio/titan/trickle --start --limit 400 ../toe.0.job

  while true; do $LOGONROOT/uio/titan/trickle --limit 400 ../toe.0.job; sleep 60; done

After watching the first several hours of parsing, it appears that processing the complete corpus will take about 170,000 cpu hours (which seems unreasonably high—even for the relatively costly B&N parser and our wasteful strategy of re-initializing the parser for each speech) and will give rise to approximately 2.7 billion triples.

Linguistic Annotations

Linguistic annotations of the text data available at are offered in the form of rdf named graphs. Such graphs are linked to the text content for each speech in a given day in the ToE data; an example file containing the full graph presented in this article is available at Annotations from the tools in LAP are related to each other using the LAF data model. The information is encoded in rdf triples defined by a LAP ontology that can be viewed in full at

The example contains sentence, token, part-of-speech and dependency annotations for ns1:Speech_6 (the 6th plenary speech held on 20-07-1999). The named graph ns1:Graph_Speech_6 is linked to ns1:Speech_6 via the predicate lap:hasLapAnnotations:

ns1:Speech_6 lap:hasLapAnnotations ns1:Graph_Speech_6.

The graph itself with the pertaining annotations exists in TriG syntax:

ns1:Graph_Speech_6 {

lap:bn_N29 a lap:Dependency;
  dependency:type "SBJ".

lap:bn_N30 a lap:Dependency;
  dependency:type "ROOT".

lap:bn_N31 a lap:Dependency;
  dependency:type "OBJ".

With a sparql database aware of the ToE data, the LAP ontology and the described named graph, obtaining all the tokens for ns1:Speech_6 can be achieved with the following query:

PREFIX lpv: <vocabulary/>
PREFIX ns1: <eu/plenary/1999-07-20/>

PREFIX lap: <> 
PREFIX token: <> 

select ?lapid ?token  
    ns1:Speech_6 lap:hasAnnotation ?b.
    GRAPH ?b {
        ?token a lap:Token.
        ?token token:surface ?v

Output from the sparql engine:

| lapid        | token        |
| lap:repp_N1  | "–"          |
| lap:repp_N2  | "Thank"      |
| lap:repp_N3  | "you"        |
| lap:repp_N4  | "for"        |
| lap:repp_N5  | "clarifying" |
| lap:repp_N6  | "that"       |
| lap:repp_N7  | "point"      |
| lap:repp_N8  | "."          |
| lap:repp_N9  | "However"    |
| lap:repp_N10 | ","          |
| lap:repp_N11 | "you"        |
| lap:repp_N12 | "don”t"      |
| lap:repp_N13 | "know"       |
| lap:repp_N14 | "how"        |
| lap:repp_N15 | "long"       |
| lap:repp_N16 | "this"       |
| lap:repp_N17 | "would"      |
| lap:repp_N18 | "have"       |
| lap:repp_N19 | "lasted"     |
| lap:repp_N20 | "had"        |
| lap:repp_N21 | "it"         |
| lap:repp_N22 | "been"       |
| lap:repp_N23 | "an"         |
| lap:repp_N24 | "address"    |
| lap:repp_N25 | "!"          |
| lap:repp_N26 | "("          |
| lap:repp_N27 | "Applause"   |
| lap:repp_N28 | ")"          |