diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml index 8550d1b4c0c..047e0c48b26 100644 --- a/.github/dependabot.yml +++ b/.github/dependabot.yml @@ -16,6 +16,18 @@ updates: - "minor" - "patch" + # Watch the root Gemfile used for sorbet typing + - package-ecosystem: "bundler" + directory: "/" + schedule: + interval: "weekly" + day: "sunday" + time: "16:00" + groups: + all: + patterns: + - "*" + # Watch the per-ecosystem native helpers - package-ecosystem: "composer" directory: "/composer/helpers/v1" diff --git a/.github/workflows/sorbet.yml b/.github/workflows/sorbet.yml index 43efd41ce71..ab1e70aa405 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/sorbet.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/sorbet.yml @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ jobs: with: bundler-cache: true - - run: bin/tapioca && git add . && git diff --cached --exit-code + - run: bundle exec tapioca gem --verify - run: bundle exec srb tc diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index fb0a58f1e0d..142701b1164 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ node_modules/ /dependabot-*.gem !bundler/spec/fixtures/projects/**/Gemfile.lock Gemfile.lock +!Gemfile.lock !updater/spec/fixtures/**/Gemfile.lock !updater/Gemfile.lock vendor diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4ef85b6be88 --- /dev/null +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ +PATH + remote: bundler + specs: + dependabot-bundler (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: cargo + specs: + dependabot-cargo (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: common + specs: + dependabot-common (0.239.0) + aws-sdk-codecommit (~> 1.28) + aws-sdk-ecr (~> 1.5) + bundler (>= 1.16, < 3.0.0) + commonmarker (>= 0.20.1, < 0.24.0) + docker_registry2 (~> 1.18.0) + excon (~> 0.96, < 0.105) + faraday (= 2.7.11) + faraday-retry (= 2.2.0) + gitlab (= 4.19.0) + json (< 2.7) + nokogiri (~> 1.8) + octokit (>= 4.6, < 7.0) + opentelemetry-sdk (~> 1.3) + parser (>= 2.5, < 4.0) + psych (~> 5.0) + sorbet-runtime (~> 0.5.11026) + toml-rb (>= 1.1.2, < 3.0) + +PATH + remote: composer + specs: + dependabot-composer (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: docker + specs: + dependabot-docker (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: elm + specs: + dependabot-elm (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: git_submodules + specs: + dependabot-git_submodules (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + parseconfig (~> 1.0, < 1.1.0) + +PATH + remote: github_actions + specs: + dependabot-github_actions (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: go_modules + specs: + dependabot-go_modules (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: gradle + specs: + dependabot-gradle (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + dependabot-maven (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: hex + specs: + dependabot-hex (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: maven + specs: + dependabot-maven (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: npm_and_yarn + specs: + dependabot-npm_and_yarn (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: nuget + specs: + dependabot-nuget (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + rubyzip (>= 2.3.2, < 3.0) + +PATH + remote: pub + specs: + dependabot-pub (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: python + specs: + dependabot-python (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: swift + specs: + dependabot-swift (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +PATH + remote: terraform + specs: + dependabot-terraform (0.239.0) + dependabot-common (= 0.239.0) + +GEM + remote: https://rubygems.org/ + specs: + addressable (2.8.6) + public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0) + ast (2.4.2) + aws-eventstream (1.3.0) + aws-partitions (1.877.0) + aws-sdk-codecommit (1.63.0) + aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.188.0) + aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1) + aws-sdk-core (3.190.1) + aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.3.0) + aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.651.0) + aws-sigv4 (~> 1.8) + jmespath (~> 1, >= 1.6.1) + aws-sdk-ecr (1.68.0) + aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.188.0) + aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1) + aws-sigv4 (1.8.0) + aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2) + backport (1.2.0) + base64 (0.2.0) + benchmark (0.3.0) + bigdecimal (3.1.5) + citrus (3.0.2) + commonmarker (0.23.10) + concurrent-ruby (1.2.2) + crack (0.4.5) + rexml + diff-lcs (1.5.0) + docker_registry2 (1.18.0) + rest-client (>= 1.8.0) + domain_name (0.6.20231109) + dry-configurable (1.1.0) + dry-core (~> 1.0, < 2) + zeitwerk (~> 2.6) + dry-core (1.0.1) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + zeitwerk (~> 2.6) + dry-inflector (1.0.0) + dry-initializer (3.1.1) + dry-logic (1.5.0) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + dry-core (~> 1.0, < 2) + zeitwerk (~> 2.6) + dry-schema (1.13.3) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + dry-configurable (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1) + dry-core (~> 1.0, < 2) + dry-initializer (~> 3.0) + dry-logic (>= 1.4, < 2) + dry-types (>= 1.7, < 2) + zeitwerk (~> 2.6) + dry-types (1.7.2) + bigdecimal (~> 3.0) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + dry-core (~> 1.0) + dry-inflector (~> 1.0) + dry-logic (~> 1.4) + zeitwerk (~> 2.6) + e2mmap (0.1.0) + erubi (1.12.0) + excon (0.104.0) + faraday (2.7.11) + base64 + faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.1) + ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4) + faraday-net_http (3.0.2) + faraday-retry (2.2.0) + faraday (~> 2.0) + gitlab (4.19.0) + httparty (~> 0.20) + terminal-table (>= 1.5.1) + gpgme (2.0.23) + mini_portile2 (~> 2.7) + hashdiff (1.1.0) + http-accept (1.7.0) + http-cookie (1.0.5) + domain_name (~> 0.5) + httparty (0.21.0) + mini_mime (>= 1.0.0) + multi_xml (>= 0.5.2) + jaro_winkler (1.5.6) + jmespath (1.6.2) + json (2.6.3) + kramdown (2.4.0) + rexml + kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0) + kramdown (~> 2.0) + language_server-protocol ( + mime-types (3.5.2) + mime-types-data (~> 3.2015) + mime-types-data (3.2023.1205) + mini_mime (1.1.5) + mini_portile2 (2.8.5) + multi_xml (0.6.0) + netrc (0.11.0) + nokogiri (1.16.0-arm64-darwin) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.0-x86_64-darwin) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.0-x86_64-linux) + racc (~> 1.4) + octokit (6.1.1) + faraday (>= 1, < 3) + sawyer (~> 0.9) + opentelemetry-api (1.2.3) + opentelemetry-common (0.20.0) + opentelemetry-api (~> 1.0) + opentelemetry-registry (0.3.0) + opentelemetry-api (~> 1.1) + opentelemetry-sdk (1.3.1) + opentelemetry-api (~> 1.1) + opentelemetry-common (~> 0.20) + opentelemetry-registry (~> 0.2) + opentelemetry-semantic_conventions + opentelemetry-semantic_conventions (1.10.0) + opentelemetry-api (~> 1.0) + parallel (1.24.0) + parseconfig (1.0.8) + parser ( + ast (~> 2.4.1) + racc + prettier_print (1.2.1) + prism (0.19.0) + psych (5.1.2) + stringio + public_suffix (5.0.4) + racc (1.7.3) + rainbow (3.1.1) + rake (13.1.0) + rbi (0.1.6) + prism (>= 0.18.0, < 0.20) + sorbet-runtime (>= 0.5.9204) + rbs (2.8.4) + reek (6.2.0) + dry-schema (~> 1.13.0) + parser (~> 3.2.0) + rainbow (>= 2.0, < 4.0) + rexml (~> 3.1) + regexp_parser (2.8.3) + rest-client (2.1.0) + http-accept (>= 1.7.0, < 2.0) + http-cookie (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0) + mime-types (>= 1.16, < 4.0) + netrc (~> 0.8) + reverse_markdown (2.1.1) + nokogiri + rexml (3.2.6) + rubocop (1.59.0) + json (~> 2.3) + language_server-protocol (>= 3.17.0) + parallel (~> 1.10) + parser (>= + rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0) + regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0) + rexml (>= 3.2.5, < 4.0) + rubocop-ast (>= 1.30.0, < 2.0) + ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7) + unicode-display_width (>= 2.4.0, < 3.0) + rubocop-ast (1.30.0) + parser (>= + ruby-progressbar (1.13.0) + ruby2_keywords (0.0.5) + rubyzip (2.3.2) + sawyer (0.9.2) + addressable (>= 2.3.5) + faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3) + solargraph (0.50.0) + backport (~> 1.2) + benchmark + bundler (~> 2.0) + diff-lcs (~> 1.4) + e2mmap + jaro_winkler (~> 1.5) + kramdown (~> 2.3) + kramdown-parser-gfm (~> 1.1) + parser (~> 3.0) + rbs (~> 2.0) + reverse_markdown (~> 2.0) + rubocop (~> 1.38) + thor (~> 1.0) + tilt (~> 2.0) + yard (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.24) + sorbet (0.5.11156) + sorbet-static (= 0.5.11156) + sorbet-runtime (0.5.11156) + sorbet-static (0.5.11156-universal-darwin) + sorbet-static (0.5.11156-x86_64-linux) + sorbet-static-and-runtime (0.5.11156) + sorbet (= 0.5.11156) + sorbet-runtime (= 0.5.11156) + spoom (1.2.4) + erubi (>= 1.10.0) + sorbet-static-and-runtime (>= 0.5.10187) + syntax_tree (>= 6.1.1) + thor (>= 0.19.2) + stackprof (0.2.25) + stringio (3.1.0) + syntax_tree (6.2.0) + prettier_print (>= 1.2.0) + tapioca (0.11.14) + bundler (>= 2.2.25) + netrc (>= 0.11.0) + parallel (>= 1.21.0) + rbi (>= 0.1.4, < 0.2) + sorbet-static-and-runtime (>= 0.5.10187) + spoom (~> 1.2.0, >= 1.2.0) + thor (>= 1.2.0) + yard-sorbet + terminal-table (3.0.2) + unicode-display_width (>= 1.1.1, < 3) + thor (1.3.0) + tilt (2.3.0) + toml-rb (2.2.0) + citrus (~> 3.0, > 3.0) + unicode-display_width (2.5.0) + webmock (3.19.1) + addressable (>= 2.8.0) + crack (>= 0.3.2) + hashdiff (>= 0.4.0, < 2.0.0) + webrick (1.8.1) + yard (0.9.34) + yard-sorbet (0.8.1) + sorbet-runtime (>= 0.5) + yard (>= 0.9) + zeitwerk (2.6.12) + +PLATFORMS + arm64-darwin + universal-darwin + x86_64-darwin + x86_64-linux + +DEPENDENCIES + dependabot-bundler! + dependabot-cargo! + dependabot-common! + dependabot-composer! + dependabot-docker! + dependabot-elm! + dependabot-git_submodules! + dependabot-github_actions! + dependabot-go_modules! + dependabot-gradle! + dependabot-hex! + dependabot-maven! + dependabot-npm_and_yarn! + dependabot-nuget! + dependabot-pub! + dependabot-python! + dependabot-swift! + dependabot-terraform! + gpgme (~> 2.0) + rake (~> 13) + reek + solargraph + sorbet (= 0.5.11156) + stackprof (~> 0.2.16) + tapioca (= 0.11.14) + webmock (~> 3.18) + webrick (>= 1.7) + +BUNDLED WITH + 2.5.4 diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-partitions@1.873.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-partitions@1.877.0.rbi similarity index 100% rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-partitions@1.873.0.rbi rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-partitions@1.877.0.rbi diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-sdk-codecommit@1.60.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-sdk-codecommit@1.60.0.rbi deleted file mode 100644 index 100a7300628..00000000000 --- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-sdk-codecommit@1.60.0.rbi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# typed: true - -# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY -# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `aws-sdk-codecommit` gem. -# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem aws-sdk-codecommit`. - -# THIS IS AN EMPTY RBI FILE. -# see https://github.com/Shopify/tapioca#manually-requiring-parts-of-a-gem diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-sdk-codecommit@1.63.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-sdk-codecommit@1.63.0.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..11e5564ede9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-sdk-codecommit@1.63.0.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,13135 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `aws-sdk-codecommit` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem aws-sdk-codecommit`. + +# This module provides support for AWS CodeCommit. This module is available in the +# `aws-sdk-codecommit` gem. +# +# # Client +# +# The {Client} class provides one method for each API operation. Operation +# methods each accept a hash of request parameters and return a response +# structure. +# +# code_commit = Aws::CodeCommit::Client.new +# resp = code_commit.associate_approval_rule_template_with_repository(params) +# +# See {Client} for more information. +# +# # Errors +# +# Errors returned from AWS CodeCommit are defined in the +# {Errors} module and all extend {Errors::ServiceError}. +# +# begin +# # do stuff +# rescue Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError +# # rescues all AWS CodeCommit API errors +# end +# +# See {Errors} for more information. +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#10 +module Aws::CodeCommit; end + +# An API client for CodeCommit. To construct a client, you need to configure a `:region` and `:credentials`. +# +# client = Aws::CodeCommit::Client.new( +# region: region_name, +# credentials: credentials, +# # ... +# ) +# +# For details on configuring region and credentials see +# the [developer guide](/sdk-for-ruby/v3/developer-guide/setup-config.html). +# +# See {#initialize} for a full list of supported configuration options. +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#52 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Client < ::Seahorse::Client::Base + include ::Aws::ClientStubs + + # @overload initialize + # @return [Client] a new instance of Client + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#395 + def initialize(*args); end + + # Creates an association between an approval rule template and a + # specified repository. Then, the next time a pull request is created in + # the repository where the destination reference (if specified) matches + # the destination reference (branch) for the pull request, an approval + # rule that matches the template conditions is automatically created for + # that pull request. If no destination references are specified in the + # template, an approval rule that matches the template contents is + # created for all pull requests in that repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.associate_approval_rule_template_with_repository({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload associate_approval_rule_template_with_repository + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepository AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#430 + def associate_approval_rule_template_with_repository(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates an association between an approval rule template and one or + # more specified repositories. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.batch_associate_approval_rule_template_with_repositories({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # repository_names: ["RepositoryName"], # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.associated_repository_names #=> Array + # resp.associated_repository_names[0] #=> String + # resp.errors #=> Array + # resp.errors[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_code #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_message #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload batch_associate_approval_rule_template_with_repositories + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput#associated_repository_names #associated_repository_names} => Array<String> + # * {Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput#errors #errors} => Array<Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#475 + def batch_associate_approval_rule_template_with_repositories(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about one or more merge conflicts in the attempted + # merge of two commit specifiers using the squash or three-way merge + # strategy. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.batch_describe_merge_conflicts({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # merge_option: "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", # required, accepts FAST_FORWARD_MERGE, SQUASH_MERGE, THREE_WAY_MERGE + # max_merge_hunks: 1, + # max_conflict_files: 1, + # file_paths: ["Path"], + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.conflicts #=> Array + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_path #=> String + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_sizes.source #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_sizes.destination #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_sizes.base #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_modes.source #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_modes.destination #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_modes.base #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.object_types.source #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.object_types.destination #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.object_types.base #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.number_of_conflicts #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.is_binary_file.source #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.is_binary_file.destination #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.is_binary_file.base #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.content_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.file_mode_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.object_type_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.merge_operations.source #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.conflicts[0].conflict_metadata.merge_operations.destination #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks #=> Array + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].is_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].source.start_line #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].source.end_line #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].source.hunk_content #=> String + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].destination.start_line #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].destination.end_line #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].destination.hunk_content #=> String + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].base.start_line #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].base.end_line #=> Integer + # resp.conflicts[0].merge_hunks[0].base.hunk_content #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # resp.errors #=> Array + # resp.errors[0].file_path #=> String + # resp.errors[0].exception_name #=> String + # resp.errors[0].message #=> String + # resp.destination_commit_id #=> String + # resp.source_commit_id #=> String + # resp.base_commit_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload batch_describe_merge_conflicts + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput#conflicts #conflicts} => Array<Types::Conflict> + # * {Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # * {Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput#errors #errors} => Array<Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError> + # * {Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput#destination_commit_id #destination_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput#source_commit_id #source_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput#base_commit_id #base_commit_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDescribeMergeConflicts AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#596 + def batch_describe_merge_conflicts(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Removes the association between an approval rule template and one or + # more specified repositories. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.batch_disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repositories({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # repository_names: ["RepositoryName"], # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.disassociated_repository_names #=> Array + # resp.disassociated_repository_names[0] #=> String + # resp.errors #=> Array + # resp.errors[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_code #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_message #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload batch_disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repositories + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput#disassociated_repository_names #disassociated_repository_names} => Array<String> + # * {Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput#errors #errors} => Array<Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#642 + def batch_disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repositories(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about the contents of one or more commits in a + # repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.batch_get_commits({ + # commit_ids: ["ObjectId"], # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commits #=> Array + # resp.commits[0].commit_id #=> String + # resp.commits[0].tree_id #=> String + # resp.commits[0].parents #=> Array + # resp.commits[0].parents[0] #=> String + # resp.commits[0].message #=> String + # resp.commits[0].author.name #=> String + # resp.commits[0].author.email #=> String + # resp.commits[0].author.date #=> String + # resp.commits[0].committer.name #=> String + # resp.commits[0].committer.email #=> String + # resp.commits[0].committer.date #=> String + # resp.commits[0].additional_data #=> String + # resp.errors #=> Array + # resp.errors[0].commit_id #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_code #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_message #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload batch_get_commits + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::BatchGetCommitsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::BatchGetCommitsOutput#commits #commits} => Array<Types::Commit> + # * {Types::BatchGetCommitsOutput#errors #errors} => Array<Types::BatchGetCommitsError> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetCommits AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#697 + def batch_get_commits(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about one or more repositories. + # + # The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and + # all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the + # description and display it in a webpage can expose users to + # potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the + # description field in any application that uses this API to display the + # repository description on a webpage. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.batch_get_repositories({ + # repository_names: ["RepositoryName"], # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repositories #=> Array + # resp.repositories[0].account_id #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].repository_id #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].repository_description #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].default_branch #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.repositories[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.repositories[0].clone_url_http #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].clone_url_ssh #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].arn #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].kms_key_id #=> String + # resp.repositories_not_found #=> Array + # resp.repositories_not_found[0] #=> String + # resp.errors #=> Array + # resp.errors[0].repository_id #=> String + # resp.errors[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.errors[0].error_code #=> String, one of "EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException", "EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException", "EncryptionKeyDisabledException", "EncryptionKeyNotFoundException", "EncryptionKeyUnavailableException", "RepositoryDoesNotExistException" + # resp.errors[0].error_message #=> String + # @option params + # @overload batch_get_repositories + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput#repositories #repositories} => Array<Types::RepositoryMetadata> + # * {Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput#repositories_not_found #repositories_not_found} => Array<String> + # * {Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput#errors #errors} => Array<Types::BatchGetRepositoriesError> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetRepositories AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#759 + def batch_get_repositories(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @param params [{}] + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5116 + def build_request(operation_name, params = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates a template for approval rules that can then be associated with + # one or more repositories in your Amazon Web Services account. When you + # associate a template with a repository, CodeCommit creates an approval + # rule that matches the conditions of the template for all pull requests + # that meet the conditions of the template. For more information, see + # AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_approval_rule_template({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # approval_rule_template_content: "ApprovalRuleTemplateContent", # required + # approval_rule_template_description: "ApprovalRuleTemplateDescription", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_description #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_user #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_approval_rule_template + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput#approval_rule_template #approval_rule_template} => Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateApprovalRuleTemplate AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#850 + def create_approval_rule_template(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates a branch in a repository and points the branch to a commit. + # + # Calling the create branch operation does not set a repository's + # default branch. To do this, call the update default branch operation. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_branch({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # branch_name: "BranchName", # required + # commit_id: "CommitId", # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_branch + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateBranch AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#885 + def create_branch(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates a commit for a repository on the tip of a specified branch. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_commit({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # branch_name: "BranchName", # required + # parent_commit_id: "CommitId", + # author_name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # commit_message: "Message", + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # put_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # file_content: "data", + # source_file: { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # is_move: false, + # }, + # }, + # ], + # delete_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }, + # ], + # set_file_modes: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # resp.files_added #=> Array + # resp.files_added[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.files_added[0].blob_id #=> String + # resp.files_added[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.files_updated #=> Array + # resp.files_updated[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.files_updated[0].blob_id #=> String + # resp.files_updated[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.files_deleted #=> Array + # resp.files_deleted[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.files_deleted[0].blob_id #=> String + # resp.files_deleted[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_commit + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::CreateCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#files_added #files_added} => Array<Types::FileMetadata> + # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#files_updated #files_updated} => Array<Types::FileMetadata> + # * {Types::CreateCommitOutput#files_deleted #files_deleted} => Array<Types::FileMetadata> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateCommit AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#992 + def create_commit(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates a pull request in the specified repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_pull_request({ + # title: "Title", # required + # description: "Description", + # targets: [ # required + # { + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_reference: "ReferenceName", # required + # destination_reference: "ReferenceName", + # }, + # ], + # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_pull_request + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::CreatePullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::CreatePullRequestOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreatePullRequest AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1084 + def create_pull_request(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates an approval rule for a pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_pull_request_approval_rule({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # approval_rule_name: "ApprovalRuleName", # required + # approval_rule_content: "ApprovalRuleContent", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule.approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule.last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_pull_request_approval_rule + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput#approval_rule #approval_rule} => Types::ApprovalRule + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreatePullRequestApprovalRule AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1167 + def create_pull_request_approval_rule(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates a new, empty repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_repository({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # repository_description: "RepositoryDescription", + # tags: { + # "TagKey" => "TagValue", + # }, + # kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_metadata.account_id #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.repository_id #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.repository_name #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.repository_description #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.default_branch #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.repository_metadata.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_http #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_ssh #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.arn #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.kms_key_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_repository + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::CreateRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::CreateRepositoryOutput#repository_metadata #repository_metadata} => Types::RepositoryMetadata + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateRepository AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1252 + def create_repository(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Creates an unreferenced commit that represents the result of merging + # two branches using a specified merge strategy. This can help you + # determine the outcome of a potential merge. This API cannot be used + # with the fast-forward merge strategy because that strategy does not + # create a merge commit. + # + # This unreferenced merge commit can only be accessed using the + # GetCommit API or through git commands such as git fetch. To retrieve + # this commit, you must specify its commit ID or otherwise reference it. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.create_unreferenced_merge_commit({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # merge_option: "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", # required, accepts FAST_FORWARD_MERGE, SQUASH_MERGE, THREE_WAY_MERGE + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # author_name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # commit_message: "Message", + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # conflict_resolution: { + # replace_contents: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # replacement_type: "KEEP_BASE", # required, accepts KEEP_BASE, KEEP_SOURCE, KEEP_DESTINATION, USE_NEW_CONTENT + # content: "data", + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # delete_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }, + # ], + # set_file_modes: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # }, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload create_unreferenced_merge_commit + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateUnreferencedMergeCommit AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1367 + def create_unreferenced_merge_commit(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Deletes a specified approval rule template. Deleting a template does + # not remove approval rules on pull requests already created with the + # template. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.delete_approval_rule_template({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # @option params + # @overload delete_approval_rule_template + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput#approval_rule_template_id #approval_rule_template_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteApprovalRuleTemplate AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1397 + def delete_approval_rule_template(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Deletes a branch from a repository, unless that branch is the default + # branch for the repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.delete_branch({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # branch_name: "BranchName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.deleted_branch.branch_name #=> String + # resp.deleted_branch.commit_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload delete_branch + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DeleteBranchOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DeleteBranchOutput#deleted_branch #deleted_branch} => Types::BranchInfo + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteBranch AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1431 + def delete_branch(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Deletes the content of a comment made on a change, file, or commit in + # a repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.delete_comment_content({ + # comment_id: "CommentId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String + # resp.comment.content #=> String + # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String + # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comment.caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comment.caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comment.reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comment.reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # @option params + # @overload delete_comment_content + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DeleteCommentContentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DeleteCommentContentOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteCommentContent AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1472 + def delete_comment_content(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Deletes a specified file from a specified branch. A commit is created + # on the branch that contains the revision. The file still exists in the + # commits earlier to the commit that contains the deletion. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.delete_file({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # branch_name: "BranchName", # required + # file_path: "Path", # required + # parent_commit_id: "CommitId", # required + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # commit_message: "Message", + # name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.blob_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # resp.file_path #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload delete_file + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DeleteFileOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DeleteFileOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::DeleteFileOutput#blob_id #blob_id} => String + # * {Types::DeleteFileOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # * {Types::DeleteFileOutput#file_path #file_path} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteFile AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1552 + def delete_file(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Deletes an approval rule from a specified pull request. Approval rules + # can be deleted from a pull request only if the pull request is open, + # and if the approval rule was created specifically for a pull request + # and not generated from an approval rule template associated with the + # repository where the pull request was created. You cannot delete an + # approval rule from a merged or closed pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.delete_pull_request_approval_rule({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # approval_rule_name: "ApprovalRuleName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload delete_pull_request_approval_rule + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput#approval_rule_id #approval_rule_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeletePullRequestApprovalRule AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1590 + def delete_pull_request_approval_rule(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Deletes a repository. If a specified repository was already deleted, a + # null repository ID is returned. + # + # Deleting a repository also deletes all associated objects and + # metadata. After a repository is deleted, all future push calls to the + # deleted repository fail. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.delete_repository({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_id #=> String + # @option params + # @overload delete_repository + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DeleteRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DeleteRepositoryOutput#repository_id #repository_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteRepository AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1623 + def delete_repository(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about one or more merge conflicts in the attempted + # merge of two commit specifiers using the squash or three-way merge + # strategy. If the merge option for the attempted merge is specified as + # FAST\_FORWARD\_MERGE, an exception is thrown. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.describe_merge_conflicts({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # merge_option: "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", # required, accepts FAST_FORWARD_MERGE, SQUASH_MERGE, THREE_WAY_MERGE + # max_merge_hunks: 1, + # file_path: "Path", # required + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_path #=> String + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_sizes.source #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_sizes.destination #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_sizes.base #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_modes.source #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_modes.destination #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_modes.base #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata.object_types.source #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata.object_types.destination #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata.object_types.base #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata.number_of_conflicts #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata.is_binary_file.source #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata.is_binary_file.destination #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata.is_binary_file.base #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata.content_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata.file_mode_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata.object_type_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata.merge_operations.source #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.conflict_metadata.merge_operations.destination #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.merge_hunks #=> Array + # resp.merge_hunks[0].is_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.merge_hunks[0].source.start_line #=> Integer + # resp.merge_hunks[0].source.end_line #=> Integer + # resp.merge_hunks[0].source.hunk_content #=> String + # resp.merge_hunks[0].destination.start_line #=> Integer + # resp.merge_hunks[0].destination.end_line #=> Integer + # resp.merge_hunks[0].destination.hunk_content #=> String + # resp.merge_hunks[0].base.start_line #=> Integer + # resp.merge_hunks[0].base.end_line #=> Integer + # resp.merge_hunks[0].base.hunk_content #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # resp.destination_commit_id #=> String + # resp.source_commit_id #=> String + # resp.base_commit_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload describe_merge_conflicts + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput#conflict_metadata #conflict_metadata} => Types::ConflictMetadata + # * {Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput#merge_hunks #merge_hunks} => Array<Types::MergeHunk> + # * {Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # * {Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput#destination_commit_id #destination_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput#source_commit_id #source_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput#base_commit_id #base_commit_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DescribeMergeConflicts AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1737 + def describe_merge_conflicts(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about one or more pull request events. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.describe_pull_request_events({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # pull_request_event_type: "PULL_REQUEST_CREATED", # accepts PULL_REQUEST_CREATED, PULL_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANGED, PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_REFERENCE_UPDATED, PULL_REQUEST_MERGE_STATE_CHANGED, PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_CREATED, PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_UPDATED, PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_DELETED, PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_OVERRIDDEN, PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_STATE_CHANGED + # actor_arn: "Arn", + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request_events #=> Array + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].event_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_event_type #=> String, one of "PULL_REQUEST_CREATED", "PULL_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANGED", "PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_REFERENCE_UPDATED", "PULL_REQUEST_MERGE_STATE_CHANGED", "PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_CREATED", "PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_UPDATED", "PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_DELETED", "PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_RULE_OVERRIDDEN", "PULL_REQUEST_APPROVAL_STATE_CHANGED" + # resp.pull_request_events[0].actor_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_created_event_metadata.repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_created_event_metadata.source_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_created_event_metadata.destination_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_created_event_metadata.merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_status_changed_event_metadata.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.before_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.after_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_source_reference_updated_event_metadata.merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].pull_request_merged_state_changed_event_metadata.merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_rule_event_metadata.approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_rule_event_metadata.approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_rule_event_metadata.approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_state_changed_event_metadata.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_state_changed_event_metadata.approval_status #=> String, one of "APPROVE", "REVOKE" + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_rule_overridden_event_metadata.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request_events[0].approval_rule_overridden_event_metadata.override_status #=> String, one of "OVERRIDE", "REVOKE" + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload describe_pull_request_events + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput#pull_request_events #pull_request_events} => Array<Types::PullRequestEvent> + # * {Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DescribePullRequestEvents AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1818 + def describe_pull_request_events(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Removes the association between a template and a repository so that + # approval rules based on the template are not automatically created + # when pull requests are created in the specified repository. This does + # not delete any approval rules previously created for pull requests + # through the template association. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repository({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repository + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepository AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1849 + def disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repository(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Evaluates whether a pull request has met all the conditions specified + # in its associated approval rules. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.evaluate_pull_request_approval_rules({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # revision_id: "RevisionId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.evaluation.approved #=> Boolean + # resp.evaluation.overridden #=> Boolean + # resp.evaluation.approval_rules_satisfied #=> Array + # resp.evaluation.approval_rules_satisfied[0] #=> String + # resp.evaluation.approval_rules_not_satisfied #=> Array + # resp.evaluation.approval_rules_not_satisfied[0] #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload evaluate_pull_request_approval_rules + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput#evaluation #evaluation} => Types::Evaluation + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRules AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1888 + def evaluate_pull_request_approval_rules(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about a specified approval rule template. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_approval_rule_template({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_description #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_user #=> String + # @option params + # @overload get_approval_rule_template + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput#approval_rule_template #approval_rule_template} => Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetApprovalRuleTemplate AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1924 + def get_approval_rule_template(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the base-64 encoded content of an individual blob in a + # repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_blob({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # blob_id: "ObjectId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.content #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_blob + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetBlobOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetBlobOutput#content #content} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBlob AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1957 + def get_blob(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about a repository branch, including its name and + # the last commit ID. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_branch({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", + # branch_name: "BranchName", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.branch.branch_name #=> String + # resp.branch.commit_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_branch + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetBranchOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetBranchOutput#branch #branch} => Types::BranchInfo + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBranch AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#1992 + def get_branch(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the content of a comment made on a change, file, or commit in + # a repository. + # + # Reaction counts might include numbers from user identities who were + # deleted after the reaction was made. For a count of reactions from + # active identities, use GetCommentReactions. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_comment({ + # comment_id: "CommentId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String + # resp.comment.content #=> String + # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String + # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comment.caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comment.caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comment.reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comment.reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # @option params + # @overload get_comment + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetCommentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetCommentOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetComment AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2039 + def get_comment(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about reactions to a specified comment ID. + # Reactions from users who have been deleted will not be included in the + # count. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_comment_reactions({ + # comment_id: "CommentId", # required + # reaction_user_arn: "Arn", + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.reactions_for_comment #=> Array + # resp.reactions_for_comment[0].reaction.emoji #=> String + # resp.reactions_for_comment[0].reaction.short_code #=> String + # resp.reactions_for_comment[0].reaction.unicode #=> String + # resp.reactions_for_comment[0].reaction_users #=> Array + # resp.reactions_for_comment[0].reaction_users[0] #=> String + # resp.reactions_for_comment[0].reactions_from_deleted_users_count #=> Integer + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_comment_reactions + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetCommentReactionsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetCommentReactionsOutput#reactions_for_comment #reactions_for_comment} => Array<Types::ReactionForComment> + # * {Types::GetCommentReactionsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentReactions AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2094 + def get_comment_reactions(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about comments made on the comparison between two + # commits. + # + # Reaction counts might include numbers from user identities who were + # deleted after the reaction was made. For a count of reactions from + # active identities, use GetCommentReactions. + # + # + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_comments_for_compared_commit({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # before_commit_id: "CommitId", + # after_commit_id: "CommitId", # required + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data #=> Array + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].before_commit_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].after_commit_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].before_blob_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].after_blob_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].location.file_path #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].location.file_position #=> Integer + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER" + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments #=> Array + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].comment_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].content #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].author_arn #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comments_for_compared_commit_data[0].comments[0].reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_comments_for_compared_commit + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput#comments_for_compared_commit_data #comments_for_compared_commit_data} => Array<Types::CommentsForComparedCommit> + # * {Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentsForComparedCommit AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2174 + def get_comments_for_compared_commit(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns comments made on a pull request. + # + # Reaction counts might include numbers from user identities who were + # deleted after the reaction was made. For a count of reactions from + # active identities, use GetCommentReactions. + # + # + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_comments_for_pull_request({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", + # before_commit_id: "CommitId", + # after_commit_id: "CommitId", + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data #=> Array + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].before_commit_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].after_commit_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].before_blob_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].after_blob_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].location.file_path #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].location.file_position #=> Integer + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER" + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments #=> Array + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].comment_id #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].content #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].author_arn #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comments_for_pull_request_data[0].comments[0].reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_comments_for_pull_request + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput#comments_for_pull_request_data #comments_for_pull_request_data} => Array<Types::CommentsForPullRequest> + # * {Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentsForPullRequest AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2266 + def get_comments_for_pull_request(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about a commit, including commit message and + # committer information. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_commit({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # commit_id: "ObjectId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit.commit_id #=> String + # resp.commit.tree_id #=> String + # resp.commit.parents #=> Array + # resp.commit.parents[0] #=> String + # resp.commit.message #=> String + # resp.commit.author.name #=> String + # resp.commit.author.email #=> String + # resp.commit.author.date #=> String + # resp.commit.committer.name #=> String + # resp.commit.committer.email #=> String + # resp.commit.committer.date #=> String + # resp.commit.additional_data #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_commit + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetCommitOutput#commit #commit} => Types::Commit + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommit AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2310 + def get_commit(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about the differences in a valid commit specifier + # (such as a branch, tag, HEAD, commit ID, or other fully qualified + # reference). Results can be limited to a specified path. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_differences({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # before_commit_specifier: "CommitName", + # after_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # before_path: "Path", + # after_path: "Path", + # max_results: 1, + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.differences #=> Array + # resp.differences[0].before_blob.blob_id #=> String + # resp.differences[0].before_blob.path #=> String + # resp.differences[0].before_blob.mode #=> String + # resp.differences[0].after_blob.blob_id #=> String + # resp.differences[0].after_blob.path #=> String + # resp.differences[0].after_blob.mode #=> String + # resp.differences[0].change_type #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_differences + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetDifferencesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetDifferencesOutput#differences #differences} => Array<Types::Difference> + # * {Types::GetDifferencesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetDifferences AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2388 + def get_differences(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the base-64 encoded contents of a specified file and its + # metadata. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_file({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # commit_specifier: "CommitName", + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.blob_id #=> String + # resp.file_path #=> String + # resp.file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.file_size #=> Integer + # resp.file_content #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_file + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetFileOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetFileOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetFileOutput#blob_id #blob_id} => String + # * {Types::GetFileOutput#file_path #file_path} => String + # * {Types::GetFileOutput#file_mode #file_mode} => String + # * {Types::GetFileOutput#file_size #file_size} => Integer + # * {Types::GetFileOutput#file_content #file_content} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetFile AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2440 + def get_file(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the contents of a specified folder in a repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_folder({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # commit_specifier: "CommitName", + # folder_path: "Path", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.folder_path #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # resp.sub_folders #=> Array + # resp.sub_folders[0].tree_id #=> String + # resp.sub_folders[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.sub_folders[0].relative_path #=> String + # resp.files #=> Array + # resp.files[0].blob_id #=> String + # resp.files[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.files[0].relative_path #=> String + # resp.files[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.symbolic_links #=> Array + # resp.symbolic_links[0].blob_id #=> String + # resp.symbolic_links[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.symbolic_links[0].relative_path #=> String + # resp.symbolic_links[0].file_mode #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.sub_modules #=> Array + # resp.sub_modules[0].commit_id #=> String + # resp.sub_modules[0].absolute_path #=> String + # resp.sub_modules[0].relative_path #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_folder + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetFolderOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#folder_path #folder_path} => String + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#sub_folders #sub_folders} => Array<Types::Folder> + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#files #files} => Array<Types::File> + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#symbolic_links #symbolic_links} => Array<Types::SymbolicLink> + # * {Types::GetFolderOutput#sub_modules #sub_modules} => Array<Types::SubModule> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetFolder AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2509 + def get_folder(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about a specified merge commit. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_merge_commit({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.source_commit_id #=> String + # resp.destination_commit_id #=> String + # resp.base_commit_id #=> String + # resp.merged_commit_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_merge_commit + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetMergeCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetMergeCommitOutput#source_commit_id #source_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeCommitOutput#destination_commit_id #destination_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeCommitOutput#base_commit_id #base_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeCommitOutput#merged_commit_id #merged_commit_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeCommit AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2569 + def get_merge_commit(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about merge conflicts between the before and after + # commit IDs for a pull request in a repository. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_merge_conflicts({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # merge_option: "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", # required, accepts FAST_FORWARD_MERGE, SQUASH_MERGE, THREE_WAY_MERGE + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # max_conflict_files: 1, + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.mergeable #=> Boolean + # resp.destination_commit_id #=> String + # resp.source_commit_id #=> String + # resp.base_commit_id #=> String + # resp.conflict_metadata_list #=> Array + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_path #=> String + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_sizes.source #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_sizes.destination #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_sizes.base #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_modes.source #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_modes.destination #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_modes.base #=> String, one of "EXECUTABLE", "NORMAL", "SYMLINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].object_types.source #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].object_types.destination #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].object_types.base #=> String, one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "GIT_LINK", "SYMBOLIC_LINK" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].number_of_conflicts #=> Integer + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].is_binary_file.source #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].is_binary_file.destination #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].is_binary_file.base #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].content_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].file_mode_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].object_type_conflict #=> Boolean + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].merge_operations.source #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.conflict_metadata_list[0].merge_operations.destination #=> String, one of "A", "M", "D" + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_merge_conflicts + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#mergeable #mergeable} => Boolean + # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#destination_commit_id #destination_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#source_commit_id #source_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#base_commit_id #base_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#conflict_metadata_list #conflict_metadata_list} => Array<Types::ConflictMetadata> + # * {Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeConflicts AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2667 + def get_merge_conflicts(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about the merge options available for merging two + # specified branches. For details about why a merge option is not + # available, use GetMergeConflicts or DescribeMergeConflicts. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_merge_options({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.merge_options #=> Array + # resp.merge_options[0] #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.source_commit_id #=> String + # resp.destination_commit_id #=> String + # resp.base_commit_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_merge_options + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput#merge_options #merge_options} => Array<String> + # * {Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput#source_commit_id #source_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput#destination_commit_id #destination_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput#base_commit_id #base_commit_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeOptions AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2730 + def get_merge_options(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Gets information about a pull request in a specified repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_pull_request({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @overload get_pull_request + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetPullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetPullRequestOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequest AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2788 + def get_pull_request(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Gets information about the approval states for a specified pull + # request. Approval states only apply to pull requests that have one or + # more approval rules applied to them. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_pull_request_approval_states({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # revision_id: "RevisionId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approvals #=> Array + # resp.approvals[0].user_arn #=> String + # resp.approvals[0].approval_state #=> String, one of "APPROVE", "REVOKE" + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_pull_request_approval_states + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput#approvals #approvals} => Array<Types::Approval> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestApprovalStates AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2824 + def get_pull_request_approval_states(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about whether approval rules have been set aside + # (overridden) for a pull request, and if so, the Amazon Resource Name + # (ARN) of the user or identity that overrode the rules and their + # requirements for the pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_pull_request_override_state({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # revision_id: "RevisionId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.overridden #=> Boolean + # resp.overrider #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload get_pull_request_override_state + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput#overridden #overridden} => Boolean + # * {Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput#overrider #overrider} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestOverrideState AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2863 + def get_pull_request_override_state(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns information about a repository. + # + # The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and + # all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the + # description and display it in a webpage can expose users to + # potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the + # description field in any application that uses this API to display the + # repository description on a webpage. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_repository({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_metadata.account_id #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.repository_id #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.repository_name #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.repository_description #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.default_branch #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.repository_metadata.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_http #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.clone_url_ssh #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.arn #=> String + # resp.repository_metadata.kms_key_id #=> String + # @option params + # @overload get_repository + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetRepositoryOutput#repository_metadata #repository_metadata} => Types::RepositoryMetadata + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepository AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2910 + def get_repository(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Gets information about triggers configured for a repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.get_repository_triggers({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.configuration_id #=> String + # resp.triggers #=> Array + # resp.triggers[0].name #=> String + # resp.triggers[0].destination_arn #=> String + # resp.triggers[0].custom_data #=> String + # resp.triggers[0].branches #=> Array + # resp.triggers[0].branches[0] #=> String + # resp.triggers[0].events #=> Array + # resp.triggers[0].events[0] #=> String, one of "all", "updateReference", "createReference", "deleteReference" + # @option params + # @overload get_repository_triggers + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput#configuration_id #configuration_id} => String + # * {Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput#triggers #triggers} => Array<Types::RepositoryTrigger> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepositoryTriggers AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2947 + def get_repository_triggers(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Lists all approval rule templates in the specified Amazon Web Services + # Region in your Amazon Web Services account. If an Amazon Web Services + # Region is not specified, the Amazon Web Services Region where you are + # signed in is used. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_approval_rule_templates({ + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template_names #=> Array + # resp.approval_rule_template_names[0] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_approval_rule_templates + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput#approval_rule_template_names #approval_rule_template_names} => Array<String> + # * {Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListApprovalRuleTemplates AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#2989 + def list_approval_rule_templates(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Lists all approval rule templates that are associated with a specified + # repository. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_associated_approval_rule_templates_for_repository({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template_names #=> Array + # resp.approval_rule_template_names[0] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_associated_approval_rule_templates_for_repository + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput#approval_rule_template_names #approval_rule_template_names} => Array<String> + # * {Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepository AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3034 + def list_associated_approval_rule_templates_for_repository(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Gets information about one or more branches in a repository. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_branches({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.branches #=> Array + # resp.branches[0] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_branches + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListBranchesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListBranchesOutput#branches #branches} => Array<String> + # * {Types::ListBranchesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListBranches AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3071 + def list_branches(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Retrieves a list of commits and changes to a specified file. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_file_commit_history({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # commit_specifier: "CommitName", + # file_path: "Path", # required + # max_results: 1, + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.revision_dag #=> Array + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.commit_id #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.tree_id #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.parents #=> Array + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.parents[0] #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.message #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.author.name #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.author.email #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.author.date #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.committer.name #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.committer.email #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.committer.date #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].commit.additional_data #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].blob_id #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].path #=> String + # resp.revision_dag[0].revision_children #=> Array + # resp.revision_dag[0].revision_children[0] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_file_commit_history + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListFileCommitHistoryResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListFileCommitHistoryResponse#revision_dag #revision_dag} => Array<Types::FileVersion> + # * {Types::ListFileCommitHistoryResponse#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListFileCommitHistory AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3140 + def list_file_commit_history(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns a list of pull requests for a specified repository. The return + # list can be refined by pull request status or pull request author ARN. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_pull_requests({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # author_arn: "Arn", + # pull_request_status: "OPEN", # accepts OPEN, CLOSED + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request_ids #=> Array + # resp.pull_request_ids[0] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_pull_requests + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListPullRequestsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListPullRequestsOutput#pull_request_ids #pull_request_ids} => Array<String> + # * {Types::ListPullRequestsOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListPullRequests AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3195 + def list_pull_requests(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Gets information about one or more repositories. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_repositories({ + # next_token: "NextToken", + # sort_by: "repositoryName", # accepts repositoryName, lastModifiedDate + # order: "ascending", # accepts ascending, descending + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repositories #=> Array + # resp.repositories[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.repositories[0].repository_id #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_repositories + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListRepositoriesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListRepositoriesOutput#repositories #repositories} => Array<Types::RepositoryNameIdPair> + # * {Types::ListRepositoriesOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositories AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3242 + def list_repositories(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Lists all repositories associated with the specified approval rule + # template. + # + # The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_repositories_for_approval_rule_template({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # next_token: "NextToken", + # max_results: 1, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_names #=> Array + # resp.repository_names[0] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_repositories_for_approval_rule_template + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput#repository_names #repository_names} => Array<String> + # * {Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplate AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3287 + def list_repositories_for_approval_rule_template(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Gets information about Amazon Web Servicestags for a specified Amazon + # Resource Name (ARN) in CodeCommit. For a list of valid resources in + # CodeCommit, see [CodeCommit Resources and Operations][1] in the + # CodeCommit User Guide. + # + # + # + # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.list_tags_for_resource({ + # resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required + # next_token: "NextToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.tags #=> Hash + # resp.tags["TagKey"] #=> String + # resp.next_token #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload list_tags_for_resource + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::ListTagsForResourceOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::ListTagsForResourceOutput#tags #tags} => Hash<String,String> + # * {Types::ListTagsForResourceOutput#next_token #next_token} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListTagsForResource AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3331 + def list_tags_for_resource(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Merges two branches using the fast-forward merge strategy. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.merge_branches_by_fast_forward({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # target_branch: "BranchName", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload merge_branches_by_fast_forward + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesByFastForward AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3375 + def merge_branches_by_fast_forward(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Merges two branches using the squash merge strategy. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.merge_branches_by_squash({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # target_branch: "BranchName", + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # author_name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # commit_message: "Message", + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # conflict_resolution: { + # replace_contents: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # replacement_type: "KEEP_BASE", # required, accepts KEEP_BASE, KEEP_SOURCE, KEEP_DESTINATION, USE_NEW_CONTENT + # content: "data", + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # delete_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }, + # ], + # set_file_modes: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # }, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload merge_branches_by_squash + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::MergeBranchesBySquashOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::MergeBranchesBySquashOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::MergeBranchesBySquashOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesBySquash AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3480 + def merge_branches_by_squash(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Merges two specified branches using the three-way merge strategy. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.merge_branches_by_three_way({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # destination_commit_specifier: "CommitName", # required + # target_branch: "BranchName", + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # author_name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # commit_message: "Message", + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # conflict_resolution: { + # replace_contents: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # replacement_type: "KEEP_BASE", # required, accepts KEEP_BASE, KEEP_SOURCE, KEEP_DESTINATION, USE_NEW_CONTENT + # content: "data", + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # delete_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }, + # ], + # set_file_modes: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # }, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload merge_branches_by_three_way + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesByThreeWay AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3584 + def merge_branches_by_three_way(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Attempts to merge the source commit of a pull request into the + # specified destination branch for that pull request at the specified + # commit using the fast-forward merge strategy. If the merge is + # successful, it closes the pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_id: "ObjectId", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestByFastForward AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3656 + def merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Attempts to merge the source commit of a pull request into the + # specified destination branch for that pull request at the specified + # commit using the squash merge strategy. If the merge is successful, it + # closes the pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.merge_pull_request_by_squash({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_id: "ObjectId", + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # commit_message: "Message", + # author_name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # conflict_resolution: { + # replace_contents: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # replacement_type: "KEEP_BASE", # required, accepts KEEP_BASE, KEEP_SOURCE, KEEP_DESTINATION, USE_NEW_CONTENT + # content: "data", + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # delete_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }, + # ], + # set_file_modes: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # }, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload merge_pull_request_by_squash + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::MergePullRequestBySquashOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::MergePullRequestBySquashOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestBySquash AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3788 + def merge_pull_request_by_squash(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Attempts to merge the source commit of a pull request into the + # specified destination branch for that pull request at the specified + # commit using the three-way merge strategy. If the merge is successful, + # it closes the pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.merge_pull_request_by_three_way({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # source_commit_id: "ObjectId", + # conflict_detail_level: "FILE_LEVEL", # accepts FILE_LEVEL, LINE_LEVEL + # conflict_resolution_strategy: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ACCEPT_SOURCE, ACCEPT_DESTINATION, AUTOMERGE + # commit_message: "Message", + # author_name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # keep_empty_folders: false, + # conflict_resolution: { + # replace_contents: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # replacement_type: "KEEP_BASE", # required, accepts KEEP_BASE, KEEP_SOURCE, KEEP_DESTINATION, USE_NEW_CONTENT + # content: "data", + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # delete_files: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # }, + # ], + # set_file_modes: [ + # { + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # required, accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # }, + # ], + # }, + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload merge_pull_request_by_three_way + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestByThreeWay AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3920 + def merge_pull_request_by_three_way(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Sets aside (overrides) all approval rule requirements for a specified + # pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.override_pull_request_approval_rules({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # revision_id: "RevisionId", # required + # override_status: "OVERRIDE", # required, accepts OVERRIDE, REVOKE + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload override_pull_request_approval_rules + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/OverridePullRequestApprovalRules AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#3958 + def override_pull_request_approval_rules(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Posts a comment on the comparison between two commits. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.post_comment_for_compared_commit({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # before_commit_id: "CommitId", + # after_commit_id: "CommitId", # required + # location: { + # file_path: "Path", + # file_position: 1, + # relative_file_version: "BEFORE", # accepts BEFORE, AFTER + # }, + # content: "Content", # required + # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_name #=> String + # resp.before_commit_id #=> String + # resp.after_commit_id #=> String + # resp.before_blob_id #=> String + # resp.after_blob_id #=> String + # resp.location.file_path #=> String + # resp.location.file_position #=> Integer + # resp.location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER" + # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String + # resp.comment.content #=> String + # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String + # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comment.caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comment.caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comment.reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comment.reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload post_comment_for_compared_commit + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#repository_name #repository_name} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#before_commit_id #before_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#after_commit_id #after_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#before_blob_id #before_blob_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#after_blob_id #after_blob_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#location #location} => Types::Location + # * {Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentForComparedCommit AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4046 + def post_comment_for_compared_commit(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Posts a comment on a pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.post_comment_for_pull_request({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # before_commit_id: "CommitId", # required + # after_commit_id: "CommitId", # required + # location: { + # file_path: "Path", + # file_position: 1, + # relative_file_version: "BEFORE", # accepts BEFORE, AFTER + # }, + # content: "Content", # required + # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.before_commit_id #=> String + # resp.after_commit_id #=> String + # resp.before_blob_id #=> String + # resp.after_blob_id #=> String + # resp.location.file_path #=> String + # resp.location.file_position #=> Integer + # resp.location.relative_file_version #=> String, one of "BEFORE", "AFTER" + # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String + # resp.comment.content #=> String + # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String + # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comment.caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comment.caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comment.reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comment.reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload post_comment_for_pull_request + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#repository_name #repository_name} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#pull_request_id #pull_request_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#before_commit_id #before_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#after_commit_id #after_commit_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#before_blob_id #before_blob_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#after_blob_id #after_blob_id} => String + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#location #location} => Types::Location + # * {Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentForPullRequest AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4144 + def post_comment_for_pull_request(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Posts a comment in reply to an existing comment on a comparison + # between commits or a pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.post_comment_reply({ + # in_reply_to: "CommentId", # required + # client_request_token: "ClientRequestToken", + # content: "Content", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String + # resp.comment.content #=> String + # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String + # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comment.caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comment.caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comment.reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comment.reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload post_comment_reply + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::PostCommentReplyOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::PostCommentReplyOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentReply AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4201 + def post_comment_reply(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Adds or updates a reaction to a specified comment for the user whose + # identity is used to make the request. You can only add or update a + # reaction for yourself. You cannot add, modify, or delete a reaction + # for another user. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.put_comment_reaction({ + # comment_id: "CommentId", # required + # reaction_value: "ReactionValue", # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload put_comment_reaction + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutCommentReaction AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4237 + def put_comment_reaction(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Adds or updates a file in a branch in an CodeCommit repository, and + # generates a commit for the addition in the specified branch. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.put_file({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # branch_name: "BranchName", # required + # file_content: "data", # required + # file_path: "Path", # required + # file_mode: "EXECUTABLE", # accepts EXECUTABLE, NORMAL, SYMLINK + # parent_commit_id: "CommitId", + # commit_message: "Message", + # name: "Name", + # email: "Email", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.commit_id #=> String + # resp.blob_id #=> String + # resp.tree_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload put_file + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::PutFileOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::PutFileOutput#commit_id #commit_id} => String + # * {Types::PutFileOutput#blob_id #blob_id} => String + # * {Types::PutFileOutput#tree_id #tree_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutFile AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4321 + def put_file(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Replaces all triggers for a repository. Used to create or delete + # triggers. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.put_repository_triggers({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # triggers: [ # required + # { + # name: "RepositoryTriggerName", # required + # destination_arn: "Arn", # required + # custom_data: "RepositoryTriggerCustomData", + # branches: ["BranchName"], + # events: ["all"], # required, accepts all, updateReference, createReference, deleteReference + # }, + # ], + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.configuration_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload put_repository_triggers + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput#configuration_id #configuration_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutRepositoryTriggers AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4363 + def put_repository_triggers(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Adds or updates tags for a resource in CodeCommit. For a list of valid + # resources in CodeCommit, see [CodeCommit Resources and Operations][1] + # in the *CodeCommit User Guide*. + # + # + # + # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.tag_resource({ + # resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required + # tags: { # required + # "TagKey" => "TagValue", + # }, + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload tag_resource + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TagResource AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4398 + def tag_resource(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Tests the functionality of repository triggers by sending information + # to the trigger target. If real data is available in the repository, + # the test sends data from the last commit. If no data is available, + # sample data is generated. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.test_repository_triggers({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # triggers: [ # required + # { + # name: "RepositoryTriggerName", # required + # destination_arn: "Arn", # required + # custom_data: "RepositoryTriggerCustomData", + # branches: ["BranchName"], + # events: ["all"], # required, accepts all, updateReference, createReference, deleteReference + # }, + # ], + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.successful_executions #=> Array + # resp.successful_executions[0] #=> String + # resp.failed_executions #=> Array + # resp.failed_executions[0].trigger #=> String + # resp.failed_executions[0].failure_message #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload test_repository_triggers + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput#successful_executions #successful_executions} => Array<String> + # * {Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput#failed_executions #failed_executions} => Array<Types::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure> + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TestRepositoryTriggers AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4446 + def test_repository_triggers(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Removes tags for a resource in CodeCommit. For a list of valid + # resources in CodeCommit, see [CodeCommit Resources and Operations][1] + # in the *CodeCommit User Guide*. + # + # + # + # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.untag_resource({ + # resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required + # tag_keys: ["TagKey"], # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload untag_resource + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UntagResource AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4479 + def untag_resource(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the content of an approval rule template. You can change the + # number of required approvals, the membership of the approval rule, and + # whether an approval pool is defined. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_approval_rule_template_content({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # new_rule_content: "ApprovalRuleTemplateContent", # required + # existing_rule_content_sha_256: "RuleContentSha256", + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_description #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_user #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_approval_rule_template_content + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput#approval_rule_template #approval_rule_template} => Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContent AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4527 + def update_approval_rule_template_content(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the description for a specified approval rule template. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_approval_rule_template_description({ + # approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # approval_rule_template_description: "ApprovalRuleTemplateDescription", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_description #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_user #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_approval_rule_template_description + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput#approval_rule_template #approval_rule_template} => Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescription AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4566 + def update_approval_rule_template_description(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the name of a specified approval rule template. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_approval_rule_template_name({ + # old_approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # new_approval_rule_template_name: "ApprovalRuleTemplateName", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_description #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule_template.last_modified_user #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_approval_rule_template_name + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput#approval_rule_template #approval_rule_template} => Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateName AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4605 + def update_approval_rule_template_name(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Replaces the contents of a comment. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_comment({ + # comment_id: "CommentId", # required + # content: "Content", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.comment.comment_id #=> String + # resp.comment.content #=> String + # resp.comment.in_reply_to #=> String + # resp.comment.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.comment.author_arn #=> String + # resp.comment.deleted #=> Boolean + # resp.comment.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.comment.caller_reactions #=> Array + # resp.comment.caller_reactions[0] #=> String + # resp.comment.reaction_counts #=> Hash + # resp.comment.reaction_counts["ReactionValue"] #=> Integer + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_comment + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdateCommentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdateCommentOutput#comment #comment} => Types::Comment + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateComment AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4649 + def update_comment(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Sets or changes the default branch name for the specified repository. + # + # If you use this operation to change the default branch name to the + # current default branch name, a success message is returned even though + # the default branch did not change. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_default_branch({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # default_branch_name: "BranchName", # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_default_branch + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateDefaultBranch AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4682 + def update_default_branch(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the structure of an approval rule created specifically for a + # pull request. For example, you can change the number of required + # approvers and the approval pool for approvers. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_pull_request_approval_rule_content({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # approval_rule_name: "ApprovalRuleName", # required + # existing_rule_content_sha_256: "RuleContentSha256", + # new_rule_content: "ApprovalRuleContent", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.approval_rule.approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.approval_rule.last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.approval_rule.origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_pull_request_approval_rule_content + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput#approval_rule #approval_rule} => Types::ApprovalRule + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContent AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4768 + def update_pull_request_approval_rule_content(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the state of a user's approval on a pull request. The user is + # derived from the signed-in account when the request is made. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_pull_request_approval_state({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # revision_id: "RevisionId", # required + # approval_state: "APPROVE", # required, accepts APPROVE, REVOKE + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_pull_request_approval_state + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestApprovalState AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4799 + def update_pull_request_approval_state(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Replaces the contents of the description of a pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_pull_request_description({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # description: "Description", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_pull_request_description + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestDescription AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4862 + def update_pull_request_description(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the status of a pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_pull_request_status({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # pull_request_status: "OPEN", # required, accepts OPEN, CLOSED + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_pull_request_status + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestStatus AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4926 + def update_pull_request_status(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Replaces the title of a pull request. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_pull_request_title({ + # pull_request_id: "PullRequestId", # required + # title: "Title", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.title #=> String + # resp.pull_request.description #=> String + # resp.pull_request.last_activity_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_status #=> String, one of "OPEN", "CLOSED" + # resp.pull_request.author_arn #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].repository_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_reference #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].destination_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].source_commit #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_base #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.is_merged #=> Boolean + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merged_by #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_commit_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.pull_request_targets[0].merge_metadata.merge_option #=> String, one of "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE", "SQUASH_MERGE", "THREE_WAY_MERGE" + # resp.pull_request.client_request_token #=> String + # resp.pull_request.revision_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules #=> Array + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_name #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].approval_rule_content #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].rule_content_sha_256 #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].creation_date #=> Time + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].last_modified_user #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_id #=> String + # resp.pull_request.approval_rules[0].origin_approval_rule_template.approval_rule_template_name #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_pull_request_title + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput#pull_request #pull_request} => Types::PullRequest + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestTitle AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#4989 + def update_pull_request_title(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Sets or changes the comment or description for a repository. + # + # The description field for a repository accepts all HTML characters and + # all valid Unicode characters. Applications that do not HTML-encode the + # description and display it in a webpage can expose users to + # potentially malicious code. Make sure that you HTML-encode the + # description field in any application that uses this API to display the + # repository description on a webpage. + # + # + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_repository_description({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # repository_description: "RepositoryDescription", + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_repository_description + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryDescription AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5026 + def update_repository_description(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Updates the Key Management Service encryption key used to encrypt and + # decrypt a CodeCommit repository. + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_repository_encryption_key({ + # repository_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId", # required + # }) + # @example Response structure + # + # resp.repository_id #=> String + # resp.kms_key_id #=> String + # resp.original_kms_key_id #=> String + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_repository_encryption_key + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: + # + # * {Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput#repository_id #repository_id} => String + # * {Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput#kms_key_id #kms_key_id} => String + # * {Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput#original_kms_key_id #original_kms_key_id} => String + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKey AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5072 + def update_repository_encryption_key(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Renames a repository. The repository name must be unique across the + # calling Amazon Web Services account. Repository names are limited to + # 100 alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters, and cannot include + # certain characters. The suffix .git is prohibited. For more + # information about the limits on repository names, see [Quotas][1] in + # the CodeCommit User Guide. + # + # + # + # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html + # + # @example Request syntax with placeholder values + # + # resp = client.update_repository_name({ + # old_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # new_name: "RepositoryName", # required + # }) + # @option params + # @option params + # @overload update_repository_name + # @param params [Hash] ({}) + # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. + # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryName AWS API Documentation + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5107 + def update_repository_name(params = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @deprecated + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5131 + def waiter_names; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5141 + def errors_module; end + + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client.rb#5138 + def identifier; end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#12 +module Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi + include ::Seahorse::Model +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#2127 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::API = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Api) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#16 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::AccountId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#17 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ActorDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#18 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::AdditionalData = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#19 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Approval = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#20 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#21 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRule = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#22 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleContent = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#23 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#24 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#25 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#26 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#27 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#28 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#29 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#30 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#31 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplate = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#32 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateContent = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#33 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#34 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateDescription = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#35 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#36 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#37 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#38 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#39 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#40 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#41 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#42 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRulesList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#43 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#44 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalRulesSatisfiedList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#45 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalState = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#46 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#47 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ApprovalStateRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#48 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Approved = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#49 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Arn = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#50 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoryInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#51 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::AuthorDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#52 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#53 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesErrorsList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#54 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#55 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#56 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#57 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsErrors = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#58 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#59 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#60 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#61 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesErrorsList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#62 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#63 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#64 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetCommitsError = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#65 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetCommitsErrorsList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#66 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetCommitsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#67 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetCommitsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#68 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetRepositoriesError = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#69 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetRepositoriesErrorCodeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#70 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetRepositoriesErrorsList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#71 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetRepositoriesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#72 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#73 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#74 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BlobIdDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#75 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BlobIdRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#76 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BlobMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#77 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#78 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchInfo = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#79 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#80 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchNameExistsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#81 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchNameIsTagNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#82 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchNameList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#83 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::BranchNameRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#84 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CallerReactions = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#85 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#86 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#87 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CapitalBoolean = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#88 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ChangeTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#89 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ClientRequestToken = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#90 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ClientRequestTokenRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#91 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CloneUrlHttp = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#92 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CloneUrlSsh = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#93 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Comment = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#94 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentContentRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#95 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#96 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentDeletedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#97 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#98 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#99 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentIdRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#100 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentNotCreatedByCallerException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#101 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Comments = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#102 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentsForComparedCommit = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#103 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentsForComparedCommitData = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#104 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentsForPullRequest = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#105 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommentsForPullRequestData = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#106 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Commit = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#107 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#108 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#109 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitIdDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#110 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitIdRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#111 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitIdsInputList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#112 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitIdsLimitExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#113 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitIdsListRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#114 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitMessageLengthExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#115 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#116 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitObjectsList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#117 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CommitRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#118 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#119 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Conflict = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#120 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ConflictDetailLevelTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#121 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ConflictMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#122 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ConflictMetadataList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#123 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ConflictResolution = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#124 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ConflictResolutionStrategyTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#125 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Conflicts = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#126 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Content = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#127 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Count = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#128 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#129 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#130 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateBranchInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#131 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateCommitInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#132 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateCommitOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#133 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#134 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#135 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreatePullRequestInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#136 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreatePullRequestOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#137 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateRepositoryInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#138 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateRepositoryOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#139 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#140 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#141 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::CreationDate = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::TimestampShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#142 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Date = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#143 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#144 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#145 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#146 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteBranchInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#147 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteBranchOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#148 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteCommentContentInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#149 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteCommentContentOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#150 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteFileEntries = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#151 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteFileEntry = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#152 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteFileInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#153 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteFileOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#154 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#155 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#156 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteRepositoryInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#157 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DeleteRepositoryOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#158 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DescribeMergeConflictsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#159 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#160 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DescribePullRequestEventsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#161 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#162 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Description = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#163 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Difference = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#164 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DifferenceList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#165 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#166 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoryInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#167 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Email = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#168 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#169 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#170 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyDisabledException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#171 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#172 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#173 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyNotFoundException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#174 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#175 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EncryptionKeyUnavailableException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#176 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ErrorCode = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#177 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ErrorMessage = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#178 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#179 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#180 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Evaluation = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#181 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::EventDate = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::TimestampShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#182 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ExceptionName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#183 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::File = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#184 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileContent = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BlobShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#185 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#186 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileContentRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#187 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileContentSizeLimitExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#188 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#189 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileEntryRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#190 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#191 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#192 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileModeRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#193 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileModeTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#194 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileModes = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#195 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#196 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#197 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FilePaths = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#198 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileSize = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#199 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileSizes = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#200 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileTooLargeException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#201 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FileVersion = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#202 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FilesMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#203 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Folder = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#204 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#205 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FolderDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#206 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::FolderList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#207 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetApprovalRuleTemplateInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#208 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#209 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetBlobInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#210 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetBlobOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#211 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetBranchInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#212 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetBranchOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#213 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#214 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#215 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentReactionsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#216 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentReactionsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#217 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentsForComparedCommitInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#218 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#219 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentsForPullRequestInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#220 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#221 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommitInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#222 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetCommitOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#223 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetDifferencesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#224 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetDifferencesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#225 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetFileInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#226 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetFileOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#227 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetFolderInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#228 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetFolderOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#229 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetMergeCommitInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#230 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetMergeCommitOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#231 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetMergeConflictsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#232 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetMergeConflictsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#233 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetMergeOptionsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#234 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetMergeOptionsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#235 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#236 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#237 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetPullRequestInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#238 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetPullRequestOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#239 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetPullRequestOverrideStateInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#240 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#241 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetRepositoryInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#242 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetRepositoryOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#243 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetRepositoryTriggersInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#244 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#245 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::HunkContent = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#246 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IdempotencyParameterMismatchException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#247 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidActorArnException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#248 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidApprovalRuleContentException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#249 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidApprovalRuleNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#250 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#251 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#252 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#253 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidApprovalStateException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#254 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidAuthorArnException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#255 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidBlobIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#256 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidBranchNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#257 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidClientRequestTokenException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#258 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidCommentIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#259 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidCommitException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#260 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidCommitIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#261 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidConflictDetailLevelException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#262 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidConflictResolutionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#263 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#264 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidContinuationTokenException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#265 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidDeletionParameterException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#266 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidDescriptionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#267 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#268 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidEmailException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#269 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidFileLocationException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#270 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidFileModeException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#271 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidFilePositionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#272 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidMaxConflictFilesException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#273 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidMaxMergeHunksException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#274 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidMaxResultsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#275 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidMergeOptionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#276 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidOrderException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#277 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidOverrideStatusException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#278 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidParentCommitIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#279 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidPathException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#280 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#281 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidPullRequestIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#282 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidPullRequestStatusException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#283 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#284 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidReactionUserArnException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#285 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidReactionValueException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#286 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidReferenceNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#287 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#288 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidReplacementContentException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#289 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidReplacementTypeException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#290 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#291 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#292 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#293 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#294 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#295 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#296 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#297 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#298 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidResourceArnException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#299 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRevisionIdException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#300 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#301 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidSortByException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#302 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#303 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidSystemTagUsageException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#304 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidTagKeysListException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#305 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidTagsMapException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#306 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidTargetBranchException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#307 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidTargetException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#308 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidTargetsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#309 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::InvalidTitleException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#310 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsBinaryFile = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#311 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsCommentDeleted = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#312 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsContentConflict = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#313 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsFileModeConflict = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#314 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsHunkConflict = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#315 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsMergeable = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#316 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsMerged = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#317 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsMove = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#318 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::IsObjectTypeConflict = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#319 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::KeepEmptyFolders = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#320 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::KmsKeyId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#321 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::LastModifiedDate = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::TimestampShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#322 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Limit = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#323 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::LineNumber = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#324 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#325 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#326 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#327 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#328 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListBranchesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#329 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListBranchesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#330 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListFileCommitHistoryRequest = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#331 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListFileCommitHistoryResponse = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#332 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListPullRequestsInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#333 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListPullRequestsOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#334 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#335 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#336 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListRepositoriesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#337 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListRepositoriesOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#338 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListTagsForResourceInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#339 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ListTagsForResourceOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#340 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Location = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#341 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ManualMergeRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#342 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaxResults = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#343 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumBranchesExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#344 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#345 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#346 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumFileEntriesExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#347 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#348 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#349 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#350 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#351 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#352 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#353 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeBranchesByFastForwardInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#354 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#355 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeBranchesBySquashInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#356 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeBranchesBySquashOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#357 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeBranchesByThreeWayInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#358 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#359 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeHunk = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#360 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeHunkDetail = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#361 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeHunks = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#362 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#363 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeOperations = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#364 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeOptionRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#365 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeOptionTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#366 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergeOptions = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#367 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergePullRequestByFastForwardInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#368 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#369 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergePullRequestBySquashInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#370 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergePullRequestBySquashOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#371 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergePullRequestByThreeWayInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#372 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#373 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Message = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#374 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Mode = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#375 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#376 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#377 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Name = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#378 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::NameLengthExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#379 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::NextToken = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#380 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::NoChangeException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#381 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::NumberOfConflicts = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#382 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#383 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::NumberOfRulesExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#384 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ObjectId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#385 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ObjectSize = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#386 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ObjectTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#387 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ObjectTypes = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#388 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::OrderEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#389 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::OriginApprovalRuleTemplate = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#390 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Overridden = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::BooleanShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#391 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::OverrideAlreadySetException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#392 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::OverridePullRequestApprovalRulesInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#393 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::OverrideStatus = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#394 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::OverrideStatusRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#395 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ParentCommitDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#396 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ParentCommitIdOutdatedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#397 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ParentCommitIdRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#398 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ParentList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#399 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Path = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#400 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PathDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#401 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PathRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#402 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Position = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::IntegerShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#403 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PostCommentForComparedCommitInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#404 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#405 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PostCommentForPullRequestInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#406 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#407 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PostCommentReplyInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#408 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PostCommentReplyOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#409 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequest = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#410 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestAlreadyClosedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#411 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#412 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#413 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#414 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#415 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestEvent = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#416 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestEventList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#417 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestEventType = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#418 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#419 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestIdList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#420 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestIdRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#421 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#422 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#423 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#424 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestStatusEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#425 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestStatusRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#426 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestTarget = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#427 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PullRequestTargetList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#428 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutCommentReactionInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#429 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutFileEntries = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#430 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutFileEntry = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#431 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutFileEntryConflictException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#432 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutFileInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#433 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutFileOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#434 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutRepositoryTriggersInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#435 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#436 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionCountsMap = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::MapShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#437 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionEmoji = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#438 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionForComment = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#439 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionLimitExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#440 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionShortCode = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#441 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionUnicode = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#442 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionUsersList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#443 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionValue = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#444 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionValueFormats = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#445 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionValueRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#446 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReactionsForCommentList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#447 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReferenceDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#448 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReferenceName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#449 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReferenceNameRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#450 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#451 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RelativeFileVersionEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#452 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReplaceContentEntries = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#453 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReplaceContentEntry = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#454 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReplacementContentRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#455 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReplacementTypeEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#456 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ReplacementTypeRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#457 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryDescription = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#458 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryDoesNotExistException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#459 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#460 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryLimitExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#461 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryMetadata = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#462 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryMetadataList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#463 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#464 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNameExistsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#465 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNameIdPair = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#466 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNameIdPairList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#467 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNameList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#468 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNameRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#469 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNamesRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#470 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#471 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryNotFoundList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#472 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTrigger = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#473 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#474 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerCustomData = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#475 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#476 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerEventEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#477 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerEventList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#478 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#479 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#480 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailureList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#481 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailureMessage = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#482 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#483 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerNameList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#484 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#485 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggersConfigurationId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#486 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggersList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#487 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#488 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ResourceArn = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#489 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::ResourceArnRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#490 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RestrictedSourceFileException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#491 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RevisionChildren = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#492 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RevisionDag = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#493 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RevisionId = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#494 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RevisionIdRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#495 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RevisionNotCurrentException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#496 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::RuleContentSha256 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#497 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SameFileContentException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#498 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SamePathRequestException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#499 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SetFileModeEntries = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#500 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SetFileModeEntry = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#501 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SortByEnum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#502 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SourceAndDestinationAreSameException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#503 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SourceFileOrContentRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#504 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SourceFileSpecifier = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#505 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SubModule = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#506 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SubModuleList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#507 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SymbolicLink = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#508 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::SymbolicLinkList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#509 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagKey = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#510 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagKeysList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#511 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagKeysListRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#512 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagPolicyException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#513 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagResourceInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#514 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagValue = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#515 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagsMap = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::MapShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#516 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TagsMapRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#517 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Target = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#518 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TargetList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::ListShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#519 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TargetRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#520 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TargetsRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#521 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TestRepositoryTriggersInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#522 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#523 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#524 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TipsDivergenceExceededException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#525 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::Title = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#526 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TitleRequiredException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#527 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::TooManyTagsException = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#528 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UntagResourceInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#529 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#530 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#531 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#532 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#533 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#534 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#535 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateCommentInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#536 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateCommentOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#537 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateDefaultBranchInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#538 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#539 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#540 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestApprovalStateInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#541 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#542 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#543 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestStatusInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#544 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#545 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestTitleInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#546 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#547 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateRepositoryDescriptionInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#548 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#549 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#550 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UpdateRepositoryNameInput = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/client_api.rb#551 +Aws::CodeCommit::ClientApi::UserInfo = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StructureShape) + +# Endpoint parameters used to influence endpoints per request. +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoint_parameters.rb#33 +class Aws::CodeCommit::EndpointParameters < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure + + # @return [EndpointParameters] a new instance of EndpointParameters + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoint_parameters.rb#51 + def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Override the endpoint used to send this request + # + # @return [String] + def endpoint; end + + # Override the endpoint used to send this request + # + # @return [String] + def endpoint=(_); end + + # The AWS region used to dispatch the request. + # + # @return [String] + def region; end + + # The AWS region used to dispatch the request. + # + # @return [String] + def region=(_); end + + # When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error. + # + # @return [Boolean] + def use_dual_stack; end + + # When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error. + # + # @return [Boolean] + def use_dual_stack=(_); end + + # When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the request will return an error. + # + # @return [Boolean] + def use_fips; end + + # When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the request will return an error. + # + # @return [Boolean] + def use_fips=(_); end + + class << self + def [](*_arg0); end + def inspect; end + def keyword_init?; end + def members; end + def new(*_arg0); end + end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoint_provider.rb#11 +class Aws::CodeCommit::EndpointProvider + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoint_provider.rb#12 + def resolve_endpoint(parameters); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#13 +module Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints; end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#15 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepository + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#16 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#29 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#30 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#43 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::BatchDescribeMergeConflicts + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#44 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#57 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#58 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#71 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::BatchGetCommits + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#72 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#85 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::BatchGetRepositories + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#86 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#99 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreateApprovalRuleTemplate + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#100 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#113 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreateBranch + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#114 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#127 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreateCommit + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#128 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#141 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreatePullRequest + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#142 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#155 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreatePullRequestApprovalRule + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#156 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#169 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreateRepository + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#170 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#183 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommit + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#184 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#197 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplate + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#198 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#211 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DeleteBranch + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#212 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#225 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DeleteCommentContent + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#226 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#239 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DeleteFile + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#240 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#253 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DeletePullRequestApprovalRule + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#254 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#267 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DeleteRepository + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#268 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#281 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DescribeMergeConflicts + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#282 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#295 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DescribePullRequestEvents + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#296 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#309 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepository + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#310 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#323 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRules + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#324 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#337 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetApprovalRuleTemplate + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#338 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#351 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetBlob + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#352 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#365 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetBranch + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#366 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#379 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetComment + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#380 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#393 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetCommentReactions + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#394 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#407 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetCommentsForComparedCommit + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#408 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#421 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetCommentsForPullRequest + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#422 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#435 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetCommit + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#436 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#449 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetDifferences + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#450 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#463 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetFile + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#464 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#477 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetFolder + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#478 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#491 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetMergeCommit + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#492 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#505 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetMergeConflicts + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#506 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#519 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetMergeOptions + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#520 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#533 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetPullRequest + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#534 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#547 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetPullRequestApprovalStates + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#548 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#561 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetPullRequestOverrideState + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#562 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#575 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetRepository + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#576 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#589 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::GetRepositoryTriggers + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#590 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#603 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListApprovalRuleTemplates + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#604 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#617 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepository + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#618 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#631 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListBranches + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#632 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#645 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListFileCommitHistory + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#646 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#659 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListPullRequests + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#660 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#673 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListRepositories + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#674 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#687 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplate + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#688 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#701 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::ListTagsForResource + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#702 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#715 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::MergeBranchesByFastForward + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#716 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#729 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::MergeBranchesBySquash + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#730 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#743 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::MergeBranchesByThreeWay + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#744 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#757 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::MergePullRequestByFastForward + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#758 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#771 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::MergePullRequestBySquash + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#772 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#785 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::MergePullRequestByThreeWay + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#786 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#799 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::OverridePullRequestApprovalRules + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#800 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#813 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::PostCommentForComparedCommit + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#814 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#827 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::PostCommentForPullRequest + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#828 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#841 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::PostCommentReply + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#842 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#855 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::PutCommentReaction + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#856 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#869 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::PutFile + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#870 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#883 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::PutRepositoryTriggers + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#884 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#897 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::TagResource + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#898 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#911 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::TestRepositoryTriggers + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#912 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#925 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UntagResource + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#926 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#939 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContent + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#940 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#953 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescription + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#954 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#967 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateName + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#968 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#981 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateComment + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#982 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#995 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateDefaultBranch + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#996 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1009 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContent + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1010 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1023 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdatePullRequestApprovalState + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1024 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1037 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdatePullRequestDescription + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1038 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1051 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdatePullRequestStatus + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1052 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1065 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdatePullRequestTitle + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1066 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1079 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateRepositoryDescription + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1080 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1093 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKey + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1094 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1107 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Endpoints::UpdateRepositoryName + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/endpoints.rb#1108 + def build(context); end + end +end + +# When CodeCommit returns an error response, the Ruby SDK constructs and raises an error. +# These errors all extend Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError < {Aws::Errors::ServiceError} +# +# You can rescue all CodeCommit errors using ServiceError: +# +# begin +# # do stuff +# rescue Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError +# # rescues all CodeCommit API errors +# end +# +# +# ## Request Context +# ServiceError objects have a {Aws::Errors::ServiceError#context #context} method that returns +# information about the request that generated the error. +# See {Seahorse::Client::RequestContext} for more information. +# +# ## Error Classes +# * {ActorDoesNotExistException} +# * {ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException} +# * {ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException} +# * {ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException} +# * {ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException} +# * {ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException} +# * {ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException} +# * {ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException} +# * {ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException} +# * {ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException} +# * {ApprovalStateRequiredException} +# * {AuthorDoesNotExistException} +# * {BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException} +# * {BlobIdDoesNotExistException} +# * {BlobIdRequiredException} +# * {BranchDoesNotExistException} +# * {BranchNameExistsException} +# * {BranchNameIsTagNameException} +# * {BranchNameRequiredException} +# * {CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException} +# * {CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException} +# * {ClientRequestTokenRequiredException} +# * {CommentContentRequiredException} +# * {CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException} +# * {CommentDeletedException} +# * {CommentDoesNotExistException} +# * {CommentIdRequiredException} +# * {CommentNotCreatedByCallerException} +# * {CommitDoesNotExistException} +# * {CommitIdDoesNotExistException} +# * {CommitIdRequiredException} +# * {CommitIdsLimitExceededException} +# * {CommitIdsListRequiredException} +# * {CommitMessageLengthExceededException} +# * {CommitRequiredException} +# * {ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException} +# * {DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException} +# * {DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException} +# * {EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException} +# * {EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException} +# * {EncryptionKeyDisabledException} +# * {EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException} +# * {EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException} +# * {EncryptionKeyNotFoundException} +# * {EncryptionKeyRequiredException} +# * {EncryptionKeyUnavailableException} +# * {FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException} +# * {FileContentRequiredException} +# * {FileContentSizeLimitExceededException} +# * {FileDoesNotExistException} +# * {FileEntryRequiredException} +# * {FileModeRequiredException} +# * {FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException} +# * {FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException} +# * {FileTooLargeException} +# * {FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException} +# * {FolderDoesNotExistException} +# * {IdempotencyParameterMismatchException} +# * {InvalidActorArnException} +# * {InvalidApprovalRuleContentException} +# * {InvalidApprovalRuleNameException} +# * {InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException} +# * {InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException} +# * {InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException} +# * {InvalidApprovalStateException} +# * {InvalidAuthorArnException} +# * {InvalidBlobIdException} +# * {InvalidBranchNameException} +# * {InvalidClientRequestTokenException} +# * {InvalidCommentIdException} +# * {InvalidCommitException} +# * {InvalidCommitIdException} +# * {InvalidConflictDetailLevelException} +# * {InvalidConflictResolutionException} +# * {InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException} +# * {InvalidContinuationTokenException} +# * {InvalidDeletionParameterException} +# * {InvalidDescriptionException} +# * {InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException} +# * {InvalidEmailException} +# * {InvalidFileLocationException} +# * {InvalidFileModeException} +# * {InvalidFilePositionException} +# * {InvalidMaxConflictFilesException} +# * {InvalidMaxMergeHunksException} +# * {InvalidMaxResultsException} +# * {InvalidMergeOptionException} +# * {InvalidOrderException} +# * {InvalidOverrideStatusException} +# * {InvalidParentCommitIdException} +# * {InvalidPathException} +# * {InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException} +# * {InvalidPullRequestIdException} +# * {InvalidPullRequestStatusException} +# * {InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException} +# * {InvalidReactionUserArnException} +# * {InvalidReactionValueException} +# * {InvalidReferenceNameException} +# * {InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException} +# * {InvalidReplacementContentException} +# * {InvalidReplacementTypeException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryNameException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException} +# * {InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException} +# * {InvalidResourceArnException} +# * {InvalidRevisionIdException} +# * {InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception} +# * {InvalidSortByException} +# * {InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException} +# * {InvalidSystemTagUsageException} +# * {InvalidTagKeysListException} +# * {InvalidTagsMapException} +# * {InvalidTargetBranchException} +# * {InvalidTargetException} +# * {InvalidTargetsException} +# * {InvalidTitleException} +# * {ManualMergeRequiredException} +# * {MaximumBranchesExceededException} +# * {MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException} +# * {MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException} +# * {MaximumFileEntriesExceededException} +# * {MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException} +# * {MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException} +# * {MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException} +# * {MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException} +# * {MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException} +# * {MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException} +# * {MergeOptionRequiredException} +# * {MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException} +# * {MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException} +# * {NameLengthExceededException} +# * {NoChangeException} +# * {NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException} +# * {NumberOfRulesExceededException} +# * {OverrideAlreadySetException} +# * {OverrideStatusRequiredException} +# * {ParentCommitDoesNotExistException} +# * {ParentCommitIdOutdatedException} +# * {ParentCommitIdRequiredException} +# * {PathDoesNotExistException} +# * {PathRequiredException} +# * {PullRequestAlreadyClosedException} +# * {PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException} +# * {PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException} +# * {PullRequestDoesNotExistException} +# * {PullRequestIdRequiredException} +# * {PullRequestStatusRequiredException} +# * {PutFileEntryConflictException} +# * {ReactionLimitExceededException} +# * {ReactionValueRequiredException} +# * {ReferenceDoesNotExistException} +# * {ReferenceNameRequiredException} +# * {ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException} +# * {ReplacementContentRequiredException} +# * {ReplacementTypeRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryDoesNotExistException} +# * {RepositoryLimitExceededException} +# * {RepositoryNameExistsException} +# * {RepositoryNameRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryNamesRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException} +# * {RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException} +# * {RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException} +# * {ResourceArnRequiredException} +# * {RestrictedSourceFileException} +# * {RevisionIdRequiredException} +# * {RevisionNotCurrentException} +# * {SameFileContentException} +# * {SamePathRequestException} +# * {SourceAndDestinationAreSameException} +# * {SourceFileOrContentRequiredException} +# * {TagKeysListRequiredException} +# * {TagPolicyException} +# * {TagsMapRequiredException} +# * {TargetRequiredException} +# * {TargetsRequiredException} +# * {TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException} +# * {TipsDivergenceExceededException} +# * {TitleRequiredException} +# * {TooManyTagsException} +# +# Additionally, error classes are dynamically generated for service errors based on the error code +# if they are not defined above. +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#221 +module Aws::CodeCommit::Errors + extend ::Aws::Errors::DynamicErrors +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#225 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ActorDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ActorDoesNotExistException] + # @return [ActorDoesNotExistException] a new instance of ActorDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#230 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#235 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#240 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#245 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#250 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#255 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#260 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#265 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#270 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#275 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#280 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#285 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#290 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#295 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#300 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#305 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#310 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#315 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException] + # @return [ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException] a new instance of ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#320 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#325 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ApprovalStateRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalStateRequiredException] + # @return [ApprovalStateRequiredException] a new instance of ApprovalStateRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#330 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#335 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::AuthorDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::AuthorDoesNotExistException] + # @return [AuthorDoesNotExistException] a new instance of AuthorDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#340 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#345 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException] + # @return [BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException] a new instance of BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#350 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#355 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BlobIdDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BlobIdDoesNotExistException] + # @return [BlobIdDoesNotExistException] a new instance of BlobIdDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#360 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#365 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BlobIdRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BlobIdRequiredException] + # @return [BlobIdRequiredException] a new instance of BlobIdRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#370 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#375 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BranchDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchDoesNotExistException] + # @return [BranchDoesNotExistException] a new instance of BranchDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#380 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#385 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BranchNameExistsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchNameExistsException] + # @return [BranchNameExistsException] a new instance of BranchNameExistsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#390 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#395 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BranchNameIsTagNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchNameIsTagNameException] + # @return [BranchNameIsTagNameException] a new instance of BranchNameIsTagNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#400 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#405 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::BranchNameRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchNameRequiredException] + # @return [BranchNameRequiredException] a new instance of BranchNameRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#410 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#415 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException] + # @return [CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException] a new instance of CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#420 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#425 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException] + # @return [CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException] a new instance of CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#430 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#435 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ClientRequestTokenRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ClientRequestTokenRequiredException] + # @return [ClientRequestTokenRequiredException] a new instance of ClientRequestTokenRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#440 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#445 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommentContentRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentContentRequiredException] + # @return [CommentContentRequiredException] a new instance of CommentContentRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#450 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#455 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException] + # @return [CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException] a new instance of CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#460 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#465 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommentDeletedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentDeletedException] + # @return [CommentDeletedException] a new instance of CommentDeletedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#470 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#475 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommentDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentDoesNotExistException] + # @return [CommentDoesNotExistException] a new instance of CommentDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#480 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#485 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommentIdRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentIdRequiredException] + # @return [CommentIdRequiredException] a new instance of CommentIdRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#490 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#495 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommentNotCreatedByCallerException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentNotCreatedByCallerException] + # @return [CommentNotCreatedByCallerException] a new instance of CommentNotCreatedByCallerException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#500 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#505 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitDoesNotExistException] + # @return [CommitDoesNotExistException] a new instance of CommitDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#510 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#515 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitIdDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdDoesNotExistException] + # @return [CommitIdDoesNotExistException] a new instance of CommitIdDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#520 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#525 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitIdRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdRequiredException] + # @return [CommitIdRequiredException] a new instance of CommitIdRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#530 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#535 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitIdsLimitExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdsLimitExceededException] + # @return [CommitIdsLimitExceededException] a new instance of CommitIdsLimitExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#540 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#545 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitIdsListRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdsListRequiredException] + # @return [CommitIdsListRequiredException] a new instance of CommitIdsListRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#550 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#555 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitMessageLengthExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitMessageLengthExceededException] + # @return [CommitMessageLengthExceededException] a new instance of CommitMessageLengthExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#560 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#565 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::CommitRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitRequiredException] + # @return [CommitRequiredException] a new instance of CommitRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#570 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#575 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException] + # @return [ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException] a new instance of ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#580 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#585 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException] + # @return [DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException] a new instance of DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#590 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#595 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException] + # @return [DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException] a new instance of DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#600 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#605 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException] + # @return [EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException] a new instance of EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#610 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#615 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#620 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#625 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyDisabledException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyDisabledException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyDisabledException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyDisabledException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#630 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#635 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#640 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#645 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#650 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#655 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyNotFoundException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyNotFoundException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyNotFoundException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyNotFoundException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#660 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#665 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyRequiredException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyRequiredException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#670 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#675 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::EncryptionKeyUnavailableException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyUnavailableException] + # @return [EncryptionKeyUnavailableException] a new instance of EncryptionKeyUnavailableException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#680 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#685 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException] + # @return [FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException] a new instance of FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#690 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#695 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileContentRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileContentRequiredException] + # @return [FileContentRequiredException] a new instance of FileContentRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#700 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#705 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileContentSizeLimitExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileContentSizeLimitExceededException] + # @return [FileContentSizeLimitExceededException] a new instance of FileContentSizeLimitExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#710 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#715 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileDoesNotExistException] + # @return [FileDoesNotExistException] a new instance of FileDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#720 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#725 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileEntryRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileEntryRequiredException] + # @return [FileEntryRequiredException] a new instance of FileEntryRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#730 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#735 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileModeRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileModeRequiredException] + # @return [FileModeRequiredException] a new instance of FileModeRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#740 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#745 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException] + # @return [FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException] a new instance of FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#750 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#755 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException] + # @return [FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException] a new instance of FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#760 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#765 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FileTooLargeException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileTooLargeException] + # @return [FileTooLargeException] a new instance of FileTooLargeException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#770 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#775 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException] + # @return [FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException] a new instance of FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#780 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#785 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::FolderDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FolderDoesNotExistException] + # @return [FolderDoesNotExistException] a new instance of FolderDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#790 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#795 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::IdempotencyParameterMismatchException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::IdempotencyParameterMismatchException] + # @return [IdempotencyParameterMismatchException] a new instance of IdempotencyParameterMismatchException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#800 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#805 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidActorArnException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidActorArnException] + # @return [InvalidActorArnException] a new instance of InvalidActorArnException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#810 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#815 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidApprovalRuleContentException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleContentException] + # @return [InvalidApprovalRuleContentException] a new instance of InvalidApprovalRuleContentException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#820 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#825 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidApprovalRuleNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleNameException] + # @return [InvalidApprovalRuleNameException] a new instance of InvalidApprovalRuleNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#830 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#835 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException] + # @return [InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException] a new instance of InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#840 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#845 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException] + # @return [InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException] a new instance of InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#850 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#855 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException] + # @return [InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException] a new instance of InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#860 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#865 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidApprovalStateException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalStateException] + # @return [InvalidApprovalStateException] a new instance of InvalidApprovalStateException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#870 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#875 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidAuthorArnException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidAuthorArnException] + # @return [InvalidAuthorArnException] a new instance of InvalidAuthorArnException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#880 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#885 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidBlobIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidBlobIdException] + # @return [InvalidBlobIdException] a new instance of InvalidBlobIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#890 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#895 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidBranchNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidBranchNameException] + # @return [InvalidBranchNameException] a new instance of InvalidBranchNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#900 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#905 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidClientRequestTokenException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidClientRequestTokenException] + # @return [InvalidClientRequestTokenException] a new instance of InvalidClientRequestTokenException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#910 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#915 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidCommentIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidCommentIdException] + # @return [InvalidCommentIdException] a new instance of InvalidCommentIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#920 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#925 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidCommitException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidCommitException] + # @return [InvalidCommitException] a new instance of InvalidCommitException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#930 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#935 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidCommitIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidCommitIdException] + # @return [InvalidCommitIdException] a new instance of InvalidCommitIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#940 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#945 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidConflictDetailLevelException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidConflictDetailLevelException] + # @return [InvalidConflictDetailLevelException] a new instance of InvalidConflictDetailLevelException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#950 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#955 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidConflictResolutionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidConflictResolutionException] + # @return [InvalidConflictResolutionException] a new instance of InvalidConflictResolutionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#960 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#965 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException] + # @return [InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException] a new instance of InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#970 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#975 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidContinuationTokenException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidContinuationTokenException] + # @return [InvalidContinuationTokenException] a new instance of InvalidContinuationTokenException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#980 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#985 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidDeletionParameterException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidDeletionParameterException] + # @return [InvalidDeletionParameterException] a new instance of InvalidDeletionParameterException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#990 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#995 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidDescriptionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidDescriptionException] + # @return [InvalidDescriptionException] a new instance of InvalidDescriptionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1000 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1005 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException] + # @return [InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException] a new instance of InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1010 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1015 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidEmailException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidEmailException] + # @return [InvalidEmailException] a new instance of InvalidEmailException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1020 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1025 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidFileLocationException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidFileLocationException] + # @return [InvalidFileLocationException] a new instance of InvalidFileLocationException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1030 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1035 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidFileModeException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidFileModeException] + # @return [InvalidFileModeException] a new instance of InvalidFileModeException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1040 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1045 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidFilePositionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidFilePositionException] + # @return [InvalidFilePositionException] a new instance of InvalidFilePositionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1050 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1055 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidMaxConflictFilesException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMaxConflictFilesException] + # @return [InvalidMaxConflictFilesException] a new instance of InvalidMaxConflictFilesException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1060 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1065 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidMaxMergeHunksException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMaxMergeHunksException] + # @return [InvalidMaxMergeHunksException] a new instance of InvalidMaxMergeHunksException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1070 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1075 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidMaxResultsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMaxResultsException] + # @return [InvalidMaxResultsException] a new instance of InvalidMaxResultsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1080 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1085 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidMergeOptionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMergeOptionException] + # @return [InvalidMergeOptionException] a new instance of InvalidMergeOptionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1090 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1095 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidOrderException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidOrderException] + # @return [InvalidOrderException] a new instance of InvalidOrderException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1100 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1105 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidOverrideStatusException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidOverrideStatusException] + # @return [InvalidOverrideStatusException] a new instance of InvalidOverrideStatusException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1110 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1115 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidParentCommitIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidParentCommitIdException] + # @return [InvalidParentCommitIdException] a new instance of InvalidParentCommitIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1120 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1125 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidPathException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPathException] + # @return [InvalidPathException] a new instance of InvalidPathException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1130 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1135 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException] + # @return [InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException] a new instance of InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1140 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1145 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidPullRequestIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestIdException] + # @return [InvalidPullRequestIdException] a new instance of InvalidPullRequestIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1150 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1155 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidPullRequestStatusException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestStatusException] + # @return [InvalidPullRequestStatusException] a new instance of InvalidPullRequestStatusException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1160 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1165 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException] + # @return [InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException] a new instance of InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1170 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1175 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidReactionUserArnException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReactionUserArnException] + # @return [InvalidReactionUserArnException] a new instance of InvalidReactionUserArnException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1180 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1185 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidReactionValueException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReactionValueException] + # @return [InvalidReactionValueException] a new instance of InvalidReactionValueException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1190 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1195 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidReferenceNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReferenceNameException] + # @return [InvalidReferenceNameException] a new instance of InvalidReferenceNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1200 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1205 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException] + # @return [InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException] a new instance of InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1210 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1215 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidReplacementContentException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReplacementContentException] + # @return [InvalidReplacementContentException] a new instance of InvalidReplacementContentException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1220 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1225 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidReplacementTypeException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReplacementTypeException] + # @return [InvalidReplacementTypeException] a new instance of InvalidReplacementTypeException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1230 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1235 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1240 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1245 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryNameException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryNameException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1250 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1255 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1260 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1265 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1270 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1275 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1280 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1285 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1290 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1295 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1300 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1305 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException] + # @return [InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException] a new instance of InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1310 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1315 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidResourceArnException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidResourceArnException] + # @return [InvalidResourceArnException] a new instance of InvalidResourceArnException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1320 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1325 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRevisionIdException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRevisionIdException] + # @return [InvalidRevisionIdException] a new instance of InvalidRevisionIdException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1330 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1335 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception] + # @return [InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception] a new instance of InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1340 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1345 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidSortByException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidSortByException] + # @return [InvalidSortByException] a new instance of InvalidSortByException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1350 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1355 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException] + # @return [InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException] a new instance of InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1360 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1365 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidSystemTagUsageException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidSystemTagUsageException] + # @return [InvalidSystemTagUsageException] a new instance of InvalidSystemTagUsageException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1370 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1375 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidTagKeysListException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTagKeysListException] + # @return [InvalidTagKeysListException] a new instance of InvalidTagKeysListException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1380 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1385 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidTagsMapException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTagsMapException] + # @return [InvalidTagsMapException] a new instance of InvalidTagsMapException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1390 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1395 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidTargetBranchException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTargetBranchException] + # @return [InvalidTargetBranchException] a new instance of InvalidTargetBranchException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1400 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1405 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidTargetException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTargetException] + # @return [InvalidTargetException] a new instance of InvalidTargetException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1410 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1415 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidTargetsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTargetsException] + # @return [InvalidTargetsException] a new instance of InvalidTargetsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1420 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1425 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::InvalidTitleException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTitleException] + # @return [InvalidTitleException] a new instance of InvalidTitleException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1430 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1435 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ManualMergeRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ManualMergeRequiredException] + # @return [ManualMergeRequiredException] a new instance of ManualMergeRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1440 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1445 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumBranchesExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumBranchesExceededException] + # @return [MaximumBranchesExceededException] a new instance of MaximumBranchesExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1450 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1455 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException] + # @return [MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException] a new instance of MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1460 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1465 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException] + # @return [MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException] a new instance of MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1470 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1475 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumFileEntriesExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumFileEntriesExceededException] + # @return [MaximumFileEntriesExceededException] a new instance of MaximumFileEntriesExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1480 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1485 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException] + # @return [MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException] a new instance of MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1490 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1495 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException] + # @return [MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException] a new instance of MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1500 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1505 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException] + # @return [MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException] a new instance of MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1510 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1515 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException] + # @return [MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException] a new instance of MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1520 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1525 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException] + # @return [MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException] a new instance of MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1530 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1535 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException] + # @return [MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException] a new instance of MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1540 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1545 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MergeOptionRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeOptionRequiredException] + # @return [MergeOptionRequiredException] a new instance of MergeOptionRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1550 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1555 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException] + # @return [MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException] a new instance of MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1560 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1565 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException] + # @return [MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException] a new instance of MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1570 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1575 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::NameLengthExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NameLengthExceededException] + # @return [NameLengthExceededException] a new instance of NameLengthExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1580 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1585 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::NoChangeException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NoChangeException] + # @return [NoChangeException] a new instance of NoChangeException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1590 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1595 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException] + # @return [NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException] a new instance of NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1600 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1605 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::NumberOfRulesExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NumberOfRulesExceededException] + # @return [NumberOfRulesExceededException] a new instance of NumberOfRulesExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1610 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1615 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::OverrideAlreadySetException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OverrideAlreadySetException] + # @return [OverrideAlreadySetException] a new instance of OverrideAlreadySetException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1620 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1625 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::OverrideStatusRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OverrideStatusRequiredException] + # @return [OverrideStatusRequiredException] a new instance of OverrideStatusRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1630 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1635 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ParentCommitDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ParentCommitDoesNotExistException] + # @return [ParentCommitDoesNotExistException] a new instance of ParentCommitDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1640 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1645 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ParentCommitIdOutdatedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ParentCommitIdOutdatedException] + # @return [ParentCommitIdOutdatedException] a new instance of ParentCommitIdOutdatedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1650 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1655 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ParentCommitIdRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ParentCommitIdRequiredException] + # @return [ParentCommitIdRequiredException] a new instance of ParentCommitIdRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1660 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1665 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PathDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PathDoesNotExistException] + # @return [PathDoesNotExistException] a new instance of PathDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1670 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1675 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PathRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PathRequiredException] + # @return [PathRequiredException] a new instance of PathRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1680 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1685 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PullRequestAlreadyClosedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestAlreadyClosedException] + # @return [PullRequestAlreadyClosedException] a new instance of PullRequestAlreadyClosedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1690 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1695 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException] + # @return [PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException] a new instance of PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1700 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1705 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException] + # @return [PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException] a new instance of PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1710 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1715 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PullRequestDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestDoesNotExistException] + # @return [PullRequestDoesNotExistException] a new instance of PullRequestDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1720 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1725 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PullRequestIdRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestIdRequiredException] + # @return [PullRequestIdRequiredException] a new instance of PullRequestIdRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1730 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1735 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PullRequestStatusRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestStatusRequiredException] + # @return [PullRequestStatusRequiredException] a new instance of PullRequestStatusRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1740 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1745 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::PutFileEntryConflictException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileEntryConflictException] + # @return [PutFileEntryConflictException] a new instance of PutFileEntryConflictException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1750 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1755 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReactionLimitExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionLimitExceededException] + # @return [ReactionLimitExceededException] a new instance of ReactionLimitExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1760 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1765 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReactionValueRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionValueRequiredException] + # @return [ReactionValueRequiredException] a new instance of ReactionValueRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1770 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1775 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReferenceDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReferenceDoesNotExistException] + # @return [ReferenceDoesNotExistException] a new instance of ReferenceDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1780 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1785 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReferenceNameRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReferenceNameRequiredException] + # @return [ReferenceNameRequiredException] a new instance of ReferenceNameRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1790 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1795 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException] + # @return [ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException] a new instance of ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1800 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1805 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReplacementContentRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReplacementContentRequiredException] + # @return [ReplacementContentRequiredException] a new instance of ReplacementContentRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1810 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1815 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ReplacementTypeRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReplacementTypeRequiredException] + # @return [ReplacementTypeRequiredException] a new instance of ReplacementTypeRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1820 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1825 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryDoesNotExistException] + # @return [RepositoryDoesNotExistException] a new instance of RepositoryDoesNotExistException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1830 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1835 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryLimitExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryLimitExceededException] + # @return [RepositoryLimitExceededException] a new instance of RepositoryLimitExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1840 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1845 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryNameExistsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNameExistsException] + # @return [RepositoryNameExistsException] a new instance of RepositoryNameExistsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1850 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1855 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryNameRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNameRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryNameRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryNameRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1860 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1865 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryNamesRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNamesRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryNamesRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryNamesRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1870 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1875 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException] + # @return [RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException] a new instance of RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1880 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1885 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1890 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1895 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1900 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1905 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1910 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1915 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1920 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1925 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException] + # @return [RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException] a new instance of RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1930 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1935 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ResourceArnRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ResourceArnRequiredException] + # @return [ResourceArnRequiredException] a new instance of ResourceArnRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1940 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1945 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RestrictedSourceFileException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RestrictedSourceFileException] + # @return [RestrictedSourceFileException] a new instance of RestrictedSourceFileException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1950 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1955 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RevisionIdRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RevisionIdRequiredException] + # @return [RevisionIdRequiredException] a new instance of RevisionIdRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1960 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1965 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::RevisionNotCurrentException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RevisionNotCurrentException] + # @return [RevisionNotCurrentException] a new instance of RevisionNotCurrentException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1970 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1975 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::SameFileContentException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SameFileContentException] + # @return [SameFileContentException] a new instance of SameFileContentException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1980 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1985 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::SamePathRequestException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SamePathRequestException] + # @return [SamePathRequestException] a new instance of SamePathRequestException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1990 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#0 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError < ::Aws::Errors::ServiceError; end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#1995 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::SourceAndDestinationAreSameException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SourceAndDestinationAreSameException] + # @return [SourceAndDestinationAreSameException] a new instance of SourceAndDestinationAreSameException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2000 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2005 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::SourceFileOrContentRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SourceFileOrContentRequiredException] + # @return [SourceFileOrContentRequiredException] a new instance of SourceFileOrContentRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2010 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2015 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TagKeysListRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagKeysListRequiredException] + # @return [TagKeysListRequiredException] a new instance of TagKeysListRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2020 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2025 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TagPolicyException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagPolicyException] + # @return [TagPolicyException] a new instance of TagPolicyException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2030 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2035 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TagsMapRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagsMapRequiredException] + # @return [TagsMapRequiredException] a new instance of TagsMapRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2040 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2045 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TargetRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TargetRequiredException] + # @return [TargetRequiredException] a new instance of TargetRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2050 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2055 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TargetsRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TargetsRequiredException] + # @return [TargetsRequiredException] a new instance of TargetsRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2060 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2065 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException] + # @return [TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException] a new instance of TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2070 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2075 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TipsDivergenceExceededException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TipsDivergenceExceededException] + # @return [TipsDivergenceExceededException] a new instance of TipsDivergenceExceededException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2080 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2085 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TitleRequiredException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TitleRequiredException] + # @return [TitleRequiredException] a new instance of TitleRequiredException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2090 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2095 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::TooManyTagsException < ::Aws::CodeCommit::Errors::ServiceError + # @param context [Seahorse::Client::RequestContext] + # @param message [String] + # @param data [Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TooManyTagsException] + # @return [TooManyTagsException] a new instance of TooManyTagsException + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/errors.rb#2100 + def initialize(context, message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit.rb#55 +Aws::CodeCommit::GEM_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#12 +module Aws::CodeCommit::Plugins; end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#13 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Plugins::Endpoints < ::Seahorse::Client::Plugin + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#222 + def add_handlers(handlers, _config); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#26 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Plugins::Endpoints::Handler < ::Seahorse::Client::Handler + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#27 + def call(context); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#47 + def apply_endpoint_headers(context, headers); end + + # @api private + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/plugins/endpoints.rb#58 + def parameters_for_operation(context); end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/resource.rb#12 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Resource + # @option options + # @param options [{}] + # @return [Resource] a new instance of Resource + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/resource.rb#16 + def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @return [Client] + # + # source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/resource.rb#21 + def client; end +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#11 +module Aws::CodeCommit::Types; end + +# The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist in the Amazon +# Web Services account. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ActorDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#18 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ActorDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a specific approval on a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Approval AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#35 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Approval < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#36 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Approval::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about an approval rule. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRule AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#86 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRule < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#87 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRule::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The content for the approval rule is empty. You must provide some +# content for an approval rule. The content cannot be null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#96 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified approval rule does not exist. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#102 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about an event for an approval rule. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#123 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#124 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# An approval rule with that name already exists. Approval rule names +# must be unique within the scope of a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#133 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# An approval rule name is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#139 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about an override event for approval rules for a +# pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#157 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#158 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about an approval rule template. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleTemplate AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#210 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#211 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplate::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The content for the approval rule template is empty. You must provide +# some content for an approval rule template. The content cannot be +# null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#221 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified approval rule template does not exist. Verify that the +# name is correct and that you are signed in to the Amazon Web Services +# Region where the template was created, and then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#229 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The approval rule template is associated with one or more +# repositories. You cannot delete a template that is associated with a +# repository. Remove all associations, and then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#237 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# You cannot create an approval rule template with that name because a +# template with that name already exists in this Amazon Web Services +# Region for your Amazon Web Services account. Approval rule template +# names must be unique. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#246 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# An approval rule template name is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#252 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a change in the approval state for a pull +# request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#269 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#270 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# An approval state is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ApprovalStateRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#278 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ApprovalStateRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoryInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#293 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoryInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#294 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoryInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist in the Amazon +# Web Services account. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/AuthorDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#303 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::AuthorDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about errors in a +# BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#327 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#328 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#351 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#352 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#370 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#371 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about errors in a BatchDescribeMergeConflicts +# operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#395 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#396 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDescribeMergeConflictsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#464 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#465 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#506 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#507 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about errors in a +# BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#534 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#535 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#558 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#559 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#577 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#578 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about errors in a BatchGetCommits operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetCommitsError AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#604 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetCommitsError < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#605 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetCommitsError::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetCommitsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#626 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetCommitsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#627 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetCommitsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetCommitsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#647 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetCommitsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#648 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetCommitsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about errors in a BatchGetRepositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetRepositoriesError AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#679 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetRepositoriesError < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#680 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetRepositoriesError::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a batch get repositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetRepositoriesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#698 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetRepositoriesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#699 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetRepositoriesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a batch get repositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BatchGetRepositoriesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#725 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#726 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BatchGetRepositoriesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The before commit ID and the after commit ID are the same, which is +# not valid. The before commit ID and the after commit ID must be +# different commit IDs. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#736 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified blob does not exist. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BlobIdDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#742 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BlobIdDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A blob ID is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BlobIdRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#748 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BlobIdRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a specific Git blob object. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BlobMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#778 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BlobMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#779 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BlobMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The specified branch does not exist. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BranchDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#787 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a branch. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BranchInfo AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#803 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchInfo < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#804 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchInfo::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Cannot create the branch with the specified name because the commit +# conflicts with an existing branch with the same name. Branch names +# must be unique. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BranchNameExistsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#814 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchNameExistsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified branch name is not valid because it is a tag name. Enter +# the name of a branch in the repository. For a list of valid branch +# names, use ListBranches. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BranchNameIsTagNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#822 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchNameIsTagNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A branch name is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/BranchNameRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#828 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::BranchNameRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The approval rule cannot be deleted from the pull request because it +# was created by an approval rule template and applied to the pull +# request automatically. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#836 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The approval rule cannot be modified for the pull request because it +# was created by an approval rule template and applied to the pull +# request automatically. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#844 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A client request token is required. A client request token is an +# unique, client-generated idempotency token that, when provided in a +# request, ensures the request cannot be repeated with a changed +# parameter. If a request is received with the same parameters and a +# token is included, the request returns information about the initial +# request that used that token. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ClientRequestTokenRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#855 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ClientRequestTokenRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a specific comment. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Comment AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#918 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Comment < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#919 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Comment::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The comment is empty. You must provide some content for a comment. The +# content cannot be null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentContentRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#928 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentContentRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The comment is too large. Comments are limited to 10,240 characters. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#934 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# This comment has already been deleted. You cannot edit or delete a +# deleted comment. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentDeletedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#941 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentDeletedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# No comment exists with the provided ID. Verify that you have used the +# correct ID, and then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#948 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The comment ID is missing or null. A comment ID is required. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentIdRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#954 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentIdRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# You cannot modify or delete this comment. Only comment authors can +# modify or delete their comments. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentNotCreatedByCallerException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#961 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentNotCreatedByCallerException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about comments on the comparison between two +# commits. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentsForComparedCommit AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1010 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentsForComparedCommit < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1011 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentsForComparedCommit::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about comments on a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommentsForPullRequest AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1069 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentsForPullRequest < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1070 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommentsForPullRequest::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a specific commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Commit AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1128 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Commit < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1129 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Commit::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The specified commit does not exist or no commit was specified, and +# the specified repository has no default branch. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1138 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified commit ID does not exist. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitIdDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1144 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A commit ID was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitIdRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1150 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The maximum number of allowed commit IDs in a batch request is 100. +# Verify that your batch requests contains no more than 100 commit IDs, +# and then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitIdsLimitExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1158 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdsLimitExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A list of commit IDs is required, but was either not specified or the +# list was empty. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitIdsListRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1165 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitIdsListRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit message is too long. Provide a shorter string. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitMessageLengthExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1171 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitMessageLengthExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A commit was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CommitRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1177 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CommitRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The merge cannot be completed because the target branch has been +# modified. Another user might have modified the target branch while the +# merge was in progress. Wait a few minutes, and then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1185 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about conflicts in a merge operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Conflict AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1202 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Conflict < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1203 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Conflict::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about the metadata for a conflict in a merge operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ConflictMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1270 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ConflictMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1271 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ConflictMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# If AUTOMERGE is the conflict resolution strategy, a list of inputs to +# use when resolving conflicts during a merge. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ConflictResolution AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1296 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ConflictResolution < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1297 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ConflictResolution::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateApprovalRuleTemplateInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1362 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1363 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1374 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1375 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a create branch operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateBranchInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1399 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateBranchInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1400 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateBranchInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateCommitInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1463 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateCommitInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1464 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateCommitInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateCommitOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1497 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateCommitOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1498 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateCommitOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1559 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1560 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1571 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1572 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreatePullRequestInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1615 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1616 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreatePullRequestOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1627 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1628 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreatePullRequestOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a create repository operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateRepositoryInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1689 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateRepositoryInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1690 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateRepositoryInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a create repository operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateRepositoryOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1703 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateRepositoryOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1704 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateRepositoryOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1781 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1782 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1799 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1800 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The specified branch is the default branch for the repository, and +# cannot be deleted. To delete this branch, you must first set another +# branch as the default branch. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1810 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1819 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1820 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1833 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1834 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a delete branch operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteBranchInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1852 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteBranchInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1853 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteBranchInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a delete branch operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteBranchOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1867 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteBranchOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1868 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteBranchOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteCommentContentInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1880 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteCommentContentInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1881 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteCommentContentInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteCommentContentOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1892 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteCommentContentOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1893 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteCommentContentOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A file that is deleted as part of a commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteFileEntry AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1907 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteFileEntry < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1908 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteFileEntry::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteFileInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1972 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteFileInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#1973 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteFileInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteFileOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2002 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteFileOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2003 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteFileOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2020 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2021 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2037 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2038 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a delete repository operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteRepositoryInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2051 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteRepositoryInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2052 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteRepositoryInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a delete repository operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DeleteRepositoryOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2065 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteRepositoryOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2066 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DeleteRepositoryOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DescribeMergeConflictsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2128 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribeMergeConflictsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2129 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribeMergeConflictsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DescribeMergeConflictsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2168 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2169 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribeMergeConflictsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DescribePullRequestEventsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2207 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribePullRequestEventsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2208 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribePullRequestEventsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DescribePullRequestEventsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2225 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2226 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DescribePullRequestEventsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a set of differences for a commit specifier. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Difference AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2252 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Difference < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2253 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Difference::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A file cannot be added to the repository because the specified path +# name has the same name as a file that already exists in this +# repository. Either provide a different name for the file, or specify a +# different path for the file. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2264 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoryInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2280 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoryInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2281 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoryInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# An encryption integrity check failed. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2289 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# An encryption key could not be accessed. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2295 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The encryption key is disabled. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyDisabledException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2301 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyDisabledException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The Key Management Service encryption key is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2307 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A KMS encryption key was used to try and encrypt or decrypt a +# repository, but either the repository or the key was not in a valid +# state to support the operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2315 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# No encryption key was found. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyNotFoundException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2321 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyNotFoundException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A KMS encryption key ID is required but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2327 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The encryption key is not available. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EncryptionKeyUnavailableException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2333 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EncryptionKeyUnavailableException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2348 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2349 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2364 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2365 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about the approval rules applied to a pull request +# and whether conditions have been met. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Evaluation AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2396 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Evaluation < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2397 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Evaluation::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a file in a repository. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/File AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2427 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::File < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2428 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::File::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The commit cannot be created because both a source file and file +# content have been specified for the same file. You cannot provide +# both. Either specify a source file or provide the file content +# directly. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2439 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The file cannot be added because it is empty. Empty files cannot be +# added to the repository with this API. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileContentRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2446 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileContentRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The file cannot be added because it is too large. The maximum file +# size is 6 MB, and the combined file content change size is 7 MB. +# Consider making these changes using a Git client. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileContentSizeLimitExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2454 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileContentSizeLimitExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified file does not exist. Verify that you have used the +# correct file name, full path, and extension. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2461 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit cannot be created because no files have been specified as +# added, updated, or changed (PutFile or DeleteFile) for the commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileEntryRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2468 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileEntryRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A file to be added, updated, or deleted as part of a commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2491 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2492 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The commit cannot be created because no file mode has been specified. +# A file mode is required to update mode permissions for a file. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileModeRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2501 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileModeRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about file modes in a merge or pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileModes AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2523 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileModes < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2524 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileModes::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A file cannot be added to the repository because the specified file +# name has the same name as a directory in this repository. Either +# provide another name for the file, or add the file in a directory that +# does not match the file name. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2535 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit cannot be created because a specified file path points to a +# submodule. Verify that the destination files have valid file paths +# that do not point to a submodule. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2543 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about the size of files in a merge or pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileSizes AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2564 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileSizes < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2565 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileSizes::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The specified file exceeds the file size limit for CodeCommit. For +# more information about limits in CodeCommit, see [Quotas][1] in the +# *CodeCommit User Guide*. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileTooLargeException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2579 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileTooLargeException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about a version of a file. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FileVersion AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2610 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileVersion < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2611 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FileVersion::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a folder in a repository. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Folder AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2636 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Folder < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2637 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Folder::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The commit cannot be created because at least one of the overall +# changes in the commit results in a folder whose contents exceed the +# limit of 6 MB. Either reduce the number and size of your changes, or +# split the changes across multiple folders. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2648 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified folder does not exist. Either the folder name is not +# correct, or you did not enter the full path to the folder. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/FolderDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2655 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::FolderDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetApprovalRuleTemplateInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2665 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetApprovalRuleTemplateInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2666 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetApprovalRuleTemplateInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2677 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2678 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a get blob operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBlobInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2696 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBlobInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2697 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBlobInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a get blob operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBlobOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2710 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBlobOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2711 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBlobOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a get branch operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBranchInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2730 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBranchInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2731 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBranchInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a get branch operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetBranchOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2744 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBranchOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2745 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetBranchOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2757 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2758 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2769 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2770 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentReactionsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2801 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentReactionsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2802 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentReactionsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentReactionsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2819 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentReactionsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2820 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentReactionsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentsForComparedCommitInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2856 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2857 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2874 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2875 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentsForPullRequestInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2923 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2924 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2941 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2942 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a get commit operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommitInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2960 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommitInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2961 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommitInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a get commit operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetCommitOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2975 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommitOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#2976 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetCommitOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetDifferencesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3030 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetDifferencesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3031 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetDifferencesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetDifferencesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3050 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetDifferencesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3051 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetDifferencesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetFileInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3077 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFileInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3078 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFileInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetFileOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3124 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFileOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3125 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFileOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetFolderInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3153 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFolderInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3154 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFolderInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetFolderOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3198 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFolderOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3199 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetFolderOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeCommitInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3240 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeCommitInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3241 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeCommitInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeCommitOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3271 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeCommitOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3272 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeCommitOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeConflictsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3328 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeConflictsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3329 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeConflictsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeConflictsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3370 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3371 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeConflictsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeOptionsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3412 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeOptionsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3413 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeOptionsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetMergeOptionsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3441 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3442 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetMergeOptionsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestApprovalStatesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3458 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3459 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3470 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3471 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3483 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3484 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3495 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3496 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestOverrideStateInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3514 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3515 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3534 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3535 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a get repository operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepositoryInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3548 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3549 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a get repository operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepositoryOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3562 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3563 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a get repository triggers operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepositoryTriggersInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3576 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryTriggersInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3577 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryTriggersInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a get repository triggers operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/GetRepositoryTriggersOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3595 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3596 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::GetRepositoryTriggersOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The client request token is not valid. Either the token is not in a +# valid format, or the token has been used in a previous request and +# cannot be reused. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/IdempotencyParameterMismatchException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3606 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::IdempotencyParameterMismatchException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid. Make sure that you have +# provided the full ARN for the user who initiated the change for the +# pull request, and then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidActorArnException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3614 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidActorArnException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The content for the approval rule is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidApprovalRuleContentException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3620 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleContentException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The name for the approval rule is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidApprovalRuleNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3626 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The content of the approval rule template is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3632 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The description for the approval rule template is not valid because it +# exceeds the maximum characters allowed for a description. For more +# information about limits in CodeCommit, see [Quotas][1] in the +# *CodeCommit User Guide*. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3645 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The name of the approval rule template is not valid. Template names +# must be between 1 and 100 valid characters in length. For more +# information about limits in CodeCommit, see [Quotas][1] in the +# *CodeCommit User Guide*. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3658 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The state for the approval is not valid. Valid values include APPROVE +# and REVOKE. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidApprovalStateException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3665 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidApprovalStateException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid. Make sure that you have +# provided the full ARN for the author of the pull request, and then try +# again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidAuthorArnException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3673 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidAuthorArnException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified blob is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidBlobIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3679 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidBlobIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified reference name is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidBranchNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3685 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidBranchNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The client request token is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidClientRequestTokenException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3691 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidClientRequestTokenException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The comment ID is not in a valid format. Make sure that you have +# provided the full comment ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidCommentIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3698 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidCommentIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified commit is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidCommitException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3704 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidCommitException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified commit ID is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidCommitIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3710 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidCommitIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified conflict detail level is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidConflictDetailLevelException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3716 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidConflictDetailLevelException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified conflict resolution list is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidConflictResolutionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3722 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidConflictResolutionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified conflict resolution strategy is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3728 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified continuation token is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidContinuationTokenException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3734 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidContinuationTokenException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified deletion parameter is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidDeletionParameterException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3740 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidDeletionParameterException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The pull request description is not valid. Descriptions cannot be more +# than 1,000 characters. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidDescriptionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3747 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidDescriptionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The destination commit specifier is not valid. You must provide a +# valid branch name, tag, or full commit ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3754 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified email address either contains one or more characters +# that are not allowed, or it exceeds the maximum number of characters +# allowed for an email address. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidEmailException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3762 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidEmailException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The location of the file is not valid. Make sure that you include the +# file name and extension. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidFileLocationException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3769 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidFileLocationException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified file mode permission is not valid. For a list of valid +# file mode permissions, see PutFile. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidFileModeException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3776 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidFileModeException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The position is not valid. Make sure that the line number exists in +# the version of the file you want to comment on. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidFilePositionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3783 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidFilePositionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified value for the number of conflict files to return is not +# valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidMaxConflictFilesException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3790 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMaxConflictFilesException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified value for the number of merge hunks to return is not +# valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidMaxMergeHunksException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3797 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMaxMergeHunksException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified number of maximum results is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidMaxResultsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3803 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMaxResultsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified merge option is not valid for this operation. Not all +# merge strategies are supported for all operations. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidMergeOptionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3810 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidMergeOptionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified sort order is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidOrderException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3816 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidOrderException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The override status is not valid. Valid statuses are OVERRIDE and +# REVOKE. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidOverrideStatusException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3823 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidOverrideStatusException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The parent commit ID is not valid. The commit ID cannot be empty, and +# must match the head commit ID for the branch of the repository where +# you want to add or update a file. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidParentCommitIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3831 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidParentCommitIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified path is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidPathException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3837 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPathException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The pull request event type is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3843 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The pull request ID is not valid. Make sure that you have provided the +# full ID and that the pull request is in the specified repository, and +# then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidPullRequestIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3851 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The pull request status is not valid. The only valid values are `OPEN` +# and `CLOSED`. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidPullRequestStatusException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3858 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestStatusException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The pull request status update is not valid. The only valid update is +# from `OPEN` to `CLOSED`. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3865 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or identity is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidReactionUserArnException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3871 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReactionUserArnException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The value of the reaction is not valid. For more information, see the +# [CodeCommit User Guide][1]. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/welcome.html +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidReactionValueException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3882 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReactionValueException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified reference name format is not valid. Reference names must +# conform to the Git references format (for example, refs/heads/main). +# For more information, see [Git Internals - Git References][1] or +# consult your Git documentation. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-References +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidReferenceNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3895 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReferenceNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Either the enum is not in a valid format, or the specified file +# version enum is not valid in respect to the current file version. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3902 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Automerge was specified for resolving the conflict, but the +# replacement type is not valid or content is missing. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidReplacementContentException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3909 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReplacementContentException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Automerge was specified for resolving the conflict, but the specified +# replacement type is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidReplacementTypeException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3916 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidReplacementTypeException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified repository description is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3922 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A specified repository name is not valid. +# +# This exception occurs only when a specified repository name is not +# valid. Other exceptions occur when a required repository parameter is +# missing, or when a specified repository does not exist. +# +# +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3934 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# One or more branch names specified for the trigger is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3940 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The custom data provided for the trigger is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3946 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the trigger is not valid for the +# specified destination. The most common reason for this error is that +# the ARN does not meet the requirements for the service type. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3954 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# One or more events specified for the trigger is not valid. Check to +# make sure that all events specified match the requirements for allowed +# events. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3962 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The name of the trigger is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3968 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The Amazon Web Services Region for the trigger target does not match +# the Amazon Web Services Region for the repository. Triggers must be +# created in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the target for the +# trigger. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3977 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The value for the resource ARN is not valid. For more information +# about resources in CodeCommit, see [CodeCommit Resources and +# Operations][1] in the CodeCommit User Guide. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidResourceArnException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3989 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidResourceArnException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The revision ID is not valid. Use GetPullRequest to determine the +# value. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRevisionIdException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#3996 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRevisionIdException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The SHA-256 hash signature for the rule content is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4002 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified sort by value is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidSortByException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4008 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidSortByException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The source commit specifier is not valid. You must provide a valid +# branch name, tag, or full commit ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4015 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified tag is not valid. Key names cannot be prefixed with +# aws:. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidSystemTagUsageException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4022 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidSystemTagUsageException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The list of tags is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidTagKeysListException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4028 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTagKeysListException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The map of tags is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidTagsMapException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4034 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTagsMapException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified target branch is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidTargetBranchException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4040 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTargetBranchException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The target for the pull request is not valid. A target must contain +# the full values for the repository name, source branch, and +# destination branch for the pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidTargetException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4048 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTargetException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The targets for the pull request is not valid or not in a valid +# format. Targets are a list of target objects. Each target object must +# contain the full values for the repository name, source branch, and +# destination branch for a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidTargetsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4057 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTargetsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The title of the pull request is not valid. Pull request titles cannot +# exceed 100 characters in length. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/InvalidTitleException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4064 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::InvalidTitleException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about whether a file is binary or textual in a merge or +# pull request operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/IsBinaryFile AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4089 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::IsBinaryFile < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4090 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::IsBinaryFile::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListApprovalRuleTemplatesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4108 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4109 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4127 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4128 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4152 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4153 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4171 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4172 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a list branches operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListBranchesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4190 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListBranchesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4191 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListBranchesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a list branches operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListBranchesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4209 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListBranchesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4210 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListBranchesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListFileCommitHistoryRequest AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4246 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListFileCommitHistoryRequest < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4247 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListFileCommitHistoryRequest::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListFileCommitHistoryResponse AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4266 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListFileCommitHistoryResponse < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4267 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListFileCommitHistoryResponse::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListPullRequestsInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4303 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListPullRequestsInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4304 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListPullRequestsInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListPullRequestsOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4321 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListPullRequestsOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4322 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListPullRequestsOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4346 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4347 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4365 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4366 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a list repositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositoriesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4394 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4395 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a list repositories operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListRepositoriesOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4416 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4417 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListRepositoriesOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListTagsForResourceInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4435 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListTagsForResourceInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4436 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListTagsForResourceInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ListTagsForResourceOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4454 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListTagsForResourceOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4455 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ListTagsForResourceOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about the location of a change or comment in the +# comparison between two commits or a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Location AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4481 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Location < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4482 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Location::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The pull request cannot be merged automatically into the destination +# branch. You must manually merge the branches and resolve any +# conflicts. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ManualMergeRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4492 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ManualMergeRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of branches for the trigger was exceeded. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumBranchesExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4498 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumBranchesExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of allowed conflict resolution entries was exceeded. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4504 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of files to load exceeds the allowed limit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4510 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of specified files to change as part of this commit exceeds +# the maximum number of files that can be changed in a single commit. +# Consider using a Git client for these changes. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumFileEntriesExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4518 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumFileEntriesExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of items to compare between the source or destination +# branches and the merge base has exceeded the maximum allowed. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4525 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of approvals required for the approval rule exceeds the +# maximum number allowed. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4532 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# You cannot create the pull request because the repository has too many +# open pull requests. The maximum number of open pull requests for a +# repository is 1,000. Close one or more open pull requests, and then +# try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4541 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The maximum number of allowed repository names was exceeded. +# Currently, this number is 100. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4548 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The number of triggers allowed for the repository was exceeded. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4554 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The maximum number of approval rule templates for a repository has +# been exceeded. You cannot associate more than 25 approval rule +# templates with a repository. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4562 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesByFastForwardInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4588 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4589 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4605 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4606 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesBySquashInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4682 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesBySquashInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4683 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesBySquashInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesBySquashOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4699 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesBySquashOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4700 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesBySquashOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesByThreeWayInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4776 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4777 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4793 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4794 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about merge hunks in a merge or pull request operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeHunk AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4830 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeHunk < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4831 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeHunk::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about the details of a merge hunk that contains a conflict +# in a merge or pull request operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeHunkDetail AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4856 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeHunkDetail < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4857 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeHunkDetail::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a merge or potential merge between a source +# reference and a destination reference in a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4886 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4887 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about the file operation conflicts in a merge operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeOperations AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4907 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeOperations < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4908 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeOperations::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A merge option or stategy is required, and none was provided. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergeOptionRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4916 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergeOptionRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestByFastForwardInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4939 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4940 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4951 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#4952 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestBySquashInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5025 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestBySquashInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5026 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestBySquashInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestBySquashOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5037 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestBySquashOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5038 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestBySquashOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestByThreeWayInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5111 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByThreeWayInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5112 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByThreeWayInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5123 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5124 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# More than one conflict resolution entries exists for the conflict. A +# conflict can have only one conflict resolution entry. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5133 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# You cannot include more than one repository in a pull request. Make +# sure you have specified only one repository name in your request, and +# then try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5141 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The user name is not valid because it has exceeded the character limit +# for author names. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/NameLengthExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5148 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NameLengthExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit cannot be created because no changes will be made to the +# repository as a result of this commit. A commit must contain at least +# one change. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/NoChangeException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5156 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NoChangeException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The maximum number of approval rule templates has been exceeded for +# this Amazon Web Services Region. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5163 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The approval rule cannot be added. The pull request has the maximum +# number of approval rules associated with it. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/NumberOfRulesExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5170 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::NumberOfRulesExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about the type of an object in a merge operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ObjectTypes AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5191 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ObjectTypes < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5192 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ObjectTypes::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about the template that created the approval rule +# for a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/OriginApprovalRuleTemplate AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5211 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OriginApprovalRuleTemplate < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5212 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OriginApprovalRuleTemplate::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The pull request has already had its approval rules set to override. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/OverrideAlreadySetException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5220 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OverrideAlreadySetException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/OverridePullRequestApprovalRulesInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5246 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OverridePullRequestApprovalRulesInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5247 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OverridePullRequestApprovalRulesInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# An override status is required, but no value was provided. Valid +# values include OVERRIDE and REVOKE. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/OverrideStatusRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5256 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::OverrideStatusRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The parent commit ID is not valid because it does not exist. The +# specified parent commit ID does not exist in the specified branch of +# the repository. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ParentCommitDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5264 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ParentCommitDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The file could not be added because the provided parent commit ID is +# not the current tip of the specified branch. To view the full commit +# ID of the current head of the branch, use GetBranch. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ParentCommitIdOutdatedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5272 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ParentCommitIdOutdatedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A parent commit ID is required. To view the full commit ID of a branch +# in a repository, use GetBranch or a Git command (for example, git pull +# or git log). +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ParentCommitIdRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5280 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ParentCommitIdRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified path does not exist. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PathDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5286 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PathDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The folderPath for a location cannot be null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PathRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5292 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PathRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentForComparedCommitInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5337 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5338 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5385 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5386 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentForPullRequestInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5442 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForPullRequestInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5443 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForPullRequestInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentForPullRequestOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5495 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5496 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentForPullRequestOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentReplyInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5526 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentReplyInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5527 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentReplyInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PostCommentReplyOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5538 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentReplyOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5539 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PostCommentReplyOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequest AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5614 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequest < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5615 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequest::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The pull request status cannot be updated because it is already +# closed. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestAlreadyClosedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5624 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestAlreadyClosedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The pull request cannot be merged because one or more approval rules +# applied to the pull request have conditions that have not been met. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5631 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The approval cannot be applied because the user approving the pull +# request matches the user who created the pull request. You cannot +# approve a pull request that you created. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5639 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Metadata about the pull request that is used when comparing the pull +# request source with its destination. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5669 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5670 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The pull request ID could not be found. Make sure that you have +# specified the correct repository name and pull request ID, and then +# try again. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5680 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a pull request event. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestEvent AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5749 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestEvent < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5750 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestEvent::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A pull request ID is required, but none was provided. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestIdRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5758 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestIdRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about the change in the merge state for a pull +# request event. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5780 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5781 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about an update to the source branch of a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5812 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5813 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about a change to the status of a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5826 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5827 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A pull request status is required, but none was provided. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestStatusRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5835 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestStatusRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a pull request target. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PullRequestTarget AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5885 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestTarget < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5886 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PullRequestTarget::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutCommentReactionInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5909 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutCommentReactionInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5910 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutCommentReactionInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about a file added or updated as part of a commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutFileEntry AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5942 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileEntry < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5943 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileEntry::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The commit cannot be created because one or more files specified in +# the commit reference both a file and a folder. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutFileEntryConflictException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#5952 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileEntryConflictException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutFileInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6020 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6021 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutFileOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6043 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6044 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutFileOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of a put repository triggers operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutRepositoryTriggersInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6063 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutRepositoryTriggersInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6064 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutRepositoryTriggersInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a put repository triggers operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/PutRepositoryTriggersOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6077 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6078 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::PutRepositoryTriggersOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about the reaction values provided by users on a comment. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReactionForComment AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6105 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionForComment < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6106 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionForComment::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The number of reactions has been exceeded. Reactions are limited to +# one reaction per user for each individual comment ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReactionLimitExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6115 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionLimitExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about the values for reactions to a comment. CodeCommit +# supports a limited set of reactions. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReactionValueFormats AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6139 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionValueFormats < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6140 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionValueFormats::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A reaction value is required. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReactionValueRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6148 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReactionValueRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified reference does not exist. You must provide a full commit +# ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReferenceDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6155 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReferenceDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A reference name is required, but none was provided. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReferenceNameRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6161 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReferenceNameRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified reference is not a supported type. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6167 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about a replacement content entry in the conflict of a +# merge or pull request operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReplaceContentEntry AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6196 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReplaceContentEntry < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6197 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReplaceContentEntry::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# USE\_NEW\_CONTENT was specified, but no replacement content has been +# provided. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReplacementContentRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6206 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReplacementContentRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A replacement type is required. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ReplacementTypeRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6212 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ReplacementTypeRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The specified repository does not exist. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryDoesNotExistException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6218 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryDoesNotExistException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A repository resource limit was exceeded. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryLimitExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6224 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryLimitExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about a repository. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryMetadata AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6288 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryMetadata < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6289 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryMetadata::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The specified repository name already exists. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryNameExistsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6297 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNameExistsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about a repository name and ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryNameIdPair AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6313 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNameIdPair < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6314 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNameIdPair::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A repository name is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryNameRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6322 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNameRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# At least one repository name object is required, but was not +# specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryNamesRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6329 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNamesRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The repository does not contain any pull requests with that pull +# request ID. Use GetPullRequest to verify the correct repository name +# for the pull request ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6337 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about a trigger for a repository. +# +# If you want to receive notifications about repository events, consider +# using notifications instead of triggers. For more information, see +# [Configuring notifications for repository events][1]. +# +# +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/how-to-repository-email.html +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTrigger AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6391 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTrigger < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6392 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTrigger::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# At least one branch name is required, but was not specified in the +# trigger configuration. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6401 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A destination ARN for the target service for the trigger is required, +# but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6408 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# At least one event for the trigger is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6414 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A trigger failed to run. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6430 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6431 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A name for the trigger is required, but was not specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6439 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The list of triggers for the repository is required, but was not +# specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6446 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A valid Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an CodeCommit resource is +# required. For a list of valid resources in CodeCommit, see [CodeCommit +# Resources and Operations][1] in the CodeCommit User Guide. +# +# +# +# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/ResourceArnRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6458 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::ResourceArnRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit cannot be created because one of the changes specifies +# copying or moving a .gitkeep file. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RestrictedSourceFileException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6465 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RestrictedSourceFileException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A revision ID is required, but was not provided. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RevisionIdRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6471 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RevisionIdRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The revision ID provided in the request does not match the current +# revision ID. Use GetPullRequest to retrieve the current revision ID. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/RevisionNotCurrentException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6478 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::RevisionNotCurrentException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The file was not added or updated because the content of the file is +# exactly the same as the content of that file in the repository and +# branch that you specified. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SameFileContentException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6486 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SameFileContentException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit cannot be created because one or more changes in this +# commit duplicate actions in the same file path. For example, you +# cannot make the same delete request to the same file in the same file +# path twice, or make a delete request and a move request to the same +# file as part of the same commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SamePathRequestException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6496 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SamePathRequestException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about the file mode changes. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SetFileModeEntry AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6512 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SetFileModeEntry < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6513 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SetFileModeEntry::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The source branch and destination branch for the pull request are the +# same. You must specify different branches for the source and +# destination. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SourceAndDestinationAreSameException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6523 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SourceAndDestinationAreSameException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The commit cannot be created because no source files or file content +# have been specified for the commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SourceFileOrContentRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6530 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SourceFileOrContentRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Information about a source file that is part of changes made in a +# commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SourceFileSpecifier AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6547 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SourceFileSpecifier < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6548 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SourceFileSpecifier::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a submodule reference in a repository +# folder. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SubModule AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6574 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SubModule < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6575 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SubModule::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Returns information about a symbolic link in a repository folder. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/SymbolicLink AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6606 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SymbolicLink < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6607 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::SymbolicLink::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A list of tag keys is required. The list cannot be empty or null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TagKeysListRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6615 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagKeysListRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The tag policy is not valid. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TagPolicyException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6621 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagPolicyException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TagResourceInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6636 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagResourceInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6637 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagResourceInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A map of tags is required. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TagsMapRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6645 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TagsMapRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Returns information about a target for a pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/Target AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6668 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Target < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6669 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::Target::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A pull request target is required. It cannot be empty or null. A pull +# request target must contain the full values for the repository name, +# source branch, and destination branch for the pull request. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TargetRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6679 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TargetRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# An array of target objects is required. It cannot be empty or null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TargetsRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6685 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TargetsRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# Represents the input of a test repository triggers operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TestRepositoryTriggersInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6701 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TestRepositoryTriggersInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6702 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TestRepositoryTriggersInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the output of a test repository triggers operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TestRepositoryTriggersOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6723 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6724 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TestRepositoryTriggersOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# The tip of the source branch in the destination repository does not +# match the tip of the source branch specified in your request. The pull +# request might have been updated. Make sure that you have the latest +# changes. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6735 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The divergence between the tips of the provided commit specifiers is +# too great to determine whether there might be any merge conflicts. +# Locally compare the specifiers using `git diff` or a diff tool. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TipsDivergenceExceededException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6743 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TipsDivergenceExceededException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# A pull request title is required. It cannot be empty or null. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TitleRequiredException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6749 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TitleRequiredException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# The maximum number of tags for an CodeCommit resource has been +# exceeded. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/TooManyTagsException AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6756 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::TooManyTagsException < ::Aws::EmptyStructure; end + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UntagResourceInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6771 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UntagResourceInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6772 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UntagResourceInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6796 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6797 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6808 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6809 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6826 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6827 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6838 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6839 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6855 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6856 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6867 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6868 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateCommentInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6886 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateCommentInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6887 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateCommentInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateCommentOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6898 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateCommentOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6899 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateCommentOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of an update default branch operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateDefaultBranchInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6918 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateDefaultBranchInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6919 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateDefaultBranchInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6982 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6983 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6994 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#6995 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestApprovalStateInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7016 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalStateInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7017 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestApprovalStateInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestDescriptionInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7035 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7036 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7047 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7048 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestStatusInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7067 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7068 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7079 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7080 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestTitleInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7098 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7099 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7110 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7111 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of an update repository description operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryDescriptionInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7131 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryDescriptionInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7132 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryDescriptionInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7157 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7158 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7180 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7181 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryEncryptionKeyOutput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Represents the input of an update repository description operation. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UpdateRepositoryNameInput AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7199 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryNameInput < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7200 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UpdateRepositoryNameInput::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Information about the user who made a specified commit. +# +# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/codecommit-2015-04-13/UserInfo AWS API Documentation +# +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7225 +class Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UserInfo < ::Struct + include ::Aws::Structure +end + +# source://aws-sdk-codecommit//lib/aws-sdk-codecommit/types.rb#7226 +Aws::CodeCommit::Types::UserInfo::SENSITIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/bigdecimal@3.1.5.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/bigdecimal@3.1.5.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..855d60be5ea --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/bigdecimal@3.1.5.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `bigdecimal` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem bigdecimal`. + +# source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#89 +class BigDecimal < ::Numeric + # call-seq: + # a.to_d -> bigdecimal + # + # Returns self. + # + # require 'bigdecimal/util' + # + # d = BigDecimal("3.14") + # d.to_d # => 0.314e1 + # + # source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#110 + def to_d; end + + # call-seq: + # a.to_digits -> string + # + # Converts a BigDecimal to a String of the form "nnnnnn.mmm". + # This method is deprecated; use BigDecimal#to_s("F") instead. + # + # require 'bigdecimal/util' + # + # d = BigDecimal("3.14") + # d.to_digits # => "3.14" + # + # source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#90 + def to_digits; end +end + +BigDecimal::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#156 +class Complex < ::Numeric + # call-seq: + # cmp.to_d -> bigdecimal + # cmp.to_d(precision) -> bigdecimal + # + # Returns the value as a BigDecimal. + # + # The +precision+ parameter is required for a rational complex number. + # This parameter is used to determine the number of significant digits + # for the result. + # + # require 'bigdecimal' + # require 'bigdecimal/util' + # + # Complex(0.1234567, 0).to_d(4) # => 0.1235e0 + # Complex(Rational(22, 7), 0).to_d(3) # => 0.314e1 + # + # See also Kernel.BigDecimal. + # + # source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#157 + def to_d(*args); end +end + +# source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#171 +class NilClass + # call-seq: + # nil.to_d -> bigdecimal + # + # Returns nil represented as a BigDecimal. + # + # require 'bigdecimal' + # require 'bigdecimal/util' + # + # nil.to_d # => 0.0 + # + # source://bigdecimal//lib/bigdecimal/util.rb#182 + def to_d; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby@1.2.2.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby@1.2.2.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7163d24bea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby@1.2.2.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `concurrent-ruby` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem concurrent-ruby`. + +# {include:file:README.md} +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/constants.rb#1 +module Concurrent + extend ::Concurrent::Utility::EngineDetector +end + +# A thread-safe subclass of Array. This version locks against the object +# itself for every method call, ensuring only one thread can be reading +# or writing at a time. This includes iteration methods like `#each`. +# +# @note `a += b` is **not** a **thread-safe** operation on +# `Concurrent::Array`. It reads array `a`, then it creates new `Concurrent::Array` +# which is concatenation of `a` and `b`, then it writes the concatenation to `a`. +# The read and write are independent operations they do not form a single atomic +# operation therefore when two `+=` operations are executed concurrently updates +# may be lost. Use `#concat` instead. +# @see http://ruby-doc.org/core/Array.html Ruby standard library `Array` +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/array.rb#53 +class Concurrent::Array < ::Array; end + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/array.rb#22 +Concurrent::ArrayImplementation = Array + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#7 +module Concurrent::Collection; end + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#10 +Concurrent::Collection::MapImplementation = Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#10 +class Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend < ::Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend + # @return [MriMapBackend] a new instance of MriMapBackend + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#12 + def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil), &default_proc); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#17 + def []=(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#61 + def clear; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#33 + def compute(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#21 + def compute_if_absent(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#29 + def compute_if_present(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#53 + def delete(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#57 + def delete_pair(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#49 + def get_and_set(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#37 + def merge_pair(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#45 + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#41 + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end +end + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#9 +class Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend + # WARNING: all public methods of the class must operate on the @backend + # directly without calling each other. This is important because of the + # SynchronizedMapBackend which uses a non-reentrant mutex for performance + # reasons. + # + # @return [NonConcurrentMapBackend] a new instance of NonConcurrentMapBackend + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#15 + def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil), &default_proc); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#21 + def [](key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#25 + def []=(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#94 + def clear; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#59 + def compute(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#29 + def compute_if_absent(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#53 + def compute_if_present(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#81 + def delete(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#85 + def delete_pair(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#99 + def each_pair; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#71 + def get_and_set(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#110 + def get_or_default(key, default_value); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#77 + def key?(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#63 + def merge_pair(key, value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#46 + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#37 + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#106 + def size; end + + private + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#130 + def dupped_backend; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#124 + def initialize_copy(other); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#134 + def pair?(key, expected_value); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#116 + def set_backend(default_proc); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#138 + def store_computed_value(key, new_value); end +end + +# A thread-safe subclass of Hash. This version locks against the object +# itself for every method call, ensuring only one thread can be reading +# or writing at a time. This includes iteration methods like `#each`, +# which takes the lock repeatedly when reading an item. +# +# @see http://ruby-doc.org/core/Hash.html Ruby standard library `Hash` +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/hash.rb#47 +class Concurrent::Hash < ::Hash; end + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/hash.rb#16 +Concurrent::HashImplementation = Hash + +# `Concurrent::Map` is a hash-like object and should have much better performance +# characteristics, especially under high concurrency, than `Concurrent::Hash`. +# However, `Concurrent::Map `is not strictly semantically equivalent to a ruby `Hash` +# -- for instance, it does not necessarily retain ordering by insertion time as `Hash` +# does. For most uses it should do fine though, and we recommend you consider +# `Concurrent::Map` instead of `Concurrent::Hash` for your concurrency-safe hash needs. +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#39 +class Concurrent::Map < ::Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend + # Iterates over each key value pair. + # This method is atomic. + # + # @note Atomic methods taking a block do not allow the `self` instance + # to be used within the block. Doing so will cause a deadlock. + # @return [self] + # @yield for each key value pair in the map + # @yieldparam key [Object] + # @yieldparam value [Object] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#274 + def each; end + + # Iterates over each key. + # This method is atomic. + # + # @note Atomic methods taking a block do not allow the `self` instance + # to be used within the block. Doing so will cause a deadlock. + # @return [self] + # @yield for each key in the map + # @yieldparam key [Object] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#255 + def each_key; end + + # Iterates over each key value pair. + # This method is atomic. + # + # @note Atomic methods taking a block do not allow the `self` instance + # to be used within the block. Doing so will cause a deadlock. + # @return [self] + # @yield for each key value pair in the map + # @yieldparam key [Object] + # @yieldparam value [Object] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#274 + def each_pair; end + + # Iterates over each value. + # This method is atomic. + # + # @note Atomic methods taking a block do not allow the `self` instance + # to be used within the block. Doing so will cause a deadlock. + # @return [self] + # @yield for each value in the map + # @yieldparam value [Object] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#264 + def each_value; end + + # Is map empty? + # + # @return [true, false] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#291 + def empty?; end + + # Get a value with key, or default_value when key is absent, + # or fail when no default_value is given. + # + # @note The "fetch-then-act" methods of `Map` are not atomic. `Map` is intended + # to be use as a concurrency primitive with strong happens-before + # guarantees. It is not intended to be used as a high-level abstraction + # supporting complex operations. All read and write operations are + # thread safe, but no guarantees are made regarding race conditions + # between the fetch operation and yielding to the block. Additionally, + # this method does not support recursion. This is due to internal + # constraints that are very unlikely to change in the near future. + # @param key [Object] + # @param default_value [Object] + # @raise [KeyError] when key is missing and no default_value is provided + # @return [Object] the value or default value + # @yield default value for a key + # @yieldparam key [Object] + # @yieldreturn [Object] default value + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#183 + def fetch(key, default_value = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Fetch value with key, or store default value when key is absent, + # or fail when no default_value is given. This is a two step operation, + # therefore not atomic. The store can overwrite other concurrently + # stored value. + # + # @param key [Object] + # @param default_value [Object] + # @return [Object] the value or default value + # @yield default value for a key + # @yieldparam key [Object] + # @yieldreturn [Object] default value + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#205 + def fetch_or_store(key, default_value = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Get a value with key + # + # @param key [Object] + # @return [Object] the value + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/non_concurrent_map_backend.rb#21 + def get(key); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#321 + def inspect; end + + # Find key of a value. + # + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Object, nil] key or nil when not found + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#284 + def key(value); end + + # All keys + # + # @return [::Array] keys + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#236 + def keys; end + + # @raise [TypeError] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#305 + def marshal_dump; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#313 + def marshal_load(hash); end + + # Set a value with key + # + # @param key [Object] + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Object] the new value + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/collection/map/mri_map_backend.rb#17 + def put(key, value); end + + # Insert value into map with key if key is absent in one atomic step. + # + # @param key [Object] + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Object, nil] the previous value when key was present or nil when there was no key + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#215 + def put_if_absent(key, value); end + + # Is the value stored in the map. Iterates over all values. + # + # @param value [Object] + # @return [true, false] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#227 + def value?(value); end + + # All values + # + # @return [::Array] values + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#244 + def values; end + + private + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#331 + def initialize_copy(other); end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#336 + def populate_from(hash); end + + # @raise [KeyError] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#327 + def raise_fetch_no_key; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/map.rb#341 + def validate_options_hash!(options); end +end + +# Various classes within allows for +nil+ values to be stored, +# so a special +NULL+ token is required to indicate the "nil-ness". +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/constants.rb#6 +Concurrent::NULL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/thread_safe/util.rb#4 +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe; end + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/thread_safe/util.rb#7 +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util; end + +# TODO (pitr-ch 15-Oct-2016): migrate to Utility::ProcessorCounter +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/thread_safe/util.rb#13 +Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::CPU_COUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + +# TODO (pitr-ch 15-Oct-2016): migrate to Utility::NativeInteger +# +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/thread_safe/util.rb#10 +Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::FIXNUM_BIT_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/thread_safe/util.rb#11 +Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util::MAX_INT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#3 +module Concurrent::Utility; end + +# source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#6 +module Concurrent::Utility::EngineDetector + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#7 + def on_cruby?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#11 + def on_jruby?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#27 + def on_linux?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#23 + def on_osx?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#15 + def on_truffleruby?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#19 + def on_windows?; end + + # source://concurrent-ruby//lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/utility/engine.rb#31 + def ruby_version(version = T.unsafe(nil), comparison, major, minor, patch); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-configurable@1.1.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-configurable@1.1.0.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..95da8bc64e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-configurable@1.1.0.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-configurable` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-configurable`. + +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/constants.rb#3 +module Dry + class << self + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# A simple configuration mixin +# +# @api public +# @example class-level configuration +# +# class App +# extend Dry::Configurable +# +# setting :database do +# setting :dsn, 'sqlite:memory' +# end +# end +# +# App.config.database.dsn = 'jdbc:sqlite:memory' +# App.config.database.dsn +# # => "jdbc:sqlite:memory" +# @example instance-level configuration +# +# class App +# include Dry::Configurable +# +# setting :database +# end +# +# production = App.new +# production.config.database = ENV['DATABASE_URL'] +# production.finalize! +# +# development = App.new +# development.config.database = 'jdbc:sqlite:memory' +# development.finalize! +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/constants.rb#7 +module Dry::Configurable + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Configurable::InstanceMethods + + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # Mixes in test interface into the configurable module + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/test_interface.rb#20 + def enable_test_interface; end + + class << self + # @api private + # @private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable.rb#64 + def extended(klass); end + + # @api private + # @private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable.rb#70 + def included(klass); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable.rb#49 + def loader; end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/errors.rb#10 +class Dry::Configurable::AlreadyIncludedError < ::Dry::Configurable::Error; end + +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#7 +module Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + include ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#72 + def __config_build__(settings = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#82 + def __config_dsl__; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#77 + def __config_extension__; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#90 + def __config_reader__; end + + # Return configuration + # + # @api public + # @return [Config] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#67 + def config; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#11 + def inherited(subclass); end + + # Add a setting to the configuration + # + # @api public + # @param name [Mixed] The accessor key for the configuration value + # @param default [Mixed] Default value for the setting + # @param constructor [#call] Transformation given value will go through + # @param reader [Boolean] Whether a reader accessor must be created + # @return [Dry::Configurable::Config] + # @yield A block can be given to add nested settings. + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#43 + def setting(*args, **options, &block); end + + # Returns the defined settings for the class. + # + # @api public + # @return [Settings] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/class_methods.rb#58 + def settings; end +end + +# Setting compiler used internally by the DSL +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/compiler.rb#8 +class Dry::Configurable::Compiler + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/compiler.rb#9 + def call(ast); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/compiler.rb#18 + def visit(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/compiler.rb#30 + def visit_nested(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/compiler.rb#24 + def visit_setting(node); end +end + +# Config exposes setting values through a convenient API +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#10 +class Dry::Configurable::Config + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @return [Config] a new instance of Config + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#24 + def initialize(settings, values: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Get config value by a key + # + # @api public + # @param name [String, Symbol] + # @return Config value + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#47 + def [](name); end + + # Set config value. + # Note that finalized configs cannot be changed. + # + # @api public + # @param name [String, Symbol] + # @param value [Object] + # @raise [FrozenConfigError] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#69 + def []=(name, value); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#87 + def _dry_equalizer_hash; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#14 + def _settings; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#17 + def _values; end + + # Returns true if the value for the given key has been set on this config. + # + # For simple values, this returns true if the value has been explicitly assigned. + # + # For cloneable (mutable) values, since these are captured on read, returns true if the value + # does not compare equally to its corresdponing default value. This relies on these objects + # having functioning `#==` checks. + # + # @api public + # @return [Bool] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#116 + def configured?(key); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#38 + def dup_for_settings(settings); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#159 + def finalize!(freeze_values: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#152 + def hash; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#181 + def pristine; end + + # Returns config values as a hash, with nested values also converted from {Config} instances + # into hashes. + # + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#144 + def to_h; end + + # Update config with new values + # + # @api public + # @param values [Hash, #to_hash] A hash with new values + # @return [Config] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#90 + def update(values); end + + # Returns the current config values. + # + # Nested configs remain in their {Config} instances. + # + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#131 + def values; end + + protected + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#20 + def _configured; end + + private + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#208 + def dup_values; end + + # @api private + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#31 + def initialize_copy(source); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#187 + def method_missing(name, *args); end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#200 + def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/config.rb#204 + def setting_name_from_method(method_name); end +end + +# Setting DSL used by the class API +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#8 +class Dry::Configurable::DSL + # @api private + # @return [DSL] a new instance of DSL + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#17 + def initialize(**options, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#13 + def ast; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#11 + def compiler; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#49 + def config_class; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#53 + def default; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#15 + def options; end + + # Registers a new setting node and compile it into a setting object + # + # @api private + # @return Setting + # @see ClassMethods.setting + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#29 + def setting(name, **options, &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#59 + def ensure_valid_options(options); end + + # Returns a tuple of valid and invalid options hashes derived from the options hash + # given to the setting + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#69 + def valid_and_invalid_options(options); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/dsl.rb#9 +Dry::Configurable::DSL::VALID_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/errors.rb#8 +class Dry::Configurable::Error < ::StandardError; end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/extension.rb#6 +class Dry::Configurable::Extension < ::Module + # @api private + # @return [Extension] a new instance of Extension + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/extension.rb#13 + def initialize(config_class: T.unsafe(nil), default_undefined: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/extension.rb#7 + def config_class; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/extension.rb#10 + def default_undefined; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/extension.rb#21 + def extended(klass); end + + # @api private + # @raise [AlreadyIncludedError] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/extension.rb#28 + def included(klass); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/errors.rb#11 +class Dry::Configurable::FrozenConfigError < ::Dry::Configurable::Error; end + +# Initializer method which is prepended when `Dry::Configurable` +# is included in a class +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/instance_methods.rb#12 +module Dry::Configurable::Initializer + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/instance_methods.rb#14 + def initialize(*_arg0, **_arg1); end +end + +# Instance-level API when `Dry::Configurable` is included in a class +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/instance_methods.rb#25 +module Dry::Configurable::InstanceMethods + include ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + + # Return object's configuration + # + # @api public + # @return [Config] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/instance_methods.rb#33 + def config; end + + # Finalize the config and freeze the object + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/instance_methods.rb#40 + def finalize!(freeze_values: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + private + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/instance_methods.rb#48 + def initialize_copy(source); end +end + +# Common API for both classes and instances +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/methods.rb#8 +module Dry::Configurable::Methods + # @api public + # @raise [FrozenConfigError] + # @yield [config] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/methods.rb#10 + def configure(&block); end + + # Finalize and freeze configuration + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Configurable::Config] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/methods.rb#22 + def finalize!(freeze_values: T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# A defined setting. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#10 +class Dry::Configurable::Setting + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @return [Setting] a new instance of Setting + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#43 + def initialize(name, default:, constructor: T.unsafe(nil), children: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#32 + def children; end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#67 + def cloneable?; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#29 + def constructor; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#23 + def default; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#26 + def mutable; end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#67 + def mutable?; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#20 + def name; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#35 + def options; end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#62 + def reader?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#73 + def to_value; end + + class << self + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#38 + def mutable_value?(value); end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#15 +Dry::Configurable::Setting::DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#17 +Dry::Configurable::Setting::MUTABLE_VALUE_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/setting.rb#13 +Dry::Configurable::Setting::OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A collection of defined settings on a given class. +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#8 +class Dry::Configurable::Settings + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Enumerable + + # @api private + # @return [Settings] a new instance of Settings + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#17 + def initialize(settings = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#27 + def <<(setting); end + + # Returns the setting for the given name, if found. + # + # @api public + # @return [Setting, nil] the setting, or nil if not found + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#37 + def [](name); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#60 + def each(&block); end + + # Returns true if a setting for the given name is defined. + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#46 + def key?(name); end + + # Returns the list of defined setting names. + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#55 + def keys; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#14 + def settings; end + + private + + # @api private + # @api private + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/settings.rb#22 + def initialize_copy(source); end +end + +# Methods meant to be used in a testing scenario +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/test_interface.rb#6 +module Dry::Configurable::TestInterface + # Resets configuration to default values + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Configurable::Config] + # + # source://dry-configurable//lib/dry/configurable/test_interface.rb#12 + def reset_config; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-core@1.0.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-core@1.0.1.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..88ed83b080f --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-core@1.0.1.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1888 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-core` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-core`. + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#5 +module Dry + class << self + # source://dry-configurable/1.1.0/lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # Build an equalizer module for the inclusion in other class + # + # ## Credits + # + # Equalizer has been originally imported from the equalizer gem created by Dan Kubb + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#6 +module Dry::Core + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + + class << self + # Build an equalizer module for the inclusion in other class + # + # ## Credits + # + # Equalizer has been originally imported from the equalizer gem created by Dan Kubb + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core.rb#38 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core.rb#15 + def loader; end + end +end + +# BasicObject +# +# @since 0.8.0 +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#22 +class Dry::Core::BasicObject < ::BasicObject + # Returns the class for debugging purposes. + # + # @see http://ruby-doc.org/core/Object.html#method-i-class + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#32 + def class; end + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#44 + def inspect; end + + # @since 0.8.0 + def instance_of?(_arg0); end + + # @since 0.8.0 + def is_a?(_arg0); end + + # @since 0.8.0 + def kind_of?(_arg0); end + + # Alias for __id__ + # + # @return [Fixnum] the object id + # @see http://ruby-doc.org/core/Object.html#method-i-object_id + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#101 + def object_id; end + + # Interface for pp + # + # @param printer [PP] the Pretty Printable printer + # @return [String] the pretty-printable inspection of the object + # @see https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/pp/rdoc/PP.html + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#113 + def pretty_print(printer); end + + # Returns true if responds to the given method. + # + # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] the result of the check + # @see http://ruby-doc.org/core/Object.html#method-i-respond_to-3F + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#124 + def respond_to?(method_name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + private + + # @api private + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#140 + def __inspect; end + + # Must be overridden by descendants + # + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#134 + def respond_to_missing?(_method_name, _include_all); end + + class << self + # Lookups constants at the top-level namespace, if they are missing in the + # current context. + # + # @api private + # @param name [Symbol] the constant name + # @raise [NameError] if the constant cannot be found + # @return [Object, Module] the constant + # @see https://ruby-doc.org/core/Module.html#method-i-const_missing + # @since 0.8.0 + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/basic_object.rb#23 + def const_missing(name); end + end +end + +# Allows you to cache call results that are solely determined by arguments. +# +# @api public +# @example +# require 'dry/core/cache' +# +# class Foo +# extend Dry::Core::Cache +# +# def heavy_computation(arg1, arg2) +# fetch_or_store(arg1, arg2) { arg1 ^ arg2 } +# end +# end +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#21 +module Dry::Core::Cache + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#36 + def cache; end + + # Caches a result of the block evaluation + # + # @api public + # @note beware Proc instance hashes are not equal, i.e. -> { 1 }.hash != -> { 1 }.hash, + # this means you shouldn't pass Procs in args unless you're sure + # they are always the same instances, otherwise you introduce a memory leak + # @param args [Array] List of hashable objects + # @return [Object] block's return value (cached for subsequent calls with + # the same argument values) + # @yield An arbitrary block + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#51 + def fetch_or_store(*args, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#30 + def inherited(klass); end + + class << self + # @api private + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#23 + def extended(klass); end + end +end + +# Instance methods +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#56 +module Dry::Core::Cache::Methods + # Delegates call to the class-level method + # + # @api public + # @param args [Array] List of hashable objects + # @return [Object] block's return value + # @yield An arbitrary block + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/cache.rb#63 + def fetch_or_store(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end +end + +# Internal support module for class-level settings +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_attributes.rb#10 +module Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + + # Specify what attributes a class will use + # + # @api public + # @example + # class ExtraClass + # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + # + # defines :hello + # + # hello 'world' + # end + # @example with inheritance and type checking + # + # class MyClass + # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + # + # defines :one, :two, type: Integer + # + # one 1 + # two 2 + # end + # + # class OtherClass < MyClass + # two 3 + # end + # + # MyClass.one # => 1 + # MyClass.two # => 2 + # + # OtherClass.one # => 1 + # OtherClass.two # => 3 + # @example with dry-types + # + # class Foo + # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + # + # defines :one, :two, type: Dry::Types['strict.int'] + # end + # @example with coercion using Proc + # + # class Bar + # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + # + # defines :one, coerce: proc { |value| value.to_s } + # end + # @example with coercion using dry-types + # + # class Bar + # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + # + # defines :one, coerce: Dry::Types['coercible.string'] + # end + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_attributes.rb#68 + def defines(*args, type: T.unsafe(nil), coerce: T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::EMPTY_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::EMPTY_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::EMPTY_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::EMPTY_SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::EMPTY_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::IDENTITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::Self = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::ClassAttributes::Undefined = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) + +# Class for generating more classes +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#6 +class Dry::Core::ClassBuilder + # @return [ClassBuilder] a new instance of ClassBuilder + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#11 + def initialize(name:, parent: T.unsafe(nil), namespace: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Generate a class based on options + # + # @example Create anonymous class + # builder = Dry::Core::ClassBuilder.new(name: 'MyClass') + # + # klass = builder.call + # klass.name # => "MyClass" + # @example Create named class + # builder = Dry::Core::ClassBuilder.new(name: 'User', namespace: Entities) + # + # klass = builder.call + # klass.name # => "Entities::User" + # klass.superclass.name # => "Entities::User" + # Entities::User # => "Entities::User" + # klass.superclass == Entities::User # => true + # @return [Class] + # @yield [klass] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#35 + def call; end + + # Returns the value of attribute name. + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#9 + def name; end + + # Returns the value of attribute namespace. + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#9 + def namespace; end + + # Returns the value of attribute parent. + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#9 + def parent; end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#50 + def create_anonymous; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#81 + def create_base(namespace, name, parent); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#64 + def create_named; end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/class_builder.rb#7 +class Dry::Core::ClassBuilder::ParentClassMismatch < ::TypeError; end + +# A list of constants you can use to avoid memory allocations or identity checks. +# +# @api public +# @example Just include this module to your class or module +# class Foo +# include Dry::Core::Constants +# def call(value = EMPTY_ARRAY) +# value.map(&:to_s) +# end +# end +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#18 +module Dry::Core::Constants + class << self + # @api public + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#108 + def included(base); end + end +end + +# An empty array +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#20 +Dry::Core::Constants::EMPTY_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# An empty hash +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#22 +Dry::Core::Constants::EMPTY_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# An empty list of options +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#24 +Dry::Core::Constants::EMPTY_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# An empty set +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#26 +Dry::Core::Constants::EMPTY_SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set) + +# An empty string +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#28 +Dry::Core::Constants::EMPTY_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# Identity function +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#30 +Dry::Core::Constants::IDENTITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#45 +Dry::Core::Constants::Self = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# A special value you can use as a default to know if no arguments +# were passed to the method +# +# @api public +# @example +# def method(value = Undefined) +# if Undefined.equal?(value) +# puts 'no args' +# else +# puts value +# end +# end +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#43 +Dry::Core::Constants::Undefined = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) + +# Thread-safe object registry +# +# @api public +# @example +# +# container = Dry::Core::Container.new +# container.register(:item, 'item') +# container.resolve(:item) +# => 'item' +# +# container.register(:item1, -> { 'item' }) +# container.resolve(:item1) +# => 'item' +# +# container.register(:item2, -> { 'item' }, call: false) +# container.resolve(:item2) +# => # +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container.rb#23 +class Dry::Core::Container + include ::Dry::Core::Container::Mixin::Initializer + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Core::Container::Mixin + extend ::Dry::Core::Container::Configuration + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Configurable + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#83 + def config; end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#7 +class Dry::Core::Container::Config + # @api private + # @return [Config] a new instance of Config + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#22 + def initialize(namespace_separator: T.unsafe(nil), resolver: T.unsafe(nil), registry: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#13 + def namespace_separator; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#13 + def namespace_separator=(_arg0); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#19 + def registry; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#19 + def registry=(_arg0); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#16 + def resolver; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#16 + def resolver=(_arg0); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#8 +Dry::Core::Container::Config::DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#10 +Dry::Core::Container::Config::DEFAULT_REGISTRY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Core::Container::Registry) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/config.rb#9 +Dry::Core::Container::Config::DEFAULT_RESOLVER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Core::Container::Resolver) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/configuration.rb#7 +module Dry::Core::Container::Configuration + # @api private + # @yield [config] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/configuration.rb#31 + def configure; end + + class << self + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/configuration.rb#13 + def extended(klass); end + end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::EMPTY_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::EMPTY_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::EMPTY_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::EMPTY_SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::EMPTY_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#12 +class Dry::Core::Container::Error < ::StandardError; end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::IDENTITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# Base class to abstract Memoizable and Callable implementations +# +# @api abstract +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#10 +class Dry::Core::Container::Item + # @api abstract + # @return [Item] a new instance of Item + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#18 + def initialize(item, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api abstract + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#26 + def call; end + + # @api abstract + # @private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#36 + def callable?; end + + # @api abstract + # @return [Mixed] the item to be solved later + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#12 + def item; end + + # Build a new item with transformation applied + # + # @api abstract + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#43 + def map(func); end + + # @api abstract + # @return [Hash] the options to memoize, call or no. + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#15 + def options; end + + # @api abstract + # @private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item.rb#31 + def value?; end +end + +# Callable class to returns a item call +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/callable.rb#14 +class Dry::Core::Container::Item::Callable < ::Dry::Core::Container::Item + # Returns the result of item call or item + # + # @api public + # @return [Mixed] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/callable.rb#15 + def call; end +end + +# Factory for create an Item to register inside of container +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/factory.rb#10 +class Dry::Core::Container::Item::Factory + # Creates an Item Memoizable or Callable + # + # @api public + # @param item [Mixed] + # @param options [Hash] + # @raise [Dry::Core::Container::Error] + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Item::Base] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/factory.rb#18 + def call(item, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# Memoizable class to store and execute item calls +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/memoizable.rb#12 +class Dry::Core::Container::Item::Memoizable < ::Dry::Core::Container::Item + # Returns a new Memoizable instance + # + # @api public + # @param item [Mixed] + # @param options [Hash] + # @raise [Dry::Core::Container::Error] + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Item::Base] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/memoizable.rb#23 + def initialize(item, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the result of item call using a syncronized mutex + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Item::Base] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/memoizable.rb#33 + def call; end + + # @api public + # @return [Mutex] the stored mutex + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/memoizable.rb#13 + def memoize_mutex; end + + private + + # @api public + # @private + # @raise [::Dry::Core::Container::Error] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/item/memoizable.rb#42 + def raise_not_supported_error; end +end + +# Error raised when key is not defined in the registry +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#17 +class Dry::Core::Container::KeyError < ::KeyError; end + +# Mixin to expose Inversion of Control (IoC) container behaviour +# +# +# @api public +# @example +# +# class MyClass +# extend Dry::Core::Container::Mixin +# end +# +# MyClass.register(:item, 'item') +# MyClass.resolve(:item) +# => 'item' +# +# class MyObject +# include Dry::Core::Container::Mixin +# end +# +# container = MyObject.new +# container.register(:item, 'item') +# container.resolve(:item) +# => 'item' +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#47 +module Dry::Core::Container::Mixin + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Core::Container::Configuration + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Configurable + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # Resolve an item from the container + # + # @api public + # @param key [Mixed] The key for the item you wish to resolve + # @return [Mixed] + # @see Dry::Core::Container::Mixin#resolve + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#144 + def [](key); end + + # @api public + # @private no, really + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#288 + def _container; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#300 + def clone; end + + # Decorates an item from the container with specified decorator + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] self + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#227 + def decorate(key, with: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#293 + def dup; end + + # Calls block once for each key/value pair in the container, passing the key and + # the registered item parameters. + # + # If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead. + # + # @api public + # @note In discussions with other developers, it was felt that being able to iterate + # over not just the registered keys, but to see what was registered would be + # very helpful. This is a step toward doing that. + # @return [Enumerator] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#218 + def each(&block); end + + # Calls block once for each key in container, passing the key as a parameter. + # + # If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead. + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] self + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#201 + def each_key(&block); end + + # Enable stubbing functionality into the current container + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#51 + def enable_stubs!; end + + # Freeze the container. Nothing can be registered after freezing + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#281 + def freeze; end + + # Import a namespace + # + # @api public + # @param namespace [Dry::Core::Container::Namespace] The namespace to import + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] self + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#272 + def import(namespace); end + + # Check whether an item is registered under the given key + # + # @api public + # @param key [Mixed] The key you wish to check for registration with + # @return [Bool] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#181 + def key?(key); end + + # An array of registered names for the container + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#190 + def keys; end + + # Merge in the items of the other container + # + # @api public + # @param other [Dry::Core::Container] The other container to merge in + # @param namespace [Symbol, nil] Namespace to prefix other container items with, defaults to nil + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] self + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#158 + def merge(other, namespace: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Evaluate block and register items in namespace + # + # @api public + # @param namespace [Mixed] The namespace to register items in + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] self + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#253 + def namespace(namespace, &block); end + + # Register an item with the container to be resolved later + # + # @api public + # @param key [Mixed] The key to register the container item with (used to resolve) + # @param contents [Mixed] The item to register with the container (if no block given) + # @param options [Hash] Options to pass to the registry when registering the item + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] self + # @yield If a block is given, contents will be ignored and the block + # will be registered instead + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#104 + def register(key, contents = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Resolve an item from the container + # + # @api public + # @param key [Mixed] The key for the item you wish to resolve + # @return [Mixed] + # @yield Fallback block to call when a key is missing. Its result will be returned + # @yieldparam key [Mixed] Missing key + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#131 + def resolve(key, &block); end + + class << self + # @api public + # @private + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#53 + def extended(base); end + + # @api public + # @private + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#78 + def included(base); end + end +end + +# @api public +# @private +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#70 +module Dry::Core::Container::Mixin::Initializer + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#71 + def initialize(*args, &block); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#48 +Dry::Core::Container::Mixin::PREFIX_NAMESPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# Create a namespace to be imported +# +# @api public +# @example +# +# ns = Dry::Core::Container::Namespace.new('name') do +# register('item', 'item') +# end +# +# container = Dry::Core::Container.new +# +# container.import(ns) +# +# container.resolve('name.item') +# => 'item' +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace.rb#23 +class Dry::Core::Container::Namespace + # Create a new namespace + # + # @api public + # @param name [Mixed] The name of the namespace + # @return [Dry::Core::Container::Namespace] + # @yield The block to evaluate when the namespace is imported + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace.rb#40 + def initialize(name, &block); end + + # @api public + # @return [Proc] The block to be executed when the namespace is imported + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace.rb#28 + def block; end + + # @api public + # @return [Mixed] The namespace (name) + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace.rb#25 + def name; end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#23 +class Dry::Core::Container::NamespaceDSL < ::SimpleDelegator + # DSL for defining namespaces + # + # @api private + # @param container [Dry::Core::Container::Mixin] The container + # @param namespace [String] The namespace (name) + # @param namespace_separator [String] The namespace separator + # @return [Mixed] + # @yield The block to evaluate to define the namespace + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#24 + def initialize(container, namespace, namespace_separator, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#45 + def import(namespace); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#41 + def namespace(namespace, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#37 + def register(key, *args, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#51 + def resolve(key); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/namespace_dsl.rb#57 + def namespaced(key); end +end + +# Default registry for registering items with the container +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/registry.rb#9 +class Dry::Core::Container::Registry + # @api public + # @private + # @return [Registry] a new instance of Registry + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/registry.rb#11 + def initialize; end + + # Register an item with the container to be resolved later + # + # @api public + # @option options + # @param container [Concurrent::Hash] The container + # @param key [Mixed] The key to register the container item with (used to resolve) + # @param item [Mixed] The item to register with the container + # @param options [Hash] + # @raise [Dry::Core::Container::KeyError] If an item is already registered with the given key + # @return [Mixed] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/registry.rb#33 + def call(container, key, item, options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/registry.rb#46 + def factory; end +end + +# Default resolver for resolving items from container +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/resolver.rb#9 +class Dry::Core::Container::Resolver + # Resolve an item from the container + # + # @api public + # @param container [Concurrent::Hash] The container + # @param key [Mixed] The key for the item you wish to resolve + # @raise [KeyError] If the given key is not registered with the container (and no block provided) + # @return [Mixed] + # @yield Fallback block to call when a key is missing. Its result will be returned + # @yieldparam key [Mixed] Missing key + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/resolver.rb#27 + def call(container, key); end + + # Calls block once for each key in container, passing the key and + # the registered item parameters. + # + # If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead. + # + # @api public + # @note In discussions with other developers, it was felt that being able + # to iterate over not just the registered keys, but to see what was + # registered would be very helpful. This is a step toward doing that. + # @return Key, Value + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/resolver.rb#84 + def each(container, &block); end + + # Calls block once for each key in container, passing the key as a parameter. + # + # If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead. + # + # @api public + # @return Hash + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/resolver.rb#69 + def each_key(container, &block); end + + # Check whether an items is registered under the given key + # + # @api public + # @param container [Concurrent::Hash] The container + # @param key [Mixed] The key you wish to check for registration with + # @return [Bool] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/resolver.rb#49 + def key?(container, key); end + + # An array of registered names for the container + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/resolver.rb#58 + def keys(container); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::Self = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#6 +module Dry::Core::Container::Stub + # Stubs have already been enabled turning this into a noop + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#37 + def enable_stubs!; end + + # Overrides resolve to look into stubbed keys first + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#10 + def resolve(key); end + + # Add a stub to the container + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#15 + def stub(key, value, &block); end + + # Remove stubbed keys from the container + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#31 + def unstub(*keys); end + + private + + # Stubs container + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/stub.rb#44 + def _stubs; end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Container::Undefined = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) + +# An extension for issuing warnings on using deprecated methods. +# +# @api public +# @example +# +# class Foo +# def self.old_class_api; end +# def self.new_class_api; end +# +# deprecate_class_method :old_class_api, :new_class_api +# +# def old_api; end +# def new_api; end +# +# deprecate :old_api, :new_api, message: "old_api is no-no" +# end +# @example You also can use this module for your custom messages +# +# Dry::Core::Deprecations.announce("Foo", "use bar instead") +# Dry::Core::Deprecations.warn("Baz is going to be removed soon") +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#29 +module Dry::Core::Deprecations + class << self + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#115 + def [](tag); end + + # Wraps arguments with a standard message format and prints a warning + # + # @api public + # @param name [Object] what is deprecated + # @param msg [String] additional message usually containing upgrade instructions + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#51 + def announce(name, msg, tag: T.unsafe(nil), uplevel: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#68 + def deprecated_name_message(old, new = T.unsafe(nil), msg = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#60 + def deprecation_message(name, msg); end + + # Returns the logger used for printing warnings. + # You can provide your own with .set_logger! + # + # @api public + # @param output [IO] output stream + # @return [Logger] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#85 + def logger(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Sets a custom logger. This is a global setting. + # + # @api public + # @overload set_logger! + # @overload set_logger! + # @overload set_logger! + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#105 + def set_logger!(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Prints a warning + # + # @api public + # @param msg [String] Warning string + # @param tag [String] Tag to help identify the source of the warning. + # Defaults to "deprecated" + # @param Caller [Integer] frame to add to the message + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#39 + def warn(msg, tag: T.unsafe(nil), uplevel: T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#133 +module Dry::Core::Deprecations::Interface + # Mark instance method as deprecated + # + # @api public + # @option [String] + # @param old_name [Symbol] deprecated method + # @param new_name [Symbol] replacement (not required) + # @param [String] [Hash] a customizable set of options + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#157 + def deprecate(old_name, new_name = T.unsafe(nil), message: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Mark class-level method as deprecated + # + # @api public + # @option [String] + # @param old_name [Symbol] deprecated method + # @param new_name [Symbol] replacement (not required) + # @param [String] [Hash] a customizable set of options + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#190 + def deprecate_class_method(old_name, new_name = T.unsafe(nil), message: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Mark a constant as deprecated + # + # @api public + # @option [String] + # @param constant_name [Symbol] constant name to be deprecated + # @param [String] [Hash] a customizable set of options + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#212 + def deprecate_constant(constant_name, message: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Sets/gets deprecation tag + # + # @api public + # @option [String,Symbol] + # @param [String,Symbol] [Hash] a customizable set of options + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#137 + def deprecation_tag(tag = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Issue a tagged warning message + # + # @api public + # @param msg [String] warning message + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#148 + def warn(msg); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#30 +Dry::Core::Deprecations::STACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#121 +class Dry::Core::Deprecations::Tagged < ::Module + # @api private + # @return [Tagged] a new instance of Tagged + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#122 + def initialize(tag); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#127 + def extended(base); end +end + +# An implementation of descendants tracker, heavily inspired +# by the descendants_tracker gem. +# +# @example +# +# class Base +# extend Dry::Core::DescendantsTracker +# end +# +# class A < Base +# end +# +# class B < Base +# end +# +# class C < A +# end +# +# Base.descendants # => [C, B, A] +# A.descendants # => [C] +# B.descendants # => [] +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/descendants_tracker.rb#29 +module Dry::Core::DescendantsTracker + # Return the descendants of this class + # + # @api public + # @example + # descendants = Parent.descendants + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/descendants_tracker.rb#54 + def descendants; end + + protected + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/descendants_tracker.rb#59 + def add_descendant(descendant); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/descendants_tracker.rb#70 + def inherited(descendant); end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/descendants_tracker.rb#32 + def setup(target); end + + private + + # @api private + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/descendants_tracker.rb#39 + def extended(base); end + end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::EMPTY_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::EMPTY_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::EMPTY_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::EMPTY_SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::EMPTY_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# Define equality, equivalence and inspection methods +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#19 +class Dry::Core::Equalizer < ::Module + # Initialize an Equalizer with the given keys + # + # Will use the keys with which it is initialized to define #cmp?, + # #hash, and #inspect + # + # @api private + # @option options + # @option options + # @param keys [Array] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [undefined] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#20 + def initialize(*keys, **options); end + + private + + # Define an #cmp? method based on the instance's values identified by #keys + # + # @api private + # @return [undefined] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#61 + def define_cmp_method; end + + # Define a #hash method based on the instance's values identified by #keys + # + # @api private + # @return [undefined] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#76 + def define_hash_method(immutable:); end + + # Define an inspect method that reports the values of the instance's keys + # + # @api private + # @return [undefined] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#98 + def define_inspect_method; end + + # Define the equalizer methods based on #keys + # + # @api private + # @param inspect [Boolean] whether to define #inspect method + # @param immutable [Boolean] whether to memoize #hash method + # @return [undefined] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#50 + def define_methods(inspect: T.unsafe(nil), immutable: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Hook called when module is included + # + # @api private + # @param descendant [Module] the module or class including Equalizer + # @return [self] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#37 + def included(descendant); end +end + +# The comparison methods +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#108 +module Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + # Compare the object with other object for equivalency + # + # @api public + # @example + # object == other # => true or false + # @param other [Object] the other object to compare with + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#135 + def ==(other); end + + # Compare the object with other object for equality + # + # @api public + # @example + # object.eql?(other) # => true or false + # @param other [Object] the other object to compare with + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/equalizer.rb#120 + def eql?(other); end +end + +# Define extensions that can be later enabled by the user. +# +# @example +# +# class Foo +# extend Dry::Core::Extensions +# +# register_extension(:bar) do +# def bar; :bar end +# end +# end +# +# Foo.new.bar # => NoMethodError +# Foo.load_extensions(:bar) +# Foo.new.bar # => :bar +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/extensions.rb#23 +module Dry::Core::Extensions + # Whether an extension is available + # + # @param name [Symbol] extension name + # @return [Boolean] Extension availability + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/extensions.rb#43 + def available_extension?(name); end + + # Enables specified extensions. Already enabled extensions remain untouched + # + # @param extensions [Array] list of extension names + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/extensions.rb#50 + def load_extensions(*extensions); end + + # Register an extension + # + # @param name [Symbol] extension name + # @yield extension block. This block guaranteed not to be called more than once + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/extensions.rb#35 + def register_extension(name, &block); end + + class << self + # @api private + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/extensions.rb#25 + def extended(obj); end + end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::IDENTITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# Helper module providing thin interface around an inflection backend. +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#6 +module Dry::Core::Inflector + class << self + # Transform string to camel case + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.camelize('foo_bar') # => 'FooBar' + # @param input [String] input string + # @return Transformed string + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#70 + def camelize(input); end + + # Transform a file path to a constant name + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.classify('foo/bar') # => 'Foo::Bar' + # @param input [String] input string + # @return Constant name + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#136 + def classify(input); end + + # Get a constant value by its name + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.constantize('Foo::Bar') # => Foo::Bar + # @param input [String] input constant name + # @return Constant value + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#125 + def constantize(input); end + + # Remove namespaces from a constant name + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.demodulize('Deeply::Nested::Name') # => 'Name' + # @param input [String] input string + # @return Unnested constant name + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#114 + def demodulize(input); end + + # Set up first available backend + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#37 + def detect_backend; end + + # Inflector accessor. Lazily initializes a backend + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#59 + def inflector; end + + # Get a plural form of a word + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.pluralize('string') # => 'strings' + # @param input [String] input string + # @return Transformed string + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#103 + def pluralize(input); end + + # Try to activate a backend + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#26 + def realize_backend(path, backend_factory); end + + # Set preferred backend + # + # @param name [Symbol] backend name (:activesupport or :inflecto) + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#48 + def select_backend(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Get a singlular form of a word + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.singularize('chars') # => 'char' + # @param input [String] input string + # @return Transformed string + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#92 + def singularize(input); end + + # Transform string to snake case + # + # @example + # Dry::Core::Inflector.underscore('FooBar') # => 'foo_bar' + # @param input [String] input string + # @return Transformed string + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#81 + def underscore(input); end + end +end + +# List of supported backends +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/inflector.rb#8 +Dry::Core::Inflector::BACKENDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/errors.rb#5 +class Dry::Core::InvalidClassAttributeValueError < ::StandardError + # @return [InvalidClassAttributeValueError] a new instance of InvalidClassAttributeValueError + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/errors.rb#6 + def initialize(name, value); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#5 +module Dry::Core::Memoizable + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface::Object + + class << self + # @private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#48 + def included(klass); end + end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#9 +module Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface; end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#10 +module Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface::Base + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#15 + def inherited(base); end + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#11 + def memoize(*names); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#23 +module Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface::BasicObject + include ::Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface::Base + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#26 + def new(*_arg0); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#33 +module Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface::Object + include ::Dry::Core::Memoizable::ClassInterface::Base + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#36 + def new(*_arg0, **_arg1); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#6 +Dry::Core::Memoizable::MEMOIZED_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#59 +class Dry::Core::Memoizable::Memoizer < ::Module + # @api private + # @return [Memoizer] a new instance of Memoizer + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#67 + def initialize(klass, names); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#160 + def declaration(definition, lookup); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#81 + def define_memoizable(method:); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#192 + def make_bind_name(idx); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#197 + def map_bind_type(type, name, original_params, defined_types); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#183 + def name_from_param(name); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#229 + def param(name, type); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#60 +Dry::Core::Memoizable::Memoizer::KERNEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/memoizable.rb#7 +Dry::Core::Memoizable::PARAM_PLACEHOLDERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Self = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Core::Undefined = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/version.rb#5 +Dry::Core::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +module Dry::Types + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + + class << self + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/constraints.rb#13 + def Rule(options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#115 + def [](name); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#163 + def const_missing(const); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#82 + def container; end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#197 + def define_builder(method, &block); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#149 + def identifier(klass); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#73 + def included(*_arg0); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#33 + def loader; end + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#202 + def module(*args, &block); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#104 + def register(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#91 + def registered?(class_or_identifier); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/constraints.rb#26 + def rule_compiler; end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#158 + def type_map; end + end +end + +class Dry::Types::Compiler + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#11 + def initialize(registry); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#15 + def call(ast); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#116 + def compile_fn(fn); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#9 + def registry; end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#19 + def visit(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#112 + def visit_any(meta); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#61 + def visit_array(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#24 + def visit_constrained(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#30 + def visit_constructor(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#102 + def visit_enum(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#67 + def visit_hash(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#82 + def visit_json_array(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#77 + def visit_json_hash(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#97 + def visit_key(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#36 + def visit_lax(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#107 + def visit_map(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#41 + def visit_nominal(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#92 + def visit_params_array(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#87 + def visit_params_hash(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#52 + def visit_rule(node); end + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#168 + def visit_safe(*args, &block); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#72 + def visit_schema(node); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#56 + def visit_sum(node); end +end + +class Dry::Types::Container + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#83 + def config; end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::EMPTY_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::EMPTY_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::EMPTY_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::EMPTY_SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::EMPTY_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::IDENTITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::Self = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +module Dry::Types::Type + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/type.rb#18 + def ===(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/type.rb#43 + def [](input = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/type.rb#43 + def call(input = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#168 + def safe(*args, &block); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types/type.rb#18 + def valid?(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# source://dry-core//lib/dry/core/constants.rb#112 +Dry::Types::Undefined = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-inflector@1.0.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-inflector@1.0.0.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4961b984ac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-inflector@1.0.0.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,658 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-inflector` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-inflector`. + +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#3 +module Dry + class << self + # source://dry-configurable/1.1.0/lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# dry-inflector +# +# @since 0.1.0 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#7 +class Dry::Inflector + # Instantiate the inflector + # + # @example Basic usage + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # @example Custom inflection rules + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.plural "virus", "viruses" # specify a rule for #pluralize + # inflections.singular "thieves", "thief" # specify a rule for #singularize + # inflections.uncountable "dry-inflector" # add an exception for an uncountable word + # end + # @param blk [Proc] an optional block to specify custom inflection rules + # @return [Dry::Inflector] the inflector + # @since 0.1.0 + # @yieldparam the [Dry::Inflector::Inflections] inflection rules + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#33 + def initialize(&blk); end + + # Upper camelize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.camelize_upper("data_mapper") # => "DataMapper" + # inflector.camelize_upper("dry/inflector") # => "Dry::Inflector" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the upper camelized string + # @since 0.1.3 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#66 + def camelize(input); end + + # Lower camelize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.camelize_lower("data_mapper") # => "dataMapper" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the lower camelized string + # @since 0.1.3 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#49 + def camelize_lower(input); end + + # Upper camelize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.camelize_upper("data_mapper") # => "DataMapper" + # inflector.camelize_upper("dry/inflector") # => "Dry::Inflector" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the upper camelized string + # @since 0.1.3 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#66 + def camelize_upper(input); end + + # Classify a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.classify("books") # => "Book" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the classified string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#104 + def classify(input); end + + # Find a constant with the name specified in the argument string + # + # The name is assumed to be the one of a top-level constant, + # constant scope of caller is ignored + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.constantize("Module") # => Module + # inflector.constantize("Dry::Inflector") # => Dry::Inflector + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [Class, Module] the class or module + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#88 + def constantize(input); end + + # Dasherize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.dasherize("dry_inflector") # => "dry-inflector" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the dasherized string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#120 + def dasherize(input); end + + # Demodulize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.demodulize("Dry::Inflector") # => "Inflector" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the demodulized string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#136 + def demodulize(input); end + + # Creates a foreign key name + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.foreign_key("Message") => "message_id" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] foreign key + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#175 + def foreign_key(input); end + + # Humanize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.humanize("dry_inflector") # => "Dry inflector" + # inflector.humanize("author_id") # => "Author" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the humanized string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#153 + def humanize(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # @since 0.2.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#308 + def inspect; end + + # Ordinalize a number + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.ordinalize(1) # => "1st" + # inflector.ordinalize(2) # => "2nd" + # inflector.ordinalize(3) # => "3rd" + # inflector.ordinalize(10) # => "10th" + # inflector.ordinalize(23) # => "23rd" + # @param number [Integer] the input + # @return [String] the ordinalized number + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#195 + def ordinalize(number); end + + # Pluralize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.pluralize("book") # => "books" + # inflector.pluralize("money") # => "money" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the pluralized string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#223 + def pluralize(input); end + + # Singularize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.singularize("books") # => "book" + # inflector.singularize("money") # => "money" + # @param input [String] the input + # @return [String] the singularized string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#243 + def singularize(input); end + + # Tableize a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.tableize("Book") # => "books" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the tableized string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#262 + def tableize(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # @since 0.2.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#308 + def to_s; end + + # Check if the input is an uncountable word + # + # @api private + # @param input [String] the input + # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] the result of the check + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#300 + def uncountable?(input); end + + # Underscore a string + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new + # inflector.underscore("dry-inflector") # => "dry_inflector" + # @param input [String, Symbol] the input + # @return [String] the underscored string + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#279 + def underscore(input); end + + private + + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#323 + def inflections; end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.3 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#327 + def internal_camelize(input, upper); end +end + +# A set of acronyms +# +# @api private +# @since 0.1.2 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/acronyms.rb#9 +class Dry::Inflector::Acronyms + # @api private + # @return [Acronyms] a new instance of Acronyms + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/acronyms.rb#14 + def initialize; end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/acronyms.rb#27 + def add(rule, replacement); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/acronyms.rb#21 + def apply_to(word, capitalize: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/acronyms.rb#10 + def regex; end + + private + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/acronyms.rb#36 + def define_regex_patterns; end +end + +# @api private +# @since 0.1.2 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#321 +Dry::Inflector::DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# Inflections +# +# @since 0.1.0 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#12 +class Dry::Inflector::Inflections + # Instantiate the rules + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Inflector::Inflections] + # @since 0.1.0 + # @yieldparam [self] + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#76 + def initialize; end + + # Add one or more acronyms + # + # Acronyms affect how basic operations are performed, such + # as camelize/underscore. + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.acronym "HTML" + # end + # + # inflector.camelize("html") # => "HTML" + # inflector.underscore("HTMLIsFun") # => "html_is_fun" + # @param words [Array] a list of acronyms + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#197 + def acronym(*words); end + + # Acronyms + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Inflector::Acronyms] + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#67 + def acronyms; end + + # Add a custom humanize rule + # + # Specifies a humanized form of a string by a regular expression rule or + # by a string mapping. + # + # When using a regular expression based replacement, the normal humanize + # formatting is called after the replacement. + # + # When a string is used, the human form should be specified as desired + # (example: `"The name"`, not `"the_name"`) + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.human(/_cnt$/i, '\1_count') + # inflections.human("legacy_col_person_name", "Name") + # end + # @param rule [String, Regexp] the rule + # @param replacement [String] the replacement + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#224 + def human(rule, replacement); end + + # Human rules + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Inflector::Rules] + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#59 + def humans; end + + # Add a custom pluralization rule + # + # Specifies a new irregular that applies to both pluralization + # and singularization at the same time. + # + # This can only be used for strings, not regular expressions. + # You simply pass the irregular in singular and plural form. + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.singular "octopus", "octopi" + # end + # @param singular [String] the singular + # @param plural [String] the plural + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#151 + def irregular(singular, plural); end + + # Add a custom pluralization rule + # + # Specifies a new pluralization rule and its replacement. + # The rule can either be a string or a regular expression. + # + # The replacement should always be a string that may include + # references to the matched data from the rule. + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.plural "virus", "viruses" + # end + # @param rule [String, Regexp] the rule + # @param replacement [String] the replacement + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#105 + def plural(rule, replacement); end + + # Pluralization rules + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Inflector::Rules] + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#35 + def plurals; end + + # Add a custom singularization rule + # + # Specifies a new singularization rule and its replacement. + # The rule can either be a string or a regular expression. + # + # The replacement should always be a string that may include + # references to the matched data from the rule. + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.singular "thieves", "thief" + # end + # @param rule [String, Regexp] the rule + # @param replacement [String] the replacement + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#128 + def singular(rule, replacement); end + + # Singularization rules + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Inflector::Rules] + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#43 + def singulars; end + + # Add a custom rule for uncountable words + # + # Uncountable will not be inflected + # + # @example + # require "dry/inflector" + # + # inflector = Dry::Inflector.new do |inflections| + # inflections.uncountable "money" + # inflections.uncountable "money", "information" + # inflections.uncountable %w(money information rice) + # end + # @param words [Enumerable] + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#175 + def uncountable(*words); end + + # Uncountable rules + # + # @api private + # @return [Set] + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#51 + def uncountables; end + + private + + # Add irregular inflection + # + # @api private + # @param rule [String] the rule + # @param replacement [String] the replacement + # @return [undefined] + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#239 + def add_irregular(rule, replacement, target); end + + # Add a new rule + # + # @api private + # @param rule [String, Regexp] the rule + # @param replacement [String, Regexp] the replacement + # @param target [Dry::Inflector::Rules] the target + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#252 + def rule(rule, replacement, target); end + + class << self + # Instantiate a set of inflection rules. + # It adds the default rules and the optional customizations, passed as a block. + # + # @api private + # @param blk [Proc] the optional, custom rules + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections.rb#22 + def build(&blk); end + end +end + +# Default inflections +# +# +# @api private +# @since 0.1.0 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#12 +module Dry::Inflector::Inflections::Defaults + class << self + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#15 + def call(inflect); end + + private + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.2 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#112 + def acronyms(inflect); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#87 + def irregular(inflect); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#25 + def plural(inflect); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#55 + def singular(inflect); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/inflections/defaults.rb#105 + def uncountable(inflect); end + end +end + +# @api private +# @since 0.1.0 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector.rb#317 +Dry::Inflector::ORDINALIZE_TH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# A set of inflection rules +# +# @api private +# @since 0.1.0 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/rules.rb#9 +class Dry::Inflector::Rules + # @api private + # @return [Rules] a new instance of Rules + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/rules.rb#12 + def initialize; end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/rules.rb#18 + def apply_to(word); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/rules.rb#32 + def each(&blk); end + + # @api private + # @since 0.1.0 + # + # source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/rules.rb#26 + def insert(index, array); end +end + +# @since 0.1.0 +# +# source://dry-inflector//lib/dry/inflector/version.rb#6 +Dry::Inflector::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-initializer@3.1.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-initializer@3.1.1.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7b9ed39d961 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-initializer@3.1.1.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,780 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-initializer` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-initializer`. + +# Namespace for gems in a dry-rb community +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer.rb#6 +module Dry + class << self + # source://dry-configurable/1.1.0/lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# DSL for declaring params and options of class initializers +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer.rb#10 +module Dry::Initializer + extend ::Dry::Initializer::DSL + + # Gem-related configuration + # + # @return [Dry::Initializer::Config] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer.rb#24 + def dry_initializer; end + + # Adds or redefines an option of [#dry_initializer] + # + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @param name [Symbol] + # @param type [#call, nil] (nil) + # @param opts [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [self] itself + # @yield block with nested definition + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer.rb#47 + def option(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), **opts, &block); end + + # Adds or redefines a parameter of [#dry_initializer] + # + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @param name [Symbol] + # @param type [#call, nil] (nil) + # @param opts [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [self] itself + # @yield block with nested definition + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer.rb#37 + def param(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), **opts, &block); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer.rb#54 + def inherited(klass); end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders.rb#6 +module Dry::Initializer::Builders; end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#7 +class Dry::Initializer::Builders::Attribute + # @return [Attribute] a new instance of Attribute + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#18 + def initialize(definition); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#12 + def call; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#83 + def assignment_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#71 + def coercion_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#65 + def default_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#59 + def definition_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#33 + def lines; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#50 + def optional_reader; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#44 + def reader_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#54 + def required_reader; end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/attribute.rb#8 + def [](definition); end + end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#7 +class Dry::Initializer::Builders::Initializer + # @return [Initializer] a new instance of Initializer + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#21 + def initialize(config); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#15 + def call; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#41 + def define_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#53 + def end_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#26 + def lines; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#49 + def options_lines; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#45 + def params_lines; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#36 + def undef_line; end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/initializer.rb#11 + def [](config); end + end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#7 +class Dry::Initializer::Builders::Reader + # @return [Reader] a new instance of Reader + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#18 + def initialize(definition); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#12 + def call; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#35 + def attribute_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#25 + def lines; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#41 + def method_lines; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#52 + def type_line; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#29 + def undef_line; end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/reader.rb#8 + def [](definition); end + end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#7 +class Dry::Initializer::Builders::Signature + # @return [Signature] a new instance of Signature + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#18 + def initialize(config); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#12 + def call; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#28 + def optional_params; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#32 + def options; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#24 + def required_params; end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/builders/signature.rb#8 + def [](config); end + end +end + +# Gem-related configuration of some class +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#8 +class Dry::Initializer::Config + # @return [Config] a new instance of Config + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#131 + def initialize(extended_class = T.unsafe(nil), null: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # The hash of assigned attributes for an instance of the [#extended_class] + # + # @param instance [Dry::Initializer::Instance] + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#93 + def attributes(instance); end + + # List of configs of all subclasses of the [#extended_class] + # + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#39 + def children; end + + # Code of the `#__initialize__` method + # + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#103 + def code; end + + # @return [Hash] hash of attribute definitions with their source names + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#22 + def definitions; end + + # @return [Hash] hash of attribute definitions with their source names + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#22 + def extended_class; end + + # Finalizes config + # + # @return [self] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#109 + def finalize; end + + # Human-readable representation of configured params and options + # + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#119 + def inch; end + + # @return [Module] reference to the module to be included into class + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#26 + def mixin; end + + # @return [Hash] hash of attribute definitions with their source names + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#22 + def null; end + + # Adds or redefines an option of [#dry_initializer] + # + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @param name [Symbol] + # @param type [#call, nil] (nil) + # @param opts [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [self] itself + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#73 + def option(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), **opts, &block); end + + # List of definitions for initializer options + # + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#51 + def options; end + + # Adds or redefines a parameter + # + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @option opts + # @param name [Symbol] + # @param type [#call, nil] (nil) + # @param opts [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [self] itself + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#63 + def param(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), **opts, &block); end + + # List of definitions for initializer params + # + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#45 + def params; end + + # @return [Hash] hash of attribute definitions with their source names + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#22 + def parent; end + + # The hash of public attributes for an instance of the [#extended_class] + # + # @param instance [Dry::Initializer::Instance] + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#80 + def public_attributes(instance); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#140 + def add_definition(option, name, type, block, **opts); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#174 + def check_order_of_params; end + + # @raise [SyntaxError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#165 + def check_type(previous, current); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/config.rb#158 + def final_definitions; end +end + +# Module-level DSL +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dsl.rb#6 +module Dry::Initializer::DSL + # Returns a version of the module with custom settings + # + # @option settings + # @param settings [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [Dry::Initializer] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dsl.rb#15 + def [](undefined: T.unsafe(nil), **_arg1); end + + # Returns mixin module to be included to target class by hand + # + # @return [Module] + # @yield proc defining params and options + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dsl.rb#27 + def define(procedure = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Setting for null (undefined value) + # + # @return [nil, Dry::Initializer::UNDEFINED] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dsl.rb#9 + def null; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dsl.rb#36 + def extended(klass); end + + class << self + private + + # @private + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dsl.rb#45 + def extended(mod); end + end +end + +# Base class for parameter or option definitions +# Defines methods to add corresponding reader to the class, +# and build value of instance attribute. +# +# @abstract +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#13 +class Dry::Initializer::Definition + # @return [Definition] a new instance of Definition + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#55 + def initialize(**options); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#36 + def ==(other); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#40 + def code; end + + # Returns the value of attribute default. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def default; end + + # Returns the value of attribute desc. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def desc; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#44 + def inch; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#29 + def inspect; end + + # Returns the value of attribute ivar. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def ivar; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#29 + def name; end + + # Returns the value of attribute null. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def null; end + + # Returns the value of attribute option. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def option; end + + # Returns the value of attribute optional. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def optional; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#18 + def options; end + + # Returns the value of attribute reader. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def reader; end + + # Returns the value of attribute source. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def source; end + + # Returns the value of attribute target. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def target; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#29 + def to_s; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#29 + def to_str; end + + # Returns the value of attribute type. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/definition.rb#14 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers.rb#66 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers + + # Registers a new dispatcher + # + # @param dispatcher [#call] + # @return [self] itself + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers.rb#79 + def <<(dispatcher); end + + # Normalizes the source set of options + # + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Hash] normalized set of options + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers.rb#90 + def call(**options); end + + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers.rb#71 + def null; end + + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers.rb#71 + def null=(_arg0); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers.rb#108 + def pipeline; end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#14 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::BuildNestedType + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::BuildNestedType + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#18 + def call(parent:, source:, target:, type: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#48 + def build_nested_type(parent, name, block); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#59 + def build_struct(klass_name, block); end + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#28 + def check_certainty!(source, type, block); end + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#38 + def check_name!(name, block); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/build_nested_type.rb#55 + def full_name(parent, name); end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/check_type.rb#8 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::CheckType + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::CheckType + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/check_type.rb#11 + def call(source:, type: T.unsafe(nil), wrap: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/check_type.rb#28 + def check_arity!(_source, type, wrap); end + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/check_type.rb#20 + def check_if_callable!(source, type); end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_default.rb#10 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareDefault + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareDefault + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_default.rb#13 + def call(default: T.unsafe(nil), optional: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_default.rb#22 + def callable!(default); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_default.rb#30 + def check_arity!(default); end + + # @raise [TypeError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_default.rb#39 + def invalid!(default); end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_ivar.rb#8 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareIvar + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_ivar.rb#11 + def call(target:, **options); end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_ivar.rb#11 + def call(target:, **options); end + end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_optional.rb#8 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareOptional + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_optional.rb#11 + def call(optional: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), required: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_optional.rb#11 + def call(optional: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), required: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_reader.rb#8 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareReader + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareReader + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_reader.rb#11 + def call(target: T.unsafe(nil), reader: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_reader.rb#24 + def invalid_reader!(target, _reader); end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_source.rb#26 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareSource + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_source.rb#29 + def call(source:, **options); end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_source.rb#29 + def call(source:, **options); end + end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_target.rb#11 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareTarget + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareTarget + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_target.rb#23 + def call(source:, target: T.unsafe(nil), as: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_target.rb#42 + def check_reserved_names!(target); end + + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_target.rb#35 + def check_ruby_name!(target); end +end + +# List of variable names reserved by the gem +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/prepare_target.rb#15 +Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::PrepareTarget::RESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/unwrap_type.rb#12 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::UnwrapType + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::UnwrapType + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/unwrap_type.rb#15 + def call(type: T.unsafe(nil), wrap: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/unwrap_type.rb#23 + def unwrap(type, count); end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/wrap_type.rb#8 +module Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::WrapType + extend ::Dry::Initializer::Dispatchers::WrapType + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/wrap_type.rb#11 + def call(type: T.unsafe(nil), wrap: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/wrap_type.rb#23 + def wrap_value(value, count, type); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/dispatchers/wrap_type.rb#17 + def wrapped_type(type, count); end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin.rb#6 +module Dry::Initializer::Mixin + include ::Dry::Initializer + extend ::Dry::Initializer::DSL + + class << self + # @deprecated + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin.rb#10 + def extended(klass); end + end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/local.rb#7 +module Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Local + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/local.rb#10 + def inspect; end + + # Returns the value of attribute klass. + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/local.rb#8 + def klass; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/local.rb#10 + def to_s; end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/local.rb#10 + def to_str; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/local.rb#18 + def included(klass); end +end + +# @private +# +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/root.rb#7 +module Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/mixin/root.rb#10 + def initialize(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/struct.rb#7 +class Dry::Initializer::Struct + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # Represents event data as a nested hash with deeply stringified keys + # + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/struct.rb#23 + def to_h; end + + private + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/struct.rb#33 + def __hashify(value); end + + class << self + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/struct.rb#13 + def call(options); end + + # source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/struct.rb#13 + def new(options); end + end +end + +# source://dry-initializer//lib/dry/initializer/undefined.rb#5 +module Dry::Initializer::UNDEFINED; end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-logic@1.5.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-logic@1.5.0.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dfd51579512 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-logic@1.5.0.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-logic` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-logic`. + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic.rb#6 +module Dry + class << self + # source://dry-configurable/1.1.0/lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic.rb#7 +module Dry::Logic + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#7 + def Rule(*args, **options, &block); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic.rb#10 + def loader; end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#5 +module Dry::Logic::Appliable + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#14 + def applied?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#22 + def failure?; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#6 + def id; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#10 + def result; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#18 + def success?; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/appliable.rb#26 + def to_ast; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#8 +module Dry::Logic::Builder + # Predicate and operation builder + # + # @example Check if input is zero + # is_zero = Dry::Logic::Builder.call do + # negation { lt?(0) ^ gt?(0) } + # end + # + # p is_zero.call(1) # => false + # p is_zero.call(0) # => true + # p is_zero.call(-1) # => false + # @return [Builder::Result] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#31 + def build(&context); end + + # Predicate and operation builder + # + # @example Check if input is zero + # is_zero = Dry::Logic::Builder.call do + # negation { lt?(0) ^ gt?(0) } + # end + # + # p is_zero.call(1) # => false + # p is_zero.call(0) # => true + # p is_zero.call(-1) # => false + # @return [Builder::Result] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#31 + def call(&context); end + + class << self + # Predicate and operation builder + # + # @example Check if input is zero + # is_zero = Dry::Logic::Builder.call do + # negation { lt?(0) ^ gt?(0) } + # end + # + # p is_zero.call(1) # => false + # p is_zero.call(0) # => true + # p is_zero.call(-1) # => false + # @return [Builder::Result] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#31 + def call(&context); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#38 +class Dry::Logic::Builder::Context + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Logic + include ::Singleton + extend ::Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + + # Defines methods for operations and predicates + # + # @return [Context] a new instance of Context + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#68 + def initialize; end + + # @see Builder#call + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#47 + def call(&context); end + + # Defines custom predicate + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#55 + def predicate(name, &context); end + + class << self + private + + def allocate; end + def new(*_arg0); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#42 +module Dry::Logic::Builder::Context::Predicates + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Logic::Predicates + extend ::Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#9 +Dry::Logic::Builder::IGNORED_OPERATIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/builder.rb#15 +Dry::Logic::Builder::IGNORED_PREDICATES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#5 +class Dry::Logic::Evaluator + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @return [Evaluator] a new instance of Evaluator + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#43 + def initialize(path); end + + # Returns the value of attribute path. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#8 + def path; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#36 +class Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Attr < ::Dry::Logic::Evaluator + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#37 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#37 + def call(input); end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#29 +class Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Key < ::Dry::Logic::Evaluator + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#30 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#30 + def call(input); end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#10 +class Dry::Logic::Evaluator::Set + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @return [Set] a new instance of Set + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#19 + def initialize(evaluators); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#23 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#23 + def call(input); end + + # Returns the value of attribute evaluators. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#13 + def evaluators; end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/evaluator.rb#15 + def new(paths); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#5 +module Dry::Logic::Operations; end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Logic::Operators + + # @return [Abstract] a new instance of Abstract + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#15 + def initialize(*rules, **options); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#24 + def curry(*args); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#20 + def id; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#28 + def new(rules, **new_options); end + + # Returns the value of attribute options. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#13 + def options; end + + # Returns the value of attribute rules. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#11 + def rules; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#36 + def to_ast; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/abstract.rb#32 + def with(new_options); end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::And < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary + # @return [And] a new instance of And + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#9 + def initialize(*_arg0, **_arg1); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#38 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#19 + def call(input); end + + # Returns the value of attribute hints. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#7 + def hints; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#14 + def operator; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/and.rb#14 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/attr.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Attr < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Key + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/attr.rb#11 + def type; end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/attr.rb#7 + def evaluator(name); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/binary.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract + # @return [Binary] a new instance of Binary + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/binary.rb#11 + def initialize(left, right, **options); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/binary.rb#17 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the value of attribute left. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/binary.rb#7 + def left; end + + # Returns the value of attribute right. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/binary.rb#9 + def right; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/binary.rb#21 + def to_s; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Check < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary + # @return [Check] a new instance of Check + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#20 + def initialize(*rules, **options); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#40 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#44 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#29 + def call(input); end + + # Returns the value of attribute evaluator. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#7 + def evaluator; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#25 + def type; end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/check.rb#9 + def new(rule, **options); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/each.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Each < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/each.rb#25 + def [](arr); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/each.rb#11 + def call(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/each.rb#7 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/implication.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Implication < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/implication.rb#26 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/implication.rb#15 + def call(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/implication.rb#11 + def operator; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/implication.rb#7 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Key < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary + # @return [Key] a new instance of Key + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#25 + def initialize(*rules, **options); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#46 + def [](hash); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#50 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#35 + def call(hash); end + + # Returns the value of attribute evaluator. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#7 + def evaluator; end + + # Returns the value of attribute path. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#9 + def path; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#58 + def to_s; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#31 + def type; end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#21 + def evaluator(name); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/key.rb#11 + def new(rules, **options); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/negation.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Negation < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/negation.rb#15 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/negation.rb#11 + def call(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/negation.rb#7 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/or.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Or < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/or.rb#28 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/or.rb#12 + def call(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/or.rb#7 + def operator; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/or.rb#7 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/set.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Set < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/set.rb#20 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/set.rb#24 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/set.rb#11 + def call(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/set.rb#28 + def to_s; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/set.rb#7 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/unary.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Unary < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Abstract + # @return [Unary] a new instance of Unary + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/unary.rb#9 + def initialize(*rules, **options); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/unary.rb#14 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the value of attribute rule. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/unary.rb#7 + def rule; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/unary.rb#18 + def to_s; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/xor.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Operations::Xor < ::Dry::Logic::Operations::Binary + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/xor.rb#16 + def [](input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/xor.rb#20 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/xor.rb#12 + def call(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/xor.rb#7 + def operator; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operations/xor.rb#7 + def type; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#5 +module Dry::Logic::Operators + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#6 + def &(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#21 + def >(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#16 + def ^(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#6 + def and(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#11 + def or(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#21 + def then(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#16 + def xor(other); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/operators.rb#11 + def |(other); end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#11 +module Dry::Logic::Predicates + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods + + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods + + class << self + # @private + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#288 + def included(other); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#15 +module Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#32 + def [](name); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#108 + def array?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#49 + def attr?(name, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#66 + def bool?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#153 + def bytesize?(size, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#229 + def case?(pattern, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#70 + def date?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#74 + def date_time?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#96 + def decimal?(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#275 + def deprecated(name, in_favor_of); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#53 + def empty?(input); end + + # This overrides Object#eql? so we need to make it compatible + # + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#203 + def eql?(left, right = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#116 + def even?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#184 + def excluded_from?(list, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#198 + def excludes?(value, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#175 + def exclusion?(list, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#221 + def false?(value); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#62 + def filled?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#92 + def float?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#225 + def format?(regex, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#124 + def gt?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#132 + def gteq?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#104 + def hash?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#180 + def included_in?(list, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#188 + def includes?(value, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#170 + def inclusion?(list, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#88 + def int?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#209 + def is?(left, right); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#45 + def key?(name, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#120 + def lt?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#128 + def lteq?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#166 + def max_bytesize?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#149 + def max_size?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#162 + def min_bytesize?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#145 + def min_size?(num, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#40 + def nil?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#40 + def none?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#213 + def not_eql?(left, right); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#82 + def number?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#112 + def odd?(input); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#271 + def predicate(name, &block); end + + # This overrides Object#respond_to? so we need to make it compatible + # + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#265 + def respond_to?(method, input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#136 + def size?(size, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#100 + def str?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#78 + def time?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#217 + def true?(value); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#36 + def type?(type, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#255 + def uri?(schemes, input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#260 + def uri_rfc3986?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#235 + def uuid_v1?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#239 + def uuid_v2?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#243 + def uuid_v3?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#247 + def uuid_v4?(input); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#251 + def uuid_v5?(input); end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#16 + def uuid_format(version); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#22 +Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods::UUIDv1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#24 +Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods::UUIDv2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#26 +Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods::UUIDv3 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#28 +Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods::UUIDv4 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/predicates.rb#30 +Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods::UUIDv5 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#5 +class Dry::Logic::Result + # @return [Result] a new instance of Result + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#22 + def initialize(success, id = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#40 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#32 + def failure?; end + + # Returns the value of attribute id. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#18 + def id; end + + # Returns the value of attribute serializer. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#20 + def serializer; end + + # Returns the value of attribute success. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#16 + def success; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#28 + def success?; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#44 + def to_ast; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#52 + def to_s; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#36 + def type; end + + private + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#58 + def visit(ast); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#72 + def visit_and(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#91 + def visit_hint(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#87 + def visit_not(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#77 + def visit_or(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#62 + def visit_predicate(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#82 + def visit_xor(node); end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/result.rb#6 +Dry::Logic::Result::SUCCESS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#15 +class Dry::Logic::Rule + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Logic::Operators + + # @return [Rule] a new instance of Rule + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#45 + def initialize(predicate, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Returns the value of attribute args. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#24 + def args; end + + # Returns the value of attribute arity. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#26 + def arity; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#87 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#64 + def bind(object); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#60 + def curry(*new_args); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#75 + def eval_args(object); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#56 + def id; end + + # Returns the value of attribute options. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#22 + def options; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#83 + def parameters; end + + # Returns the value of attribute predicate. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#20 + def predicate; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#52 + def type; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#79 + def with(new_opts); end + + private + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#93 + def args_with_names(*input); end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#41 + def build(predicate, args: T.unsafe(nil), arity: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#28 + def interfaces; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule.rb#32 + def specialize(arity, curried, base = T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Rule::Interface < ::Module + # @return [Interface] a new instance of Interface + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#13 + def initialize(arity, curried); end + + # Returns the value of attribute arity. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#9 + def arity; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#32 + def constant?; end + + # Returns the value of attribute curried. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#11 + def curried; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#40 + def curried?; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#133 + def curried_args; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#113 + def define_application; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#97 + def define_constant_application; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#80 + def define_constructor; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#58 + def name; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#44 + def unapplied; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#137 + def unapplied_args; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#36 + def variable_arity?; end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/interface.rb#7 +Dry::Logic::Rule::Interface::SPLAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#6 +class Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate < ::Dry::Logic::Rule + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#27 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#15 + def name; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#27 + def to_ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#19 + def to_s; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#11 + def type; end + + class << self + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule/predicate.rb#7 + def specialize(arity, curried, base = T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#5 +class Dry::Logic::RuleCompiler + # @return [RuleCompiler] a new instance of RuleCompiler + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#8 + def initialize(predicates); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#12 + def call(ast); end + + # Returns the value of attribute predicates. + # + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#6 + def predicates; end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#16 + def visit(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#60 + def visit_and(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#35 + def visit_attr(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#21 + def visit_check(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#44 + def visit_each(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#75 + def visit_implication(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#30 + def visit_key(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#26 + def visit_not(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#65 + def visit_or(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#48 + def visit_predicate(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#40 + def visit_set(node); end + + # source://dry-logic//lib/dry/logic/rule_compiler.rb#70 + def visit_xor(node); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-schema@1.13.3.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-schema@1.13.3.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..95b39b09415 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-schema@1.13.3.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,3705 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-schema` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-schema`. + +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#10 +module Dry + class << self + # source://dry-configurable/1.1.0/lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # source://dry-types/1.7.1/lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# Main interface +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#14 +module Dry::Schema + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Core::Extensions + + class << self + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#85 + def Form(**options, &block); end + + # Define a schema suitable for JSON data + # + # This schema type uses `Types::JSON` for coercion by default + # + # @api public + # @example + # Dry::Schema.JSON do + # required(:name).filled(:string) + # required(:age).value(:integer, gt?: 0) + # end + # @return [Params] + # @see Schema#define + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#105 + def JSON(**options, &block); end + + # Define a schema suitable for HTTP params + # + # This schema type uses `Types::Params` for coercion by default + # + # @api public + # @example + # Dry::Schema.Params do + # required(:name).filled(:string) + # required(:age).value(:integer, gt?: 0) + # end + # @return [Params] + # @see Schema#define + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#85 + def Params(**options, &block); end + + # Configuration + # + # @api public + # @example + # Dry::Schema.config.messages.backend = :i18n + # @return [Config] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#47 + def config; end + + # Define a schema + # + # @api public + # @example + # Dry::Schema.define do + # required(:name).filled(:string) + # required(:age).value(:integer, gt?: 0) + # end + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Processor] + # @see DSL.new + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#66 + def define(**options, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema.rb#18 + def loader; end + end +end + +# Extended rule compiler used internally by the DSL +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/compiler.rb#13 +class Dry::Schema::Compiler < ::Dry::Logic::RuleCompiler + # Return true if a given predicate is supported by this compiler + # + # @api private + # @param predicate [Symbol] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/compiler.rb#46 + def support?(predicate); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/compiler.rb#19 + def visit_and(node); end + + # Build a special rule that will produce namespaced failures + # + # This is needed for schemas that are namespaced and they are + # used as nested schemas + # + # @api private + # @param node [Array] + # @param _opts [Hash] Unused + # @return [NamespacedRule] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/compiler.rb#34 + def visit_namespace(node, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + class << self + # Builds a default compiler instance with custom predicate registry + # + # @api private + # @return [Compiler] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/compiler.rb#14 + def new(predicates = T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# Schema definition configuration class +# +# @api public +# @see DSL#configure +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/config.rb#14 +class Dry::Schema::Config + include ::Dry::Configurable::Initializer + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Configurable + include ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + include ::Dry::Configurable::InstanceMethods + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/config.rb#68 + def inspect; end + + private + + # Forward to the underlying config object + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/config.rb#77 + def method_missing(meth, *args, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/config.rb#63 + def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# Path to the default set of localized messages bundled within the gem +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#27 +Dry::Schema::DEFAULT_MESSAGES_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname) + +# Default namespace used for localized messages in YAML files +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#30 +Dry::Schema::DEFAULT_MESSAGES_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#15 +Dry::Schema::DOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# The schema definition DSL class +# +# The DSL is exposed by: +# - `Schema.define` +# - `Schema.Params` +# - `Schema.JSON` +# - `Schema::Params.define` - use with sub-classes +# - `Schema::JSON.define` - use with sub-classes +# +# @api public +# @example class-based definition +# class UserSchema < Dry::Schema::Params +# define do +# required(:name).filled +# required(:age).filled(:integer, gt: 18) +# end +# end +# +# user_schema = UserSchema.new +# user_schema.(name: 'Jame', age: 21) +# @example instance-based definition shortcut +# UserSchema = Dry::Schema.Params do +# required(:name).filled +# required(:age).filled(:integer, gt: 18) +# end +# +# UserSchema.(name: 'Jame', age: 21) +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#37 +class Dry::Schema::DSL + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # Return a macro with the provided name + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] + # @return [Macros::Core] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#124 + def [](name); end + + # Method allows steps injection to the processor + # + # @api public + # @example + # after(:rule_applier) do |input| + # input.compact + # end + # @return [DSL] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#267 + def after(key, &block); end + + # A shortcut for defining an array type with a member + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:tags).filled(array[:string]) + # @return [Dry::Types::Array::Member] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#238 + def array; end + + # Method allows steps injection to the processor + # + # @api public + # @example + # before(:rule_applier) do |input| + # input.compact + # end + # @return [DSL] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#252 + def before(key, &block); end + + # Build a processor based on DSL's definitions + # + # @api private + # @return [Processor, Params, JSON] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#195 + def call; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#108 + def compiler; end + + # Provide customized configuration for your schema + # + # @api public + # @example + # Dry::Schema.define do + # configure do |config| + # config.messages.backend = :i18n + # end + # end + # @return [DSL] + # @see Config + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#102 + def configure(&block); end + + # Check if a custom type was set under provided key name + # + # @api private + # @return [Bool] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#328 + def custom_type?(name); end + + # Check if any filter rules were defined + # + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#365 + def filter_rules?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#349 + def filter_schema; end + + # Build an input schema DSL used by `filter` API + # + # @api private + # @see Macros::Value#filter + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#358 + def filter_schema_dsl; end + + # A generic method for defining keys + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] The key name + # @param macro [Class] The macro sub-class (ie `Macros::Required` or + # any other `Macros::Key` subclass) + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # @return [Macros::Key] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#173 + def key(name, macro:, &block); end + + # Merge with another dsl + # + # @api private + # @return [DSL] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#214 + def merge(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#381 + def merge_types(op_class, lhs, rhs); end + + # Return a new DSL instance using the same processor type + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Types::Safe] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#304 + def new(klass: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Define an optional key + # + # This works exactly the same as `required` except that if a key is not present + # rules will not be applied + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] The key name + # @return [Macros::Optional] + # @see DSL#required + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#160 + def optional(name, &block); end + + # The parent (last from parents) which is used for copying non mergeable configuration + # + # @api public + # @return DSL + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#277 + def parent; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#113 + def predicates; end + + # Define a required key + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:name).filled + # + # required(:age).value(:integer) + # + # required(:user_limit).value(:integer, gt?: 0) + # + # required(:tags).filled { array? | str? } + # @param name [Symbol] The key name + # @return [Macros::Required] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#144 + def required(name, &block); end + + # Resolve type object from the provided spec + # + # @api private + # @param spec [Symbol, Array, Dry::Types::Type] + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#339 + def resolve_type(spec); end + + # Set a type for the given key name + # + # @api private + # @param name [Symbol] The key name + # @param spec [Symbol, Array, Dry::Types::Type] The type spec or a type object + # @return [Dry::Types::Safe] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#316 + def set_type(name, spec); end + + # Return type schema used when composing subschemas + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Types::Schema] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#295 + def strict_type_schema; end + + # Cast this DSL into a rule object + # + # @api public + # @return [RuleApplier] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#226 + def to_rule; end + + # Return type schema used by the value coercer + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Types::Lax] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#286 + def type_schema; end + + # This DSL's type map merged with any parent type maps + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#376 + def types; end + + protected + + # Build a key map from defined types + # + # @api protected + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#408 + def key_map(types = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Build a rule applier + # + # @api protected + # @return [RuleApplier] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#392 + def rule_applier; end + + # Build rules from defined macros + # + # @api protected + # @see #rule_applier + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#401 + def rules; end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#501 + def default_config; end + + # Build a key coercer + # + # @api private + # @return [KeyCoercer] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#440 + def key_coercer; end + + # Return key map type configured by the processor type + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#466 + def key_map_type; end + + # Build a key spec needed by the key map + # + # TODO: we need a key-map compiler using Types AST + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#475 + def key_spec(name, type); end + + # Build a key validator + # + # @api private + # @return [KeyValidator] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#431 + def key_validator; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#422 + def parent_filter_schemas; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#496 + def parent_key_map; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#491 + def parent_rules; end + + # Return type registry configured by the processor type + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#456 + def type_registry; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#512 + def types_merger; end + + # Build a value coercer + # + # @api private + # @return [ValueCoercer] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#449 + def value_coercer; end + + class << self + # Build a new DSL object and evaluate provided block + # + # @api public + # @option options + # @option options + # @option options + # @option options + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [DSL] + # @see Schema.define + # @see Schema.Params + # @see Schema.JSON + # @see Processor.define + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#81 + def new(**options, &block); end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/dsl.rb#38 +Dry::Schema::DSL::Types = Dry::Schema::Types + +# Info extension +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#8 +module Dry::Schema::Info; end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Info::SchemaCompiler + # @api private + # @return [SchemaCompiler] a new instance of SchemaCompiler + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#29 + def initialize; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#104 + def assign_type(key, type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#39 + def call(ast); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#26 + def keys; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#34 + def to_h; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#44 + def visit(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#64 + def visit_and(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#79 + def visit_each(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#72 + def visit_implication(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#84 + def visit_key(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#90 + def visit_predicate(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#50 + def visit_set(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info/schema_compiler.rb#11 +Dry::Schema::Info::SchemaCompiler::PREDICATE_TO_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info.rb#11 +module Dry::Schema::Info::SchemaMethods + # Return information about keys and types + # + # @api public + # @return [HashHash>] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/extensions/info.rb#17 + def info; end +end + +# An error raised when DSL is used in an incorrect way +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#33 +class Dry::Schema::InvalidSchemaError < ::StandardError; end + +# JSON schema type +# +# @api public +# @see Processor +# @see Schema#JSON +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/json.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::JSON < ::Dry::Schema::Processor; end + +# Key objects used by key maps +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#8 +class Dry::Schema::Key + include ::Dry::Core::Cache::Methods + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + extend ::Dry::Core::Cache + + # @api private + # @return [Key] a new instance of Key + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#35 + def initialize(id, name: T.unsafe(nil), coercer: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [Proc, #call] A key name coercer function + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#22 + def coercer; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#58 + def coercible(&coercer); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#78 + def dump; end + + # @api public + # @return [Symbol] The key identifier + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#16 + def id; end + + # @api public + # @return [Symbol, String, Object] The actual key name expected in an input hash + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#19 + def name; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#73 + def new(**new_opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#42 + def read(source); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#63 + def stringified; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#68 + def to_dot_notation; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#53 + def write(source, target); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#85 + def coerced_name; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#25 + def [](name, **opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#30 + def new(*args, **kwargs); end + end +end + +# A specialized key type which handles nested arrays +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#139 +class Dry::Schema::Key::Array < ::Dry::Schema::Key + # @api private + # @return [Array] a new instance of Array + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#145 + def initialize(id, member:, **opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#163 + def coercible(&coercer); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#178 + def dump; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#142 + def member; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#168 + def stringified; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#173 + def to_dot_notation; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#151 + def write(source, target); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#11 +Dry::Schema::Key::DEFAULT_COERCER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# A specialized key type which handles nested hashes +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#92 +class Dry::Schema::Key::Hash < ::Dry::Schema::Key + # @api private + # @return [Hash] a new instance of Hash + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#99 + def initialize(id, members:, **opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#116 + def coercible(&coercer); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#131 + def dump; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#96 + def members; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#105 + def read(source); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#121 + def stringified; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#126 + def to_dot_notation; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key.rb#109 + def write(source, target); end +end + +# Coerces keys in a hash using provided coercer function +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::KeyCoercer + include ::Dry::Core::Cache::Methods + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + extend ::Dry::Core::Cache + + # @api private + # @return [KeyCoercer] a new instance of KeyCoercer + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#30 + def initialize(key_map, &coercer); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#35 + def [](result); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#35 + def call(result); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#17 + def coercer; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#17 + def key_map; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#20 + def new(*args); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#25 + def symbolized(*args); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_coercer.rb#15 +Dry::Schema::KeyCoercer::TO_SYM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# Represents a list of keys defined by the DSL +# +# KeyMap objects expose an API for introspecting schema keys and the ability +# to rebuild an input hash using configured coercer function. +# +# Instances of this class are used as the very first step by the schema processors. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#15 +class Dry::Schema::KeyMap + include ::Dry::Core::Cache::Methods + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Enumerable + extend ::Dry::Core::Cache + + # Set key objects + # + # @api private + # @return [KeyMap] a new instance of KeyMap + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#50 + def initialize(keys); end + + # Return a new key map merged with the provided one + # + # @api public + # @param other [KeyMap, Array] Either a key map or an array with key specs + # @return [KeyMap] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#117 + def +(other); end + + # Return a new key map that is configured to coerce keys using provided coercer function + # + # @api public + # @return [KeyMap] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#85 + def coercible(&coercer); end + + # Dump keys to their spec format + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#131 + def dump; end + + # Iterate over keys + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#108 + def each(&block); end + + # Return a string representation of a key map + # + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#124 + def inspect; end + + # @api public + # @return [Array] A list of defined key objects + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#22 + def keys; end + + # Return a new key map with stringified keys + # + # A stringified key map is suitable for reading hashes with string keys + # + # @api public + # @return [KeyMap] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#96 + def stringified; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#101 + def to_dot_notation; end + + # Write a new hash based on the source hash + # + # @api public + # @param source [Hash] The source hash + # @param target [Hash] The target hash + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#75 + def write(source, target = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + class << self + # Coerce a list of key specs into a key map + # + # @api public + # @example + # KeyMap[:id, :name] + # KeyMap[:title, :artist, tags: [:name]] + # KeyMap[:title, :artist, [:tags]] + # @return [KeyMap] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#34 + def [](*keys); end + + # Build new, or returned a cached instance of a key map + # + # @api public + # @param args [Array, Array, HashArray>] + # @return [KeyMap] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_map.rb#43 + def new(*args); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#9 +class Dry::Schema::KeyValidator + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#20 + def call(result); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#86 + def hashes_or_arrays(xs); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#60 + def key_paths(hash); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#54 + def paths_match?(input_path, key_path); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#40 + def validate_path(key_paths, path); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#14 +Dry::Schema::KeyValidator::BRACKETS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#13 +Dry::Schema::KeyValidator::DIGIT_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/key_validator.rb#12 +Dry::Schema::KeyValidator::INDEX_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#13 +Dry::Schema::LIST_SEPARATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/optional.rb#5 +module Dry::Schema::Macros; end + +# Macro used to specify predicates for each element of an array +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/array.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Array < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::DSL + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/array.rb#47 + def ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/array.rb#47 + def to_ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/array.rb#13 + def value(*args, **opts, &block); end +end + +# Abstract macro class +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Core + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#43 + def ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#28 + def new(**options); end + + # @api private + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#49 + def operation; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#33 + def path; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#43 + def to_ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/core.rb#38 + def to_rule; end +end + +# Macro specialization used within the DSL +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#9 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::DSL < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::Core + include ::Dry::Logic::Operators + + # Like `each` but sets `array?` type-check + # + # @api public + # @example a list of strings + # required(:tags).array(:str?) + # @example a list of hashes + # required(:tags).array(:hash) do + # required(:name).filled(:string) + # end + # @return [Macros::Core] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#176 + def array(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#198 + def custom_type?; end + + # Specify predicates that should be applied to each element of an array + # + # This is a simpler building block than `array` macro, use it + # when you want to provide `array?` type-check with other rules + # manually. + # + # @api public + # @example a list of strings + # required(:tags).value(:array, min_size?: 2).each(:str?) + # @example a list of hashes + # required(:tags).value(:array, min_size?: 2).each(:hash) do + # required(:name).filled(:string) + # end + # @return [Macros::Core] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#157 + def each(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # Prepends `:filled?` predicate + # + # @api public + # @example with a type spec + # required(:name).filled(:string) + # @example with a type spec and a predicate + # required(:name).filled(:string, format?: /\w+/) + # @return [Macros::Core] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#80 + def filled(*args, **opts, &block); end + + # Specify a nested hash with enforced `hash?` type-check + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:tags).hash do + # required(:name).value(:string) + # end + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#134 + def hash(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # Set type specification and predicates for a maybe value + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:name).maybe(:string) + # @return [Macros::Key] + # @see Macros::Key#value + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#98 + def maybe(*args, **opts, &block); end + + # Specify a nested hash without enforced `hash?` type-check + # + # This is a simpler building block than `hash` macro, use it + # when you want to provide `hash?` type-check with other rules + # manually. + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:tags).value(:hash, min_size?: 1).schema do + # required(:name).value(:string) + # end + # @return [Macros::Core] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#120 + def schema(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # Set type spec + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:name).type(:string).value(min_size?: 2) + # @param spec [Symbol, Array, Dry::Types::Type] + # @return [Macros::Key] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#192 + def type(spec); end + + # @api public + # @overload value + # @return [Macros::Core] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#55 + def value(*args, **opts, &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # @yield [macro] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#205 + def append_macro(macro_type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#222 + def extract_type_spec(args, nullable: T.unsafe(nil), set_type: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#259 + def resolve_type(type_spec, nullable); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/dsl.rb#270 + def schema_or_predicate?(arg); end +end + +# Macro used to specify predicates for each element of an array +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/each.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Each < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::DSL + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/each.rb#24 + def ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/each.rb#24 + def to_ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/each.rb#11 + def value(*args, **opts, &block); end +end + +# Macro used to prepend `:filled?` predicate +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Filled < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::Value + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#11 + def call(*predicates, **opts, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#27 + def ensure_valid_predicates(predicates); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#48 + def expected_primitives; end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#38 + def filter_empty_string?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#43 + def processor_config; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/filled.rb#53 + def schema_type; end +end + +# Macro used to specify a nested schema +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/hash.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Hash < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::Schema + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/hash.rb#11 + def call(*args, &block); end +end + +# Base macro for specifying rules applied to a value found under a key +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/key.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Key < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::DSL + # Specify predicates that should be applied before coercion + # + # @api public + # @example check format before coercing to a date + # required(:publish_date).filter(format?: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).value(:date) + # @return [Macros::Key] + # @see Macros::Key#value + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/key.rb#25 + def filter(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/key.rb#44 + def to_ast; end + + # Coerce macro to a rule + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Logic::Rule] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/key.rb#35 + def to_rule; end +end + +# Macro used to specify predicates for a value that can be `nil` +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/maybe.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Maybe < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::DSL + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/maybe.rb#11 + def call(*args, **opts, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/maybe.rb#28 + def to_ast; end +end + +# A Key specialization used for keys that can be skipped +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/optional.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Optional < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::Key + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/optional.rb#11 + def operation; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/optional.rb#16 + def to_rule; end +end + +# A Key specialization used for keys that must be present +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/required.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Required < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::Key + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/required.rb#11 + def operation; end +end + +# Macro used to specify a nested schema +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Schema < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::Value + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#11 + def call(*args, &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#58 + def define(*args, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#35 + def hash_type; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#40 + def merge_operation_types(op); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#87 + def optional?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#82 + def parent_type; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#30 + def process_operation(op); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#97 + def redefined_schema?(args); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/schema.rb#92 + def schema?; end +end + +# A macro used for specifying predicates to be applied to values from a hash +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#14 +class Dry::Schema::Macros::Value < ::Dry::Schema::Macros::DSL + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#74 + def array_type?(type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#89 + def build_array_type(array_type, member); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#15 + def call(*args, **opts, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#79 + def hash_type?(type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#103 + def import_steps(schema); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#84 + def maybe_type?(type); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#115 + def method_missing(meth, *args, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/macros/value.rb#108 + def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# Message objects used by message sets +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Message + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # See which message is higher in the hierarchy + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#92 + def <=>(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#104 + def _path; end + + # Dump the message to a representation suitable for the message set hash + # + # @api public + # @return [String, Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#50 + def dump; end + + # See if another message is the same + # + # If a string is passed, it will be compared with the text + # + # @api private + # @param other [Message, String] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#77 + def eql?(other); end + + # Dump the message into a hash + # + # The hash will be deeply nested if the path's size is greater than 1 + # + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # @see Message#to_h + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#64 + def to_h; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#82 + def to_or(root); end + + # Dump the message to a representation suitable for the message set hash + # + # @api public + # @return [String, Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message.rb#50 + def to_s; end +end + +# Hints extension for Or messages +# +# @api public +# @see Message::Or +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or.rb#9 +module Dry::Schema::Message::Or + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or.rb#11 + def [](left, right, messages); end + end +end + +# A message type used by OR operations +# +# @abstract +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/abstract.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::Message::Or::Abstract + # @api private + # @return [Abstract] a new instance of Abstract + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/abstract.rb#20 + def initialize(left, right); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/abstract.rb#14 + def left; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/abstract.rb#17 + def right; end +end + +# A message type used by OR operations with different paths +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::Message::Or::MultiPath < ::Dry::Schema::Message::Or::Abstract + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#67 + def _path; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#72 + def _paths; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#52 + def messages; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#62 + def path; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#57 + def root; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#47 + def to_h; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#77 + def to_or(root); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#84 + def _messages; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#37 + def handler(message); end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#34 +Dry::Schema::Message::Or::MultiPath::MESSAGE_ARRAY_HANDLER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::Message::Or::MultiPath::MessageArray + # @api private + # @return [MessageArray] a new instance of MessageArray + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#14 + def initialize(messages); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#19 + def _paths; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#29 + def to_h; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/multi_path.rb#24 + def to_or(root); end +end + +# A message type used by OR operations with the same path +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::Message::Or::SinglePath < ::Dry::Schema::Message::Or::Abstract + # @api private + # @return [SinglePath] a new instance of SinglePath + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#21 + def initialize(*args, messages); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#15 + def _path; end + + # Dump a message into a string + # + # Both sides of the message will be joined using translated + # value under `dry_schema.or` message key + # + # @api public + # @return [String] + # @see Message#dump + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#39 + def dump; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#18 + def messages; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#12 + def path; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#56 + def to_a; end + + # Dump an `or` message into a hash + # + # @api public + # @return [String] + # @see Message#to_h + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#51 + def to_h; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#61 + def to_or(root); end + + # Dump a message into a string + # + # Both sides of the message will be joined using translated + # value under `dry_schema.or` message key + # + # @api public + # @return [String] + # @see Message#dump + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message/or/single_path.rb#39 + def to_s; end +end + +# Compiles rule results AST into human-readable format +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # @api private + # @return [MessageCompiler] a new instance of MessageCompiler + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#48 + def initialize(messages, **options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#225 + def append_mapped_size_tokens(tokens); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#66 + def call(ast); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#45 + def default_lookup_options; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#190 + def lookup_options(arg_vals:, input:); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#198 + def message_text(template, tokens, options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#209 + def message_tokens(args); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#162 + def message_type(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#43 + def options; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#119 + def or_translator; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#76 + def visit(node, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#97 + def visit_and(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#81 + def visit_failure(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#87 + def visit_hint(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#178 + def visit_implication(node, *args); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#167 + def visit_key(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#127 + def visit_namespace(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#92 + def visit_not(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#113 + def visit_or(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#133 + def visit_predicate(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#173 + def visit_set(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#108 + def visit_unexpected_key(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#184 + def visit_xor(node, opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#55 + def with(new_options); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#23 +Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler::DEFAULT_PREDICATE_RESOLVERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#27 +Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler::EMPTY_MESSAGE_SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Schema::MessageSet) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#26 +Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler::EMPTY_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler::VisitorOpts) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler.rb#28 +Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler::FULL_MESSAGE_WHITESPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Optimized option hash used by visitor methods in message compiler +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#13 +class Dry::Schema::MessageCompiler::VisitorOpts < ::Hash + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#28 + def call(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#50 + def current_messages; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#32 + def dup(current_messages = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#42 + def failures; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#46 + def hints; end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#38 + def key_failure?(path); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#23 + def path; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_compiler/visitor_opts.rb#14 + def new; end + end +end + +# A set of messages used to generate errors +# +# @api public +# @see Result#message_set +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::MessageSet + include ::Enumerable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @return [MessageSet] a new instance of MessageSet + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#32 + def initialize(messages, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Get a list of message texts for the given key + # + # @api public + # @param key [Symbol] + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#71 + def [](key); end + + # Iterate over messages + # + # @api public + # @example + # result.errors.each do |message| + # puts message.text + # end + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#47 + def each(&block); end + + # Check if a message set is empty + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#93 + def empty?; end + + # Get a list of message texts for the given key + # + # @api public + # @param key [Symbol] + # @raise KeyError + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#84 + def fetch(key); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#98 + def freeze; end + + # A list of compiled message objects + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#19 + def messages; end + + # Options hash + # + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#24 + def options; end + + # Dump message set to a hash + # + # @api public + # @return [HashArray>] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#59 + def to_h; end + + # Dump message set to a hash + # + # @api public + # @return [HashArray>] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#59 + def to_hash; end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#112 + def combine_message_hashes(hashes); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#121 + def combine_message_values(values); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#107 + def messages_map(messages = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#136 + def partition_message_values(values); end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/message_set.rb#27 + def [](messages, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# An API for configuring message backends +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages.rb#8 +module Dry::Schema::Messages + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages.rb#16 + def setup(config); end + + class << self + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages.rb#16 + def setup(config); end + end +end + +# Abstract class for message backends +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#14 +class Dry::Schema::Messages::Abstract + include ::Dry::Configurable::Initializer + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Configurable + include ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + include ::Dry::Configurable::InstanceMethods + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # Retrieve a message template + # + # @api public + # @return [Template] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#91 + def [](predicate, options); end + + # Retrieve a message template + # + # @api public + # @return [Template] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#91 + def call(predicate, options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#169 + def default_locale; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#141 + def filled_lookup_paths(tokens); end + + # @api private + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#174 + def interpolatable_data(_key, _options, **_data); end + + # @api private + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#179 + def interpolate(_key, _options, **_data); end + + # Check if given key is defined + # + # @api public + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#117 + def key?(_key, _options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Retrieve an array of looked up paths + # + # @api public + # @param predicate [Symbol] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#129 + def looked_up_paths(predicate, options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#135 + def lookup_paths(predicate, options); end + + # Return a new message backend that will look for messages under provided namespace + # + # @api public + # @param namespace [Symbol, String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#155 + def namespaced(namespace); end + + # Return root path to messages file + # + # @api public + # @return [Pathname] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#164 + def root; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#78 + def rule(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#146 + def rule_lookup_paths(tokens); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#73 + def translate(key, locale: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + private + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#197 + def custom_top_namespace?(path); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#186 + def lookup_tokens(predicate, options); end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#52 + def build(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/abstract.rb#47 + def setting_names; end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages.rb#9 +Dry::Schema::Messages::BACKENDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Namespaced messages backend +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Messages::Namespaced < ::Dry::Schema::Messages::Abstract + # @api private + # @return [Namespaced] a new instance of Namespaced + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#23 + def initialize(namespace, messages); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#44 + def [](key, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#72 + def cache_key(predicate, options); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#44 + def call(key, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#20 + def call_opts; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#17 + def config; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#59 + def filled_lookup_paths(tokens); end + + # Get a message for the given key and its options + # + # @api public + # @param key [Symbol] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#39 + def get(key, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#77 + def interpolatable_data(key, options, **data); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#82 + def interpolate(key, options, **data); end + + # Check if given key is defined + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#54 + def key?(key, *args); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#14 + def messages; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#11 + def namespace; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#64 + def rule_lookup_paths(tokens); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/namespaced.rb#87 + def translate(key, **args); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/template.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::Messages::Template + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/template.rb#27 + def [](data = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/template.rb#27 + def call(data = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/template.rb#21 + def data(data = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + private + + # @api private + # @raise [KeyError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/template.rb#35 + def ensure_message!; end +end + +# Plain YAML message backend +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#14 +class Dry::Schema::Messages::YAML < ::Dry::Schema::Messages::Abstract + # @api private + # @return [YAML] a new instance of YAML + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#84 + def initialize(data: T.unsafe(nil), config: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Loaded localized message templates + # + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#28 + def data; end + + # Get a message for the given key and its options + # + # @api public + # @param key [Symbol] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#111 + def get(key, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#152 + def interpolatable_data(key, options, **data); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#158 + def interpolate(key, options, **data); end + + # Check if given key is defined + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#120 + def key?(key, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Get an array of looked up paths + # + # @api public + # @param predicate [Symbol] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#99 + def looked_up_paths(predicate, options); end + + # Merge messages from an additional path + # + # @api public + # @param overrides [String] + # @return [Messages::I18n] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#131 + def merge(overrides); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#146 + def prepare; end + + # Translation function + # + # @api public + # @return [Proc] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#33 + def t; end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#185 + def cache; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#201 + def evaluated_key(key, options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#166 + def evaluation_context(key, options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#190 + def load_translations(path); end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#36 + def build(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#72 + def cache; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#50 + def flat_hash(hash, path = T.unsafe(nil), keys = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#79 + def source_cache; end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#17 +Dry::Schema::Messages::YAML::EMPTY_CONTEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Binding) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#15 +Dry::Schema::Messages::YAML::LOCALE_TOKEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/messages/yaml.rb#16 +Dry::Schema::Messages::YAML::TOKEN_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# An error raised when a localized message cannot be found +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#36 +class Dry::Schema::MissingMessageError < ::StandardError + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#38 + def initialize(path, paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# A special rule type that is configured under a specified namespace +# +# This is used internally to create rules that can be properly handled +# by the message compiler in situations where a schema reuses another schema +# but it is configured to use a message namespace +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#12 +class Dry::Schema::NamespacedRule + # @api private + # @return [NamespacedRule] a new instance of NamespacedRule + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#20 + def initialize(namespace, rule); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#32 + def ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#26 + def call(input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#17 + def namespace; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#14 + def rule; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/namespaced_rule.rb#32 + def to_ast(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# Params schema type +# +# @api public +# @see Processor +# @see Schema#Params +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/params.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::Params < ::Dry::Schema::Processor; end + +# Path represents a list of keys in a hash +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::Path + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Comparable + include ::Enumerable + + # @api private + # @return [Path] a new instance of Path + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#57 + def initialize(keys); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#88 + def &(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#79 + def <=>(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#69 + def each(&block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#74 + def include?(other); end + + # @api private + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#16 + def keys; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#95 + def last; end + + # @api private + def root(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#100 + def same_root?(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#62 + def to_h(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#43 + def [](spec); end + + # Coerce a spec into a path object + # + # @api private + # @param spec [Path, Symbol, String, Hash, Array] + # @return [Path] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#27 + def call(spec); end + + # Extract a list of keys from a hash + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#50 + def keys_from_hash(hash); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/path.rb#104 +Dry::Schema::Path::EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Schema::Path) + +# Predicate objects used within the DSL +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::Predicate + include ::Dry::Logic::Operators + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @return [Predicate] a new instance of Predicate + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#56 + def initialize(compiler, name, args, block); end + + # Negate a predicate + # + # @api public + # @example + # required(:name).value(:string) { !empty? } + # @return [Negation] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#73 + def !; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#47 + def args; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#50 + def arity; end + + # Dump predicate to an AST + # + # @api private + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#96 + def ast(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#53 + def block; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#41 + def compiler; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#78 + def ensure_valid; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#44 + def name; end + + # Dump predicate to an AST + # + # @api private + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#96 + def to_ast(*_arg0); end + + # Compile predicate to a rule object + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#87 + def to_rule; end +end + +# A negated predicate +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#15 +class Dry::Schema::Predicate::Negation + include ::Dry::Logic::Operators + + # @api private + # @return [Negation] a new instance of Negation + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#22 + def initialize(predicate); end + + # Dump negated predicate to an AST + # + # @api private + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#31 + def ast(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#19 + def predicate; end + + # Dump negated predicate to an AST + # + # @api private + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate.rb#31 + def to_ast(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate_inferrer.rb#6 +class Dry::Schema::PredicateInferrer < ::Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer + # @api private + # @return [PredicateInferrer] a new instance of PredicateInferrer + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate_inferrer.rb#9 + def initialize(registry = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate_inferrer.rb#7 +class Dry::Schema::PredicateInferrer::Compiler < ::Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::Compiler; end + +# A registry with predicate objects from `Dry::Logic::Predicates` +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate_registry.rb#9 +class Dry::Schema::PredicateRegistry < ::Dry::Types::PredicateRegistry + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/predicate_registry.rb#10 + def arg_list(name, *values); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/primitive_inferrer.rb#6 +class Dry::Schema::PrimitiveInferrer < ::Dry::Types::PrimitiveInferrer + # @api private + # @return [PrimitiveInferrer] a new instance of PrimitiveInferrer + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/primitive_inferrer.rb#9 + def initialize; end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/primitive_inferrer.rb#7 +class Dry::Schema::PrimitiveInferrer::Compiler < ::Dry::Types::PrimitiveInferrer::Compiler; end + +# Processes input data using objects configured within the DSL +# Processing is split into steps represented by `ProcessorSteps`. +# +# @api public +# @see ProcessorSteps +# @see Params +# @see JSON +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#15 +class Dry::Schema::Processor + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + include ::Dry::Logic::Operators + include ::Dry::Schema::Info::SchemaMethods + extend ::Dry::Initializer + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Configurable + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # Apply processing steps to the provided input + # + # @api public + # @param input [Hash] + # @return [Result] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#77 + def [](input); end + + # @api public + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#85 + def ^(_other); end + + # Return AST representation of the rules + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#168 + def ast(*_arg0); end + + # Apply processing steps to the provided input + # + # @api public + # @param input [Hash] + # @return [Result] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#77 + def call(input); end + + # Return the rules config + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Types::Config] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#161 + def config; end + + # Check if there are filter rules + # + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#201 + def filter_rules?; end + + # Return filter schema + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#208 + def filter_schema; end + + # Return string representation + # + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#115 + def inspect; end + + # Return the key map + # + # @api public + # @return [KeyMap] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#126 + def key_map; end + + # Merge with another schema + # + # @api public + # @param other [Processor] + # @return [Processor, Params, JSON] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#97 + def merge(other); end + + # Return the message compiler + # + # @api private + # @return [MessageCompiler] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#178 + def message_compiler; end + + # Return the rule applier + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#151 + def rule_applier; end + + # Return the rules from rule applier + # + # @api private + # @return [MessageCompiler] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#187 + def rules; end + + # Return type schema used when composing subschemas + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Types::Schema] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#144 + def strict_type_schema; end + + # Return AST representation of the rules + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#168 + def to_ast(*_arg0); end + + # Return a proc that acts like a schema object + # + # @api public + # @return [Proc] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#106 + def to_proc; end + + # Return the rule applier + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#151 + def to_rule; end + + # Return the type schema + # + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Types::Lax] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#135 + def type_schema; end + + # Return the types from the schema DSL + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#194 + def types; end + + # @api public + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#85 + def xor(_other); end + + class << self + # Define a schema for your processor class + # + # @api public + # @return [Class] + # @see Schema#define + # @see Schema#Params + # @see Schema#JSON + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#45 + def define(&block); end + + # Return DSL configured via #define + # + # @api private + # @return [DSL] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#34 + def definition; end + + # Build a new processor object + # + # @api public + # @return [Processor] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor.rb#57 + def new(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + end +end + +# Steps for the Dry::Schema::Processor +# +# There are 4 main steps: +# +# 1. `key_coercer` - Prepare input hash using a key map +# 2. `filter_schema` - Apply pre-coercion filtering rules +# (optional step, used only when `filter` was used) +# 3. `value_coercer` - Apply value coercions based on type specifications +# 4. `rule_applier` - Apply rules +# +# @api public +# @see Processor +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#21 +class Dry::Schema::ProcessorSteps + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # Returns step by name + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] The step name + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#65 + def [](name); end + + # Sets step by name + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] The step name + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#74 + def []=(name, value); end + + # Add passed block before mentioned step + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] The step name + # @return [ProcessorSteps] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#85 + def after(name, &block); end + + # Add passed block before mentioned step + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] The step name + # @return [ProcessorSteps] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#99 + def before(name, &block); end + + # Executes steps and callbacks in order + # + # @api public + # @param result [Result] + # @return [Result] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#35 + def call(result); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#128 + def import_callbacks(path, other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#51 + def key_map; end + + # Stacks callback steps and returns new ProcessorSteps instance + # + # @api public + # @param other [ProcessorSteps] + # @return [ProcessorSteps] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#113 + def merge(other); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#121 + def merge_callbacks(left, right); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#46 + def rule_applier; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/processor_steps.rb#56 + def type_schema; end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#14 +Dry::Schema::QUESTION_MARK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# Processing result +# +# @api public +# @see Processor#call +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#13 +class Dry::Schema::Result + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # Read value from the output hash + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#110 + def [](name); end + + # Add a new error AST node + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#198 + def add_error(node); end + + # Return a new result scoped to a specific path + # + # @api private + # @param path [Symbol, Array, Path] + # @return [Result] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#46 + def at(at_path, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#98 + def concat(other); end + + # Pattern matching support + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#191 + def deconstruct_keys(_); end + + # Check if there's an error for the provided spec + # + # @api public + # @param spec [Symbol, HashSymbol>] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#132 + def error?(spec); end + + # Get human-readable error representation + # + # @api public + # @return [MessageSet] + # @see #message_set + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#161 + def errors(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Check if the result is not successful + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#150 + def failure?; end + + # Return a string representation of the result + # + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#184 + def inspect; end + + # Check if a given key is present in the output + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#121 + def key?(name); end + + # Return the message set + # + # @api public + # @option options + # @option options + # @option options + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [MessageSet] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#175 + def message_set(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#51 + def new(output, **opts, &block); end + + # Dump result to a hash returning processed and validated data + # + # @api private + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#77 + def output; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#68 + def path; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#83 + def replace(value); end + + # Check if the result is successful + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#141 + def success?; end + + # Dump result to a hash returning processed and validated data + # + # @api private + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#77 + def to_h; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#62 + def update(hash); end + + class << self + # @api private + # @yield [result] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/result.rb#33 + def new(*_arg0, **_arg1); end + end +end + +# Applies rules defined within the DSL +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/rule_applier.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::RuleApplier + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/rule_applier.rb#24 + def call(input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/rule_applier.rb#38 + def to_ast; end +end + +# core processor steps in the default execution order +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/constants.rb#18 +Dry::Schema::STEPS_IN_ORDER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#8 +class Dry::Schema::Step + # @api private + # @return [Step] a new instance of Step + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#22 + def initialize(type:, name:, executor:, path: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#31 + def call(result); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#16 + def executor; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#10 + def name; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#19 + def path; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#40 + def scoped(parent_path); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#13 + def type; end + + private + + # @api private + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/step.rb#52 + def validate_name(name); end +end + +# Captures predicates defined within the DSL +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#8 +class Dry::Schema::Trace < ::BasicObject + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @return [Trace] a new instance of Trace + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#22 + def initialize(compiler = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#54 + def <<(op); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#54 + def append(op); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#19 + def captures; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#77 + def class; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#16 + def compiler; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#28 + def evaluate(*args, **opts); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#39 + def evaluate_predicates(predicates); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#72 + def to_ast; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#61 + def to_rule(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#93 + def method_missing(meth, *args, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#84 + def reduced_rule; end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#88 + def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/trace.rb#9 +Dry::Schema::Trace::INVALID_PREDICATES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# A class to build containers for custom types, which can be used in schemas +# +# @api public +# @example +# MyTypeContainer = Dry::Schema::TypeContainer.new +# MyTypeContainer.register('params.fancy_string', Types::FancyString) +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_container.rb#15 +class Dry::Schema::TypeContainer + include ::Dry::Core::Container::Mixin::Initializer + include ::Dry::Core::Container::Mixin + extend ::Dry::Core::Container::Configuration + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Configurable + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # @api public + # @return [TypeContainer] a new instance of TypeContainer + # + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#71 + def initialize(*args, &block); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#83 + def config; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#181 + def registered?(key); end +end + +# A simple wrapper around Dry::Types registry +# +# This is used internally by specialized processor sub-classes +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#13 +class Dry::Schema::TypeRegistry + # @api private + # @return [TypeRegistry] a new instance of TypeRegistry + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#26 + def initialize(types, namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#37 + def [](name); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#18 + def namespace; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#32 + def namespaced(ns); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#15 + def types; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/type_registry.rb#21 + def new(types = T.unsafe(nil), namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# Schema's own type registry +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types.rb#10 +module Dry::Schema::Types + extend ::Dry::Types::BuilderMethods + extend ::Dry::Core::Deprecations::Interface + + mixes_in_class_methods ::Dry::Types::BuilderMethods +end + +# Combines multiple logical operations into a single type, taking into +# account the type of logical operation (or, and, implication) and the +# underlying types (schemas, nominals, etc.) +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#10 +class Dry::Schema::TypesMerger + # @api private + # @return [TypesMerger] a new instance of TypesMerger + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#171 + def initialize(type_registry = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#176 + def call(op_class, lhs, rhs); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#11 + def type_registry; end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#14 +class Dry::Schema::TypesMerger::ValueMerger + # @api private + # @return [ValueMerger] a new instance of ValueMerger + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#21 + def initialize(types_merger, op_class, old, new); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#29 + def call; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#72 + def merge_unwrapped_types(unwrapped_old, unwrapped_new); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#18 + def new; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#17 + def old; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#16 + def op_class; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#15 + def types_merger; end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#51 + def merge_and; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#139 + def merge_equivalent_types(unwrapped_old, unwrapped_new); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#51 + def merge_implication; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#46 + def merge_or; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#51 + def merge_ordered; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#128 + def merge_schemas(unwrapped_old, unwrapped_new); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/types_merger.rb#152 + def unwrap_type(type); end +end + +# Used by the processors to coerce values in the input hash +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/value_coercer.rb#11 +class Dry::Schema::ValueCoercer + include ::Dry::Initializer::Mixin::Root + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + extend ::Dry::Initializer + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-schema//lib/dry/schema/value_coercer.rb#19 + def call(input); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-types@1.7.2.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-types@1.7.2.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..acfdfa766ca --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dry-types@1.7.2.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,3933 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `dry-types` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem dry-types`. + +# Main library namespace +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constraints.rb#3 +module Dry + class << self + # source://dry-configurable/1.1.0/lib/dry/configurable.rb#11 + def Configurable(**options); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core.rb#52 + def Equalizer(*keys, **options); end + + # Export registered types as a module with constants + # + # @api public + # @example no options + # + # module Types + # # imports all types as constants, uses modules for namespaces + # include Dry.Types() + # end + # # strict types are exported by default + # Types::Integer + # # => # rule=[type?(Integer)]>]> + # Types::Nominal::Integer + # # => #]> + # @example changing default types + # + # module Types + # include Dry.Types(default: :nominal) + # end + # Types::Integer + # # => #]> + # @example cherry-picking namespaces + # + # module Types + # include Dry.Types(:strict, :coercible) + # end + # # cherry-picking discards default types, + # # provide the :default option along with the list of + # # namespaces if you want the to be exported + # Types.constants # => [:Coercible, :Strict] + # @example custom names + # module Types + # include Dry.Types(coercible: :Kernel) + # end + # Types::Kernel::Integer + # # => # fn=Kernel.Integer>]> + # @param namespaces [Array] List of type namespaces to export + # @param default [Symbol] Default namespace to export + # @param aliases [Hash{Symbol => Symbol}] Optional renamings, like strict: :Draconian + # @return [Dry::Types::Module] + # @see Dry::Types::Module + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#253 + def Types(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + end +end + +# @api public +# @see Dry.Types +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constraints.rb#7 +module Dry::Types + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + extend ::Dry::Core::Extensions + extend ::Dry::Core::Deprecations::Interface + + class << self + # @api public + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Dry::Logic::Rule] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constraints.rb#13 + def Rule(options); end + + # Get a built-in type by its name + # + # @api public + # @param name [String, Class] + # @return [Type, Class] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#115 + def [](name); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#163 + def const_missing(const); end + + # Return container with registered built-in type objects + # + # @api private + # @return [Container{String => Nominal}] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#82 + def container; end + + # Add a new type builder method. This is a public API for defining custom + # type constructors + # + # @api public + # @example simple custom type constructor + # Dry::Types.define_builder(:or_nil) do |type| + # type.optional.fallback(nil) + # end + # + # Dry::Types["integer"].or_nil.("foo") # => nil + # @example fallback alias + # Dry::Types.define_builder(:or) do |type, fallback| + # type.fallback(fallback) + # end + # + # Dry::Types["integer"].or(100).("foo") # => 100 + # @param method [Symbol] + # @param block [#call] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#197 + def define_builder(method, &block); end + + # Infer a type identifier from the provided class + # + # @api public + # @param klass [#to_s] + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#149 + def identifier(klass); end + + # @api private + # @private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#73 + def included(*_arg0); end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#33 + def loader; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#202 + def module(*args, &block); end + + # Register a new built-in type + # + # @api private + # @param name [String] + # @param type [Type] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Container{String => Nominal}] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#104 + def register(name, type = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Check if a give type is registered + # + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#91 + def registered?(class_or_identifier); end + + # @api private + # @return [Dry::Logic::RuleCompiler] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constraints.rb#26 + def rule_compiler; end + + # Cached type map + # + # @api private + # @return [Concurrent::Map] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#158 + def type_map; end + end +end + +# All built-in primitives +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#38 +Dry::Types::ALL_PRIMITIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#45 +Dry::Types::Any = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Types::AnyClass) + +# Any is a nominal type that defines Object as the primitive class +# +# This type is useful in places where you can't be specific about the type +# and anything is acceptable. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#11 +class Dry::Types::AnyClass < ::Dry::Types::Nominal + # @api private + # @return [AnyClass] a new instance of AnyClass + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#17 + def initialize(**options); end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#24 + def name; end + + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#40 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @param new_options [Hash] + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#33 + def with(**new_options); end + + class << self + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/any.rb#12 + def name; end + end +end + +# Array type can be used to define an array with optional member type +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array.rb#15 +class Dry::Types::Array < ::Dry::Types::Nominal + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array.rb#27 + def constructor_type; end + + # Build an array type with a member type + # + # @api public + # @param type [Type, #call] + # @return [Array::Member] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array.rb#16 + def of(type); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/constructor.rb#9 +class Dry::Types::Array::Constructor < ::Dry::Types::Constructor + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/constructor.rb#10 + def constructor_type; end + + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/constructor.rb#17 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @see Dry::Types::Array#of + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/constructor.rb#24 + def of(member); end +end + +# Member arrays define their member type that is applied to each element +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#10 +class Dry::Types::Array::Member < ::Dry::Types::Array + # @api private + # @option options + # @param primitive [Class] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Member] a new instance of Member + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#19 + def initialize(primitive, **options); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#45 + def call_safe(input); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#29 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#116 + def constructor_type; end + + # Build a lax type + # + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#100 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#11 + def member; end + + # @api public + # @see Nominal#to_ast + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#107 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Array, Object] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Result, Logic::Result] + # @yieldparam failure [Failure] + # @yieldreturn [Result] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/array/member.rb#73 + def try(input, &block); end +end + +# Common API for building types and composition +# +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#9 +module Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + + # Compose two types into an Intersection type + # + # @api private + # @param other [Type] + # @return [Intersection, Intersection::Constrained] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#44 + def &(other); end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def <<(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Compose two types into an Implication type + # + # @api private + # @param other [Type] + # @return [Implication, Implication::Constrained] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#55 + def >(other); end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def >>(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def append(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Turn a type into a constrained type + # + # @api public + # @param options [Hash] constraining rule (see {Types.Rule}) + # @return [Constrained] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#75 + def constrained(options); end + + # @api private + # @return [Class] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#15 + def constrained_type; end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def constructor(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Class] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#22 + def constructor_type; end + + # Turn a type into a type with a default value + # + # @api public + # @option [Boolean] + # @param input [Object] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @param [Boolean] [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @raise [ConstraintError] + # @return [Default] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#90 + def default(input = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Define an enum on top of the existing type + # + # @api public + # @param values [Array] + # @return [Enum] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#123 + def enum(*values); end + + # Use the given value on type mismatch + # + # @api public + # @option [Boolean] + # @param value [Object] + # @param fallback [#call, nil] + # @param [Boolean] [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#170 + def fallback(value = T.unsafe(nil), shared: T.unsafe(nil), &_fallback); end + + # Turn a type into a lax type that will rescue from type-errors and + # return the original input + # + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#140 + def lax; end + + # Turn a type into an optional type + # + # @api public + # @return [Sum] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#64 + def optional; end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def prepend(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Compose two types into a Sum type + # + # @api private + # @param other [Type] + # @return [Sum, Sum::Constrained] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#33 + def |(other); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#208 + def compose(other, composition_class); end +end + +# Common API for building type objects in a convenient way +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#9 +module Dry::Types::BuilderMethods + # Build an array type. + # + # Shortcut for Array#of. + # + # @api public + # @example + # Types::Strings = Types.Array(Types::String) + # @param type [Dry::Types::Type] + # @return [Dry::Types::Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#26 + def Array(type); end + + # Build a type with a single value + # The equality check done with `equal?` + # + # @api public + # @param object [Object] + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#71 + def Constant(object); end + + # Build a constructor type + # If no constructor block given it uses .new method + # + # @api public + # @param klass [Class] + # @param cons [#call, nil] Value constructor + # @param block [#call, nil] Value constructor + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#83 + def Constructor(klass, cons = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Build a hash schema + # + # @api public + # @param type_map [Hash{Symbol => Dry::Types::Type}] + # @return [Dry::Types::Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#35 + def Hash(type_map); end + + # Build a type which values are instances of a given class + # Values are checked using `is_a?` call + # + # @api public + # @example + # Types::Error = Types.Instance(StandardError) + # Types::Error = Types.Strict(StandardError) + # Types.Strict(Integer) == Types::Strict::Int # => true + # @param klass [Class, Module] Class or module + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#50 + def Instance(klass); end + + # Builds a constrained nominal type accepting any value that + # responds to given methods + # + # @api public + # @example + # Types::Callable = Types.Interface(:call) + # Types::Contact = Types.Interface(:name, :address) + # @param methods [Array] Method names + # @return [Dry::Types::Contrained] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#134 + def Interface(*methods); end + + # Build a map type + # + # @api public + # @example + # Types::IntMap = Types.Map(Types::Strict::Integer, 'any') + # Types::IntStringMap = Types.Map(Types::Strict::Integer, Types::Strict::String) + # @param key_type [Type] Key type + # @param value_type [Type] Value type + # @return [Dry::Types::Map] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#120 + def Map(key_type, value_type); end + + # Build a nominal type + # + # @api public + # @param klass [Class] + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#100 + def Nominal(klass); end + + # Build a type which values are instances of a given class + # Values are checked using `is_a?` call + # + # @api public + # @example + # Types::Error = Types.Instance(StandardError) + # Types::Error = Types.Strict(StandardError) + # Types.Strict(Integer) == Types::Strict::Int # => true + # @param klass [Class, Module] Class or module + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#50 + def Strict(klass); end + + # Build a type with a single value + # The equality check done with `eql?` + # + # @api public + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#61 + def Value(value); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder_methods.rb#11 + def included(base); end +end + +# All coercible types +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#41 +Dry::Types::COERCIBLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Base class for coercion errors raise by dry-types +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#16 +class Dry::Types::CoercionError < ::StandardError + # @api private + # @return [CoercionError] a new instance of CoercionError + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#35 + def initialize(message, meta: T.unsafe(nil), backtrace: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Metadata associated with the error + # + # @api public + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#32 + def meta; end + + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#17 + def handle(exception, meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# Common coercion functions used by the built-in `Params` and `JSON` types +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions.rb#8 +module Dry::Types::Coercions + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_str, Object] + # @return [Date, Object] + # @see Date.parse + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions.rb#18 + def to_date(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_str, Object] + # @return [DateTime, Object] + # @see DateTime.parse + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions.rb#41 + def to_date_time(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_sym, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Symbol, Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions.rb#87 + def to_symbol(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_str, Object] + # @return [Time, Object] + # @see Time.parse + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions.rb#64 + def to_time(input, &block); end + + private + + # Checks whether String is empty + # + # @api private + # @param value [String, Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions.rb#102 + def empty_str?(value); end +end + +# JSON-specific coercions +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/json.rb#14 +module Dry::Types::Coercions::JSON + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Types::Coercions + + class << self + # @api public + # @param input [#to_d, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [BigDecimal, nil] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/json.rb#41 + def to_decimal(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [nil] if the input is nil + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/json.rb#24 + def to_nil(input, &_block); end + end +end + +# Params-specific coercions +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#12 +module Dry::Types::Coercions::Params + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Types::Coercions + + class << self + # @api public + # @param input [Array, String, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Array, Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#135 + def to_ary(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_d, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [BigDecimal, nil, Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#116 + def to_decimal(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [String, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Boolean, Object] + # @see TRUE_VALUES + # @see FALSE_VALUES + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#69 + def to_false(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_f, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Float, nil, Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#103 + def to_float(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Hash, String, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Hash, Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#154 + def to_hash(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [#to_int, #to_i, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Integer, nil, Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#86 + def to_int(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [nil] if the input is an empty string or nil + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#29 + def to_nil(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [String, Object] + # @raise CoercionError + # @return [Boolean, Object] + # @see TRUE_VALUES + # @see FALSE_VALUES + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#49 + def to_true(input, &_block); end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#15 +Dry::Types::Coercions::Params::BOOLEAN_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#14 +Dry::Types::Coercions::Params::FALSE_VALUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/coercions/params.rb#13 +Dry::Types::Coercions::Params::TRUE_VALUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#6 +class Dry::Types::Compiler + extend ::Dry::Core::Deprecations::Interface + + # @api private + # @return [Compiler] a new instance of Compiler + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#11 + def initialize(registry); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#15 + def call(ast); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#116 + def compile_fn(fn); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#9 + def registry; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#19 + def visit(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#112 + def visit_any(meta); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#61 + def visit_array(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#24 + def visit_constrained(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#30 + def visit_constructor(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#102 + def visit_enum(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#67 + def visit_hash(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#82 + def visit_json_array(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#77 + def visit_json_hash(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#97 + def visit_key(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#36 + def visit_lax(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#107 + def visit_map(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#41 + def visit_nominal(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#92 + def visit_params_array(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#87 + def visit_params_hash(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#52 + def visit_rule(node); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#168 + def visit_safe(*args, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#72 + def visit_schema(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/compiler.rb#56 + def visit_sum(node); end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#9 +module Dry::Types::Composition + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Meta + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Types::Composition::Constrained + + # @api private + # @param left [Type] + # @param right [Type] + # @param options [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#46 + def initialize(left, right, **options); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#94 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#85 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#69 + def constrained?; end + + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#62 + def default?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#116 + def failure(input, _error = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#18 + def left; end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#55 + def name; end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#76 + def optional?; end + + # @api private + # @param value [Object] + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#130 + def primitive?(value); end + + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#21 + def right; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#106 + def success(input); end + + # @api public + # @see Nominal#to_ast + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#137 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Wrap the type with a proc + # + # @api public + # @return [Proc] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#147 + def to_proc; end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#101 + def try(input); end + + class << self + # @private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#33 + def included(base); end + end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#23 +module Dry::Types::Composition::Constrained + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#28 + def constrained?; end + + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#24 + def rule; end +end + +# Constrained types apply rules to the input +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Constrained + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Decorator + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api public + # @param type [Type] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Constrained] a new instance of Constrained + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#23 + def initialize(type, **options); end + + # @api public + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#103 + def ===(value); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#44 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#31 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api public + # @param options [Hash] The options hash provided to {Types.Rule} and combined + # using {&} with previous {#rule} + # @return [Constrained] + # @see Dry::Logic::Operators#and + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#87 + def constrained(options); end + + # @api public + # @return [true] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#94 + def constrained?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#122 + def constructor_type; end + + # Build lax type. Constraints are not applicable to lax types hence unwrapping + # + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#111 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Logic::Rule] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#16 + def rule; end + + # @api public + # @see Nominal#to_ast + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#117 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Safe coercion attempt. It is similar to #call with a + # block given but returns a Result instance with metadata + # about errors (if any). + # + # @api public + # @overload try + # @overload try + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#67 + def try(input, &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # @param response [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained.rb#133 + def decorate?(response); end +end + +# Common coercion-related API for constrained types +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained/coercible.rb#12 +class Dry::Types::Constrained::Coercible < ::Dry::Types::Constrained + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained/coercible.rb#27 + def call_safe(input); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained/coercible.rb#13 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api public + # @see Dry::Types::Constrained#try + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constrained/coercible.rb#40 + def try(input, &block); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#117 +class Dry::Types::ConstraintError < ::Dry::Types::CoercionError + # @api public + # @param result [String, #to_s] + # @param input [Object] + # @return [ConstraintError] a new instance of ConstraintError + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#124 + def initialize(result, input); end + + # @api public + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#120 + def input; end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#136 + def message; end + + # @api public + # @return [String, #to_s] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#118 + def result; end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#136 + def to_s; end +end + +# Constructor types apply a function to the input that is supposed to return +# a new value. Coercion is a common use case for constructor types. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#9 +class Dry::Types::Constructor < ::Dry::Types::Nominal + # Instantiate a new constructor type instance + # + # @api private + # @param type [Type] + # @param fn [Function] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Constructor] a new instance of Constructor + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#62 + def initialize(type, fn: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + # Build a new constructor by prepending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#144 + def <<(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Build a new constructor by appending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#109 + def >>(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Build a new constructor by appending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#109 + def append(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#72 + def call_safe(input); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#80 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api private + # @return [Class] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#124 + def constrained_type; end + + # Build a new constructor by appending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#109 + def constructor(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api public + # @return [#call] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#13 + def fn; end + + # Build a lax type + # + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#153 + def lax; end + + # Build a new constructor by prepending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#144 + def prepend(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api public + # @see Nominal#to_ast + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#131 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Wrap the type with a proc + # + # @api public + # @return [Proc] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#162 + def to_proc; end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Logic::Result, Types::Result] + # @return [Object] if block given and try fails + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#91 + def try(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#16 + def type; end + + private + + # Delegates missing methods to {#type} + # + # @api private + # @param method [Symbol] + # @param args [Array] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#184 + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + + # @api private + # @param meth [Symbol] + # @param include_private [Boolean] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#173 + def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + class << self + # @api public + # @param input [Builder, Object] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#35 + def [](type, fn:, **options); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Builder, Object] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#25 + def new(input, fn: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor.rb#46 + def wrapper_type; end + end +end + +# Function is used internally by Constructor types +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#11 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @return [Function] a new instance of Function + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#173 + def initialize(fn); end + + # @api private + # @return [Function] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#208 + def <<(other); end + + # @api private + # @return [Function] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#202 + def >>(other); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#178 + def [](input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Integer] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#184 + def arity; end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#178 + def call(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#171 + def fn; end + + # @api private + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#193 + def to_ast; end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#188 + def wrapper?; end + + class << self + # Choose or build specialized invokation code for a callable + # + # @api private + # @param fn [#call] + # @raise [::ArgumentError] + # @return [Function] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#141 + def [](fn); end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#158 + def yields_block?(fn); end + end +end + +# Coercion via a method call on a known object +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#26 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall < ::Dry::Types::Constructor::Function + # @api private + # @return [MethodCall] a new instance of MethodCall + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#112 + def initialize(fn); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#110 + def name; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#110 + def target; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#118 + def to_ast; end + + class << self + # @api private + # @return [MethodCall] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#105 + def [](fn, safe); end + + # Choose or build the base class + # + # @api private + # @return [Function] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#32 + def call_class(method, public, safe); end + end +end + +# Coercion via a private method call +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#85 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall::PrivateCall < ::Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#86 + def call(input, &block); end +end + +# Coercion via an unsafe private method call +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#94 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall::PrivateSafeCall < ::Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall::PrivateCall + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#95 + def call(input, &block); end +end + +# Coercion with a publicly accessible method call +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#53 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall::PublicCall < ::Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::MethodCall + class << self + # Choose or build the interface + # + # @api private + # @return [::Module] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#59 + def call_interface(method, safe); end + end +end + +# Wrapper for unsafe coercion functions +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#15 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::Safe < ::Dry::Types::Constructor::Function + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#16 + def call(input, &block); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#124 +class Dry::Types::Constructor::Function::Wrapper < ::Dry::Types::Constructor::Function + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#125 + def [](input, type, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#132 + def arity; end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/function.rb#125 + def call(input, type, &block); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#7 +module Dry::Types::Constructor::Wrapper + # Build a new constructor by prepending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#60 + def <<(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def >>(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def append(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#11 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#18 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # Define a constructor for the type + # + # @api public + # @param constructor [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/builder.rb#153 + def constructor(constructor = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api public + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#77 + def lax; end + + # Build a new constructor by prepending a block to the coercion function + # + # @api public + # @param new_fn [#call, nil] + # @param options [Hash] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Constructor] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#60 + def prepend(new_fn = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Logic::Result, Types::Result] + # @return [Object] if block given and try fails + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#29 + def try(input, &block); end + + private + + # Replace underlying type + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/constructor/wrapper.rb#88 + def __new__(type); end +end + +# Internal container for the built-in types +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/container.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Container + include ::Dry::Core::Container::Mixin::Initializer + include ::Dry::Core::Container::Mixin + extend ::Dry::Core::Container::Configuration + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Configurable + extend ::Dry::Configurable::Methods + extend ::Dry::Configurable::ClassMethods + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/container/mixin.rb#83 + def config; end +end + +# Common API for types +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#8 +module Dry::Types::Decorator + include ::Dry::Types::Options + + # @api public + # @param type [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#15 + def initialize(type, *_arg1, **_arg2); end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#41 + def constrained?; end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#34 + def default?; end + + # Wrap the type with a proc + # + # @api public + # @return [Proc] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#60 + def to_proc; end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Result, Logic::Result] + # @return [Object] if block given and try fails + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#27 + def try(input, &block); end + + # @api public + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#12 + def type; end + + private + + # Replace underlying type + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#100 + def __new__(type); end + + # @api private + # @param response [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#71 + def decorate?(response); end + + # Delegates missing methods to {#type} + # + # @api private + # @param meth [Symbol] + # @param args [Array] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#82 + def method_missing(meth, *args, **_arg2, &block); end + + # @api public + # @param meth [Symbol] + # @param include_private [Boolean] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/decorator.rb#51 + def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# Default types are useful when a missing value should be replaced by a default one +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Default + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Decorator + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @param type [Type] + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Default] a new instance of Default + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#53 + def initialize(type, value, **_arg2); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] value passed through {#type} or {#default} value + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#110 + def call_safe(input = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] value passed through {#type} or {#default} value + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#97 + def call_unsafe(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#121 + def callable?; end + + # Build a constrained type + # + # @api public + # @param args [Array] see {Dry::Types::Builder#constrained} + # @return [Default] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#65 + def constrained(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end + + # @api public + # @return [true] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#72 + def default?; end + + # @api public + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#32 + def evaluate; end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Result::Success] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#81 + def try(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#88 + def valid?(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#32 + def value; end + + class << self + # @api private + # @param value [Object, #call] + # @return [Class] {Default} or {Default::Callable} + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#41 + def [](value); end + end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#10 +class Dry::Types::Default::Callable < ::Dry::Types::Default + # @api private + # @return [true] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#20 + def callable?; end + + # Evaluates given callable + # + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/default.rb#15 + def evaluate; end +end + +# @api public +Dry::Types::Definition = Dry::Types::Nominal + +# Enum types can be used to define an enum on top of an existing type +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Enum + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Decorator + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + + # @api private + # @option options + # @param type [Type] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Enum] a new instance of Enum + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#28 + def initialize(type, **options); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#46 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#39 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#58 + def default(*_arg0); end + + # Check whether a value is in the enum + # + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/type.rb#18 + def include?(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#76 + def inspect; end + + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#21 + def inverted_mapping; end + + # @api public + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#18 + def mapping; end + + # @api public + # @see Nominal#to_ast + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#69 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#76 + def to_s; end + + # @api public + # @see Dry::Types::Constrained#try + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#53 + def try(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#15 + def values; end + + private + + # Maps a value + # + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/enum.rb#90 + def map_value(input); end +end + +# Internal container for constructor functions used by the built-in types +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/fn_container.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::FnContainer + class << self + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/fn_container.rb#23 + def [](fn_name); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/fn_container.rb#10 + def container; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/fn_container.rb#15 + def register(function = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/fn_container.rb#32 + def register_name(function); end + end +end + +# Hash types can be used to define maps and schemas +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Hash < ::Dry::Types::Nominal + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#77 + def constructor_type; end + + # Build a map type + # + # @api public + # @param key_type [Type] + # @param value_type [Type] + # @return [Map] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#40 + def map(key_type, value_type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#50 + def permissive(*_arg0); end + + # @api public + # @overload schema + # @overload schema + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#22 + def schema(keys_or_map, meta = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#50 + def strict(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#50 + def strict_with_defaults(*_arg0); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#50 + def symbolized(*_arg0); end + + # @api public + # @param meta [Boolean] Whether to dump the meta to the AST + # @return [Array] An AST representation + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#95 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Whether the type transforms types of schemas created by {Dry::Types::Hash#schema} + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#86 + def transform_types?; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#50 + def weak(*_arg0); end + + # Injects a type transformation function for building schemas + # + # @api public + # @param proc [#call, nil] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#67 + def with_type_transform(proc = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#102 + def build_keys(type_map); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#123 + def key_name(key); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#114 + def resolve_type(type); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash/constructor.rb#10 +class Dry::Types::Hash::Constructor < ::Dry::Types::Constructor + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash/constructor.rb#11 + def constructor_type; end + + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash/constructor.rb#18 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @see Dry::Types::Array#of + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash/constructor.rb#25 + def schema(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/hash.rb#9 +Dry::Types::Hash::NOT_REQUIRED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Implication type +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Implication + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Meta + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Types::Composition + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#33 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#20 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api private + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#57 + def primitive?(value); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#44 + def try(input); end + + class << self + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#36 + def ast_type; end + + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#37 + def composition_name; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#11 + def operator; end + end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/implication.rb#0 +class Dry::Types::Implication::Constrained < ::Dry::Types::Implication + include ::Dry::Types::Composition::Constrained +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/inflector.rb#7 +Dry::Types::Inflector = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Inflector) + +# Intersection type +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#12 +class Dry::Types::Intersection + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Meta + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Types::Composition + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#33 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#24 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api private + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#55 + def primitive?(value); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#40 + def try(input); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#94 + def merge_results(left_result, right_result); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#76 + def try_side(side, input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#62 + def try_sides(input, &block); end + + class << self + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#36 + def ast_type; end + + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#37 + def composition_name; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#15 + def operator; end + end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/intersection.rb#0 +class Dry::Types::Intersection::Constrained < ::Dry::Types::Intersection + include ::Dry::Types::Composition::Constrained +end + +# Primitives with {Kernel} coercion methods +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#6 +Dry::Types::KERNEL_COERCIBLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Lax types rescue from type-related errors when constructors fail +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Lax + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Decorator + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#22 + def [](input); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#22 + def call(input); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#22 + def call_safe(input); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#22 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#52 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @see Nominal#to_ast + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#45 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @return [Result, Logic::Result] + # @yieldparam failure [Failure] + # @yieldreturn [Result] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#38 + def try(input, &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # @param response [Object, Dry::Types::Constructor] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/lax.rb#63 + def decorate?(response); end +end + +# Primitives with coercions through by convention `to_*` methods +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#16 +Dry::Types::METHOD_COERCIBLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# By convention methods to coerce {METHOD_COERCIBLE} primitives +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#21 +Dry::Types::METHOD_COERCIBLE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Homogeneous mapping. It describes a hash with unknown keys that match a certain type. +# +# @api public +# @example +# type = Dry::Types['hash'].map( +# Dry::Types['integer'].constrained(gteq: 1, lteq: 10), +# Dry::Types['string'] +# ) +# +# type.(1 => 'right') +# # => {1 => 'right'} +# +# type.('1' => 'wrong') +# # Dry::Types::MapError: "1" violates constraints (type?(Integer, "1") +# # AND gteq?(1, "1") +# # AND lteq?(10, "1") failed) +# +# type.(11 => 'wrong') +# # Dry::Types::MapError: 11 violates constraints (lteq?(10, 11) failed) +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#25 +class Dry::Types::Map < ::Dry::Types::Nominal + # @api public + # @return [Map] a new instance of Map + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#26 + def initialize(primitive, key_type: T.unsafe(nil), value_type: T.unsafe(nil), meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @param hash [Hash] + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#67 + def call_safe(hash); end + + # @api private + # @param hash [Hash] + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#56 + def call_unsafe(hash); end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#98 + def constrained?; end + + # @api public + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#33 + def key_type; end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#47 + def name; end + + # @api public + # @param meta [Boolean] Whether to dump the meta to the AST + # @return [Array] An AST representation + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#88 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @param hash [Hash] + # @return [Result] + # @yield [result] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#76 + def try(hash); end + + # @api public + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#40 + def value_type; end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/map.rb#107 + def coerce(input); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#89 +class Dry::Types::MapError < ::Dry::Types::CoercionError; end + +# Storage for meta-data +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/meta.rb#8 +module Dry::Types::Meta + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/meta.rb#9 + def initialize(*args, meta: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + # @api public + # @overload meta + # @overload meta + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/meta.rb#31 + def meta(data = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Resets meta + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Types::Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/meta.rb#46 + def pristine; end + + # @api public + # @param options [Hash] new_options + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/meta.rb#19 + def with(**options); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#95 +class Dry::Types::MissingKeyError < ::Dry::Types::SchemaKeyError + # @api public + # @param key [String, Symbol] + # @return [MissingKeyError] a new instance of MissingKeyError + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#99 + def initialize(key); end + + # @api public + # @return [Symbol] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#96 + def key; end +end + +# Export types registered in a container as module constants. +# +# @api public +# @example +# module Types +# include Dry.Types(:strict, :coercible, :nominal, default: :strict) +# end +# +# Types.constants +# # => [:Class, :Strict, :Symbol, :Integer, :Float, :String, :Array, :Hash, +# # :Decimal, :Nil, :True, :False, :Bool, :Date, :Nominal, :DateTime, :Range, +# # :Coercible, :Time] +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/module.rb#19 +class Dry::Types::Module < ::Module + # @api public + # @return [Module] a new instance of Module + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/module.rb#20 + def initialize(registry, *args, **kwargs); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/module.rb#76 + def registry_tree; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/module.rb#43 + def type_constants(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/module.rb#91 + def check_parameters(*namespaces, default: T.unsafe(nil), **aliases); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/module.rb#111 + def define_constants(constants, mod = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# Collection of multiple errors +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#49 +class Dry::Types::MultipleError < ::Dry::Types::CoercionError + # @api public + # @param errors [Array] + # @return [MultipleError] a new instance of MultipleError + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#53 + def initialize(errors); end + + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#50 + def errors; end + + # @api public + # @return string + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#59 + def message; end + + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#64 + def meta; end +end + +# Primitives that are non-coercible +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#26 +Dry::Types::NON_COERCIBLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# All built-in primitives except {NilClass} +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/core.rb#44 +Dry::Types::NON_NIL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Nominal types define a primitive class and do not apply any constructors or constraints +# +# Use these types for annotations and the base for building more complex types on top of them. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#10 +class Dry::Types::Nominal + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Meta + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @param primitive [Type, Class] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Nominal] a new instance of Nominal + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#42 + def initialize(primitive, **options); end + + # @api private + # @param input [BasicObject] + # @return [BasicObject] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#90 + def call_safe(input); end + + # @api private + # @param input [BasicObject] + # @return [BasicObject] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#81 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#139 + def coerce(input, &_block); end + + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#65 + def constrained?; end + + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#58 + def default?; end + + # @api public + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # @return [Result::Failure] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#121 + def failure(input, error); end + + # Return self. Nominal types are lax by definition + # + # @api public + # @return [Nominal] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#181 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#51 + def name; end + + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#72 + def optional?; end + + # @api public + # @return [Class] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#19 + def primitive; end + + # Checks whether value is of a #primitive class + # + # @api public + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#134 + def primitive?(value); end + + # @api public + # @return [Result::Success] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#112 + def success(input); end + + # Return AST representation of a type nominal + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#172 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Wrap the type with a proc + # + # @api public + # @return [Proc] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#190 + def to_proc; end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Result, Logic::Result] when a block is not provided + # @return [nil] otherwise + # @yieldparam failure [Failure] + # @yieldreturn [Result] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#103 + def try(input); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#150 + def try_coerce(input); end + + class << self + # @api private + # @param primitive [Class] + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#26 + def [](primitive); end + end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/nominal.rb#36 +Dry::Types::Nominal::ALWAYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) + +# Common API for types with options +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/options.rb#8 +module Dry::Types::Options + # @api private + # @see Nominal#initialize + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/options.rb#15 + def initialize(*args, **options); end + + # @api private + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/options.rb#10 + def options; end + + # @api private + # @param new_options [Hash] + # @return [Type] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/options.rb#25 + def with(**new_options); end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#296 +Dry::Types::PRINTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Types::Printer) + +# PredicateInferrer returns the list of predicates used by a type. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer + include ::Dry::Core::Cache::Methods + extend ::Dry::Core::Cache + + # @api private + # @return [PredicateInferrer] a new instance of PredicateInferrer + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#214 + def initialize(registry = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Infer predicate identifier from the provided type + # + # @api private + # @param type [Type] + # @return [Symbol] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#224 + def [](type); end + + # @api private + # @return [Compiler] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#211 + def compiler; end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#31 +Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# Compiler reduces type AST into a list of predicates +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#38 +class Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::Compiler + extend ::Dry::Core::Constants + extend ::Dry::Core::ClassAttributes + + # @api private + # @return [Compiler] a new instance of Compiler + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#49 + def initialize(registry); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#54 + def infer_predicate(type); end + + # @api private + # @return [PredicateRegistry] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#46 + def registry; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#89 + def visit(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#165 + def visit_and(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#160 + def visit_any(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#113 + def visit_array(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#148 + def visit_constrained(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#123 + def visit_constructor(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#129 + def visit_enum(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#107 + def visit_hash(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#118 + def visit_lax(node); end + + # @api private + # @raise [NotImplementedError] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#189 + def visit_map(_node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#95 + def visit_nominal(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#171 + def visit_predicate(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#107 + def visit_schema(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#135 + def visit_sum(node); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#196 + def merge_predicates(nodes); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#29 +Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#33 +Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::NIL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#25 +Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::REDUCED_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_inferrer.rb#11 +Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::TYPE_TO_PREDICATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# A registry with predicate objects from `Dry::Logic::Predicates` +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::PredicateRegistry + # @api private + # @return [PredicateRegistry] a new instance of PredicateRegistry + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#19 + def initialize(predicates = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#29 + def [](name); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#13 + def has_predicate; end + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#24 + def key?(name); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#10 + def predicates; end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/predicate_registry.rb#15 +Dry::Types::PredicateRegistry::KERNEL_RESPOND_TO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod) + +# PrimitiveInferrer returns the list of classes matching a type. +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::PrimitiveInferrer + include ::Dry::Core::Cache::Methods + extend ::Dry::Core::Cache + + # @api private + # @return [PrimitiveInferrer] a new instance of PrimitiveInferrer + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#79 + def initialize; end + + # Infer primitives from the provided type + # + # @api private + # @return [Array[Class]] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#88 + def [](type); end + + # @api private + # @return [Compiler] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#76 + def compiler; end +end + +# Compiler reduces type AST into a list of primitives +# +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#14 +class Dry::Types::PrimitiveInferrer::Compiler + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#16 + def visit(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#69 + def visit_any(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#34 + def visit_array(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#63 + def visit_constrained(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#44 + def visit_constructor(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#50 + def visit_enum(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#28 + def visit_hash(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#39 + def visit_lax(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#22 + def visit_nominal(node); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#28 + def visit_schema(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/primitive_inferrer.rb#56 + def visit_sum(node); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printable.rb#6 +module Dry::Types::Printable + # @api private + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printable.rb#10 + def inspect; end + + # @api private + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printable.rb#10 + def to_s; end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer/composition.rb#6 +class Dry::Types::Printer + # @api private + # @return [Printer] a new instance of Printer + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#38 + def initialize; end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#43 + def call(type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#49 + def visit(type, &block); end + + # @api private + # @yield ["Any"] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#62 + def visit_any(_); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#66 + def visit_array(type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#72 + def visit_array_member(array); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#155 + def visit_callable(callable); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#104 + def visit_composition(composition, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#93 + def visit_constrained(constrained); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#80 + def visit_constructor(constructor); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#129 + def visit_default(default); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#110 + def visit_enum(enum); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#253 + def visit_hash(hash); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#243 + def visit_key(key); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#149 + def visit_lax(lax); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#229 + def visit_map(map); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#143 + def visit_nominal(type); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#272 + def visit_options(options, meta = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#190 + def visit_schema(schema); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer/composition.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Printer::Composition + # @api private + # @return [Composition] a new instance of Composition + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer/composition.rb#9 + def initialize(printer, composition_class); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer/composition.rb#15 + def visit(composition); end + + private + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer/composition.rb#33 + def visit_constructor(type, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer/composition.rb#25 + def visit_constructors(composition); end +end + +# @api private +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/printer.rb#11 +Dry::Types::Printer::MAPPING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) + +# Result class used by {Type#try} +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Result + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Result] a new instance of Result + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#17 + def initialize(input); end + + # @api public + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#12 + def input; end +end + +# Failure result +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#43 +class Dry::Types::Result::Failure < ::Dry::Types::Result + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @param error [#to_s] + # @return [Failure] a new instance of Failure + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#54 + def initialize(input, error); end + + # @api public + # @return [#to_s] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#47 + def error; end + + # @api public + # @return [true] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#76 + def failure?; end + + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#69 + def success?; end + + # @api private + # @return [String] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#62 + def to_s; end +end + +# Success result +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#27 +class Dry::Types::Result::Success < ::Dry::Types::Result + # @api public + # @return [false] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#35 + def failure?; end + + # @api public + # @return [true] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/result.rb#28 + def success?; end +end + +# @api public +Dry::Types::Safe = Dry::Types::Lax + +# The built-in Hash type can be defined in terms of keys and associated types +# its values can contain. Such definitions are named {Schema}s and defined +# as lists of {Key} types. +# +# {Schema} evaluates default values for keys missing in input hash +# +# {Schema} implements Enumerable using its keys as collection. +# +# @api public +# @see Dry::Types::Schema::Key +# @see Dry::Types::Default#evaluate +# @see Dry::Types::Default::Callable#evaluate +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#19 +class Dry::Types::Schema < ::Dry::Types::Hash + include ::Enumerable + + # @api private + # @option options + # @option options + # @param _primitive [Class] + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Schema] a new instance of Schema + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#41 + def initialize(_primitive, **options); end + + # @api public + # @option options + # @option options + # @param hash [Hash] + # @param options [Hash] a customizable set of options + # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#80 + def apply(hash, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @param hash [Hash] + # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#68 + def call_safe(hash, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @param hash [Hash] + # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#59 + def call_unsafe(hash, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Empty schema with the same options + # + # @api public + # @return [Schema] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#298 + def clear; end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#270 + def constrained?; end + + # Iterate over each key type + # + # @api public + # @return [Array, Enumerator] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#229 + def each(&block); end + + # Fetch key type by a key name + # + # Behaves as ::Hash#fetch + # + # @api public + # @overload key + # @overload key + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#259 + def key(name, fallback = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Whether the schema has the given key + # + # @api public + # @param name [Symbol] Key name + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#240 + def key?(name); end + + # @api public + # @return [Array[Dry::Types::Schema::Key]] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#26 + def keys; end + + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#277 + def lax; end + + # Merge given schema keys into current schema + # + # A new instance is returned. + # + # @api public + # @param other [Schema] schema + # @return [Schema] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#289 + def merge(other); end + + # @api public + # @return [Hash[Symbol, Dry::Types::Schema::Key]] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#29 + def name_key_map; end + + # @api public + # @overload schema + # @overload schema + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#213 + def schema(keys_or_map); end + + # Make the schema intolerant to unknown keys + # + # @api public + # @return [Schema] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#172 + def strict(strict = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Whether the schema rejects unknown keys + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#163 + def strict?; end + + # @api public + # @param meta [Boolean] Whether to dump the meta to the AST + # @return [Array] An AST representation + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#149 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [#call] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#32 + def transform_key; end + + # Whether the schema transforms input keys + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#198 + def transform_keys?; end + + # @api public + # @param input [Hash] hash + # @return [Logic::Result] + # @return [Object] if coercion fails and a block is given + # @yieldparam failure [Failure] + # @yieldreturn [Result] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#95 + def try(input); end + + # Inject a key transformation function + # + # @api public + # @param proc [#call, nil] + # @param block [#call, nil] + # @raise [ArgumentError] + # @return [Schema] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#184 + def with_key_transform(proc = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # @param keys [Array] + # @return [Dry::Types::Schema] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#309 + def merge_keys(*keys); end + + # @api private + # @return [MissingKeyError] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#405 + def missing_key(key); end + + # Try to add missing keys to the hash + # + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#373 + def resolve_missing_keys(hash, options); end + + # Validate and coerce a hash. Call a block and halt on any error + # + # @api private + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#351 + def resolve_safe(hash, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Validate and coerce a hash. Raise an exception on any error + # + # @api private + # @return [Hash] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#321 + def resolve_unsafe(hash, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api private + # @param hash_keys [Array] + # @return [UnknownKeysError] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#397 + def unexpected_keys(hash_keys); end +end + +# Proxy type for schema keys. Contains only key name and +# whether it's required or not. All other calls deletaged +# to the wrapped type. +# +# @api public +# @see Dry::Types::Schema +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#14 +class Dry::Types::Schema::Key + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Decorator + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + extend ::Dry::Core::Deprecations::Interface + + # @api private + # @return [Key] a new instance of Key + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#26 + def initialize(type, name, required: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#40 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#45 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # Turn key into a lax type. Lax types are not strict hence such keys are not required + # + # @api public + # @return [Lax] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#99 + def lax; end + + # @api public + # @see Dry::Types::Meta#meta + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#131 + def meta(data = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [Symbol] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#23 + def name; end + + # Make key not required + # + # @api public + # @return [Dry::Types::Schema::Key] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#90 + def omittable; end + + # Make wrapped type optional + # + # @api public + # @return [Key] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#108 + def optional; end + + # Control whether the key is required + # + # @api public + # @overload required + # @overload required + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#77 + def required(required = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Whether the key is required in schema input + # + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#61 + def required?; end + + # Dump to internal AST representation + # + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#117 + def to_ast(meta: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @see Dry::Types::Nominal#try + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#52 + def try(input, &block); end + + private + + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema/key.rb#147 + def decorate?(response); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#20 +Dry::Types::Schema::NO_TRANSFORM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/schema.rb#21 +Dry::Types::Schema::SYMBOLIZE_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#70 +class Dry::Types::SchemaError < ::Dry::Types::CoercionError + # @api public + # @param key [String, Symbol] + # @param value [Object] + # @param result [String, #to_s] + # @return [SchemaError] a new instance of SchemaError + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#79 + def initialize(key, value, result); end + + # @api public + # @return [String, Symbol] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#71 + def key; end + + # @api public + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#74 + def value; end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#91 +class Dry::Types::SchemaKeyError < ::Dry::Types::CoercionError; end + +# Sum type +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#8 +class Dry::Types::Sum + include ::Dry::Types::Type + include ::Dry::Core::Constants + include ::Dry::Types::Builder + include ::Dry::Types::Options + include ::Dry::Types::Meta + include ::Dry::Types::Printable + include ::Dry::Core::Equalizer::Methods + include ::Dry::Types::Composition + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#36 + def call_safe(input, &block); end + + # @api private + # @param input [Object] + # @return [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#27 + def call_unsafe(input); end + + # @api public + # @param options [Hash] + # @return [Constrained, Sum] + # @see Builder#constrained + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#87 + def constrained(options); end + + # Manage metadata to the type. If the type is an optional, #meta delegates + # to the right branch + # + # @api public + # @see [Meta#meta] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#70 + def meta(data = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @api public + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#18 + def optional?; end + + # @api private + # @param value [Object] + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#60 + def primitive?(value); end + + # @api public + # @param input [Object] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#43 + def try(input); end + + class << self + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#36 + def ast_type; end + + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/composition.rb#37 + def composition_name; end + + # @api public + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#11 + def operator; end + end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/sum.rb#0 +class Dry::Types::Sum::Constrained < ::Dry::Types::Sum + include ::Dry::Types::Composition::Constrained +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types.rb#31 +Dry::Types::TYPE_SPEC_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + +# Common Type module denoting an object is a Type +# +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/type.rb#8 +module Dry::Types::Type + extend ::Dry::Core::Deprecations::Interface + + # Whether a value is a valid member of the type + # Anything can be coerced matches + # + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/type.rb#18 + def ===(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Apply type to a value + # + # @api public + # @overload call + # @overload call + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/type.rb#43 + def [](input = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Apply type to a value + # + # @api public + # @overload call + # @overload call + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/type.rb#43 + def call(input = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # source://dry-core/1.0.1/lib/dry/core/deprecations.rb#168 + def safe(*args, &block); end + + # Whether a value is a valid member of the type + # + # @api private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/type.rb#18 + def valid?(input = T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +# @api public +# +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#106 +class Dry::Types::UnknownKeysError < ::Dry::Types::SchemaKeyError + # @api public + # @param keys [] + # @return [UnknownKeysError] a new instance of UnknownKeysError + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#110 + def initialize(keys); end + + # @api public + # @return [Array] + # + # source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/errors.rb#107 + def keys; end +end + +# source://dry-types//lib/dry/types/version.rb#5 +Dry::Types::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/kwalify@0.7.2.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/kwalify@0.7.2.rbi deleted file mode 100644 index 9387f17724c..00000000000 --- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/kwalify@0.7.2.rbi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1401 +0,0 @@ -# typed: true - -# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY -# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `kwalify` gem. -# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem kwalify`. - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#58 -class Date - include ::Comparable - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#17 -class FalseClass - include ::Kwalify::Boolean - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify.rb#8 -module Kwalify - extend ::Kwalify::Types - extend ::Kwalify::ErrorHelper - - class << self - # obsolete - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#271 - def meta_validator; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/messages.rb#11 - def msg(key); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/messages.rb#163 - def word(key); end - end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#15 -class Kwalify::AssertionError < ::Kwalify::KwalifyError - # @return [AssertionError] a new instance of AssertionError - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#16 - def initialize(msg); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#22 -class Kwalify::BaseError < ::Kwalify::KwalifyError - # @return [BaseError] a new instance of BaseError - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#23 - def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), path = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil), rule = T.unsafe(nil), error_symbol = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#49 - def <=>(ex); end - - def _to_s; end - - # Returns the value of attribute column. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#31 - def column; end - - # Sets the attribute column - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute column to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#31 - def column=(_arg0); end - - # Returns the value of attribute error_symbol. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def error_symbol; end - - # Sets the attribute error_symbol - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute error_symbol to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def error_symbol=(_arg0); end - - # Returns the value of attribute filename. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#31 - def filename; end - - # Sets the attribute filename - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute filename to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#31 - def filename=(_arg0); end - - # Returns the value of attribute linenum. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#31 - def linenum; end - - # Sets the attribute linenum - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute linenum to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#31 - def linenum=(_arg0); end - - def message; end - - # Returns the value of attribute path. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#33 - def path; end - - # Sets the attribute path - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute path to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def path=(_arg0); end - - # Returns the value of attribute rule. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def rule; end - - # Sets the attribute rule - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute rule to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def rule=(_arg0); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#40 - def to_s; end - - # Returns the value of attribute value. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def value; end - - # Sets the attribute value - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute value to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#30 - def value=(_arg0); end -end - -# base class for Yaml::Parser -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#15 -class Kwalify::BaseParser - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#67 - def _getch; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#36 - def _set_column_and_linenum(s); end - - # Returns the value of attribute column. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#25 - def column; end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#57 - def eos?; end - - # Returns the value of attribute filename. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#25 - def filename; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#52 - def group(n); end - - # Returns the value of attribute linenum. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#25 - def linenum; end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#47 - def match?(regexp); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#62 - def peep(n = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#18 - def reset(input, filename = T.unsafe(nil), untabify = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#28 - def scan(regexp); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#81 - def scan_string; end - - protected - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#120 - def _syntax_error(message, path = T.unsafe(nil), linenum = T.unsafe(nil), column = T.unsafe(nil)); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#79 -Kwalify::BaseParser::CHAR_TABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#11 -module Kwalify::Boolean; end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#93 -module Kwalify::ErrorHelper - # module_function - # - # @raise [AssertionError] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#97 - def assert_error(message = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#108 - def schema_error(error_symbol, rule, path, val, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - private - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#114 - def _build_message(message_key, val, args); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#101 - def validate_error(error_symbol, rule, path, val, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - class << self - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#114 - def _build_message(message_key, val, args); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#101 - def validate_error(error_symbol, rule, path, val, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end - end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify.rb#64 -module Kwalify::Json; end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#11 -class Kwalify::KwalifyError < ::StandardError; end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#269 -Kwalify::META_VALIDATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Kwalify::MetaValidator) - -# ex. -# meta_validator = Kwalify::MetaValidator.instance() -# schema = File.load_file('schema.yaml') -# errors = meta_validator.validate(schema) -# if !errors.empty? -# errors.each do |error| -# puts "[#{error.path}] #{error.message}" -# end -# end -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#27 -class Kwalify::MetaValidator < ::Kwalify::Validator - # @return [MetaValidator] a new instance of MetaValidator - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#40 - def initialize(schema, &block); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#44 - def validate_hook(value, rule, path, errors); end - - class << self - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#32 - def instance; end - end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/meta-validator.rb#30 -Kwalify::MetaValidator::META_SCHEMA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) - -# alias of YamlParser class -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#862 -class Kwalify::Parser < ::Kwalify::YamlParser - # @return [Parser] a new instance of Parser - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#863 - def initialize(yaml_str); end -end - -# base class of yaml parser -# -# ex. -# str = ARGF.read() -# parser = Kwalify::PlainYamlParser.new(str) -# doc = parser.parse() -# p doc -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#25 -class Kwalify::PlainYamlParser - # @return [PlainYamlParser] a new instance of PlainYamlParser - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#36 - def initialize(yaml_str); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#55 - def has_next?; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#45 - def parse; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#60 - def parse_all; end - - protected - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#89 - def add_to_map(map, key, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#77 - def add_to_seq(seq, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#85 - def create_mapping(linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#107 - def create_scalar(value, linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#73 - def create_sequence(linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#112 - def current_line; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#116 - def current_linenum; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#101 - def merge_map(map, map2, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#97 - def set_default(map, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#93 - def set_map_with(map, key, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#81 - def set_seq_at(seq, i, value, linenum); end - - private - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#149 - def _getchar; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#130 - def _getline; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#720 - def assert(bool_expr); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#173 - def current_char; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#161 - def getchar; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#167 - def getchar_or_nl; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#177 - def getlabel; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#124 - def getline; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#478 - def parse_alias(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#451 - def parse_anchor(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#546 - def parse_block_text(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#199 - def parse_child(column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#267 - def parse_flow(depth); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#346 - def parse_flow_map(depth); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#376 - def parse_flow_map_item(depth); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#389 - def parse_flow_scalar(depth); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#314 - def parse_flow_seq(depth); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#342 - def parse_flow_seq_item(depth); end - - # flowstyle ::= flow_seq | flow_map | flow_scalar | alias - # - # flow_seq ::= '[' [ flow_seq_item { ',' sp flow_seq_item } ] ']' - # flow_seq_item ::= flowstyle - # - # flow_map ::= '{' [ flow_map_item { ',' sp flow_map_item } ] '}' - # flow_map_item ::= flowstyle ':' sp flowstyle - # - # flow_scalar ::= string | number | boolean | symbol | date - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#252 - def parse_flowstyle(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#625 - def parse_mapping(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#672 - def parse_scalar(indent, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#588 - def parse_sequence(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#435 - def parse_tag(column, value); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#210 - def parse_value(column, value, value_start_column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#496 - def register_alias(label); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#470 - def register_anchor(label, data); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#143 - def reset_sbuf(str); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#503 - def resolve_aliases(data); end - - # -- - # def syntax_error(error_symbol, linenum=@linenum) - # msg = Kwalify.msg(error_symbol) % [linenum] - # return Kwalify::YamlSyntaxError.new(msg, linenum,error_symbol) - # end - # ++ - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#193 - def syntax_error(error_symbol, arg = T.unsafe(nil), linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#679 - def to_scalar(str); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#235 - def white?(ch); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#27 -class Kwalify::PlainYamlParser::Alias - # @return [Alias] a new instance of Alias - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#28 - def initialize(label, linenum); end - - # Returns the value of attribute label. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#32 - def label; end - - # Returns the value of attribute linenum. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#32 - def linenum; end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify.rb#10 -Kwalify::RELEASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#15 -class Kwalify::Rule - include ::Kwalify::ErrorHelper - - # @return [Rule] a new instance of Rule - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#40 - def initialize(hash = T.unsafe(nil), parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#46 - def _init(hash, path = T.unsafe(nil), rule_table = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#539 - def _uniqueness_check_table; end - - # Returns the value of attribute assert. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#29 - def assert; end - - # Returns the value of attribute assert_proc. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#30 - def assert_proc; end - - # Returns the value of attribute classname. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#36 - def classname; end - - # Returns the value of attribute classobj. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#37 - def classobj; end - - # Returns the value of attribute default. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#35 - def default; end - - # Returns the value of attribute desc. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#20 - def desc; end - - # Returns the value of attribute enum. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#21 - def enum; end - - # Returns the value of attribute ident. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#33 - def ident; end - - # Returns the value of attribute length. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#32 - def length; end - - # Returns the value of attribute mapping. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#28 - def mapping; end - - # Returns the value of attribute name. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#19 - def name; end - - # Returns the value of attribute parent. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#18 - def parent; end - - # Sets the attribute parent - # - # @param value the value to set the attribute parent to. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#18 - def parent=(_arg0); end - - # Returns the value of attribute pattern. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#25 - def pattern; end - - # Returns the value of attribute range. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#31 - def range; end - - # Returns the value of attribute regexp. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#26 - def regexp; end - - # Returns the value of attribute required. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#22 - def required; end - - # Returns the value of attribute sequence. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#27 - def sequence; end - - # Returns the value of attribute type. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#23 - def type; end - - # Returns the value of attribute type_class. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#24 - def type_class; end - - # Returns the value of attribute unique. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#34 - def unique; end - - protected - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#473 - def _inspect(str = T.unsafe(nil), level = T.unsafe(nil), done = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#86 - def get_init_method(sym); end - - private - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#427 - def _check_confliction(hash, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#197 - def _init_assert_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#116 - def _init_class_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#358 - def _init_default_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#135 - def _init_desc_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#172 - def _init_enum_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#319 - def _init_ident_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#268 - def _init_length_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#396 - def _init_mapping_value(val, rule, path, rule_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#130 - def _init_name_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#149 - def _init_pattern_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#216 - def _init_range_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#140 - def _init_required_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#375 - def _init_sequence_value(val, rule, path, rule_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#95 - def _init_type_value(val, rule, path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/rule.rb#341 - def _init_unique_value(val, rule, path); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#49 -module Kwalify::Scalar; end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#60 -class Kwalify::SchemaError < ::Kwalify::BaseError - # @return [SchemaError] a new instance of SchemaError - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#61 - def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), path = T.unsafe(nil), rule = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil), error_symbol = T.unsafe(nil)); end -end - -# syntax error for YAML and JSON -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#75 -class Kwalify::SyntaxError < ::Kwalify::BaseError - # KwalifyError - # - # @return [SyntaxError] a new instance of SyntaxError - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#76 - def initialize(msg, linenum = T.unsafe(nil), error_symbol = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # attr_accessor :linenum, :error_symbol - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#82 - def message; end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#30 -module Kwalify::Text - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#83 -module Kwalify::Types - private - - # -- - # def collection_class?(klass) - # return klass.is_a?(Array) || klass.is_a?(Hash) - # end - # - # def scalar_class?(klass) - # return !klass.is_a?(Array) && !klass.is_a?(Hash) && klass != Object - # end - # - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#134 - def collection?(val); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#143 - def collection_type?(type); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#138 - def scalar?(val); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#147 - def scalar_type?(type); end - - class << self - # -- - # def collection_class?(klass) - # return klass.is_a?(Array) || klass.is_a?(Hash) - # end - # - # def scalar_class?(klass) - # return !klass.is_a?(Array) && !klass.is_a?(Hash) && klass != Object - # end - # - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#134 - def collection?(val); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#143 - def collection_type?(type); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#119 - def get_type_class(type); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#138 - def scalar?(val); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#147 - def scalar_type?(type); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#113 - def type_class(type); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#109 - def type_table; end - end -end - -# use "str" as default of @type -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#86 -Kwalify::Types::DEFAULT_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#9 -module Kwalify::Util - private - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#77 - def _traverse_rule(rule, _done = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#50 - def _traverse_schema(hash, _done = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # create a hash table from list of hash with primary key. - # - # ex. - # hashlist = [ - # { "name"=>"Foo", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>20, }, - # { "name"=>"Bar", "gender"=>"F", "age"=>25, }, - # { "name"=>"Baz", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>30, }, - # ] - # hashtable = YamlHelper.create_hashtable(hashlist, "name") - # p hashtable - # # => { "Foo" => { "name"=>"Foo", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>20, }, - # # "Bar" => { "name"=>"Bar", "gender"=>"F", "age"=>25, }, - # # "Baz" => { "name"=>"Baz", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>30, }, } - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#118 - def create_hashtable(hashlist, primarykey, flag_duplicate_check = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # get class object. if not found, NameError raised. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#94 - def get_class(classname); end - - # get nested value directly. - # - # ex. - # val = YamlHelper.get_value(obj, ['aaa', 0, 'xxx']) - # - # This is equal to the following: - # begin - # val = obj['aaa'][0]['xxx'] - # rescue NameError - # val = nil - # end - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#147 - def get_value(obj, path); end - - # traverse rule - # - # ex. - # schema = YAML.load_file('myschema.yaml') - # validator = Kwalify::Validator.new(schema) - # Kwalify::Util.traverse_rule(validator) do |rule| - # p rule if rule.classname - # end - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#71 - def traverse_rule(validator, &block); end - - # traverse schema - # - # ex. - # schema = YAML.load_file('myschema.yaml') - # Kwalify::Util.traverse_schema(schema) do |rulehash| - # ## add module prefix to class name - # if rulehash['class'] - # rulehash['class'] = 'MyModule::' + rulehash['class'] - # end - # end - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#44 - def traverse_schema(schema, &block); end - - # expand tab character to spaces - # - # ex. - # untabified_str = YamlHelper.untabify(tabbed_str) - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#19 - def untabify(str, width = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - class << self - # @yield [rule] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#77 - def _traverse_rule(rule, _done = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # @yield [hash] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#50 - def _traverse_schema(hash, _done = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # create a hash table from list of hash with primary key. - # - # ex. - # hashlist = [ - # { "name"=>"Foo", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>20, }, - # { "name"=>"Bar", "gender"=>"F", "age"=>25, }, - # { "name"=>"Baz", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>30, }, - # ] - # hashtable = YamlHelper.create_hashtable(hashlist, "name") - # p hashtable - # # => { "Foo" => { "name"=>"Foo", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>20, }, - # # "Bar" => { "name"=>"Bar", "gender"=>"F", "age"=>25, }, - # # "Baz" => { "name"=>"Baz", "gender"=>"M", "age"=>30, }, } - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#118 - def create_hashtable(hashlist, primarykey, flag_duplicate_check = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # get class object. if not found, NameError raised. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#94 - def get_class(classname); end - - # get nested value directly. - # - # ex. - # val = YamlHelper.get_value(obj, ['aaa', 0, 'xxx']) - # - # This is equal to the following: - # begin - # val = obj['aaa'][0]['xxx'] - # rescue NameError - # val = nil - # end - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#147 - def get_value(obj, path); end - - # traverse rule - # - # ex. - # schema = YAML.load_file('myschema.yaml') - # validator = Kwalify::Validator.new(schema) - # Kwalify::Util.traverse_rule(validator) do |rule| - # p rule if rule.classname - # end - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#71 - def traverse_rule(validator, &block); end - - # traverse schema - # - # ex. - # schema = YAML.load_file('myschema.yaml') - # Kwalify::Util.traverse_schema(schema) do |rulehash| - # ## add module prefix to class name - # if rulehash['class'] - # rulehash['class'] = 'MyModule::' + rulehash['class'] - # end - # end - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#44 - def traverse_schema(schema, &block); end - - # expand tab character to spaces - # - # ex. - # untabified_str = YamlHelper.untabify(tabbed_str) - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util.rb#19 - def untabify(str, width = T.unsafe(nil)); end - end -end - -# add hash-like methods -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util/hashlike.rb#14 -module Kwalify::Util::HashLike - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util/hashlike.rb#16 - def [](key); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util/hashlike.rb#20 - def []=(key, val); end - - # not necessary - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util/hashlike.rb#39 - def each; end - - # -- - # def keys() - # instance_variables().collect { |name| name[1, name.length-1] } - # end - # ++ - # - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/util/hashlike.rb#30 - def key?(key); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#67 -class Kwalify::ValidationError < ::Kwalify::BaseError - # @return [ValidationError] a new instance of ValidationError - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#68 - def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), path = T.unsafe(nil), rule = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil), error_symbol = T.unsafe(nil)); end -end - -# validate YAML document -# -# ex1. validate yaml document -# schema = YAML.load_file('schema.yaml') -# validator = Kwalify::Validator.new(schema) -# document = YAML.load_file('document.yaml') -# erros = validator.validate(document) -# if errors && !errors.empty? -# errors.each do |err| -# puts "- [#{err.path}] #{err.message}" -# end -# end -# -# ex2. validate with parsing -# schema = YAML.load_file('schema.yaml') -# validator = Kwalify::Validator.new(schema) -# parser = Kwalify::Yaml::Parser.new(validator) -# document = parser.parse(File.read('document.yaml')) -# errors = parser.errors -# if errors && errors.empty? -# errors.each do |e| -# puts "#{e.linenum}:#{e.column} [#{e.path}] #{e.message}" -# end -# end -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#40 -class Kwalify::Validator - include ::Kwalify::ErrorHelper - - # @return [Validator] a new instance of Validator - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#44 - def initialize(hash_or_rule, &block); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#52 - def _inspect; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#75 - def _validate(value, rule, path, errors, done, uniq_table, recursive = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#161 - def _validate_mapping_required_keys(hash, map_rule, path, errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#188 - def _validate_unique(value, rule, path, errors, uniq_table); end - - # Returns the value of attribute rule. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#49 - def rule; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#57 - def validate(value); end - - protected - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#67 - def validate_hook(value, rule, path, errors); end - - private - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#202 - def _validate_assert(value, rule, path, errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#211 - def _validate_enum(value, rule, path, errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#255 - def _validate_length(value, rule, path, errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#140 - def _validate_mapping(hash, map_rule, path, errors, done, uniq_table, recursive = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#222 - def _validate_pattern(value, rule, path, errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#231 - def _validate_range(value, rule, path, errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#175 - def _validate_scalar(value, rule, path, errors, done, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/validator.rb#127 - def _validate_sequence(list, seq_rule, path, errors, done, uniq_table, recursive = T.unsafe(nil)); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#16 -module Kwalify::Yaml - class << self - # read yaml_str, parse it, and return yaml document. - # - # opts: - # ::validator: Kwalify::Validator object - # ::preceding_aliass: allow preceding alias if true - # ::data_binding: enable data binding if true - # ::untabify: expand tab chars if true - # ::filename: filename - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify.rb#45 - def load(yaml_str, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # read file, parse it, and return yaml document. - # see Kwalify::Yaml::Parser.load() - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify.rb#57 - def load_file(filename, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end - end -end - -# YAML parser with validator -# -# ex. -# schema = YAML.load_file('schema.yaml') -# require 'kwalify' -# validator = Kwalify::Validator.new(schema) -# parser = Kwalify::Yaml::Parser.new(validator) # validator is optional -# #parser.preceding_alias = true # optional -# #parser.data_binding = true # optional -# ydoc = parser.parse_file('data.yaml') -# errors = parser.errors -# if errors && !errors.empty? -# errors.each do |e| -# puts "line=#{e.linenum}, path=#{e.path}, mesg=#{e.message}" -# end -# end -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#40 -class Kwalify::Yaml::Parser < ::Kwalify::BaseParser - # @return [Parser] a new instance of Parser - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#46 - def initialize(validator = T.unsafe(nil), properties = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#335 - def _parse_map_value(map, map_rule, path, level, key, is_merged, uniq_table, _linenum, _column, _linenum2, _column2); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#90 - def _set_error_info(linenum = T.unsafe(nil), column = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # *V - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#408 - def _validate_map_value(map, map_rule, rule, path, uniq_table, key, val, _linenum, _column); end - - # boolean - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#54 - def data_binding; end - - # boolean - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#54 - def data_binding=(_arg0); end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#112 - def document_start?; end - - # Returns the value of attribute errors. - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#68 - def errors; end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#122 - def has_next?; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#795 - def location(path); end - - # Class - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#57 - def mapping_class; end - - # Class - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#57 - def mapping_class=(_arg0); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#127 - def parse(input = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#198 - def parse_alias(rule, path, uniq_table, container); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#187 - def parse_anchor(rule, path, uniq_table, container); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#426 - def parse_block_map(map, map_rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#463 - def parse_block_scalar(rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#307 - def parse_block_seq(seq, seq_rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#484 - def parse_block_text(column, rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#235 - def parse_block_value(level, rule, path, uniq_table, container); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#166 - def parse_documents(input, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#133 - def parse_file(filename, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#634 - def parse_flow_map(map, map_rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#673 - def parse_flow_scalar(rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#597 - def parse_flow_seq(seq, seq_rule, path, uniq_table); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#555 - def parse_flow_value(rule, path, uniq_table, container); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#139 - def parse_next; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#166 - def parse_stream(input, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end - - # boolean - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#55 - def preceding_alias; end - - # boolean - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#55 - def preceding_alias=(_arg0); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#60 - def reset_parser; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/base.rb#18 - def reset_scanner(input, filename = T.unsafe(nil), untabify = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#215 - def resolve_preceding_aliases(val); end - - # Class - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#56 - def sequence_class; end - - # Class - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#56 - def sequence_class=(_arg0); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#834 - def set_errors_linenum(errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#103 - def skip_spaces_and_comments; end - - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#117 - def stream_end?; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#702 - def to_scalar(str); end - - # Validator - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#53 - def validator; end - - # Validator - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#53 - def validator=(_arg0); end - - protected - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#783 - def _getclass(classname); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#762 - def add_to_seq(rule, seq, val, linenum, column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#743 - def create_mapping(rule, linenum, column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#757 - def create_scalar(rule, value, linenum, column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#736 - def create_sequence(rule, linenum, column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#768 - def put_to_map(rule, map, key, val, linenum, column); end - - private - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#71 - def _error(klass, message, path, linenum, column); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#453 - def to_mapkey(str); end -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#182 -Kwalify::Yaml::Parser::MAPKEY_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/parser/yaml.rb#184 -Kwalify::Yaml::Parser::PRECEDING_ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object) - -# (OBSOLETE) yaml parser -# -# this class has been obsoleted. use Kwalify::Yaml::Parser instead. -# -# ex. -# # load document with YamlParser -# str = ARGF.read() -# parser = Kwalify::YamlParser.new(str) -# document = parser.parse() -# -# # validate document -# schema = YAML.load(File.read('schema.yaml')) -# validator = Kwalify::Validator.new(schema) -# errors = validator.validate(document) -# -# # print validation result -# if errors && !errors.empty? -# parser.set_errors_linenum(errors) -# errors.sort.each do |error| -# print "line %d: path %s: %s" % [error.linenum, error.path, error.message] -# end -# end -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#752 -class Kwalify::YamlParser < ::Kwalify::PlainYamlParser - # @return [YamlParser] a new instance of YamlParser - # - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#754 - def initialize(*args); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#759 - def parse; end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#764 - def path_linenum(path); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#794 - def set_error_linenums(errors); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#788 - def set_errors_linenum(errors); end - - protected - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#823 - def add_to_map(map, key, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#807 - def add_to_seq(seq, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#817 - def create_mapping(linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#852 - def create_scalar(value, linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#801 - def create_sequence(linenum = T.unsafe(nil)); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#838 - def merge_map(map, collection, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#833 - def set_default(map, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#828 - def set_map_with(map, key, value, linenum); end - - # source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/yaml-parser.rb#812 - def set_seq_at(seq, i, value, linenum); end -end - -# (obsolete) use Kwalify::SyntaxError instead -# -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/errors.rb#89 -class Kwalify::YamlSyntaxError < ::Kwalify::SyntaxError; end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#70 -class NilClass - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#36 -class Numeric - include ::Comparable - include ::Kwalify::Text - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#33 -class String - include ::Comparable - include ::Kwalify::Text - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#61 -class Time - include ::Comparable - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end - -# source://kwalify//lib/kwalify/types.rb#14 -class TrueClass - include ::Kwalify::Boolean - include ::Kwalify::Scalar -end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types@3.5.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types@3.5.2.rbi similarity index 100% rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types@3.5.1.rbi rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types@3.5.2.rbi diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri@1.15.5.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri@1.16.0.rbi similarity index 98% rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri@1.15.5.rbi rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri@1.16.0.rbi index 35fb85b25c9..30aa1d5bd69 100644 --- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri@1.15.5.rbi +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri@1.16.0.rbi @@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ module Nokogiri # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#205 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#206 def jruby?; end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#210 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#211 def libxml2_patches; end # Create a new Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment @@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ module Nokogiri # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#200 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#201 def uses_gumbo?; end # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#192 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#193 def uses_libxml?(requirement = T.unsafe(nil)); end end end @@ -719,22 +719,6 @@ Nokogiri::CSS::XPathVisitor::DoctypeConfig::XML = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol) # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/css/xpath_visitor.rb#10 Nokogiri::CSS::XPathVisitor::WILDCARD_NAMESPACES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), TrueClass) -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/css/xpath_visitor.rb#339 -module Nokogiri::CSS::XPathVisitorAlwaysUseBuiltins - class << self - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/css/xpath_visitor.rb#340 - def new; end - end -end - -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/css/xpath_visitor.rb#349 -module Nokogiri::CSS::XPathVisitorOptimallyUseBuiltins - class << self - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/css/xpath_visitor.rb#350 - def new; end - end -end - # Some classes in Nokogiri are namespaced as a group, for example # Document, DocumentFragment, and Builder. # @@ -1821,30 +1805,16 @@ module Nokogiri::HTML5 # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#238 def fragment(string, encoding = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end - # Fetch and parse a HTML document from the web, following redirects, - # handling https, and determining the character encoding using HTML5 - # rules. +uri+ may be a +String+ or a +URI+. +options+ contains - # http headers and special options. Everything which is not a - # special option is considered a header. Special options include: - # * :follow_limit => number of redirects which are followed - # * :basic_auth => [username, password] - # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#249 - def get(uri, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end - # Parse an HTML 5 document. Convenience method for {Nokogiri::HTML5::Document.parse} # # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#232 def parse(string, url = T.unsafe(nil), encoding = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#260 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#243 def read_and_encode(string, encoding); end private - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#286 - def get_impl(uri, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end - # Charset sniffing is a complex and controversial topic that understandably isn't done _by # default_ by the Ruby Net::HTTP library. This being said, it is a very real problem for # consumers of HTML as the default for HTML is iso-8859-1, most "good" producers use utf-8, and @@ -1857,7 +1827,7 @@ module Nokogiri::HTML5 # http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/2567 # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#determining-the-character-encoding # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#347 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/html5.rb#281 def reencode(body, content_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end end end @@ -2118,7 +2088,7 @@ Nokogiri::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) # Detailed version info about Nokogiri and the installed extension dependencies. # -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#222 +# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#223 Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#7 @@ -2182,7 +2152,7 @@ class Nokogiri::VersionInfo # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#88 def to_hash; end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#180 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#181 def to_markdown; end # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/version/info.rb#72 @@ -2249,8 +2219,6 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Attr < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # - +value+ → (String) The value of the attribute. # - +namespace+ → (Namespace, nil) The Namespace of the attribute, or +nil+ if there is no namespace. # - # ⚡ This is an experimental feature, available since v1.14.0 - # # *Example* # # doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<~XML) @@ -2283,6 +2251,8 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Attr < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # # href = "http://nokogiri.org/ns/noko" # # })} # + # Since v1.14.0 + # # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/attr.rb#55 def deconstruct_keys(keys); end @@ -2899,8 +2869,6 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Document < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # instructions. If you have a use case and would like this functionality, please let us know # by opening an issue or a discussion on the github project. # - # ⚡ This is an experimental feature, available since v1.14.0 - # # *Example* # # doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<~XML) @@ -2927,6 +2895,8 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Document < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # doc.deconstruct_keys([:root]) # # => {:root=>nil} # + # Since v1.14.0 + # # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/document.rb#457 def deconstruct_keys(keys); end @@ -3099,7 +3069,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Document < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/document.rb#353 def slop!; end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1280 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1286 def to_xml(*args, &block); end def url; end @@ -3220,8 +3190,6 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # root elements, you should deconstruct the array returned by # DocumentFragment#elements. # - # ⚡ This is an experimental feature, available since v1.14.0 - # # *Example* # # frag = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(<<~HTML) @@ -3253,6 +3221,8 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment < ::Nokogiri::XML::Node # # }), # # #(Element:0x398 { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "End")] })] # + # Since v1.14.0 + # # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb#190 def deconstruct; end @@ -3461,8 +3431,6 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Namespace # - +prefix+ → (String, nil) The namespace's prefix, or +nil+ if there is no prefix (e.g., default namespace). # - +href+ → (String) The namespace's URI # - # ⚡ This is an experimental feature, available since v1.14.0 - # # *Example* # # doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<~XML) @@ -3488,7 +3456,9 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Namespace # doc.root.elements.last.namespace.deconstruct_keys([:prefix, :href]) # # => {:prefix=>"noko", :href=>"http://nokogiri.org/ns/noko"} # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/namespace.rb#47 + # Since v1.14.0 + # + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/namespace.rb#46 def deconstruct_keys(keys); end # Returns the value of attribute document. @@ -3501,7 +3471,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Namespace private - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/namespace.rb#53 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/namespace.rb#52 def inspect_attributes; end end @@ -3601,12 +3571,12 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # Compare two Node objects with respect to their Document. Nodes from # different documents cannot be compared. # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1256 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1262 def <=>(other); end # Test to see if this Node is equal to +other+ # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1246 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1252 def ==(other); end # :call-seq: [](name) → (String, nil) @@ -3681,7 +3651,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # Accept a visitor. This method calls "visit" on +visitor+ with self. # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1240 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1246 def accept(visitor); end # Add +node_or_tags+ as a child of this Node. @@ -3789,7 +3759,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # Get a list of ancestor Node for this Node. If +selector+ is given, # the ancestors must match +selector+ # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1209 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1215 def ancestors(selector = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: append_class(names) → self @@ -3942,14 +3912,14 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node def blank?; end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1407 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1414 def canonicalize(mode = T.unsafe(nil), inclusive_namespaces = T.unsafe(nil), with_comments = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Returns true if this is a CDATA # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1130 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1136 def cdata?; end def child; end @@ -3993,7 +3963,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1125 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1131 def comment?; end def content; end @@ -4009,7 +3979,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # Get the path to this node as a CSS expression # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1200 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1206 def css_path; end # :call-seq: deconstruct_keys(array_of_names) → Hash @@ -4025,8 +3995,6 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # - +content+ → (String) The contents of all the text nodes in this node's subtree. See #content. # - +inner_html+ → (String) The inner markup for the children of this node. See #inner_html. # - # ⚡ This is an experimental feature, available since v1.14.0 - # # *Example* # # doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(<<~XML) @@ -4061,7 +4029,9 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # value = "def" # # })]} # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1468 + # Since v1.14.0 + # + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1475 def deconstruct_keys(keys); end # Decorate this node with the decorators set up in this node's Document @@ -4086,7 +4056,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # Fetch the Nokogiri::HTML4::ElementDescription for this node. Returns # nil on XML documents and on unknown tags. # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1167 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1173 def description; end # Do xinclude substitution on the subtree below node. If given a block, a @@ -4104,7 +4074,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1145 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1151 def document?; end def dup(*_arg0); end @@ -4118,14 +4088,14 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1181 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1187 def elem?; end # Returns true if this is an Element node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1181 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1187 def element?; end def element_children; end @@ -4144,7 +4114,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1160 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1166 def fragment?; end # :call-seq: [](name) → (String, nil) @@ -4186,7 +4156,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1140 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1146 def html?; end # Get the inner_html for this node's Node#children @@ -4460,7 +4430,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # "xmlns"=>"http://example.com/root", # # "xmlns:in_scope"=>"http://example.com/in_scope"} # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1116 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1122 def namespaces; end def native_content=(_arg0); end @@ -4542,14 +4512,14 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1150 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1156 def processing_instruction?; end # Is this a read only node? # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1175 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1181 def read_only?; end def remove; end @@ -4633,7 +4603,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # config.format.as_xml # end # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1280 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1286 def serialize(*args, &block); end # :call-seq: []=(name, value) → value @@ -4691,7 +4661,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1155 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1161 def text?; end # Serialize this Node to HTML @@ -4701,13 +4671,13 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # See Node#write_to for a list of +options+. For formatted output, # use Node#to_xhtml instead. # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1306 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1313 def to_html(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Turn this node in to a string. If the document is HTML, this method # returns html. If the document is XML, this method returns XML. # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1190 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1196 def to_s; end def to_str; end @@ -4717,7 +4687,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # See Node#write_to for a list of +options+ # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1327 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1334 def to_xhtml(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Serialize this Node to XML using +options+ @@ -4725,7 +4695,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # See Node#write_to for a list of +options+ # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1316 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1323 def to_xml(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Yields self and all children to +block+ recursively. @@ -4733,7 +4703,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # @yield [_self] # @yieldparam _self [Nokogiri::XML::Node] the object that the method was called on # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1233 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1239 def traverse(&block); end def type; end @@ -4802,7 +4772,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # See Node#write_to for a list of +options+ # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1384 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1391 def write_html_to(io, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # :call-seq: @@ -4836,7 +4806,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # See Node#write_to for a list of +options+ # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1392 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1399 def write_xhtml_to(io, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Write Node as XML to +io+ with +options+ @@ -4845,21 +4815,21 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node # # See Node#write_to for a list of options # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1402 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1409 def write_xml_to(io, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end # Returns true if this is an XML::Document node # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1135 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1141 def xml?; end protected # @raise [ArgumentError] # - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1482 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1489 def coerce(data); end private @@ -4872,7 +4842,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node def add_next_sibling_node(_arg0); end def add_previous_sibling_node(_arg0); end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1516 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1523 def add_sibling(next_or_previous, node_or_tags); end def compare(_arg0); end @@ -4881,10 +4851,10 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node def html_standard_serialize(_arg0); end def in_context(_arg0, _arg1); end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1555 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1562 def inspect_attributes; end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1504 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1511 def keywordify(keywords); end def native_write_to(_arg0, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3); end @@ -4894,10 +4864,10 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Node def set(_arg0, _arg1); end def set_namespace(_arg0); end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1541 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1548 def to_format(save_option, options); end - # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1548 + # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1555 def write_format_to(save_option, io, options); end class << self @@ -4925,10 +4895,10 @@ Nokogiri::XML::Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#77 Nokogiri::XML::Node::COMMENT_NODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1415 +# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1422 Nokogiri::XML::Node::DECONSTRUCT_KEYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1416 +# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1423 Nokogiri::XML::Node::DECONSTRUCT_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash) # DOCB document node type @@ -4986,7 +4956,7 @@ Nokogiri::XML::Node::ENTITY_REF_NODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#87 Nokogiri::XML::Node::HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1559 +# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1566 Nokogiri::XML::Node::IMPLIED_XPATH_CONTEXTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array) # Namespace declaration type @@ -5145,7 +5115,7 @@ Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_XHTML = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#67 Nokogiri::XML::Node::TEXT_NODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) -# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1538 +# source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb#1545 Nokogiri::XML::Node::USING_LIBXML_WITH_BROKEN_SERIALIZATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass) # XInclude end type @@ -5336,7 +5306,7 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet # # Returns the members of this NodeSet as an array, to use in pattern matching. # - # ⚡ This is an experimental feature, available since v1.14.0 + # Since v1.14.0 # # source://nokogiri//lib/nokogiri/xml/node_set.rb#440 def deconstruct; end @@ -6171,7 +6141,6 @@ class Nokogiri::XML::Reader def attribute_at(_arg0); end def attribute_count; end def attribute_hash; end - def attribute_nodes; end # Get the attributes and namespaces of the current node as a Hash. # diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/reek@6.1.4.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/reek@6.2.0.rbi similarity index 98% rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/reek@6.1.4.rbi rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/reek@6.2.0.rbi index 219d19d93be..89cda756b7f 100644 --- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/reek@6.1.4.rbi +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/reek@6.2.0.rbi @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ module Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::BlockargNode def block?; end end -# source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#53 +# source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#68 Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::CSendNode = Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::SendNode # Utility methods for :case nodes. @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ module Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::NestedAssignables def components; end end -# source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#52 +# source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#67 Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::Op_AsgnNode = Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::SendNode # Utility methods for :optarg nodes. @@ -874,12 +874,12 @@ module Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::SendNode # # @return [Boolean] # - # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#47 + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#44 def attr_with_writable_flag?; end # @return [Boolean] # - # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#40 + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#37 def attribute_writer?; end # @return [Boolean] @@ -887,17 +887,12 @@ module Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::SendNode # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#26 def module_creation_call?; end - # @return [Boolean] - # - # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#30 - def module_creation_receiver?; end - # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#14 def name; end # @return [Boolean] # - # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#36 + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#33 def object_creation_call?; end # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#22 @@ -905,6 +900,28 @@ module Reek::AST::SexpExtensions::SendNode # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#10 def receiver; end + + private + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#62 + def const_receiver?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#54 + def data_definition_call?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#58 + def data_definition_receiver?; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#50 + def module_creation_receiver?; end end # source://reek//lib/reek/ast/sexp_extensions/send.rb#8 @@ -1496,31 +1513,39 @@ module Reek::Configuration::ExcludedPaths def add(paths); end end +# Configuration schema constants. +# +# source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema.rb#10 +class Reek::Configuration::Schema + class << self + # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema.rb#164 + def schema(directories = T.unsafe(nil)); end + end +end + +# source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema.rb#16 +Reek::Configuration::Schema::ALL_DETECTORS_SCHEMA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Dry::Schema::Params) + # Schema validator module. # -# source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#13 +# source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#11 class Reek::Configuration::SchemaValidator # @return [SchemaValidator] a new instance of SchemaValidator # - # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#16 + # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#12 def initialize(configuration); end - # @raise [Errors::ConfigFileError] - # - # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#24 + # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#18 def validate; end private # :reek:UtilityFunction # - # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#34 + # source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#30 def error_message(errors); end end -# source://reek//lib/reek/configuration/schema_validator.rb#14 -Reek::Configuration::SchemaValidator::SCHEMA_FILE_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) - # source://reek//lib/reek/context/statement_counter.rb#6 module Reek::Context; end @@ -2695,9 +2720,10 @@ module Reek::DocumentationLink # source://reek//lib/reek/documentation_link.rb#16 def build(subject); end - # Convert the given subject name to a form that is acceptable in a URL. + # Convert the given subject name to a form that is acceptable in a URL, by + # dasherizeing it at the start of capitalized words. Spaces are discared. # - # source://reek//lib/reek/documentation_link.rb#21 + # source://reek//lib/reek/documentation_link.rb#22 def name_to_param(name); end class << self @@ -2711,9 +2737,10 @@ module Reek::DocumentationLink # source://reek//lib/reek/documentation_link.rb#16 def build(subject); end - # Convert the given subject name to a form that is acceptable in a URL. + # Convert the given subject name to a form that is acceptable in a URL, by + # dasherizeing it at the start of capitalized words. Spaces are discared. # - # source://reek//lib/reek/documentation_link.rb#21 + # source://reek//lib/reek/documentation_link.rb#22 def name_to_param(name); end end end @@ -4179,9 +4206,12 @@ class Reek::SmellDetectors::InstanceVariableAssumption < ::Reek::SmellDetectors: # source://reek//lib/reek/smell_detectors/instance_variable_assumption.rb#55 def variables_from_context; end - # source://reek//lib/reek/smell_detectors/instance_variable_assumption.rb#45 + # source://reek//lib/reek/smell_detectors/instance_variable_assumption.rb#51 def variables_from_initialize; end + # source://reek//lib/reek/smell_detectors/instance_variable_assumption.rb#45 + def variables_from_initializers; end + class << self # source://reek//lib/reek/smell_detectors/instance_variable_assumption.rb#13 def contexts; end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.58.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.59.0.rbi similarity index 100% rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.58.0.rbi rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.59.0.rbi diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/zeitwerk@2.6.12.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/zeitwerk@2.6.12.rbi new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4e791814156 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/zeitwerk@2.6.12.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,997 @@ +# typed: true + +# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY +# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `zeitwerk` gem. +# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem zeitwerk`. + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb#3 +module Kernel + private + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb#27 + def require(path); end + + class << self + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb#27 + def require(path); end + end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk.rb#3 +module Zeitwerk + class << self + # This is a dangerous method. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk.rb#20 + def with_loader; end + end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/error.rb#4 +class Zeitwerk::Error < ::StandardError; end + +# Centralizes the logic for the trace point used to detect the creation of +# explicit namespaces, needed to descend into matching subdirectories right +# after the constant has been defined. +# +# The implementation assumes an explicit namespace is managed by one loader. +# Loaders that reopen namespaces owned by other projects are responsible for +# loading their constant before setup. This is documented. +# +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#11 +module Zeitwerk::ExplicitNamespace + extend ::Zeitwerk::RealModName + + class << self + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#35 + def __register(cpath, loader); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#53 + def __registered?(cpath); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#45 + def __unregister_loader(loader); end + + private + + # Maps constant paths that correspond to explicit namespaces according to + # the file system, to the loader responsible for them. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#20 + def cpaths; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#58 + def disable_tracer_if_unneeded; end + + # Returns the value of attribute mutex. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#24 + def mutex; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#35 + def register(cpath, loader); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#53 + def registered?(cpath); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#65 + def tracepoint_class_callback(event); end + + # Returns the value of attribute tracer. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#28 + def tracer; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/explicit_namespace.rb#45 + def unregister_loader(loader); end + end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_inflector.rb#5 +class Zeitwerk::GemInflector < ::Zeitwerk::Inflector + # @return [GemInflector] a new instance of GemInflector + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_inflector.rb#6 + def initialize(root_file); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_inflector.rb#13 + def camelize(basename, abspath); end +end + +# @private +# +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_loader.rb#5 +class Zeitwerk::GemLoader < ::Zeitwerk::Loader + # @return [GemLoader] a new instance of GemLoader + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_loader.rb#19 + def initialize(root_file, namespace:, warn_on_extra_files:); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_loader.rb#34 + def setup; end + + private + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_loader.rb#42 + def warn_on_extra_files; end + + class << self + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/gem_loader.rb#14 + def __new(root_file, namespace:, warn_on_extra_files:); end + + private + + def new(*_arg0); end + end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/inflector.rb#4 +class Zeitwerk::Inflector + # Very basic snake case -> camel case conversion. + # + # inflector = Zeitwerk::Inflector.new + # inflector.camelize("post", ...) # => "Post" + # inflector.camelize("users_controller", ...) # => "UsersController" + # inflector.camelize("api", ...) # => "Api" + # + # Takes into account hard-coded mappings configured with `inflect`. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/inflector.rb#15 + def camelize(basename, _abspath); end + + # Configures hard-coded inflections: + # + # inflector = Zeitwerk::Inflector.new + # inflector.inflect( + # "html_parser" => "HTMLParser", + # "mysql_adapter" => "MySQLAdapter" + # ) + # + # inflector.camelize("html_parser", abspath) # => "HTMLParser" + # inflector.camelize("mysql_adapter", abspath) # => "MySQLAdapter" + # inflector.camelize("users_controller", abspath) # => "UsersController" + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/inflector.rb#32 + def inflect(inflections); end + + private + + # Hard-coded basename to constant name user maps that override the default + # inflection logic. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/inflector.rb#42 + def overrides; end +end + +# This is a private module. +# +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/internal.rb#4 +module Zeitwerk::Internal + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/internal.rb#5 + def internal(method_name); end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#7 +class Zeitwerk::Loader + include ::Zeitwerk::RealModName + include ::Zeitwerk::Loader::Callbacks + include ::Zeitwerk::Loader::Helpers + include ::Zeitwerk::Loader::Config + include ::Zeitwerk::Loader::EagerLoad + extend ::Zeitwerk::Internal + extend ::Zeitwerk::RealModName + + # @return [Loader] a new instance of Loader + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#99 + def initialize; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#43 + def __autoloaded_dirs; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#33 + def __autoloads; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#77 + def __namespace_dirs; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#310 + def __shadowed_file?(file); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#88 + def __shadowed_files; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#59 + def __to_unload; end + + # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#234 + def cpath_expected_at(path); end + + # Unloads all loaded code, and calls setup again so that the loader is able + # to pick any changes in the file system. + # + # This method is not thread-safe, please see how this can be achieved by + # client code in the README of the project. + # + # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#223 + def reload; end + + # Sets autoloads in the root namespaces. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#119 + def setup; end + + # Removes loaded constants and configured autoloads. + # + # The objects the constants stored are no longer reachable through them. In + # addition, since said objects are normally not referenced from anywhere + # else, they are eligible for garbage collection, which would effectively + # unload them. + # + # This method is public but undocumented. Main interface is `reload`, which + # means `unload` + `setup`. This one is available to be used together with + # `unregister`, which is undocumented too. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#145 + def unload; end + + # Says if the given constant path would be unloaded on reload. This + # predicate returns `false` if reloading is disabled. + # + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#285 + def unloadable_cpath?(cpath); end + + # Returns an array with the constant paths that would be unloaded on reload. + # This predicate returns an empty array if reloading is disabled. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#293 + def unloadable_cpaths; end + + # This is a dangerous method. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#301 + def unregister; end + + private + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#456 + def autoload_file(parent, cname, file); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#514 + def autoload_path_set_by_me_for?(parent, cname); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#426 + def autoload_subdir(parent, cname, subdir); end + + # We keep track of autoloaded directories to remove them from the registry + # at the end of eager loading. + # + # Files are removed as they are autoloaded, but directories need to wait due + # to concurrency (see why in Zeitwerk::Loader::Callbacks#on_dir_autoloaded). + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#43 + def autoloaded_dirs; end + + # Maps absolute paths for which an autoload has been set ---and not + # executed--- to their corresponding parent class or module and constant + # name. + # + # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/models/user.rb" => [Object, :User], + # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/models/hotel/pricing.rb" => [Hotel, :Pricing] + # ... + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#33 + def autoloads; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#493 + def define_autoload(parent, cname, abspath); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#410 + def define_autoloads_for_dir(dir, parent); end + + # Returns the value of attribute dirs_autoload_monitor. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#96 + def dirs_autoload_monitor; end + + # Returns the value of attribute mutex. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#92 + def mutex; end + + # Maps namespace constant paths to their respective directories. + # + # For example, given this mapping: + # + # "Admin" => [ + # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/controllers/admin", + # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/models/admin", + # ... + # ] + # + # when `Admin` gets defined we know that it plays the role of a namespace + # and that its children are spread over those directories. We'll visit them + # to set up the corresponding autoloads. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#77 + def namespace_dirs; end + + # `dir` is the directory that would have autovivified a namespace. `file` is + # the file where we've found the namespace is explicitly defined. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#482 + def promote_namespace_from_implicit_to_explicit(dir:, file:, parent:, cname:); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#528 + def raise_if_conflicting_directory(dir); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#523 + def register_explicit_namespace(cpath); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#552 + def run_on_unload_callbacks(cpath, value, abspath); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#310 + def shadowed_file?(file); end + + # A shadowed file is a file managed by this loader that is ignored when + # setting autoloads because its matching constant is already taken. + # + # This private set is populated as we descend. For example, if the loader + # has only scanned the top-level, `shadowed_files` does not have shadowed + # files that may exist deep in the project tree yet. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#88 + def shadowed_files; end + + # Stores metadata needed for unloading. Its entries look like this: + # + # "Admin::Role" => [".../admin/role.rb", [Admin, :Role]] + # + # The cpath as key helps implementing unloadable_cpath? The file name is + # stored in order to be able to delete it from $LOADED_FEATURES, and the + # pair [Module, Symbol] is used to remove_const the constant from the class + # or module object. + # + # If reloading is enabled, this hash is filled as constants are autoloaded + # or eager loaded. Otherwise, the collection remains empty. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#59 + def to_unload; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#559 + def unload_autoload(parent, cname); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#565 + def unload_cref(parent, cname); end + + class << self + # Returns an array with the absolute paths of the root directories of all + # registered loaders. This is a read-only collection. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#404 + def all_dirs; end + + # Returns the value of attribute default_logger. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#320 + def default_logger; end + + # Sets the attribute default_logger + # + # @param value the value to set the attribute default_logger to. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#320 + def default_logger=(_arg0); end + + # Broadcasts `eager_load` to all loaders. Those that have not been setup + # are skipped. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#376 + def eager_load_all; end + + # Broadcasts `eager_load_namespace` to all loaders. Those that have not + # been setup are skipped. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#390 + def eager_load_namespace(mod); end + + # This is a shortcut for + # + # require "zeitwerk" + # + # loader = Zeitwerk::Loader.new + # loader.tag = File.basename(__FILE__, ".rb") + # loader.inflector = Zeitwerk::GemInflector.new(__FILE__) + # loader.push_dir(__dir__) + # + # except that this method returns the same object in subsequent calls from + # the same file, in the unlikely case the gem wants to be able to reload. + # + # This method returns a subclass of Zeitwerk::Loader, but the exact type + # is private, client code can only rely on the interface. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#338 + def for_gem(warn_on_extra_files: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # This is a shortcut for + # + # require "zeitwerk" + # + # loader = Zeitwerk::Loader.new + # loader.tag = namespace.name + "-" + File.basename(__FILE__, ".rb") + # loader.inflector = Zeitwerk::GemInflector.new(__FILE__) + # loader.push_dir(__dir__, namespace: namespace) + # + # except that this method returns the same object in subsequent calls from + # the same file, in the unlikely case the gem wants to be able to reload. + # + # This method returns a subclass of Zeitwerk::Loader, but the exact type + # is private, client code can only rely on the interface. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#359 + def for_gem_extension(namespace); end + end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#3 +module Zeitwerk::Loader::Callbacks + include ::Zeitwerk::RealModName + extend ::Zeitwerk::Internal + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#41 + def __on_dir_autoloaded(dir); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#10 + def __on_file_autoloaded(file); end + + # Invoked when a class or module is created or reopened, either from the + # tracer or from module autovivification. If the namespace has matching + # subdirectories, we descend into them now. + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#81 + def on_namespace_loaded(namespace); end + + private + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#41 + def on_dir_autoloaded(dir); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#10 + def on_file_autoloaded(file); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/callbacks.rb#92 + def run_on_load_callbacks(cpath, value, abspath); end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#6 +module Zeitwerk::Loader::Config + include ::Zeitwerk::RealModName + extend ::Zeitwerk::Internal + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#86 + def initialize; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#296 + def __ignores?(abspath); end + + def __roots; end + + # Configure directories or glob patterns to be collapsed. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#216 + def collapse(*glob_patterns); end + + # If `namespaces` is falsey (default), returns an array with the absolute + # paths of the root directories as strings. If truthy, returns a hash table + # instead. Keys are the absolute paths of the root directories as strings, + # values are their corresponding namespaces, class or module objects. + # + # If `ignored` is falsey (default), ignored root directories are filtered out. + # + # These are read-only collections, please add to them with `push_dir`. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#156 + def dirs(namespaces: T.unsafe(nil), ignored: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # Let eager load ignore the given files or directories. The constants defined + # in those files are still autoloadable. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#198 + def do_not_eager_load(*paths); end + + # You need to call this method before setup in order to be able to reload. + # There is no way to undo this, either you want to reload or you don't. + # + # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#177 + def enable_reloading; end + + # Configure files, directories, or glob patterns to be totally ignored. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#205 + def ignore(*glob_patterns); end + + # Returns the value of attribute inflector. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#11 + def inflector; end + + # Sets the attribute inflector + # + # @param value the value to set the attribute inflector to. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#11 + def inflector=(_arg0); end + + # Logs to `$stdout`, handy shortcut for debugging. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#288 + def log!; end + + # Returns the value of attribute logger. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#14 + def logger; end + + # Sets the attribute logger + # + # @param value the value to set the attribute logger to. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#14 + def logger=(_arg0); end + + # Configure a block to be invoked once a certain constant path is loaded. + # Supports multiple callbacks, and if there are many, they are executed in + # the order in which they were defined. + # + # loader.on_load("SomeApiClient") do |klass, _abspath| + # klass.endpoint = "https://api.dev" + # end + # + # Can also be configured for any constant loaded: + # + # loader.on_load do |cpath, value, abspath| + # # ... + # end + # + # @raise [TypeError] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#252 + def on_load(cpath = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Configure a block to be called after setup and on each reload. + # If setup was already done, the block runs immediately. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#228 + def on_setup(&block); end + + # Configure a block to be invoked right before a certain constant is removed. + # Supports multiple callbacks, and if there are many, they are executed in the + # order in which they were defined. + # + # loader.on_unload("Country") do |klass, _abspath| + # klass.clear_cache + # end + # + # Can also be configured for any removed constant: + # + # loader.on_unload do |cpath, value, abspath| + # # ... + # end + # + # @raise [TypeError] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#277 + def on_unload(cpath = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + # Pushes `path` to the list of root directories. + # + # Raises `Zeitwerk::Error` if `path` does not exist, or if another loader in + # the same process already manages that directory or one of its ascendants or + # descendants. + # + # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#111 + def push_dir(path, namespace: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#190 + def reloading_enabled?; end + + # Returns the loader's tag. + # + # Implemented as a method instead of via attr_reader for symmetry with the + # writer below. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#135 + def tag; end + + # Sets a tag for the loader, useful for logging. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#142 + def tag=(tag); end + + private + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#314 + def actual_roots; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#339 + def collapse?(dir); end + + # The actual collection of absolute directory names at the time the collapse + # glob patterns were expanded. Computed on setup, and recomputed on reload. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#57 + def collapse_dirs; end + + # Absolute paths of directories or glob patterns to be collapsed. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#50 + def collapse_glob_patterns; end + + # Absolute paths of files or directories not to be eager loaded. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#63 + def eager_load_exclusions; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#326 + def excluded_from_eager_load?(abspath); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#349 + def expand_glob_patterns(glob_patterns); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#344 + def expand_paths(paths); end + + # Absolute paths of files, directories, or glob patterns to be totally + # ignored. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#36 + def ignored_glob_patterns; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#309 + def ignored_path?(abspath); end + + # The actual collection of absolute file and directory names at the time the + # ignored glob patterns were expanded. Computed on setup, and recomputed on + # reload. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#44 + def ignored_paths; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#296 + def ignores?(abspath); end + + # User-oriented callbacks to be fired when a constant is loaded. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#76 + def on_load_callbacks; end + + # User-oriented callbacks to be fired on setup and on reload. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#69 + def on_setup_callbacks; end + + # User-oriented callbacks to be fired before constants are removed. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#83 + def on_unload_callbacks; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#361 + def recompute_collapse_dirs; end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#356 + def recompute_ignored_paths; end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#321 + def root_dir?(dir); end + + # Absolute paths of the root directories, mapped to their respective root namespaces: + # + # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/channels" => Object, + # "/Users/fxn/blog/app/adapters" => ActiveJob::QueueAdapters, + # ... + # + # Stored in a hash to preserve order, easily handle duplicates, and have a + # fast lookup by directory. + # + # This is a private collection maintained by the loader. The public + # interface for it is `push_dir` and `dirs`. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/config.rb#29 + def roots; end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#1 +module Zeitwerk::Loader::EagerLoad + # Eager loads all files in the root directories, recursively. Files do not + # need to be in `$LOAD_PATH`, absolute file names are used. Ignored and + # shadowed files are not eager loaded. You can opt-out specifically in + # specific files and directories with `do_not_eager_load`, and that can be + # overridden passing `force: true`. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#9 + def eager_load(force: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # @raise [Zeitwerk::SetupRequired] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#32 + def eager_load_dir(path); end + + # @raise [Zeitwerk::SetupRequired] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#74 + def eager_load_namespace(mod); end + + # Loads the given Ruby file. + # + # Raises if the argument is ignored, shadowed, or not managed by the receiver. + # + # The method is implemented as `constantize` for files, in a sense, to be able + # to descend orderly and make sure the file is loadable. + # + # @raise [Zeitwerk::Error] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#116 + def load_file(path); end + + private + + # The caller is responsible for making sure `namespace` is the namespace that + # corresponds to `dir`. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#160 + def actual_eager_load_dir(dir, namespace, force: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + # In order to invoke this method, the caller has to ensure `child` is a + # strict namespace descendant of `root_namespace`. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/eager_load.rb#195 + def eager_load_child_namespace(child, child_name, root_dir, root_namespace); end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#3 +module Zeitwerk::Loader::Helpers + private + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#128 + def cdef?(parent, cname); end + + # @raise [NameError] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#134 + def cget(parent, cname); end + + # @raise [Zeitwerk::NameError] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#149 + def cname_for(basename, abspath); end + + # Symbol#name was introduced in Ruby 3.0. It returns always the same + # frozen object, so we may save a few string allocations. + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#118 + def cpath(parent, cname); end + + # @raise [NameError] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#140 + def crem(parent, cname); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#67 + def dir?(path); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#45 + def has_at_least_one_ruby_file?(dir); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#72 + def hidden?(basename); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#7 + def log(message); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#15 + def ls(dir); end + + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#62 + def ruby?(path); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#109 + def strict_autoload_path(parent, cname); end + + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#77 + def walk_up(abspath); end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader/helpers.rb#144 +module Zeitwerk::Loader::Helpers::CNAME_VALIDATOR; end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/loader.rb#21 +Zeitwerk::Loader::MUTEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Thread::Mutex) + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/error.rb#13 +class Zeitwerk::NameError < ::NameError; end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/real_mod_name.rb#3 +module Zeitwerk::RealModName + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/real_mod_name.rb#14 + def real_mod_name(mod); end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/real_mod_name.rb#4 +Zeitwerk::RealModName::UNBOUND_METHOD_MODULE_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod) + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#4 +module Zeitwerk::Registry + class << self + # Maps absolute paths to the loaders responsible for them. + # + # This information is used by our decorated `Kernel#require` to be able to + # invoke callbacks and autovivify modules. + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#26 + def autoloads; end + + # Registers gem loaders to let `for_gem` be idempotent in case of reload. + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#17 + def gem_loaders_by_root_file; end + + # @private + # @return [Boolean] + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#113 + def inception?(cpath); end + + # This hash table addresses an edge case in which an autoload is ignored. + # + # For example, let's suppose we want to autoload in a gem like this: + # + # # lib/my_gem.rb + # loader = Zeitwerk::Loader.new + # loader.push_dir(__dir__) + # loader.setup + # + # module MyGem + # end + # + # if you require "my_gem", as Bundler would do, this happens while setting + # up autoloads: + # + # 1. Object.autoload?(:MyGem) returns `nil` because the autoload for + # the constant is issued by Zeitwerk while the same file is being + # required. + # 2. The constant `MyGem` is undefined while setup runs. + # + # Therefore, a directory `lib/my_gem` would autovivify a module according to + # the existing information. But that would be wrong. + # + # To overcome this fundamental limitation, we keep track of the constant + # paths that are in this situation ---in the example above, "MyGem"--- and + # take this collection into account for the autovivification logic. + # + # Note that you cannot generally address this by moving the setup code + # below the constant definition, because we want libraries to be able to + # use managed constants in the module body: + # + # module MyGem + # include MyConcern + # end + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#65 + def inceptions; end + + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#121 + def loader_for(path); end + + # This method returns always a loader, the same instance for the same root + # file. That is how Zeitwerk::Loader.for_gem is idempotent. + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#89 + def loader_for_gem(root_file, namespace:, warn_on_extra_files:); end + + # Keeps track of all loaders. Useful to broadcast messages and to prevent + # them from being garbage collected. + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#11 + def loaders; end + + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#127 + def on_unload(loader); end + + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#95 + def register_autoload(loader, abspath); end + + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#107 + def register_inception(cpath, abspath, loader); end + + # Registers a loader. + # + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#71 + def register_loader(loader); end + + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#101 + def unregister_autoload(abspath); end + + # @private + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/registry.rb#77 + def unregister_loader(loader); end + end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/error.rb#7 +class Zeitwerk::ReloadingDisabledError < ::Zeitwerk::Error + # @return [ReloadingDisabledError] a new instance of ReloadingDisabledError + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/error.rb#8 + def initialize; end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/error.rb#16 +class Zeitwerk::SetupRequired < ::Zeitwerk::Error + # @return [SetupRequired] a new instance of SetupRequired + # + # source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/error.rb#17 + def initialize; end +end + +# source://zeitwerk//lib/zeitwerk/version.rb#4 +Zeitwerk::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/shims/aws-sdk-codecommit.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/shims/aws-sdk-codecommit.rbi deleted file mode 100644 index d309a343d16..00000000000 --- a/sorbet/rbi/shims/aws-sdk-codecommit.rbi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -# typed: strong -# frozen_string_literal: true - -module Aws - module CodeCommit - class Client - class << self - def new(*_arg0); end - end - end - - module Errors - class BranchDoesNotExistException < Aws::Errors::ServiceError; end - - class FileDoesNotExistException < Aws::Errors::ServiceError; end - end - end -end