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RSA keys can now be written to an BIO.
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depressed-pho committed Jun 15, 2007
1 parent e0cc17b commit 014bbd0
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Showing 15 changed files with 340 additions and 155 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .boring
Expand Up @@ -59,8 +59,10 @@ _stub\.(c|h)$
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions HsOpenSSL.cabal
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Exposed-Modules:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion OpenSSL.hsc
Expand Up @@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ import OpenSSL.SSL
withOpenSSL :: IO a -> IO a
withOpenSSL act
= do loadErrorStrings
91 changes: 35 additions & 56 deletions OpenSSL/BIO.hsc
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{- -*- haskell -*- -}
module OpenSSL.BIO
, BIO_

, push
, (==>)
, joinAll
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,11 +50,11 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe

{- bio ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

newtype BioMethod = BioMethod (Ptr BIO_METHOD)
type BioMethod = Ptr BIO_METHOD

newtype BIO = BIO (ForeignPtr BIO_)
data BIO_ = BIO_
type BIO = ForeignPtr BIO_
data BIO_ = BIO_

foreign import ccall unsafe "BIO_new"
_new :: Ptr BIO_METHOD -> IO (Ptr BIO_)
Expand All @@ -68,18 +70,17 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_BIO_set_flags"

new :: BioMethod -> IO BIO
new (BioMethod method)
= do ptr <- _new method
failIfNull ptr
liftM BIO $ newForeignPtr _free ptr
new method
= do ptr <- _new method >>= failIfNull
newForeignPtr _free ptr

-- a の後ろに b を付ける。a の參照だけ保持してそこに書き込む事も、b の
-- 參照だけ保持してそこから讀み出す事も、兩方考へられるので、双方の
-- ForeignPtr が双方を touch する。參照カウント方式ではないから循環參照
-- しても問題無い。
push :: BIO -> BIO -> IO ()
push (BIO a) (BIO b)
push a b
= withForeignPtr a $ \ aPtr ->
withForeignPtr b $ \ bPtr ->
do _push aPtr bPtr
Expand All @@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ joinAll (a:b:xs) = push a b >> joinAll (b:xs)

setFlags :: BIO -> Int -> IO ()
setFlags (BIO bio) flags
setFlags bio flags
= withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
_set_flags bioPtr flags

Expand All @@ -113,18 +114,15 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_BIO_eof"

flush :: BIO -> IO ()
flush (BIO bio)
flush bio
= withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
do ret <- _flush bioPtr
ret `failIf` (/= 1)
return ()
_flush bioPtr >>= failIf (/= 1) >> return ()

eof :: BIO -> IO Bool
eof (BIO bio)
eof bio
= withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
do ret <- _eof bioPtr
return $ ret == 1
_eof bioPtr >>= return . (== 1)

{- I/O ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
Expand All @@ -145,11 +143,10 @@ read bio

readBS :: BIO -> Int -> IO ByteString
readBS (BIO bio) maxLen
readBS bio maxLen
= withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
createAndTrim maxLen $ \ buf ->
do ret <- _read bioPtr (unsafeCoercePtr buf) maxLen
interpret ret
_read bioPtr (unsafeCoercePtr buf) maxLen >>= interpret
interpret :: Int -> IO Int
interpret n
Expand All @@ -160,15 +157,15 @@ readBS (BIO bio) maxLen

readLBS :: BIO -> IO LazyByteString
readLBS (BIO bio) = lazyRead >>= return . LPS
readLBS bio = lazyRead >>= return . LPS
chunkSize = 32 * 1024

lazyRead = unsafeInterleaveIO loop

loop = do bs <- readBS (BIO bio) chunkSize
loop = do bs <- readBS bio chunkSize
if B.null bs then
do isEOF <- eof (BIO bio)
do isEOF <- eof bio
if isEOF then
return []
Expand All @@ -184,11 +181,10 @@ gets bio maxLen

getsBS :: BIO -> Int -> IO ByteString
getsBS (BIO bio) maxLen
getsBS bio maxLen
= withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
createAndTrim maxLen $ \ buf ->
do ret <- _gets bioPtr (unsafeCoercePtr buf) maxLen
interpret ret
_gets bioPtr (unsafeCoercePtr buf) maxLen >>= interpret
interpret :: Int -> IO Int
interpret n
Expand All @@ -209,7 +205,7 @@ write bio str

writeBS :: BIO -> ByteString -> IO ()
writeBS (BIO bio) bs
writeBS bio bs
= withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \ (buf, len) ->
do ret <- _write bioPtr buf len
Expand All @@ -218,9 +214,9 @@ writeBS (BIO bio) bs
interpret :: Int -> IO ()
interpret n
| n == B.length bs = return ()
| n == -1 = writeBS (BIO bio) bs -- full retry
| n == -1 = writeBS bio bs -- full retry
| n < -1 = raiseOpenSSLError
| otherwise = writeBS (BIO bio) (B.drop n bs) -- partial retry
| otherwise = writeBS bio (B.drop n bs) -- partial retry

writeLBS :: BIO -> LazyByteString -> IO ()
Expand All @@ -231,16 +227,12 @@ writeLBS bio (LPS chunks)
{- base64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

foreign import ccall unsafe "BIO_f_base64"
_f_base64 :: IO (Ptr BIO_METHOD)
f_base64 :: IO BioMethod

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL"

f_base64 :: IO BioMethod
f_base64 = _f_base64 >>= return . BioMethod

newBase64 :: Bool -> IO BIO
newBase64 noNL
= do bio <- new =<< f_base64
Expand All @@ -251,38 +243,29 @@ newBase64 noNL
{- md ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

foreign import ccall unsafe "BIO_f_md"
_f_md :: IO (Ptr BIO_METHOD)
f_md :: IO BioMethod

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_BIO_set_md"
_set_md :: Ptr BIO_ -> Ptr EVP_MD -> IO Int

f_md :: IO BioMethod
f_md = _f_md >>= return . BioMethod

newMD :: EvpMD -> IO BIO
newMD (EvpMD md)
= do BIO bio <- new =<< f_md
newMD md
= do bio <- new =<< f_md
withForeignPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
do ret <- _set_md bioPtr md
ret `failIf` (/= 1)
return $ BIO bio
do _set_md bioPtr md >>= failIf (/= 1)
return bio

{- mem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

foreign import ccall unsafe "BIO_s_mem"
_s_mem :: IO (Ptr BIO_METHOD)
s_mem :: IO BioMethod

foreign import ccall unsafe "BIO_new_mem_buf"
_new_mem_buf :: Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO (Ptr BIO_)

s_mem :: IO BioMethod
s_mem = _s_mem >>= return . BioMethod

newMemBuf :: IO BIO
newMemBuf = s_mem >>= new

Expand All @@ -299,12 +282,12 @@ newConstMemBufBS bs
withForeignPtr foreignBuf $ \ buf ->
do bioPtr <- _new_mem_buf (unsafeCoercePtr $ buf `plusPtr` off) len
failIfNull bioPtr
>>= failIfNull

bio <- newForeignPtr _free bioPtr
GF.addForeignPtrConcFinalizer bio $ touchForeignPtr foreignBuf

return $ BIO bio
return bio

newConstMemBufLBS :: LazyByteString -> IO BIO
Expand All @@ -314,11 +297,7 @@ newConstMemBufLBS (LPS bss)
{- null --------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

foreign import ccall unsafe "BIO_s_null"
_s_null :: IO (Ptr BIO_METHOD)

s_null :: IO BioMethod
s_null = liftM BioMethod _s_null
s_null :: IO BioMethod

newNullBIO :: IO BIO
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions OpenSSL/BN.hsc
Expand Up @@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ import Foreign.C

#include "HsOpenSSL.h"

newtype BigNum = BigNum (Ptr BIGNUM)
type BigNum = Ptr BIGNUM

foreign import ccall unsafe "BN_bn2dec"
_bn2dec :: Ptr BIGNUM -> IO CString
_bn2dec :: BigNum -> IO CString

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_OPENSSL_free"
_openssl_free :: Ptr a -> IO ()

bn2dec :: BigNum -> IO Integer
bn2dec (BigNum bnPtr)
= do strPtr <- _bn2dec bnPtr
bn2dec bn
= do strPtr <- _bn2dec bn
when (strPtr == nullPtr) $ fail "BN_bn2dec failed"

str <- peekCString strPtr
Expand Down

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