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#ES Loggging example using Docker


currently using either ES 6.0 - beta1 / ES 5.5

This is my working area for running a complete Elastic stack (Elastisearch, Kibana, Logstash, Filebeat) inside docker.

Jekyll <-- Apache2 Proxy 
        Filebeat Sidecar --> Logstash --> ES --> Kibana

Step 1. matching my environment setup

I run Docker on my Macintosh laptop using Docker Toolkit. I have not swithced over to native MacOS virtualization yet.

  • install VirtualBox
  • install Docker Toolkit
  • Expand the default VM's memory to 8 GB of RAM
  • edit the default VM's vm.max_map_count setting (see documentation for tips on how to do this for different types of docker installs)
docker-machine ssh default
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
  • reboot the default docker-machine docker-machine restart

  • figure out the local ip of the docker machine with docker-machine ip default

  • Enter this IP into your local MacOS /etc/hosts file to map a hostname called dockermachine. For me this is dockermachine. I do this so that I can have predictable bookmarks for the kibana and example apache servers, etc

  • confirm the docker environement works by running the following from the Docker Quickstart Terminal

docker run hello-world

Step 2. prepping the jekyll and docker-compose file

  • in a separate folder clone my personal blog (this is the example website being proxied to generate standard apache logs

> git clone

  • edit the docker compose file with the following local edits (mostly marked in comments with !!!
    • absolute path to logstash pipeline folder
    • absolute path to jeyll site folder

Step 3. launching the environement

This will likely have to pull lots of images, etc so be prepared for a big download of linux images, es, kibana etc.

> docker-compose up -d

Now you can point your web browser to


to see the web site being proxied. You can log into kibana with


You'll have to create the logstash-* index pattern

Step 4. Cleaning everything up

  • turn off the environement (will delete containers but not es data)

docker-compose down

  • remember the ./data folder has your indexes in it, if you want to delete those


Example docker based environements






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