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Shawn Hoover committed Jul 15, 2010
1 parent 04e0c4d commit 30ad736
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 0 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions web/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
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Thrush Combinators in Clojure

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As I read [[][Raganwald on Thrushes]], I found myself thinking surely some
combinators were built in to Clojure already, and if so which ones? I decided
to try porting the thrushes to Clojure.

* Ruby Versions

The =into= thrush lets you change from:

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
lambda { |x| x * x }.call((1..100).select(&:odd?).inject(&:+))


#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
(1..100).select(&:odd?).inject(&:+).into { |x| x * x }

It reads better because everything is chained instead of the square wrapping
the rest of the chain.

But then for some reason relating to scoping local variables he makes the
=let= thrush:

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
let (1..100).select(&:odd?).inject(&:+) do |x|
x * x

I don't understand why that's different than the chained into block, but he
seems to be saying the let with do/end protects the surrounding scope better.

* Clojure Versions

I thought the into thrush would be trivial in Clojure using the thread macro
=->=. It turns out the other thread macro =->>= is required, and it wasn't quite
as trivial as I thought. Just like in Ruby, if you had a square function
already, you could just chain it on the end, but if you want ad hoc logic, you
have to provide a closure. The semantics of the =->>= macro evaluation require
wrapping the closure in extra parens.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(->> (range 1 101) (filter odd?) (reduce +) (#(* % %)))
(->> (range 1 101) (filter odd?) (reduce +) ((fn [x] (* x x))))

;; If you don't like the parens doing seemingly nothing, you can
;; throw a name in there.
(defn my-into [f val]
(f val))
(->> (range 1 101) (filter odd?) (reduce +) (my-into #(* % %)))

;; Or use a macro to make it look more like the Ruby version.
(defmacro my-into2 [[x] & body+val]
(let [val (last body+val)
body (butlast body+val)]
`(let [~x ~val]

(->> (range 1 101) (filter odd?) (reduce +) (my-into2 [x] (* x x)))

The let thrush is, of course, built in to Clojure:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(let [x (->> (range 1 101) (filter odd?) (reduce +))]
(* x x))

In practice in Clojure I think the overhead of understanding my-into is a
little steep, so I would probably just use let and call it a day. Or maybe
there's a better way in Clojure that I'm not thinking of.

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