Release Notes
Supported Plugins:
- argocd (installs ArgoCD in K8s)
- argocdapp (creates an ArgoCD Application)
- github-repo-scaffolding-golang (creates a GitHub repo for Golang with scaffolding for an web app)
- githubactions-golang (split from the old githubactions; creates GitHub Actions for Golang)
- githubactions-nodejs (split from the old githubactions; creates GitHub Actions for Nodejs)
- githubactions-python (split from the old githubactions; creates GitHub Actions for Python)
- kube-prometheus (installs Prometheus+Grafana in K8s)
- trello-github-integ (integrates Trello with GitHub)
Supported Platforms:
- darwin-arm64
- linux-amd64
For darwin-amd64 users, please build it according to the README.md.