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David Haillant edited this page May 6, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the midi8d wiki!

MIDI8d is a 8 Gate outputs module, with 1 MIDI input. It can be programmed with different Arduino skectches, and be transformed into either a 8 addressable MIDI Drum outputs, or a MIDI clock output.


The midi_8_drum_gates.ino sketch reacts to incoming MIDI messages on channel 10 (usually dedicated to drums) and activates 8 independent drum modules. By default, each Gate Output is activated by NoteOn and NOteOff MIDI messages, from Key #36 (C1) up to key #43 (G1).

The MIDI channel and the starting Key number can be set into code.

Gate 1 C1 #36
Gate 2 C#1 #37
Gate 3 D1 #38
Gate 4 D#1 #39
Gate 5 E1 #40
Gate 6 F1 #41
Gate 7 F#1 #42
Gate 8 G1 #43


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