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IndexedTables provides tabular data structures where some of the columns form a sorted index. It provides the backend to JuliaDB, but can be used on its own for efficient in-memory data processing and analytics.

Data Structures

  • The two table types in IndexedTables differ in how data is accessed.
  • There is no performance difference between table types for operations such as selecting, filtering, and map/reduce.

First let's create some data to work with.

city = vcat(fill("New York", 3), fill("Boston", 3))

dates = repmat(Date(2016,7,6):Date(2016,7,8), 2)

values = [91, 89, 91, 95, 83, 76]


  • Data is accessed as a Vector of NamedTuples.
  • Sorted by primary key(s), pkey.
julia> t1 = table(@NT(city = city, dates = dates, values = values); pkey = [:city, :dates])
Table with 6 rows, 3 columns:
city        dates       values
"Boston"    2016-07-06  95
"Boston"    2016-07-07  83
"Boston"    2016-07-08  76
"New York"  2016-07-06  91
"New York"  2016-07-07  89
"New York"  2016-07-08  91

julia> t1[1]
(city = "Boston", dates = 2016-07-06, values = 95)

julia> first(t1)
(city = "Boston", dates = 2016-07-06, values = 95)


  • Data is accessed as an N-dimensional sparse array with arbitrary indexes.
  • Sorted by index variables (first argument).
julia> t2 = ndsparse(@NT(city=city, dates=dates), @NT(value=values))
2-d NDSparse with 6 values (1 field named tuples):
city        dates      │ value
"Boston"    2016-07-0695
"Boston"    2016-07-0783
"Boston"    2016-07-0876
"New York"  2016-07-0691
"New York"  2016-07-0789
"New York"  2016-07-0891

julia> t2["Boston", Date(2016, 7, 6)]
(value = 95)

julia> first(t2)
(value = 95)

As with other multi-dimensional arrays, dimensions can be permuted to change the sort order:

julia> permutedims(t2, [2,1])
2-d NDSparse with 6 values (1 field named tuples):
dates       city       │ value
2016-07-06  "Boston"95
2016-07-06  "New York"91
2016-07-07  "Boston"83
2016-07-07  "New York"89
2016-07-08  "Boston"76
2016-07-08  "New York"91

Get started

For more information, check out the JuliaDB API Reference.


tables with indices







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