From 125e08462d45002dec43abc22b35080c3294ed4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dibyendu Majumdar Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 00:05:10 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] documentation converision to sphinx --- readthedocs/lua-parser.rst | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/readthedocs/lua-parser.rst b/readthedocs/lua-parser.rst index 53d855d5..8efa2497 100644 --- a/readthedocs/lua-parser.rst +++ b/readthedocs/lua-parser.rst @@ -366,14 +366,83 @@ State Transitions ----------------- The state transitions for ``expdesc`` structure are as follows: -expkind | Description | State Transitions ------------------- | ---------------------------------------| ----------------- -``VVOID`` | This is used to indicate the lack of value - e.g. function call with no arguments, the rhs of local variable declaration, and empty table constructor | None -``VRELOCABLE`` | This is used to indicate that the result from expression needs to be set to a register. The operation that created the expression is referenced by the ```` parameter which contains an offset into the ``code`` of the function that is being compiled. So you can access this instruction by calling ``getcode(FuncState *, expdesc *)`` The operations that result in a ``VRELOCABLE`` object include ``OP_CLOSURE`` ``OP_NEWTABLE`` ``OP_GETUPVAL`` ``OP_GETTABUP`` ``OP_GETTABLE`` ``OP_NOT`` and code for binary and unary expressions that produce values (arithmetic operations, bitwise operations, concat, length). The associated code instruction has operand ``A`` unset (defaulted to 0) - this the ``VRELOCABLE`` expression must be later transitioned to ``VNONRELOC`` state when the register is set. | In terms of transitions the following expression kinds convert to ``VRELOCABLE``: ``VVARARG`` ``VUPVAL`` (``OP_GETUPVAL`` ``VINDEXED`` (``OP_GETTABUP`` or ``OP_GETTABLE`` And following expression states can result from a ``VRELOCABLE`` expression: ``VNONRELOC`` which means that the result register in the instruction operand A has been set. -``VNONRELOC`` | This state indicates that the output or result register has been set. The register is referenced in ```` parameter. Once set the register cannot be changed for this expression - subsequent operations involving this expression can refer to the register to obtain the result value. | As for transitions, the ``VNONELOC`` state results from ``VRELOCABLE`` after a register is assigned to the operation referenced by ``VRELOCABLE`` Also a ``VCALL`` expression transitions to ``VNONRELOC`` expression - ```` is set to the operand ``A`` of the associated call instruction. ``VLOCAL`` ``VNIL`` ``VTRUE`` ``VFALSE`` ``VK`` ``VKINT`` ``VKFLT`` and ``VJMP`` expressions transition to ``VNONRELOC`` -``VLOCAL`` | This is used when referencing local variables. ```` is set to the local variable's register. | The ``VLOCAL`` expression may transition to ``VNONRELOC`` although this doesn't change the ```` parameter. -``VCALL`` | This results from a function call. The ``OP_CALL`` instruction is referenced by ```` parameter and may be retrieved by calling ``getcode(FuncState *, expdesc *)`` The ``OP_CALL`` instruction gets changed to ``OP_TAILCALL`` if the function call expression is the value of a ``RETURN`` statement. The instructions operand ``C`` gets updated when it is known the number of expected results from the function call. | In terms of transitions, the ``VCALL`` expression transitions to ``VNONRELOC`` When this happens the result register in ``VNONRELOC`` (```` is set to the operand ``A`` in the ``OP_CALL`` instruction. -``VINDEXED`` | This expression represents a table access. The ``u.ind.t`` parameter is set to the register or upvalue? that holds the table, the ``u.ind.idx`` is set to the register or constant that is the key, and ``u.ind.vt`` is either ``VLOCAL`` or ``VUPVAL`` | The ``VINDEXED`` expression transitions to ``VRELOCABLE`` When this happens the ```` is set to the offset of the code that contains the opcode ``OP_GETTABUP`` if ``u.ind.vt`` was ``VUPVAL`` or ``OP_GETTABLE`` if ``u.ind.vt`` was ``VLOCAL`` ++------------------|----------------------------------------|------------------------------------+ +| expkind | Description | State Transitions | ++==================+========================================+====================================+ +|``VVOID`` | This is used to indicate the lack of | None | +| | value - e.g. function call with no | | +| | arguments, the rhs of local variable | | +| | declaration, and empty table | | +| | constructor | | ++------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ +|``VRELOCABLE`` | This is used to indicate that the | In terms of transitions the | +| | result from expression needs to be set | following expression kinds convert | +| | to a register. The operation that | to ``VRELOCABLE``: ``VVARARG`` | +| | created the expression is referenced | ``VUPVAL`` (``OP_GETUPVAL`` | +| | by the ```` parameter which | ``VINDEXED`` (``OP_GETTABUP`` or | +| | contains an offset into the ``code`` | ``OP_GETTABLE`` And following | +| | of the function that is being compiled.| expression states can result from | +| | So you can access this instruction by | a ``VRELOCABLE`` expression: | +| | calling | ``VNONRELOC`` which | +| | ``getcode(FuncState *, expdesc *)`` | means that the result register in | +| | The operations that result in a | the instruction operand A has been | +| | ``VRELOCABLE`` object include | set. | +| | ``OP_CLOSURE`` ``OP_NEWTABLE`` | | +| | ``OP_GETUPVAL`` ``OP_GETTABUP`` | | +| | ``OP_GETTABLE`` ``OP_NOT`` and code | | +| | for binary and unary expressions that | | +| | produce values (arithmetic operations, | | +| | bitwise operations, concat, length). | | +| | The associated code instruction has | | +| | operand ``A`` unset (defaulted to 0) - | | +| | this the ``VRELOCABLE`` expression | | +| | must be later transitioned to | | +| | ``VNONRELOC`` state when the register | | +| | is set. | | ++------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ +|``VNONRELOC`` | This state indicates that the output | As for transitions, the | +| | or result register has been set. The | ``VNONELOC`` state results from | +| | register is referenced in ```` | ``VRELOCABLE`` after a register | +| | parameter. Once set the register cannot| is assigned to the operation | +| | be changed for this expression - | referenced by ``VRELOCABLE``. | +| | subsequent operations involving this | Also a ``VCALL`` expression | +| | expression can refer to the register | transitions to ``VNONRELOC`` | +| | to obtain the result value. | expression - ```` is set to | +| | | the operand ``A`` of the associated| +| | | call instruction. ``VLOCAL`` | +| | | ``VNIL`` ``VTRUE`` ``VFALSE`` | +| | | ``VK`` ``VKINT`` ``VKFLT`` and | +| | | ``VJMP`` expressions transition to | +| | | ``VNONRELOC``. | ++------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ +|``VLOCAL`` | This is used when referencing local | The ``VLOCAL`` expression may | +| | variables. ```` is set to the | transition to ``VNONRELOC`` | +| | local variable's register. | although this doesn't change the | +| | | ```` parameter. | ++------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ +|``VCALL`` | This results from a function call. The | In terms of transitions, the | +| | ``OP_CALL`` instruction is referenced | ``VCALL`` expression transitions to| +| | by ```` parameter and may be | ``VNONRELOC`` When this happens | +| | retrieved by calling | the result register in | +| | ``getcode(FuncState *, expdesc *)``. | ``VNONRELOC`` (```` is set | +| | The ``OP_CALL`` instruction gets | to the operand ``A`` in the | +| | changed to ``OP_TAILCALL`` if the | ``OP_CALL`` instruction. | +| | function call expression is the value | | +| | of a ``RETURN`` statement. | | +| | The instructions operand ``C`` | | +| | gets updated when it is known the | | +| | number of expected results from the | | +| | function call. | | ++------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ +|``VINDEXED`` | This expression represents a table | The ``VINDEXED`` expression | +| | access. The ``u.ind.t`` parameter is | transitions to ``VRELOCABLE`` | +| | set to the register or upvalue? that |When this happens the ```` | +| | holds the table, the ``u.ind.idx`` is | is set to the offset of the code | +| | set to the register or constant that | that contains the opcode | +| | is the key, and ``u.ind.vt`` is either |``OP_GETTABUP`` if ``u.ind.vt`` was | +| |``VLOCAL`` or ``VUPVAL`` | ``VUPVAL`` or ``OP_GETTABLE`` if | +| | | ``u.ind.vt`` was ``VLOCAL`` | ++------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ Examples of Parsing -------------------