Google Spreadsheet-based online scoring system for contests and competitions using Google Drive API and PHP
- index.php: page to be shared to judges
- form.php: each judge inputs their scores in their individual page
- post.php: updates Google Spreadsheet with the input scores using Google's Drive API
- results/index.php: collects data from Google Spreadsheet to show top 3 teams
- In Google Cloud Console
- Create a new project
- Enable Drive API
- "Create Credentials" -> Service Account Key -> Create P12 Key under "App Engine default sevice account" -> Save that P12 key safely
- Create a new spreadsheet and share it with the App Engine default service account (usually it's "********", you can check in Google Cloud Console under "IAM & Admin")
- replace ***** with yours in post.php
$G_CLIENT_ID = '';
$G_CLIENT_KEY_PATH = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.p12';