Only the right answer flies you to the next question!
Hi folks!
Isn't it great that interactive Google Earth quizes can now be played in a webbrowser!
I adapted my Google Earth quiz template for use in the new Google Earth for Chrome and Android. It implements KML 2.2. (Google extension of OGC KML) features flyto and balloon in the html description of placemarks and folders.
It's a basic template, since I think it should function in classic Google Earth. Features:
- multiple choice questions
- optional 'skip question'-cheat
- Non technical instructions are included in the file.
Did you see the demo of version 2? Fruit! You find the download at
Version 2, because I think (KML-features) Region and 'Extended data' don belong in a basic template. Since nobody forked untill now I simply detroyed version 1.0.2. That name was allready a clue I wasnt entirely happy with it.
- (drastic change) flyto wrong answer is to balloon now! (I hope Google will throw in 'balloonflyto' later)
- implemented the new placemark popup mode 'panel'
- updated the description markup to HTML5
- links to online images
- implemented custom icon
Hope this will get you started and of course you're welcome to check out the issues. Even better: let me know where I can find your next quiz!
Cheers, Dieter