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File metadata and controls

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Quick Start

First, install the software (See and We'll assume you also have the Metamath database installed; by default we assume it's the file c:\\ (Windows) or "$HOME/" (everything else). We'll also assume that mmj2 is installed in C:\mmj2\ (Windows) or "$HOME/mmj2" (everything else). Then:

  • Windows: Run mmj2\mmj2jar\mmj2.bat (e.g., double-click from Windows Explorer)
  • MacOS: Run mmj2/mmj2jar/mmj2.command (e.g., double-click from Finder)
  • Linux/Unix/Cygwin: Run mmj2/mmj2jar/mmj2 (e.g., double-click from your GUI desktop environment)

If you give the mmj2 command -d it will try to load database Otherwise, it will try to load the last database it loaded, and if it's never loaded a database before, it will search various directories to find a database using various likely places. If you give a database name that does not exist in the current directory (e.g.,, it will search for a datbase with that name.

The mmj2 command normally lets you load and edit .mmp files; you can include the .mmp file on the command line to automatically open it. By default files are loaded and stored in your current directory.

You can also give mmj2 a command script. Add a -f option, followed by the filename of the run parameters script such as RunParams.txt.

Note: mmj2 takes a time to get started (circa 60 seconds on a slow machine loading the large database Once it gets started and you've done your first unification it should generally be quite fast.

Starting the tutorial: mmj2 comes with an interactive tutorial. Use "File/Open New Proof File", if it asks if you want to save changes you probably should say "No", then go to the first tutorial file (this is probably ../PATutorial/Page101.mmp depending on where you installed it) If you just want to watch it, you can watch a Walkthrough of the tutorial in mmj2.

There are some sample run parameter scripts in the mmj2jar directory, though you may need to copy and edit them for your purposes. The mmj2 command executes the underlying mmj2.jar JAR file that implements mmj2; if you need to control it directly, there is documentation on mmj2 JAR file Command Line Arguments. The file AnnotatedRunParams.txt explains the RunParams.txt file.