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digi604 committed Nov 27, 2012
2 parents f83a2d5 + a75fde9 commit 2d18600
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Showing 12 changed files with 155 additions and 42 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion CHANGELOG.txt
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,9 @@
- Fixed page change form (jQuery and permissions)
- Fixed placeholder field permission checks

==== 2.4.0 ===-
==== 2.4.0 ===

Please see Install/2.4 release notes *before* attempting to upgrade to version 2.4.

- CMS_LANGUAGE setting has changed
- CMS_HIDE_UNTRANSLATED setting removed
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cms/models/
Expand Up @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ def copy_page(self, target, site, position='first-child',
# copy titles of this page
for title in titles: = None # setting pk = None creates a new instance
title.publisher_public_id = None
title.published = False = page

# create slug-copy for standard copy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,6 +461,8 @@ def publish(self):
# finally delete the old public page

for title in new_public.title_set.all():
# Check if there are some children which are waiting for parents to
# become published.
publish_set = self.get_descendants().filter(published=True)
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions cms/models/
Expand Up @@ -331,6 +331,10 @@ def get_position_in_placeholder(self):
return self.position + 1

def num_children(self):
if self.child_plugin_instances:
return len(self.child_plugin_instances)


Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion cms/plugins/text/widgets/
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,18 @@ def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
mce_config['plugins'] = plugins
if mce_config['theme'] == "simple":
mce_config['theme'] = "advanced"
mce_config['theme_advanced_buttons1_add_before'] = "cmsplugins,cmspluginsedit"
# Add cmsplugin to first toolbar, if not already present
all_tools = []
idx = 0
while True:
idx += 1
buttons = mce_config.get('theme_advanced_buttons%d' % (idx,), None)
if buttons is None:
if 'cmsplugins' not in all_tools and 'cmspluginsedit' not in all_tools:
mce_config['theme_advanced_buttons1_add_before'] = "cmsplugins,cmspluginsedit"

json = simplejson.dumps(mce_config)
html = [u'<textarea%s>%s</textarea>' % (flatatt(final_attrs), escape(value))]
if tinymce.settings.USE_COMPRESSOR:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cms/
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def pre_save_title(instance, raw, **kwargs):
instance.tmp_path = None
instance.tmp_application_urls = None

if and not hasattr(instance, "tmp_path"):
tmp_title = Title.objects.get(
instance.tmp_path = tmp_title.path
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{% block content %}
<h2>Sample application home page - on page {% page_attribute page_title %}</h2>
<h3>{{ message }}</h3>
{% if my_params %}<p>my_params: {{ my_params }}</p>{% endif %}
{{ block.super }}
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cms/test_utils/project/sampleapp/
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
urlpatterns = patterns('cms.test_utils.project.sampleapp.views',
url(r'^$', 'sample_view', {'message': 'sample root page',}, name='sample-root'),
url(r'^settings/$', 'sample_view', kwargs={'message': 'sample settings page'}, name='sample-settings'),
url(r'^myparams/(?P<my_params>[\w_-]+)/$', 'sample_view', name='sample-params'),
url(_(r'^account/$'), 'sample_view', {'message': 'sample account page'}, name='sample-account'),
url(r'^account/my_profile/$', 'sample_view', {'message': 'sample my profile page'}, name='sample-profile'),
url(r'^(?P<id>[0-9]+)/$', 'category_view', name='category_view'),
url(r'^category/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/$', 'category_view', name='category_view'),
url(r'^notfound/$', 'notfound', name='notfound'),
url(r'^extra_1/$', 'extra_view', {'message': 'test urlconf'}, name='extra_first'),
url(r'^', include('cms.test_utils.project.sampleapp.urls_extra')),
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions cms/tests/
Expand Up @@ -304,6 +304,28 @@ def test_apphook_breaking_under_home_with_new_path_caching(self):
url = resolver.reverse('sample-root')
self.assertEqual(url, 'child/not-home/subchild/')

def test_apphook_urlpattern_order(self):
# this one includes the actual cms.urls, so it can be tested if
# they are loaded in the correct order (the cms page pattern must be last)
# (the other testcases replicate the inclusion code and thus don't test this)
with SettingsOverride(ROOT_URLCONF='cms.test_utils.project.urls'):
self.create_base_structure(APP_NAME, 'en')
path = reverse('extra_second')
response = self.client.get(path)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'sampleapp/extra.html')
self.assertContains(response, "test included urlconf")

def test_apphooks_receive_url_params(self):
# make sure that urlparams actually reach the apphook views
with SettingsOverride(ROOT_URLCONF='cms.test_utils.project.urls'):
self.create_base_structure(APP_NAME, 'en')
path = reverse('sample-params', kwargs=dict(my_params='is-my-param-really-in-the-context-QUESTIONMARK'))
response = self.client.get(path)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'sampleapp/home.html')
self.assertContains(response, 'my_params: is-my-param-really-in-the-context-QUESTIONMARK')

class ApphooksPageLanguageUrlTestCase(SettingsOverrideTestCase):

Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions cms/tests/
Expand Up @@ -803,3 +803,40 @@ def test_multisite(self):
self.assertEqual(other.get_previous_filtered_sibling(), None)
self.assertEqual(home.get_previous_filtered_sibling(), None)

class PageTreeTests(CMSTestCase):

def test_rename_node(self):
home = create_page('grandpa', 'nav_playground.html', 'en', slug='home', published=True)
parent = create_page('parent', 'nav_playground.html', 'en', slug='parent', published=True)
child = create_page('child', 'nav_playground.html', 'en', slug='child', published=True, parent=parent)

page_title = Title.objects.get(page=parent)
page_title.slug = "father"

parent = Page.objects.get(
child = Page.objects.get(

self.assertEqual(child.get_absolute_url(language='en'), '/en/father/child/')
self.assertEqual(child.publisher_public.get_absolute_url(language='en'), '/en/father/child/')

def test_move_node(self):
home = create_page('grandpa', 'nav_playground.html', 'en', slug='home', published=True)
parent = create_page('parent', 'nav_playground.html', 'en', slug='parent', published=True)
child = create_page('child', 'nav_playground.html', 'en', slug='child', published=True, parent=home)


self.assertEqual(child.get_absolute_url(language='en'), '/en/parent/child/')
self.assertEqual(child.publisher_public.get_absolute_url(language='en'), '/en/parent/child/')
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cms/
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@
have standard reverse support.
from cms.appresolver import get_app_patterns
urlpatterns += get_app_patterns()
urlpatterns = get_app_patterns() + urlpatterns

urlpatterns = patterns('', *urlpatterns)
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions docs/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,9 @@ Install

.. warning::
In version 2.4 migrations have been completely rewritten to fix issues
with newer south releases.
If upgrading from prior 2.3.2 releases, please refer to
Version 2.4 introduces some significant changes that **require** action if
you are upgrading from a previous version. Please refer to
:ref:`Upgrading from previous versions <upgrade-to-2.4>`

.. toctree::
Expand Down
98 changes: 67 additions & 31 deletions docs/upgrade/2.4.rst
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,73 @@ What's new in 2.4

.. _upgrade-to-2.4:

.. warning:: Upgrading from previous versions

2.4 introduces some changes that **require** action if you are upgrading
from a previous version.

You will need to read the sections :ref:`migrations-upgrade` and
:ref:`cms-moderator-upgrade` below.

.. _migrations-upgrade:

Migrations overhaul
In version 2.4 migrations have been completely rewritten to address issues with
newer South releases.

To ease the upgrading process, all the migrations for the `cms` application have
been consolidated into a single migration file, ``.

* the migrations 0002 to 0036 inclusive still exist, but are now all *dummy*

* migrations 0037 and later are *new* migrations

How this affects you

If you're starting with *a new installation*, you don't need to worry about
this. Don't even bother reading this section; it's for upgraders.

If you're using version *2.3.2 or newer*, you don't need to worry about this

If you're using version *2.3.1 or older*, you will need to run a two-step

First, you'll need to upgrade to 2.3.3, to bring your migration history
up-to-date with the new scheme. Then you'll need to perform the migrations for

For the two-step upgrade process do the following in your project main directory

pip install django-cms==2.3.3
python syncdb
python migrate
pip install django-cms==2.4
python migrate

.. _cms-moderator-upgrade:

Has been removed since it is no longer in use. From 2.4 onwards, all pages
exist in a public and draft version. Users with the ``publish_page`` permission
can publish changes to the public site.

.. admonition:: Management command required

To bring a previous version of your site's database up-to-date, you'll need
to run `` moderator on``.

Added Fix MPTTT Management command

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,42 +200,11 @@ The following settings are not needed any more and have been removed:

Please remove them from your

.. _migrations-upgrade:

Migrations overhaul
In version 2.4 migrations have been completely rewritten to fix issues with
newer South releases.

To ease upgrading process migration numbering and naming have not been changed,
but only the first one for each application has actual migration code, so it's of
utmost importance that you have an up to date migration history.

To ensure this, when upgrading from 2.3.1 and older releases, please upgrate to
2.3.3 first, execute all the migrations and then move to 2.4.

For the two step upgrade process do the following in your project main directory ::

pip install django-cms==2.3.3
python syncdb
python migrate
pip install django-cms==2.4


Was marked deprecated in 2.3 and has now been removed.

Has been removed since it is no longer in use. From 2.4 onwards, all pages
exist in a public and draft version. Users with the ``publish_page`` permission
can publish changes to the public site.

To ensure that a site that was set up using a previous version is up to date,
run `` moderator on``.

Plugins in Plugins
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