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MapFilter Desktop

MapFilter Desktop is an experimental offline-first mapping and reporting app to facilitate reporting observations in time & space of physical phenomena.

It uses osm-p2p for offline peer-to-peer synchronization of an OpenStreetMap database, without any servers.

This project is under active development and is still at the early prototyping phase.

Getting Started

To clone and install all dependencies and start the program, execute

$ git clone
$ cd mapfilter-desktop
$ npm install
$ npm rebuild
$ npm start


Make sure that the following statements are true:

Python2.7 is your system's default python version.

$ python --version
Python 2.7.x

You can use virtualenv or conda, or if you don't mind changing your system python default, you can use brute force:

$ ln -s `which python2` /usr/bin/python

On mac:

$ defaults write Version 2.7

The correct version of libtool is installed.

Sometimes it's called glibtool.

On Mac OSX users might see libtool: -static is not a valid option error. This means that libtool needs to be XCode's version of libtool. Make sure XCode developer tools are installed.

$ which libtool

If you see something from homebrew, like .../Cellar/.../libtool, then you have the GNU version which does not have the -static option. You should type brew unlink libtool which will re-enable the XCode version.

You are not developing within a node_modules folder.

Electron-forge and electron-prebuilt-compile can give odd behavior when developing in a directory where there is a node_modules folder somewhere in the hierarchy. Make sure you clone the repository somewhere generic, like ~/dev.



MapFilter Desktop uses Electron. To package the Electron app as a native Windows .exe or macOS .dmg, execute

$ npm run package

The resultant installer or DMG will be placed in the ./dist folder.

Rebuilding Static Map Assets

bin/build_style.js static/map_style

Creating a Release

MapFilter Desktop uses GitHub Releases for deployment.

To create a release, simply push a git tag to the repository. A convenient way to both advance the project by a version and push a tag is using the npm version command. To create a new minor version and push it to the github repository to initiate a build, one might run

$ npm version minor

$ git push --tags

A github release will be created automatically. Simultaneously, an Appveyor build will be started to create a Windows installer, and a Travis build will be started for a macOS DMG. Each will be added to the github release asynchronously as they complete.

You'll be able to find the results on the project's releases page.

Creating Sample Observations

First, install and start ddem-observation-server.

mkdir -p data
cd data
../bin/create-sample-observations.js ../src/sample.geojson

for f in *.json; do
  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @$f http://localhost:3210/obs/create
