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Climate:Red | GUI


Climate:Red was a international virtual conference run between the Open Lab at Newcastle University and the IFRC. It was a 36-hour continuous multi-timezone, multi-lingual conference with official and user-submitted sessions around the subject of Climage Change. This code is open source except where explicitly stated in the LICENCE.

The team:

  • Rob Anderson - Lead Engineer
  • Tom Nappey - Lead Design and Coordinator
  • Tom Feltwell - Chatbot Engineer
  • Simon Bowen - Project Coordinator
  • Andy Garbett - Coffeechat Engineer
  • Gerrad Wilkinson - Coffeechat Engineer

This repository is the frontend website that powered Climate:Red experience that everyone saw. It is written in JavaScript, Scss and HTML and communicates with the backend.

This is the frontend for and features the following:

  • An atrium for the conference, a homepage with stats and links to get about
  • Session previews before the schedule is live
  • A chronological schedule for the conference with temporal aspects
  • WebRTC-based coffeechat matched based on the conference's topics
  • Real-time interpretation during live events

Table of contents



To develop on this repo you will need to have Docker and node.js installed on your dev machine and have an understanding of them. This guide assumes you have the repo checked out and are on macOS, but equivalent commands are available.

You'll only need to follow this setup once for your dev machine.

# Install node.js dependencies
npm install

Regular use

These are the commands you'll regularly run to develop the API, in no particular order.

# Run the webpack dev server
# -> Runs on port 8080
# -> Expects the api to be running on port 3000
# -> Hot-reloads changes on save
npm run serve

Irregular use

These are commands you might need to run but probably won't, also in no particular order.

# Manually build web assets using webpack
npm run build

# Manually lint source code
npm run lint

# Generate the table-of-contents in this readme
npm run readme-toc

# Build the the app and generate a bundle report
# -> Builds the site into dist/
# -> Creates dist/report.json for webpack-bundle-analyser
# -> Runs bundle analyser and opens in a browser
npm run report

# Check for missing i18n keys
node bin/check-i18n.js

Code formatting

This repo uses Prettier to automatically format code to a consistent standard. It works using the yorkie and lint-staged packages to automatically format code whenever it is commited. This means that code that is pushed to the repo is always formatted to a consistent standard and you don't spend time worrying about code formatting.

You can manually run the formatter with npm run prettier if you want.

Prettier is slightly configured in package.json#prettier under "prettier" and can ignores files using .prettierignore.

Scss usage

All scss components in .vue files automatically import the variables from bulma and anything that is in src/scss/common.scss

Bulma variables

General styles should be added to App.vue

Temporal aspects

clock.js is a vue plugin to tick any registered components regularly so they can update internal data when they are related to time or dates.

See Countdown.vue for a solid example. Make sure to always unbind to reset the time when the component is removed / navigated away from.


To deploy a new version, use the npm version command.

npm version # minor | major | patch | --help
git push --follow-tags

This command will bump the version in the package.json, commit that change and tag that commit with the new version. When that tag is pushed to git, a GitHub action will automatically build a docker image at that point in the git history.

This means that we have semantic versions for every change and they can easily be deployed.

Static Deployment

It is also possible to bundle up a completely static version of ClimateRed which embeds all the required API responses and CDN assets. This needs a few extra steps to build and isn't automated.

Create .env.static.local which isn't a normal .env file:

export API_URL=
export AUTH_TOKEN=
export CDN_REMOTE=
export VERSION=


Fill in the values, run a local version of the API which you can do with the docker-compose.yml file in this repository. For that set API_URL to `http://localhost:3000.


Run the web app locally with npm run serve and log in with a magic link. Then in the browser console type localStorage.token to get your AUTH_TOKEN


Generate a GitHub personal access token with repo:read and form a git URL like:


Set this to the version you want to build.

The reason for these variables is that internally it runs bin/bundle-static-assets inside of static.Dockerfile which doesn't have any authentication for git or the API.

Next, make sure the latest data from the schedule repo is pushed and being served by your local API. This is the data that it will embed into the container and will be static from this point onwards.

Now run bin/ to build and push the new container:


Useful docs


Maybe try

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.