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Use "switch-window-" prefix again
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tumashu committed Feb 24, 2016
1 parent 19eece1 commit c17c41f
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 65 deletions.
121 changes: 56 additions & 65 deletions switch-window.el
Expand Up @@ -67,103 +67,96 @@
"switch-window customization group"
:group 'convenience)

(defcustom switchw-increase 12
(defcustom switch-window-increase 12
"How much to increase text size in the window numbering, maximum"
:type 'integer
:group 'switch-window)

(defcustom switchw-timeout 5
(defcustom switch-window-timeout 5
"After this many seconds, cancel the window switching"
:type 'integer
:group 'switch-window)

(defcustom switchw-threshold 2
(defcustom switch-window-threshold 2
"Only active switch-window after this many windows open"
:type 'integer
:group 'switch-window)

(defcustom switchw-relative nil
(defcustom switch-window-relative nil
"Control the ordering of windows, when true this depends on current-window"
:type 'boolean
:group 'switch-window)

(defcustom switchw-shortcut-style 'quail
(defcustom switch-window-shortcut-style 'quail
"Use either keyboard layout or alphabet shortcut style"
:type '(choice (const :tag "Alphabet" 'alphabet)
(const :tag "Keyboard Layout" 'quail)
(const :tag "Qwerty Homekeys Layout" 'qwerty))
:group 'switch-window)

(defcustom switchw-qwerty-shortcuts
(defcustom switch-window-qwerty-shortcuts
'("a" "s" "d" "f" "j" "k" "l" ";" "w" "e" "i" "o")
"The list of characters used when switchw-shortcut-style is 'qwerty'"
"The list of characters used when switch-window-shortcut-style is 'qwerty'"
:type 'list
:group 'switch-window)

(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-window-increase 'switchw-increase)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-window-timeout 'switchw-timeout)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-window-threshold 'switchw-threshold)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-window-relative 'switchw-relative)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-window-shortcut-style 'switchw-shortcut-style)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-window-qwerty-shortcuts 'switchw-qwerty-shortcuts)

(defun switchw--list-keyboard-keys ()
(defun switch-window--list-keyboard-keys ()
"Return a list of current keyboard layout keys"
(cl-loop with layout = (split-string quail-keyboard-layout "")
for row from 1 to 4
nconc (cl-loop for col from 1 to 10
collect (nth (+ 1 (* 2 col) (* 30 row)) layout))))

(defun switchw--list-keys ()
"Return a list of keys to use depending on `switchw-shortcut-style'"
(cond ((eq switchw-shortcut-style 'qwerty)
((eq switchw-shortcut-style 'alphabet)
(defun switch-window--list-keys ()
"Return a list of keys to use depending on `switch-window-shortcut-style'"
(cond ((eq switch-window-shortcut-style 'qwerty)
((eq switch-window-shortcut-style 'alphabet)
(cl-loop for i from 0 to 25
collect (byte-to-string (+ (string-to-char "a") i))))
(t (switchw--list-keyboard-keys))))
(t (switch-window--list-keyboard-keys))))

(defun switchw--enumerate ()
(defun switch-window--enumerate ()
"Return a list of one-letter strings to label current windows"
(cl-loop for w being the windows for x in (switchw--list-keys) collect x))
(cl-loop for w being the windows for x in (switch-window--list-keys) collect x))

(defun switchw--label (num)
(defun switch-window--label (num)
"Return the label to use for a given window number"
(nth (- num 1) (switchw--enumerate)))
(nth (- num 1) (switch-window--enumerate)))

(defun switchw--list (&optional from-current-window)
(defun switch-window--list (&optional from-current-window)
"list windows for current frame, starting at top left unless
from-current-window is not nil"
(if (or from-current-window switchw-relative)
(if (or from-current-window switch-window-relative)
(window-list nil nil)
(window-list nil nil (frame-first-window))))

(defun switchw--display-number (win num)
(defun switch-window--display-number (win num)
"prepare a temp buffer to diplay in the window while choosing"
(let* ((label (switchw--label num))
(let* ((label (switch-window--label num))
(buf (get-buffer-create
(format " *%s: %s*" label (buffer-name (window-buffer win))))))
(with-current-buffer buf
(let ((w (window-width win))
(h (window-body-height win)))
;; increase to maximum switchw-increase
;; increase to maximum switch-window-increase
(when (fboundp 'text-scale-increase)
(text-scale-increase switchw-increase))
(text-scale-increase switch-window-increase))
;; insert the label, with a hack to support ancient emacs
(if (fboundp 'text-scale-increase)
(insert label)
(insert (propertize label 'face
(list :height (* (* h switchw-increase)
(list :height (* (* h switch-window-increase)
(if (> w h) 2 1)))))))
(set-window-buffer win buf)

(defun switchw--apply-to-window-index (action n message-format)
(defun switch-window--apply-to-window-index (action n message-format)
"apply action to given window index, target is the place of the
window in (switchw--list)"
window in (switch-window--list)"
(cl-loop for c from 1
for win in (switchw--list)
for win in (switch-window--list)
until (= c n)
finally (funcall action win))
;; be verbose about it
Expand All @@ -172,71 +165,69 @@ from-current-window is not nil"
(buffer-name (window-buffer (selected-window)))))))

(defun switchw--list-eobp ()
(defun switch-window--list-eobp ()
"Return a list of all the windows where `eobp' is currently
true so that we can restore that important property (think
auto scrolling) after switching."
(cl-loop for win in (switchw--list)
(cl-loop for win in (switch-window--list)
when (with-current-buffer (window-buffer win) (eobp))
collect win))

(defun switchw--restore-eobp (eobp-window-list)
(defun switch-window--restore-eobp (eobp-window-list)
"For each window in EOBP-WINDOW-LIST move the point to end of buffer."
(cl-loop for win in eobp-window-list
do (with-current-buffer
(window-buffer win)
(goto-char (point-max)))))

(defun switchw-delete-window ()
(defun switch-window-delete-window ()
"Display an overlay in each window showing a unique key, then
ask user which window to delete"
(if (> (length (window-list)) 1)
(let ((index (switchw--prompt "Delete window: ")))
(switchw--apply-to-window-index 'delete-window index "")))))
(let ((index (switch-window--prompt "Delete window: ")))
(switch-window--apply-to-window-index 'delete-window index "")))))

(defalias 'switch-to-window 'switchw-delete-window)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'switch-to-window 'switch-window-delete-window)

(defun switchw-maximize-window ()
(defun switch-window-maximize-window ()
"Display an overlay in each window showing a unique key, then
ask user which window to maximize"
(if (<= (length (window-list)) switchw-threshold)
(if (<= (length (window-list)) switch-window-threshold)
(call-interactively 'delete-other-windows)
(let ((index (switchw--prompt "Maximize window: "))
(eobps (switchw--list-eobp)))
(let ((index (switch-window--prompt "Maximize window: "))
(eobps (switch-window--list-eobp)))
'select-window index "Maximize %S")
(switchw--restore-eobp eobps))
(switch-window--restore-eobp eobps))

(defun switchw ()
(defun switch-window ()
"Display an overlay in each window showing a unique key, then
ask user for the window where move to"
(if (<= (length (window-list)) switchw-threshold)
(if (<= (length (window-list)) switch-window-threshold)
(call-interactively 'other-window)
(let ((index (switchw--prompt "Move to window: "))
(eobps (switchw--list-eobp)))
(switchw--apply-to-window-index 'select-window index "Moved to %S")
(switchw--restore-eobp eobps)))))

(defalias 'switch-window 'switchw)
(let ((index (switch-window--prompt "Move to window: "))
(eobps (switch-window--list-eobp)))
(switch-window--apply-to-window-index 'select-window index "Moved to %S")
(switch-window--restore-eobp eobps)))))

(defun switchw--prompt (prompt-message)
(defun switch-window--prompt (prompt-message)
"Display an overlay in each window showing a unique key, then
ask user for the window to select"
(let ((config (current-window-configuration))
(num 1)
(minibuffer-num nil)
(original-cursor (default-value 'cursor-type))
(eobps (switchw--list-eobp))
(eobps (switch-window--list-eobp))
key buffers
Expand All @@ -247,14 +238,14 @@ ask user for the window to select"
;; hide cursor during window selection process
(setq-default cursor-type nil)
;; display big numbers to ease window selection
(dolist (win (switchw--list))
(dolist (win (switch-window--list))
(push (cons win (window-point win)) window-points)
(when (window-dedicated-p win)
(push (cons win (window-dedicated-p win)) dedicated-windows)
(set-window-dedicated-p win nil))
(if (minibuffer-window-active-p win)
(setq minibuffer-num num)
(push (switchw--display-number win num) buffers))
(push (switch-window--display-number win num) buffers))
(setq num (1+ num)))

(while (not key)
Expand All @@ -263,22 +254,22 @@ ask user for the window to select"
(if minibuffer-num
(format "Move to window [minibuffer is %s]: "
(switchw--label minibuffer-num))
(switch-window--label minibuffer-num))
nil switchw-timeout))))
nil switch-window-timeout))))

(if (or (null input) (eq input 'return))
(switchw--restore-eobp eobps)
(switch-window--restore-eobp eobps)
(keyboard-quit)) ; timeout or RET
(unless (symbolp input)
(let* ((wchars (mapcar 'string-to-char
(pos (cl-position input wchars)))
(if pos
(setq key (1+ pos))
(switchw--restore-eobp eobps)
(switch-window--restore-eobp eobps)

;; restore original cursor
Expand Down

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