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Ironhack project with @AnaModesto21

About the app 🥑 is an app that will give you the inspiration you need so you can prepare your vegan/vegetarian meals!


Images displayed on the app are currently broken due to changes in the API. We'll fix this as soon as possible!

Installation 💻

Use the package manager npm install to install packages as shown below.

$ npm init --yes

$ npm install axios bcrypt bcryptjs cloudinary connect-mongo cookie-parser dotenv express express-session hbs mongoose mongoose-simple-random morgan multer multer-storage-cloudinary nodemailer serve-favicon nodemon

$ touch index.js

$ code .

## Usage

To run the app

$ npm run dev 

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

You can check it out here

This is just a little demonstration of how it looks image

Hope you enjoy! 😄