#################################################################################################### # # These values set environment variables which modify core settings of Directus. # # Values in square brackets are the default values. # # The following options are not all possible options. For more, see # https://docs.directus.io/self-hosted/config-options/ # #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### ### General # IP or host the API listens on [""] HOST="" # The port Directus will run on [8055] PORT=8055 # The URL where your API can be reached on the web. It is also used for things like OAuth redirects, # forgot-password emails, and logos that needs to be publicly available on the internet. ["/"] PUBLIC_URL="/" # PUBLIC_URL="http://localhost:8055" ADMIN_EMAIL='admin@aggragator.ai' ADMIN_PASSWORD='password' # What level of detail to log. [info] # "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace", "silent" # LOG_LEVEL="info" # Render the logs human readable (pretty) or as JSON (raw), [pretty] # "pretty", "raw" # LOG_STYLE="pretty" # Controls the maximum request body size. Accepts number of bytes, or human readable string ["1mb"] # MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE="1mb" # Where to redirect to when navigating to /. Accepts a relative path, absolute URL, or false to disable ["./admin"] # ROOT_REDIRECT="./admin" # Whether or not to serve the Admin App under /admin. [true] # SERVE_APP=true # Whether or not to enable GraphQL Introspection [true] # GRAPHQL_INTROSPECTION=true # Limit the maximum amount of items that can get requested in one query. # QUERY_LIMIT_DEFAULT=100 # QUERY_LIMIT_MAX=Infinity # The maximum number of items for batch mutations when creating, updating and deleting. ["Infinity"] # MAX_BATCH_MUTATION="Infinity" # Shared Redis server for things like caching, rate limiting, container synchronization, etc # REDIS="redis://@" #################################################################################################### ### Database # All DB_* environment variables are passed to the connection configuration of a Knex instance. # Based on your project's needs, you can extend the DB_* environment variables with any config # you need to pass to the database instance. #DB_CLIENT="sqlite3" #DB_FILENAME="./database/data.db" # These match the databases defined in the docker-compose file in the root of this repo ## Postgres DB_CLIENT="postgres" DB_HOST="roundhouse.proxy.rlwy.net" DB_PORT=15880 DB_DATABASE="railway" DB_USER="postgres" DB_PASSWORD="cGOWFeHjlXmyBMJCMSbbPIVorcIPkcOC" ## CockroachDB # DB_CLIENT="cockroachdb" # DB_HOST="localhost" # DB_PORT=26257 # DB_DATABASE="directus" # DB_USER="root" # DB_PASSWORD="" ## MySQL 8 # DB_CLIENT="mysql" # DB_HOST="localhost" # DB_PORT=3306 # DB_DATABASE="directus" # DB_USER="root" # DB_PASSWORD="secret" ## MariaDB # DB_CLIENT="mysql" # DB_HOST="localhost" # DB_PORT=3306 # DB_DATABASE="directus" # DB_USER="root" # DB_PASSWORD="secret" ## MS SQL # DB_CLIENT="mssql" # DB_HOST="localhost" # DB_PORT=1343 # DB_DATABASE="directus" # DB_USER="sa" # DB_PASSWORD="Test@123" ## OracleDB # DB_CLIENT="oracledb" # DB_CONNECT_STRING="localhost:1521/XE" # DB_USER="secretsysuser" # DB_PASSWORD="secretpassword" ## SQLite Example # DB_CLIENT="sqlite3" # DB_FILENAME="./data.db" ## MySQL 5.7 # DB_CLIENT="mysql" # DB_HOST="localhost" # DB_PORT=3306 # DB_DATABASE="directus" # DB_USER="root" # DB_PASSWORD="secret" #################################################################################################### ### Rate Limiting # Whether or not to enable rate limiting on the API [false] RATE_LIMITER_ENABLED=false # Where to store the rate limiter counts [memory] # memory, redis RATE_LIMITER_STORE=memory # The amount of allowed hits per duration [50] RATE_LIMITER_POINTS=25 # The time window in seconds in which the hits are counted [1] RATE_LIMITER_DURATION=1 #################################################################################################### ### Caching # Whether or not caching is enabled. [false] CACHE_ENABLED=false # How long the cache is persisted ["5m"] # CACHE_TTL="30m" # How to scope the cache data ["system-cache"] # CACHE_NAMESPACE="system-cache" # Automatically purge the cache on create, update, and delete actions. [false] # CACHE_AUTO_PURGE=true # List of collections that prevent cache purging when `CACHE_AUTO_PURGE` is enabled. ["directus_activity,directus_presets"] # CACHE_AUTO_PURGE_IGNORE_LIST="directus_activity,directus_presets" # memory | redis CACHE_STORE=memory # How long assets will be cached for in the browser. Sets the max-age value of the Cache-Control header ["30d"] ASSETS_CACHE_TTL="30d" #################################################################################################### ### File Storage # A CSV of storage locations (eg: local,digitalocean,amazon) to use. You can use any names you'd like for these keys ["local"] STORAGE_LOCATIONS="local" STORAGE_LOCAL_DRIVER="local" STORAGE_LOCAL_ROOT="./uploads" ## S3 Example (location name: DigitalOcean) # STORAGE_DIGITALOCEAN_DRIVER="s3" # STORAGE_DIGITALOCEAN_KEY="abcdef" # STORAGE_DIGITALOCEAN_SECRET="ghijkl" # STORAGE_DIGITALOCEAN_ENDPOINT="https://ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com" # STORAGE_DIGITALOCEAN_BUCKET="my-files" # STORAGE_DIGITALOCEAN_REGION="ams3" ## Google Cloud Storage Example (location name: Google) # STORAGE_GOOGLE_DRIVER="gcs" # STORAGE_GOOGLE_KEY_FILENAME="abcdef" # STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET="my-files" ## A comma-separated list of metadata keys to collect during file upload. Use * for all # Extracting all metadata might cause memory issues when the file has an unusually large set of metadata # [ifd0.Make,ifd0.Model,exif.FNumber,exif.ExposureTime,exif.FocalLength,exif.ISOSpeedRatings] # FILE_METADATA_ALLOW_LIST= #################################################################################################### ### Security KEY="c23be181-3e13-4a67-90e2-829eded8768e" SECRET="IGx2kFwqSWTgiohYCenyIcZyKYFjBXtv" # Unique identifier for the project # KEY="xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" # Secret string for the project # SECRET="abcdef" # The duration that the access token is valid ["15m"] ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL="15m" # The duration that the refresh token is valid. This value should be higher than ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL resp. SESSION_COOKIE_TTL. ["7d"] REFRESH_TOKEN_TTL="7d" # Whether or not to set the secure attribute for the refresh token cookie [false] REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SECURE=false # Value for sameSite in the refresh token cookie ["lax"] REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SAME_SITE="lax" # Name of the refresh token cookie ["directus_refresh_token"] REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME="directus_refresh_token" # Which domain to use for the refresh cookie. Useful for development mode. # REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_DOMAIN # The duration that the session cookie/token is valid, and also how long users stay logged-in to the App ["1d"] SESSION_COOKIE_TTL="1d" # Whether or not to set the secure attribute for the session cookie [false] SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE=false # Value of sameSite for the session cookie ["lax"] SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE="lax" # Name of the session cookie ["directus_refresh_token"] SESSION_COOKIE_NAME="directus_session_token" # Which domain to use for the session cookie. Useful for development mode. # SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN # The duration in milliseconds that a login request will be stalled for, # and it should be greater than the time taken for a login request with an invalid password [500] # LOGIN_STALL_TIME=500 # Whether or not to enable the CORS headers [false] CORS_ENABLED=true # Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Use true to match the Origin header, or provide a domain or a CSV of domains for specific access [false] CORS_ORIGIN=true # Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header [GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE] CORS_METHODS=GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE # Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header [Content-Type,Authorization] CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS=Content-Type,Authorization # Value for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header [Content-Range] CORS_EXPOSED_HEADERS=Content-Range # Whether or not to send the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header [true] CORS_CREDENTIALS=true # Value for the Access-Control-Max-Age header [18000] CORS_MAX_AGE=18000 #################################################################################################### ### Argon2 # How much memory to use when generating hashes, in KiB [4096] # HASH_MEMORY_COST=81920 # The length of the hash function output in bytes [32] # HASH_HASH_LENGTH=32 # The amount of passes (iterations) used by the hash function. It increases hash strength at the cost of time required to compute [3] # HASH_TIME_COST=10 # The amount of threads to compute the hash on. Each thread has a memory pool with HASH_MEMORY_COST size [1] # HASH_PARALLELISM=2 # The variant of the hash function (0: argon2d, 1: argon2i, or 2: argon2id) [2] # HASH_TYPE=2 # An extra and optional non-secret value. The value will be included B64 encoded in the parameters portion of the digest [] # HASH_ASSOCIATED_DATA=foo #################################################################################################### ### Auth Providers # A comma-separated list of auth providers [] AUTH_PROVIDERS="" # AUTH_PROVIDERS="github" # AUTH_GITHUB_DRIVER="oauth2" # AUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="73e...4b" # AUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="b9...98" # AUTH_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE_URL="https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize" # AUTH_GITHUB_ACCESS_URL="https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token" # AUTH_GITHUB_PROFILE_URL="https://api.github.com/user" # AUTH_GITHUB_ALLOW_PUBLIC_REGISTRATION=true # AUTH_GITHUB_DEFAULT_ROLE_ID="82424427-c9d4-4289-8bc5-ed1bf8422c90" # AUTH_GITHUB_ICON="github" # AUTH_GITHUB_LABEL="GitHub" # AUTH_GITHUB_EMAIL_KEY="email" # AUTH_GITHUB_IDENTIFIER_KEY="login" #################################################################################################### ### Extensions # Path to your local extensions folder ["./extensions"] EXTENSIONS_PATH="./extensions" # Automatically reload extensions when they have changed [false] EXTENSIONS_AUTO_RELOAD=false #################################################################################################### ### Email # Email address from which emails are sent ["no-reply@directus.io"] EMAIL_FROM="no-reply@directus.io" # What to use to send emails. One of # sendmail, smtp, mailgun, sendgrid, ses. EMAIL_TRANSPORT="sendmail" EMAIL_SENDMAIL_NEW_LINE="unix" EMAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH="/usr/sbin/sendmail" ## Email (Sendmail Transport) # What new line style to use in sendmail ["unix"] # EMAIL_SENDMAIL_NEW_LINE="unix" # Path to your sendmail executable ["/usr/sbin/sendmail"] # EMAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH="/usr/sbin/sendmail" ## Email (SMTP Transport) # EMAIL_SMTP_HOST="localhost" # Use SMTP pooling # EMAIL_SMTP_POOL=true # EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=465 # EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE=false # Use TLS # EMAIL_SMTP_IGNORE_TLS=false # EMAIL_SMTP_USER="username" # EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD="password" ## Email (Mailgun Transport) # EMAIL_MAILGUN_API_KEY="key-1234123412341234" # EMAIL_MAILGUN_DOMAIN="a domain name from https://app.mailgun.com/app/sending/domains" ## Email (SendGrid Transport) # EMAIL_SENDGRID_API_KEY="key-1234123412341234"