This is the source code and other files for the earthquake prediction software, used in the paper:
Earthquake Footprints for Predicting Events. (2024). IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting (iTDAF), 2(2), pp. 4-17.
The software requires a reference to the 'licas_ai.jar' file, found in 'licasTP'. You can check for updates at, but you probably don't need to. The jar file provides the FrequencyGrid and the logger, for example.
There are two data files in the 'data' folder that are read when you run the program. There are two test classes - TestEQ_Greece and TestEQ_USA, which read one of the repective data files.
The data is re-formatted, but you only need to run the 'ReadData.formatData' statement once, then you can comment it out. You should use the data files provided, but they are the same as the sources and you can easily create new ones, just check the header information. Some of the data rows are not complete, so if there is an error message indicating this when you run the code, just ignore it.