Hestia Pure is a simple hugo theme, based Pure.
Clone this repository to your hugo theme directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/diwao/hestia-pure.git themes/
$ hugo server --theme=hestia-pure --buildDrafts --watch
In this theme you can add variables to your site config file. The following is the example config:
baseurl = "https://diwao.com/"
languageCode = "ja"
title = “diwao’s diary“
theme = 'hestia-pure'
author = 'diwao'
profile = 'I am a frontend engineer working in Sendai City, Japan.'
image = 'image/theme/profile.jpg'
localeOgp = "ja"
description = "This site is diwao's blog."
keywords = "Sendai,Mac,iPhone,Web"
twitter = "otaman517"
github = "diwao"
facebook = "diwaocom"
googleanalytics = "UA-12345678-9"
googlecustomsearch = "xxxxxxxxx"
MIT License
Daisuke Iwao