Hi Django Fiber enthusiasts! This project was started by the people at Ride The Pony, Leukeleu and Jouw Omgeving. They started Django Fiber in 2011, because they wanted a good, simple Django CMS available. Lots of people felt the same, which was why Django Fiber became pretty popular. And it is still going strong in lots of sites, so we hear :)
Later, they discovered Wagtail, and found it to be even better than their own creation. So they decided to move on. Nevertheless, Django Fiber was popular, used in many websites, and they didn't want to just drop it. At the start of 2017 they handed over control of the project to a new group of maintainers - the discussion about this handover can be found in issue #244.
Currently Django Fiber is in 'maintenance mode'. What this means it that it will be updated to run with the latest releases of Django - and of other packages that Django Fiber depends on. However, no effort will be made to add new features.
If a user really wants a new feature added - then a well-written PR will be reviewed and considered. But other than that, Django Fiber is staying exactly as it is :)
Do you want to see a Django Fiber screencast, to get a feel for what it can do for you? Check it out on Vimeo
Convinced? Want to use Django Fiber in your own Django project? Then follow the instructions below.
These dependencies are automatically installed:
Pillow>=2.2.1 django-mptt>=0.8 django_compressor>=2.0 djangorestframework>=3.4 easy-thumbnails>=2.2
We're assuming you are using Django 1.9-2.0. Then simply install Fiber using pip:
$ pip install django-fiber
Open settings.py and add the following to your INSTALLED_APPS
Add Fiber to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES list
import django.conf.global_settings as DEFAULT_SETTINGS
(Or, add the same items to MIDDLEWARE
if you are using Django 1.10 or later.)
Add the request context processor
'context_processors': [
And configure compressor
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Edit your urls.py to add the Fiber site to your url-patterns
from django.urls import include, path, re_path
from fiber.views import page
urlpatterns = [
path('api/v2/', include('fiber.rest_api.urls')),
path('admin/fiber/', include('fiber.admin_urls')),
re_path('', page),
Create database tables:
$ python manage.py migrate
All static Fiber files need to be symlinked in (or copied to) your static files folder if you're not on your dev machine:
$ python manage.py collectstatic --link
For further usage and configuration details take a look at our documentation project at readthedocs.
See CHANGELOG.md for the latest changes.