Steganography library.
Provide an image, data to encode and a place to store the result
let mut cover = File::open("image.png")?;
let mut data = BufReader::new(Cursor::new("Hello world!"));
let mut encode_output = Vec::new();
let encoder = Encoder::new(CompressInput::None, ByteSplitGranularity::OneBit);
.encode(&mut cover, &mut data, &mut encode_output)
.expect("no error");
You can optionally compress the data by providing CompressInput::Gzip
controls the level of encoding. OneBit
hides the data in the least significant bit pretty well but consumes a lot of space, and FourBits
will most likely be noticeable in the resulting image
let mut image = File::open("encoded-image.png")?;
let mut decode_output = Vec::new();
let decoder = Decoder::new();
.decode(&mut image, &mut decode_output)
.expect("no error");