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Import from ocaml-xenstore 452a7ca5674faf393e2e4317cf2ff3a8087ca770
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David Scott committed Sep 5, 2012
1 parent d3e80f9 commit 6404f26
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,136 additions and 0 deletions.
521 changes: 521 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
OS ?= unix

ifneq "$(MIRAGE_OS)" ""

.PHONY: all clean install test

cd $(OS) && $(MAKE) all
cd $(OS) && $(MAKE) clean
cd $(OS) && $(MAKE) install
cd $(OS) && $(MAKE) test
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions _oasis
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
OASISFormat: 0.2
Name: xenstore_servers
Version: 0.9-dev
Synopsis: Xenstore servers (userspace and kernelspace)
Authors: Dave Scott, Anil Madhavapeddy
License: LGPL-2.1 with OCaml linking exception
Plugins: META (0.2)
BuildTools: ocamlbuild

Library xenstore_unix
CompiledObject: best
Path: unix
Findlibname: unix
FindlibParent: xenstore
Modules: Xs_transport_unix, Xs_transport_xen, Xenstore
BuildDepends: lwt, xenstore, xenstore.server
CSources: xenstore_stubs.c
CCOpt: -I. -I/home/djs/.opam/system/lib -I/home/djs/.opam/system/lib/lwt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/lwt
CClib: -lxenctrl

Executable server_unix
CompiledObject: best
Build$: flag(unix)
Path: server_unix
Custom: true
Install: false
BuildDepends: lwt, lwt.unix, xenstore, xenstore.server, xenstore.unix
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions unix/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
.PHONY: all clean install build
all: build doc



@ocamlopt.opt -o $@ $< || ocamlopt -o $@ $< || ocamlc -o $@ $<
@rm -f setup.cmx setup.cmi setup.o setup.cmo setup.bin
@./setup.bin -configure

build: setup.bin
@./setup.bin -build -j $(J)

doc: setup.bin
@./setup.bin -doc -j $(J)

install: setup.bin
@./setup.bin -install

test: setup.bin build
@./setup.bin -test

reinstall: setup.bin
@ocamlfind remove $(NAME) || true
@./setup.bin -reinstall

@ocamlbuild -clean
@rm -f setup.log setup.bin
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions unix/_oasis
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
OASISFormat: 0.2
Name: xenstore_servers
Version: 0.9-dev
Synopsis: Userspace xenstore server
Authors: Dave Scott, Anil Madhavapeddy
License: LGPL-2.1 with OCaml linking exception
Plugins: META (0.2)
BuildTools: ocamlbuild

Library xenstore_unix
CompiledObject: best
Path: lib
Findlibname: xenstore_server_unix
Modules: Xs_transport_unix, Xs_transport_xen, Xenstore
BuildDepends: lwt, xenstore, xenstore.server
CSources: xenstore_stubs.c
CCOpt: -I. -I/home/djs/.opam/system/lib -I/home/djs/.opam/system/lib/lwt -I/usr/lib/ocaml/lwt
CClib: -lxenctrl

Executable server_unix
CompiledObject: best
Build$: flag(unix)
Path: src
Custom: true
Install: false
BuildDepends: lwt, lwt.unix, xenstore, xenstore.server, xenstore_server_unix
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions unix/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@

external map_foreign_job: int -> nativeint -> Cstruct.buf Lwt_unix.job = "lwt_map_foreign_job"

let map_foreign domid mfn = Lwt_unix.run_job (map_foreign_job domid mfn)

external map_fd: Unix.file_descr -> int -> Cstruct.buf option = "ml_map_fd"

external unmap_foreign: Cstruct.buf -> unit = "ml_unmap"

external unsafe_read: Cstruct.buf -> string -> int -> int -> int = "ml_interface_read"
external unsafe_write: Cstruct.buf -> string -> int -> int -> int = "ml_interface_write"

type channel_state = {
cons: int;
prod: int;
data: int;
type ring_state = {
request: channel_state;
response: channel_state;

external get_ring_state: Cstruct.buf -> ring_state = "xs_ring_state"

external sizeof_xc_domaininfo_t: unit -> int = "ml_sizeof_xc_domaininfo_t"

external alloc_page_aligned: int -> Cstruct.buf option = "ml_alloc_page_aligned"

external free_page_aligned: Cstruct.buf -> unit = "ml_free_page_aligned"

external domain_infolist_job: int -> int -> Cstruct.buf -> int Lwt_unix.job = "lwt_domain_infolist_job"

type info = {
domid: int;
dying: bool;
shutdown: bool;

external xc_domaininfo_t_parse: Cstruct.buf -> info = "ml_domain_infolist_parse"

open Lwt

let batch_size = 512 (* number of domains to query in one hypercall *)

let xc_domain_getinfolist lowest_domid =
let sizeof = sizeof_xc_domaininfo_t () in
let buf = alloc_page_aligned (batch_size * sizeof) in
match buf with
| None -> return None
| Some buf ->
lwt number_found = Lwt_unix.run_job (domain_infolist_job lowest_domid batch_size buf) in
let rec parse buf n acc =
if n = number_found
then acc
else parse (Cstruct.shift buf sizeof) (n + 1) (xc_domaininfo_t_parse buf :: acc) in
return (Some(parse buf 0 []))
return (free_page_aligned buf)

let domain_infolist () =
let rec loop from =
lwt first = xc_domain_getinfolist from in
match first with
| None -> return None
| Some first ->
(* If we returned less than a batch then there are no more. *)
if List.length first < batch_size
then return (Some first)
else match first with
| [] -> return (Some [])
| x :: xs ->
(* Don't assume the last entry has the highest domid *)
let largest_domid = List.fold_left (fun domid di -> max domid di.domid) x.domid xs in
lwt rest = loop (largest_domid + 1) in
match rest with
| None -> return None
| Some rest -> return (Some (first @ rest)) in
loop 0

type xc_evtchn
external xc_evtchn_open: unit -> xc_evtchn option = "stub_xc_evtchn_open"

external xc_evtchn_close: destroy: xc_evtchn -> unit = "stub_xc_evtchn_close"

external xc_evtchn_fd: xc_evtchn -> Unix.file_descr option = "stub_xc_evtchn_fd"

external xc_evtchn_notify: xc_evtchn -> int -> unit = "stub_xc_evtchn_notify"

external xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain: xc_evtchn -> int -> int -> int option = "stub_xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain"

external xc_evtchn_bind_virq_dom_exc: xc_evtchn -> int option = "stub_xc_evtchn_bind_virq_dom_exc"

external xc_evtchn_unbind: xc_evtchn -> int -> unit = "stub_xc_evtchn_unbind"

external xc_evtchn_pending: xc_evtchn -> int option = "stub_xc_evtchn_pending"

external xc_evtchn_unmask: xc_evtchn -> int -> unit = "stub_xc_evtchn_unmask"
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions unix/lib/xenstore.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@

val map_foreign: int -> nativeint -> Cstruct.buf Lwt.t
val unmap_foreign: Cstruct.buf -> unit

val map_fd: Unix.file_descr -> int -> Cstruct.buf option

val unsafe_read: Cstruct.buf -> string -> int -> int -> int
val unsafe_write: Cstruct.buf -> string -> int -> int -> int

type channel_state = {
cons: int;
prod: int;
data: int;
type ring_state = {
request: channel_state;
response: channel_state;

val get_ring_state: Cstruct.buf -> ring_state

type info = {
domid: int;
dying: bool;
shutdown: bool;

val domain_infolist: unit -> info list option Lwt.t

type xc_evtchn
val xc_evtchn_open: unit -> xc_evtchn option

val xc_evtchn_close: destroy: xc_evtchn -> unit

val xc_evtchn_fd: xc_evtchn -> Unix.file_descr option

val xc_evtchn_notify: xc_evtchn -> int -> unit

val xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain: xc_evtchn -> int -> int -> int option

val xc_evtchn_bind_virq_dom_exc: xc_evtchn -> int option

val xc_evtchn_unbind: xc_evtchn -> int -> unit

val xc_evtchn_pending: xc_evtchn -> int option

val xc_evtchn_unmask: xc_evtchn -> int -> unit

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