Vweb is a Simple Python Website Frame work.
Source: https://github.com/dlink/vweb
It has been created over a time to address reoccuring requirements for building simple websites. It is Python CGI, but can be used with Cherrypy. It is not MVC. It consists of the following modules:
HtmlPage - Super class that controlls the processing and display of webpages
html - HTML Abstraction layer for generating HTML
HtmlTable - HTML Table Abstraction layer for generating HTML Tables
htmlify - Some utilities
examples - Examples
9/2024 - Most recent deployment of this library looks like this
HtmlPage is a Web Page that your code subclasses. It consists primarily of
A Constructor init() which you override, which allows you to dynamically build the HTML HEADER with Title, Javascript, CSS, auto_refesh, output_format (html, csv)
A process() method which you overide for handling incoming GET and POST parameters.
A getHtmlContent() method which you overrid for generating HTML BODY
Debugging GET and POST Variables, as well as user defined DEBUG message.
Here is Hello World:
from htmlpage import HtmlPage
class HelloWorld(HtmlPage):
def __init__(self):
HtmlPage.__init__(self, "Hello World")
def getHtmlContent(self):
return '<p>Hello, World!</p>'
if __name__ == '__main__':
See Other Examples
html is a libary module of simple one-to-one python equivalent names for each HTML tag. It is used to generate html in python, rather than using templates like Genshi, or PHP.
The following examples ...
p(font('some text', color='green'))
a('Chapter 2', href='chapter2.html')
div(center(column_chooser), id='columnChooser', class_='widget')
Returns these string:
<p><font color='red'>text</font></p>
<a href='chapter2.html'>Chapter 2</a>
<div id="columnChooser" class="widget">
< … >
HtmlTable is an Abstraction layer for HTML TABLES, (and it rocks the house). It was inspired by perl's HTML:Table.
By treating tables as Python objects similar to a list of lists, uses can work more freely and creatively, leaving the output of the HTML TABLE to the getTable() method.
This example …
from htmltable import HtmlTable
# Create table - Many parameter options exist.
table = HtmlTable()
# Header
table.addHeader(['No.', 'President'])
# Table Body
table.addRow([1, 'George Washington'])
table.addRow([2, 'John Adams'])
# Format adjustments
table.setColAlign(2, 'right')
# Outputing the results
print table.getTable()
Output the following
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th align="right">President</th>
<td align="right">George Washington</td>
<td align="right">John Adams</td>
See Examples
vlib - https://github.com/dlink/vlib
Update apt-get to the latest libraries:
apt-get update
Install pip, if you haven't done so already:
apt-get install python-pip
pip install -U pip
Install Mysql DB Connectorm, if you haven't done so already:
apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
pip install MySQL-python
Install vlib:
pip install vweb