Library glarot3d implements a geometric signature to select loop closure candidates. It has been kept to a minimal design.
If you use this library, please cite the following paper:
D. Lodi Rizzini. Place Recognition of 3D Landmarks based on Geometric Relations. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), sept. 2017.
or the most relevant associated publications by visiting:
The software depends on the following external libraries
- Boost >= 1.36 (submodule lexical_cast)
- Eigen 3.0
The library also requires the third party library mcqd developed by Janez Konc (see, which has been included in folder 3rdparty.
Let ${glarot3d_ROOT} be the install directory of your local copy of library glarot3d. The following standard commands are required to compile it:
- cd ${glarot3d_ROOT}
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
You can also install the library into a system directory. To change the install directory you must set cmake environment variable ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} (e.g. using command "ccmake .." before calling "cmake .."). Its default value on UNIX-like/Linux systems is "/usr/local". After compiling library glarot3d, run the command:
- sudo make install
The command "sudo" is required only if ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} is a system diretory managed by administrator user root. Such command copies:
- header files of
${glarot3d_ROOT}/include/glarot3d to $ {CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/glarot3d/ - library files
${glarot3d_ROOT}/lib/libglarot3d.a to $ {CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/ - cmake script
${glarot3d_ROOT}/cmake_modules/glarot3dConfig.cmake to $ {CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/glarot3d/
If library glarot3d has been installed in system directory "/usr/local", then it is straighforward to use it in your projects. You needs to add the following lines to your project as in this example:
PROJECT(foobar)find_package(glarot3d REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "glarot3d_FOUND ${glarot3d_FOUND}")
message(STATUS "glarot3d_INCLUDE_DIRS ${glarot3d_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
message(STATUS "glarot3d_LIBRARY_DIRS ${glarot3d_LIBRARY_DIRS}")
message(STATUS "glarot3d_LIBRARIES ${glarot3d_LIBRARIES}")if(${glarot3d_FOUND})
endif()add_executable(foobar foobar.cpp)
target_link_libraries(foobar ${glarot3d_LIBRARIES})
The above example uses the variables defined in glarot3dConfig.cmake:
- glarot3d_FOUND - system has glarot3d module
- glarot3d_INCLUDE_DIRS - the glarot3d include directories
- glarot3d_LIBRARY_DIRS - the glarot3d library directories
- glarot3d_LIBRARIES - link these to use glarot3d