#Beervana - Your Haven For Beer!
##About It's Beer:30. Learn how to brew or search for any beer or brewery you could possibly imagine. Made in a 5 days by Derek Nuzum and Jonathan Stevenson.
##Technologies used
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- AngularJS
- NodeJS
- BreweryDB Api
- Authentication: PassportJS
- Bower
- Angular-Scroll-Animate
- Deployed: Heroku
- Source Control: Github
- Brainstormed potential ideas, finalized one relating to a homebrew beer recipies app.
- Outline of daily goals, frequently meet up throughout process, and partner up for difficult tasks, communicated in person and via app(s) when remote coding
- Researched APIs involving beer and beer recipies
- Realized that with no working recipie APIs, creating one would be a large task. Switched gears to a beer and brewery search.
- Worked towards and success with creating API calls to BreweryDB beer search.
- Build basic app, views, routes, and search.
- Implemented Angular-Scroll-Animate for animations.
- Implemented local user authentication
- Implemented brewery search
- Implemented user favorites
- Constant styling adjustments and testing
- We reviewed site for all error catching, and minor styling adjustments
##User stories
- We started out with a lot of pair programming to figure out the API since it was a pretty difficult beast. We learned that we not only found it beneficial, but pretty enjoyable as well.
- Given more time we'd like to map the brewery addresses to Google Maps or Mapbox for a more concise user experience.
- We'd love to build a beer recipie API. We have a passion for homebrewing and the only other recipie app/API we could find is defunct and hasn't been updated in a couple years. We'd like to rectify that for the community.