{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf830 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Bold;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;\csgenericrgb\c0\c0\c0;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab543 \pard\tx543\pardeftab543\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\b\fs22 \cf2 \CocoaLigature0 2017-09-05 23:52:54.037040+0300 nsxpc2pc[218:4840] hello_world\ preparing /var/containers/Bundle/Application/BA763A08-D25D-4493-BCAC-72104D271D30/nsxpc2pc.app/pocs/hello_world\ new thread running in child: 11190b\ thread state updated in target: 11190b\ remote function call return value: 0\ chmod success\ new thread running in child: 111913\ allocated a remote out buffer: 105080000\ thread state updated in target: 111913\ remote function call return value: 0\ new thread running in child: 1217\ thread state updated in target: 1217\ remote function call return value: 22\ new thread running in child: 121b\ allocated a remote out buffer: 105080000\ thread state updated in target: 121b\ remote function call return value: 0\ new thread running in child: 121f\ thread state updated in target: 121f\ remote function call return value: 0\ new thread running in child: 1223\ thread state updated in target: 1223\ remote function call return value: 0\ new thread running in child: 1227\ thread state updated in target: 1227\ remote function call return value: 0\ new thread running in child: 122b\ allocated a remote out buffer: 105080000\ thread state updated in target: 122b\ got exception message from amfid!\ got thread state\ crashing pc: 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0\ new thread running in child: 111a03\ thread state updated in target: 111a03\ remote function call return value: 107e0c931\ new thread running in child: 111a07\ thread state updated in target: 111a07\ remote function call return value: 6d\ remote cstring length: 6d\ request to verify: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BA763A08-D25D-4493-BCAC-72104D271D30/nsxpc2pc.app/pocs/hello_world\ kMISValidationOptionUniversalFileOffset: 0x1acd5dc18new thread running in child: 111a0b\ thread state updated in target: 111a0b\ remote function call return value: b000000000000003\ got universalfileoffset CFNum pointer: b000000000000003\ new thread running in child: 111a0f\ allocated a remote out buffer: 100198000\ thread state updated in target: 111a0f\ remote function call return value: 1\ universal file offset: 0\ new thread running in child: 111a13\ thread state updated in target: 111a13\ remote function call return value: 3\ new thread running in child: 111a17\ allocated a remote out buffer: 100198000\ thread state updated in target: 111a17\ remote function call return value: 0\ new thread running in child: 111b03\ thread state updated in target: 111b03\ remote function call return value: 0\ found LC_CODE_SIGNATURE blob at offset +0x24da0\ found code directory\ hash for amfid is:b17f720408f5e887ab8134b157cf8d471256054a\ new thread running in child: 111b07\ thread state updated in target: 111b07\ remote function call return value: 107d06c70\ new thread running in child: 111b0b\ thread state updated in target: 111b0b\ remote function call return value: 107d08a20\ built remote results dictionary: 0x107d08a20\ set new state for amfid!\ replied to the amfid exception...\ calling mach_msg to receive exception message from amfid on port 623\ remote function call return value: 0\ posix_spawn success!\ [+] print_welcome_message: Welcome to zVA! Zimperium's unsandboxed kernel exploit\ [+] print_welcome_message: Credit goes to:\ [+] print_welcome_message: Adam Donenfeld (@doadam) for heap info leak, kernel base leak, type confusion vuln and exploit.\ [+] offsets_get_init_func: machine: iPhone7,1\ [+] offsets_get_init_func: build: 14E304\ sysname: Darwin\ nodename: Arnc-iPhoneu\ release: 16.5.0\ version: Darwin Kernel Version 16.5.0: Thu Feb 23 23:22:54 PST 2017; root:xnu-3789.52.2~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T7000\ machine: iPhone7,1\ [+] offsets_determine_initializer_for_device_and_build: Detected RELEASE_ARM64_T7000\ [-] apple_ave_utils_get_connection: Error opening service AppleAVEDriver\ [-] apple_ave_utils_get_connection: Error retrieving name\ [-] apple_ave_utils_get_connection: Service AppleAVEDriver not found!\ [-] apple_ave_pwn_init: Error initiating a connection to the AppleAVE driver\ [-] initialize_iokit_connections: Error initializing AppleAVE pwn\ [-] main: Error initializing IOKit connections!\ new thread running in child: 122f\ allocated a remote out buffer: 1002f4000\ thread state updated in target: 122f\ remote function call return value: 0\ remote task_get_special port (TASK_HOST_PORT) returned 0\ remote host port name is: a03\ new thread running in child: 1233\ allocated a remote out buffer: 1002f4000\ thread state updated in target: 1233\ remote function call return value: 0\ remote processor_set_default returned 0\ remote default processor set name is: 48fe7\ new thread running in child: 1237\ allocated a remote out buffer: 1002f4000\ thread state updated in target: 1237\ remote function call return value: 0\ remote host_processor_set_priv returned 0\ remote ps_control port: 47a0b\ new thread running in child: 123b\ allocated a remote out buffer: 1002f4000\ allocated a remote out buffer: 101704000\ thread state updated in target: 123b\ remote function call return value: 0\ remote processor_set_tasks returned: 0\ remote processor_set_tasks: task_ports: 0x101708000 task_portsCnt: 174\ copied remote task port right 103 to local port 1073cb\ got task port for pid 1\ new thread running in child: 123f\ thread state updated in target: 123f\ remote function call return value: d\ pid: 1 - /sbin/launchd\ copied remote task port right 4a04b to local port 673f\ got task port for pid 22\ new thread running in child: 1243\ thread state updated in target: 1243\ remote function call return value: 1b\ pid: 22 - /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent\ copied remote task port right 4a7a7 to local port 1517\ got task port for pid 26\ new thread running in child: 1247\ thread state updated in target: 1247\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 26 - /usr/libexec/fseventsd\ copied remote task port right 496cf to local port 652b\ got task port for pid 32\ new thread running in child: 124b\ thread state updated in target: 124b\ remote function call return value: 14\ pid: 32 - /usr/libexec/configd\ copied remote task port right 47517 to local port 181f\ got task port for pid 27\ new thread running in child: 124f\ thread state updated in target: 124f\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 27 - /usr/sbin/mediaserverd\ copied remote task port right 484e7 to local port d13\ got task port for pid 35\ new thread running in child: 1253\ thread state updated in target: 1253\ remote function call return value: 10\ pid: 35 - /usr/libexec/atc\ copied remote task port right 47943 to local port e13\ got task port for pid 37\ new thread running in child: 1257\ thread state updated in target: 1257\ remote function call return value: 14\ pid: 37 - /usr/libexec/keybagd\ copied remote task port right 49707 to local port 170b\ got task port for pid 53\ new thread running in child: 125b\ thread state updated in target: 125b\ remote function call return value: 38\ pid: 53 - /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard\ copied remote task port right 49807 to local port f17\ got task port for pid 41\ new thread running in child: 125f\ thread state updated in target: 125f\ remote function call return value: f\ pid: 41 - /usr/sbin/wifid\ copied remote task port right 49907 to local port 1013\ got task port for pid 42\ new thread running in child: 1263\ thread state updated in target: 1263\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 42 - /usr/libexec/logd\ copied remote task port right 49a07 to local port 10740f\ got task port for pid 47\ new thread running in child: 1267\ thread state updated in target: 1267\ remote function call return value: 57\ pid: 47 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDS.framework/identityservicesd.app/identityservicesd\ copied remote task port right 49b07 to local port 10750f\ got task port for pid 56\ new thread running in child: 126b\ thread state updated in target: 126b\ remote function call return value: 17\ pid: 56 - /usr/libexec/backboardd\ copied remote task port right 49c07 to local port 10760f\ got task port for pid 58\ new thread running in child: 126f\ thread state updated in target: 126f\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 58 - /usr/libexec/timed\ copied remote task port right 49d07 to local port 10770f\ got task port for pid 59\ new thread running in child: 1273\ thread state updated in target: 1273\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 59 - /usr/libexec/locationd\ copied remote task port right 49e07 to local port 10780f\ got task port for pid 60\ new thread running in child: 1277\ thread state updated in target: 1277\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 60 - /usr/sbin/BTServer\ copied remote task port right 4b603 to local port 10790f\ got task port for pid 62\ new thread running in child: 127b\ thread state updated in target: 127b\ remote function call return value: 46\ pid: 62 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/imagent.app/imagent\ copied remote task port right 4b703 to local port 107a0f\ got task port for pid 66\ new thread running in child: 127f\ thread state updated in target: 127f\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 66 - /usr/libexec/lockdownd\ copied remote task port right 4b803 to local port 107b0f\ got task port for pid 68\ new thread running in child: 1283\ thread state updated in target: 1283\ remote function call return value: 45\ pid: 68 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IAP.framework/Support/iaptransportd\ copied remote task port right 4b903 to local port 107c0f\ got task port for pid 73\ new thread running in child: 1287\ thread state updated in target: 1287\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 73 - /usr/sbin/fairplayd.H2\ copied remote task port right 4ba03 to local port 107d0f\ got task port for pid 74\ new thread running in child: 128b\ thread state updated in target: 128b\ remote function call return value: 45\ pid: 74 - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter\ copied remote task port right 4bb03 to local port 107e0f\ got task port for pid 75\ new thread running in child: 128f\ thread state updated in target: 128f\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 75 - /usr/sbin/notifyd\ copied remote task port right 4bc03 to local port 107f0f\ got task port for pid 61\ new thread running in child: 1293\ thread state updated in target: 1293\ remote function call return value: 5c\ pid: 61 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileContainerManager.framework/Support/containermanagerd\ copied remote task port right 4bd03 to local port 10800f\ got task port for pid 21\ new thread running in child: 1297\ thread state updated in target: 1297\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 21 - /usr/sbin/syslogd\ copied remote task port right 4be03 to local port 10810f\ got task port for pid 30\ new thread running in child: 129b\ thread state updated in target: 129b\ remote function call return value: 15\ pid: 30 - /usr/libexec/routined\ copied remote task port right 4bf03 to local port 10820f\ got task port for pid 28\ new thread running in child: 129f\ thread state updated in target: 129f\ remote function call return value: 4c\ pid: 28 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framework/Support/mediaremoted\ copied remote task port right 4c003 to local port 10830f\ got task port for pid 76\ new thread running in child: 12a3\ thread state updated in target: 12a3\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 76 - /usr/sbin/cfprefsd\ copied remote task port right 4c103 to local port 10840f\ got task port for pid 31\ new thread running in child: 12a7\ thread state updated in target: 12a7\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 31 - /usr/libexec/misd\ copied remote task port right 4c203 to local port 10860f\ got task port for pid 34\ new thread running in child: 12ab\ thread state updated in target: 12ab\ remote function call return value: 31\ pid: 34 - /System/Library/CoreServices/powerd.bundle/powerd\ copied remote task port right 4c303 to local port 10870f\ got task port for pid 33\ new thread running in child: 12af\ thread state updated in target: 12af\ remote function call return value: 36\ pid: 33 - /System/Library/Frameworks/HealthKit.framework/healthd\ copied remote task port right 4c403 to local port 10880f\ got task port for pid 39\ new thread running in child: 12b3\ thread state updated in target: 12b3\ remote function call return value: 52\ pid: 39 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/familynotificationd\ copied remote task port right 4c503 to local port 10890f\ got task port for pid 45\ new thread running in child: 12b7\ thread state updated in target: 12b7\ remote function call return value: 58\ pid: 45 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSoftwareUpdate.framework/Support/softwareupdated\ copied remote task port right 4c603 to local port 108507\ got task port for pid 44\ new thread running in child: 12bb\ thread state updated in target: 12bb\ remote function call return value: 15\ pid: 44 - /usr/libexec/installd\ copied remote task port right 4c703 to local port 108a13\ got task port for pid 46\ new thread running in child: 12bf\ thread state updated in target: 12bf\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 46 - /usr/libexec/seld\ copied remote task port right 4c803 to local port 108b0f\ got task port for pid 50\ new thread running in child: 12c3\ thread state updated in target: 12c3\ remote function call return value: 4b\ pid: 50 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TouchRemote.framework/Support/touchsetupd\ copied remote task port right 4c903 to local port 108c0f\ got task port for pid 54\ new thread running in child: 12c7\ thread state updated in target: 12c7\ remote function call return value: 48\ pid: 54 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AskPermission.framework/askpermissiond\ copied remote task port right 4ca03 to local port 108d0f\ got task port for pid 52\ new thread running in child: 12cb\ thread state updated in target: 12cb\ remote function call return value: 10\ pid: 52 - /usr/libexec/wcd\ copied remote task port right 4cb03 to local port 108e0f\ got task port for pid 55\ new thread running in child: 12cf\ thread state updated in target: 12cf\ remote function call return value: 17\ pid: 55 - /usr/sbin/wirelessproxd\ copied remote task port right 4cc03 to local port 108f0f\ got task port for pid 64\ new thread running in child: 12d3\ thread state updated in target: 12d3\ remote function call return value: 17\ pid: 64 - /usr/libexec/cloudpaird\ copied remote task port right 4cd03 to local port 10900f\ got task port for pid 63\ new thread running in child: 12d7\ thread state updated in target: 12d7\ remote function call return value: 17\ pid: 63 - /usr/libexec/assertiond\ copied remote task port right 4ce03 to local port 10910f\ got task port for pid 65\ new thread running in child: 12db\ thread state updated in target: 12db\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 65 - /usr/libexec/tipsd\ copied remote task port right 4cf03 to local port 10920f\ got task port for pid 77\ new thread running in child: 12df\ thread state updated in target: 12df\ remote function call return value: 13\ pid: 77 - /usr/sbin/distnoted\ copied remote task port right 4d003 to local port 10930f\ got task port for pid 78\ new thread running in child: 12e3\ thread state updated in target: 12e3\ remote function call return value: 10\ pid: 78 - /usr/libexec/lsd\ copied remote task port right 4d103 to local port 10940f\ got task port for pid 69\ new thread running in child: 12e7\ thread state updated in target: 12e7\ remote function call return value: 52\ pid: 69 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AggregateDictionary.framework/Support/aggregated\ copied remote task port right 4d203 to local port 10950f\ got task port for pid 51\ new thread running in child: 12eb\ thread state updated in target: 12eb\ remote function call return value: 2d\ pid: 51 - /System/Library/CoreServices/AppleIDAuthAgent\ copied remote task port right 4d303 to local port 10960f\ got task port for pid 23\ new thread running in child: 12ef\ thread state updated in target: 12ef\ remote function call return value: 4e\ pid: 23 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FileProvider.framework/Support/fileproviderd\ copied remote task port right 4d403 to local port 10970f\ got task port for pid 24\ new thread running in child: 12f3\ thread state updated in target: 12f3\ remote function call return value: 48\ pid: 24 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistantd\ copied remote task port right 4d503 to local port 10980f\ got task port for pid 49\ new thread running in child: 12f7\ thread state updated in target: 12f7\ remote function call return value: 42\ pid: 49 - /System/Library/Frameworks/AssetsLibrary.framework/Support/assetsd\ copied remote task port right 4d603 to local port 10990f\ got task port for pid 57\ new thread running in child: 12fb\ thread state updated in target: 12fb\ remote function call return value: 15\ pid: 57 - /usr/libexec/sharingd\ copied remote task port right 4d703 to local port 109a0f\ got task port for pid 79\ new thread running in child: 12ff\ thread state updated in target: 12ff\ remote function call return value: 14\ pid: 79 - /usr/libexec/lockbot\ copied remote task port right 4d803 to local port 109b0f\ got task port for pid 80\ new thread running in child: 1203\ thread state updated in target: 1203\ remote function call return value: 19\ pid: 80 - /usr/libexec/mobileassetd\ copied remote task port right 4d903 to local port 109c0f\ got task port for pid 82\ new thread running in child: 1207\ thread state updated in target: 1207\ remote function call return value: 10\ pid: 82 - /usr/libexec/pfd\ copied remote task port right 4da03 to local port 109d0f\ got task port for pid 83\ new thread running in child: 120b\ thread state updated in target: 120b\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 83 - /usr/libexec/coreduetd\ copied remote task port right 4db03 to local port 109e0f\ got task port for pid 84\ new thread running in child: 120f\ thread state updated in target: 120f\ remote function call return value: 4c\ pid: 84 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnostics.framework/Support/awdd\ copied remote task port right 4dc03 to local port 109f0f\ got task port for pid 85\ new thread running in child: 1213\ thread state updated in target: 1213\ remote function call return value: 15\ pid: 85 - /usr/libexec/nehelper\ copied remote task port right 4dd03 to local port 10a00f\ got task port for pid 86\ new thread running in child: 1217\ thread state updated in target: 1217\ remote function call return value: 1a\ pid: 86 - /usr/libexec/nsurlsessiond\ copied remote task port right 4de03 to local port 10a10f\ got task port for pid 87\ new thread running in child: 121b\ thread state updated in target: 121b\ remote function call return value: 1d\ pid: 87 - /usr/libexec/DuetHeuristic-BM\ copied remote task port right 4df03 to local port 10a20f\ got task port for pid 88\ new thread running in child: 121f\ thread state updated in target: 121f\ remote function call return value: 1a\ pid: 88 - /usr/libexec/nanoregistryd\ copied remote task port right 4e003 to local port 10a30f\ got task port for pid 89\ new thread running in child: 1223\ thread state updated in target: 1223\ remote function call return value: 20\ pid: 89 - /usr/libexec/nanoregistrylaunchd\ copied remote task port right 4e103 to local port 10a40f\ got task port for pid 90\ new thread running in child: 1227\ thread state updated in target: 1227\ remote function call return value: 41\ pid: 90 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd\ copied remote task port right 4e203 to local port 10a50f\ got task port for pid 91\ new thread running in child: 122b\ thread state updated in target: 122b\ remote function call return value: 60\ pid: 91 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/XPCServices/MTLCompilerService.xpc/MTLCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 4e303 to local port 10a60f\ got task port for pid 92\ new thread running in child: 122f\ thread state updated in target: 122f\ remote function call return value: 60\ pid: 92 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/XPCServices/MTLCompilerService.xpc/MTLCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 4e403 to local port 10a70f\ got task port for pid 93\ new thread running in child: 1233\ thread state updated in target: 1233\ remote function call return value: 14\ pid: 93 - /usr/sbin/aslmanager\ copied remote task port right 4e503 to local port 10a80f\ got task port for pid 94\ new thread running in child: 1237\ thread state updated in target: 1237\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 94 - /usr/libexec/securityd\ copied remote task port right 4e603 to local port 10a90f\ got task port for pid 95\ new thread running in child: 123b\ thread state updated in target: 123b\ remote function call return value: 20\ pid: 95 - /usr/libexec/MobileGestaltHelper\ copied remote task port right 4e703 to local port 10aa0f\ got task port for pid 96\ new thread running in child: 123f\ thread state updated in target: 123f\ remote function call return value: 21\ pid: 96 - /usr/libexec/MobileStorageMounter\ copied remote task port right 4e803 to local port 10ab0f\ got task port for pid 97\ new thread running in child: 1243\ thread state updated in target: 1243\ remote function call return value: 1e\ pid: 97 - /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd\ copied remote task port right 4e903 to local port 10ac0f\ got task port for pid 98\ new thread running in child: 1247\ thread state updated in target: 1247\ remote function call return value: 1f\ pid: 98 - /usr/sbin/WirelessRadioManagerd\ copied remote task port right 4ea03 to local port 10ad0f\ got task port for pid 99\ new thread running in child: 124b\ thread state updated in target: 124b\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 99 - /usr/sbin/BlueTool\ copied remote task port right 4eb03 to local port 10ae0f\ got task port for pid 100\ new thread running in child: 124f\ thread state updated in target: 124f\ remote function call return value: 17\ pid: 100 - /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder\ copied remote task port right 4ec03 to local port 10af0f\ got task port for pid 101\ new thread running in child: 1253\ thread state updated in target: 1253\ remote function call return value: 1d\ pid: 101 - /usr/sbin/mDNSResponderHelper\ copied remote task port right 4ed03 to local port 10b00f\ got task port for pid 102\ new thread running in child: 1257\ thread state updated in target: 1257\ remote function call return value: 1c\ pid: 102 - /usr/libexec/OTATaskingAgent\ copied remote task port right 4ee03 to local port 10b10f\ got task port for pid 103\ new thread running in child: 125b\ thread state updated in target: 125b\ remote function call return value: 37\ pid: 103 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/accountsd\ copied remote task port right 4ef03 to local port 10b20f\ got task port for pid 104\ new thread running in child: 125f\ thread state updated in target: 125f\ remote function call return value: 4e\ pid: 104 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MusicLibrary.framework/Support/medialibraryd\ copied remote task port right 4f003 to local port 10b30f\ got task port for pid 105\ new thread running in child: 1263\ thread state updated in target: 1263\ remote function call return value: 4c\ pid: 105 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/Support/itunesstored\ copied remote task port right 4f103 to local port 10b40f\ got task port for pid 106\ new thread running in child: 1267\ thread state updated in target: 1267\ remote function call return value: 34\ pid: 106 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/tccd\ copied remote task port right 4f203 to local port 10b50f\ got task port for pid 107\ new thread running in child: 126b\ thread state updated in target: 126b\ remote function call return value: 1a\ pid: 107 - /usr/libexec/nsurlstoraged\ copied remote task port right 4f303 to local port 10b60f\ got task port for pid 110\ new thread running in child: 126f\ thread state updated in target: 126f\ remote function call return value: 4c\ pid: 110 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TelephonyUtilities.framework/callservicesd\ copied remote task port right 4f403 to local port 10b70f\ got task port for pid 111\ new thread running in child: 1273\ thread state updated in target: 1273\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 111 - /usr/libexec/symptomsd\ copied remote task port right 4f503 to local port 10b80f\ got task port for pid 112\ new thread running in child: 1277\ thread state updated in target: 1277\ remote function call return value: 3c\ pid: 112 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framework/geod\ copied remote task port right 4f603 to local port 10b90f\ got task port for pid 115\ new thread running in child: 127b\ thread state updated in target: 127b\ remote function call return value: 72\ pid: 115 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMDPersistence.framework/XPCServices/IMDPersistenceAgent.xpc/IMDPersistenceAgent\ copied remote task port right 4f703 to local port 10ba0f\ got task port for pid 116\ new thread running in child: 127f\ thread state updated in target: 127f\ remote function call return value: 20\ pid: 116 - /usr/libexec/networkserviceproxy\ copied remote task port right 4f803 to local port 10bb0f\ got task port for pid 117\ new thread running in child: 1283\ thread state updated in target: 1283\ remote function call return value: 77\ pid: 117 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AGXCompilerConnection.framework/XPCServices/AGXCompilerService.xpc/AGXCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 4f903 to local port 10bc0f\ got task port for pid 119\ new thread running in child: 1287\ thread state updated in target: 1287\ remote function call return value: 55\ pid: 119 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppStoreDaemon.framework/appstored.bundle/appstored\ copied remote task port right 4fa03 to local port 10bd0f\ got task port for pid 118\ new thread running in child: 128b\ thread state updated in target: 128b\ remote function call return value: 3e\ pid: 118 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework/parsecd\ copied remote task port right 4fb03 to local port 10be0f\ got task port for pid 120\ new thread running in child: 128f\ thread state updated in target: 128f\ remote function call return value: 5a\ pid: 120 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/CloudKeychainProxy.bundle/CloudKeychainProxy\ copied remote task port right 4fc03 to local port 10bf0f\ got task port for pid 121\ new thread running in child: 1293\ thread state updated in target: 1293\ remote function call return value: 6c\ pid: 121 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/KeychainSyncingOverIDSProxy.bundle/KeychainSyncingOverIDSProxy\ copied remote task port right 4fd03 to local port 10c00f\ got task port for pid 123\ new thread running in child: 1297\ thread state updated in target: 1297\ remote function call return value: 1a\ pid: 123 - /usr/libexec/biometrickitd\ copied remote task port right 4fe03 to local port 10c10f\ got task port for pid 124\ new thread running in child: 129b\ thread state updated in target: 129b\ remote function call return value: 13\ pid: 124 - /usr/libexec/oscard\ copied remote task port right 4ff03 to local port 10c20f\ got task port for pid 125\ new thread running in child: 129f\ thread state updated in target: 129f\ remote function call return value: 50\ pid: 125 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Support/syncdefaultsd\ copied remote task port right 50003 to local port 10c30f\ got task port for pid 126\ new thread running in child: 12a3\ thread state updated in target: 12a3\ remote function call return value: 1d\ pid: 126 - /usr/libexec/nesessionmanager\ copied remote task port right 50103 to local port 10c40f\ got task port for pid 127\ new thread running in child: 12a7\ thread state updated in target: 12a7\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 127 - /usr/libexec/adid\ copied remote task port right 50203 to local port 10c50f\ got task port for pid 128\ new thread running in child: 12ab\ thread state updated in target: 12ab\ remote function call return value: 37\ pid: 128 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/akd\ copied remote task port right 50303 to local port 10c60f\ got task port for pid 129\ new thread running in child: 12af\ thread state updated in target: 12af\ remote function call return value: 4b\ pid: 129 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WatchListKit.framework/Support/watchlistd\ copied remote task port right 50403 to local port 10c70f\ got task port for pid 130\ new thread running in child: 12b3\ thread state updated in target: 12b3\ remote function call return value: 5a\ pid: 130 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StoreBookkeeperClient.framework/Support/storebookkeeperd\ copied remote task port right 50503 to local port 10c80f\ got task port for pid 131\ new thread running in child: 12b7\ thread state updated in target: 12b7\ remote function call return value: 1a\ pid: 131 - /usr/libexec/findmydeviced\ copied remote task port right 50603 to local port 10c90f\ got task port for pid 132\ new thread running in child: 12bb\ thread state updated in target: 12bb\ remote function call return value: 15\ pid: 132 - /usr/libexec/misagent\ copied remote task port right 50703 to local port 10ca0f\ got task port for pid 134\ new thread running in child: 12bf\ thread state updated in target: 12bf\ remote function call return value: 1d\ pid: 134 - /System/Library/TextInput/kbd\ copied remote task port right 50803 to local port 10cb0f\ got task port for pid 135\ new thread running in child: 12c3\ thread state updated in target: 12c3\ remote function call return value: 28\ pid: 135 - /usr/libexec/SafariCloudHistoryPushAgent\ copied remote task port right 50903 to local port 10cc0f\ got task port for pid 136\ new thread running in child: 12c7\ thread state updated in target: 12c7\ remote function call return value: 4a\ pid: 136 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd\ copied remote task port right 50a03 to local port 10cd0f\ got task port for pid 138\ new thread running in child: 12cb\ thread state updated in target: 12cb\ remote function call return value: 55\ pid: 138 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CallHistory.framework/Support/CallHistorySyncHelper\ copied remote task port right 50b03 to local port 10ce0f\ got task port for pid 139\ new thread running in child: 12cf\ thread state updated in target: 12cf\ remote function call return value: 49\ pid: 139 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd\ copied remote task port right 50c03 to local port 10cf0f\ got task port for pid 140\ new thread running in child: 12d3\ thread state updated in target: 12d3\ remote function call return value: 60\ pid: 140 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/XPCServices/MTLCompilerService.xpc/MTLCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 50d03 to local port 10d00f\ got task port for pid 141\ new thread running in child: 12d7\ thread state updated in target: 12d7\ remote function call return value: 60\ pid: 141 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/XPCServices/MTLCompilerService.xpc/MTLCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 50e03 to local port 10d10f\ got task port for pid 142\ new thread running in child: 12db\ thread state updated in target: 12db\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 142 - /usr/libexec/gamed\ copied remote task port right 50f03 to local port 10d20f\ got task port for pid 143\ new thread running in child: 12df\ thread state updated in target: 12df\ remote function call return value: 4c\ pid: 143 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HomeSharing.framework/Support/itunescloudd\ copied remote task port right 51003 to local port 10d30f\ got task port for pid 144\ new thread running in child: 12e3\ thread state updated in target: 12e3\ remote function call return value: 47\ pid: 144 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HomeKitDaemon.framework/Support/homed\ copied remote task port right 51103 to local port 10d40f\ got task port for pid 145\ new thread running in child: 12e7\ thread state updated in target: 12e7\ remote function call return value: 3d\ pid: 145 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PassKitCore.framework/passd\ copied remote task port right 51203 to local port 10d50f\ got task port for pid 146\ new thread running in child: 12eb\ thread state updated in target: 12eb\ remote function call return value: 18\ pid: 146 - /usr/libexec/duetexpertd\ copied remote task port right 51303 to local port 10d60f\ got task port for pid 147\ new thread running in child: 12ef\ thread state updated in target: 12ef\ remote function call return value: 10\ pid: 147 - /usr/libexec/pkd\ copied remote task port right 51403 to local port 10d70f\ got task port for pid 148\ new thread running in child: 12f3\ thread state updated in target: 12f3\ remote function call return value: 42\ pid: 148 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iCloudNotification.framework/ind\ copied remote task port right 51503 to local port 10d80f\ got task port for pid 149\ new thread running in child: 12f7\ thread state updated in target: 12f7\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 149 - /usr/libexec/nfcd\ copied remote task port right 51603 to local port 10d90f\ got task port for pid 151\ new thread running in child: 12fb\ thread state updated in target: 12fb\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 151 - /usr/libexec/fmfd\ copied remote task port right 51703 to local port 10da0f\ got task port for pid 150\ new thread running in child: 12ff\ thread state updated in target: 12ff\ remote function call return value: 3f\ pid: 150 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VisualVoicemail.framework/vmd\ copied remote task port right 51803 to local port 10db0f\ got task port for pid 152\ new thread running in child: 1203\ thread state updated in target: 1203\ remote function call return value: 40\ pid: 152 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/bird\ copied remote task port right 51903 to local port 10dc0f\ got task port for pid 153\ new thread running in child: 1207\ thread state updated in target: 1207\ remote function call return value: 18\ pid: 153 - /usr/libexec/fmflocatord\ copied remote task port right 51a03 to local port 10dd0f\ got task port for pid 154\ new thread running in child: 120b\ thread state updated in target: 120b\ remote function call return value: 16\ pid: 154 - /usr/libexec/pipelined\ copied remote task port right 51b03 to local port 10de0f\ got task port for pid 155\ new thread running in child: 120f\ thread state updated in target: 120f\ remote function call return value: 51\ pid: 155 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ManagedConfiguration.framework/Support/profiled\ copied remote task port right 51c03 to local port 10df0f\ got task port for pid 159\ new thread running in child: 1213\ thread state updated in target: 1213\ remote function call return value: 19\ pid: 159 - /usr/libexec/captiveagent\ copied remote task port right 51d03 to local port 10e00f\ got task port for pid 160\ new thread running in child: 1217\ thread state updated in target: 1217\ remote function call return value: 42\ pid: 160 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreFollowUp.framework/followupd\ copied remote task port right 51e03 to local port 10e10f\ got task port for pid 162\ new thread running in child: 121b\ thread state updated in target: 121b\ remote function call return value: 42\ pid: 162 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CarKit.framework/Support/carkitd\ copied remote task port right 51f03 to local port 10e20f\ got task port for pid 163\ new thread running in child: 121f\ thread state updated in target: 121f\ remote function call return value: 92\ pid: 163 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.uifoundation-bundle-helper.xpc/com.apple.uifoundation-bundle-helper\ copied remote task port right 52003 to local port 10e30f\ got task port for pid 164\ new thread running in child: 1223\ thread state updated in target: 1223\ remote function call return value: 62\ pid: 164 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdateServices.framework/Support/softwareupdateservicesd\ copied remote task port right 52103 to local port 10e40f\ got task port for pid 165\ new thread running in child: 1227\ thread state updated in target: 1227\ remote function call return value: 3f\ pid: 165 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/deleted\ copied remote task port right 52203 to local port 10e50f\ got task port for pid 167\ new thread running in child: 122b\ thread state updated in target: 122b\ remote function call return value: 57\ pid: 167 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileBackup.framework/MobileBackupCacheDeleteService\ copied remote task port right 52303 to local port 10e60f\ got task port for pid 168\ new thread running in child: 122f\ thread state updated in target: 122f\ remote function call return value: 49\ pid: 168 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/revisiond\ copied remote task port right 52403 to local port 10e70f\ got task port for pid 166\ new thread running in child: 1233\ thread state updated in target: 1233\ remote function call return value: 14\ pid: 166 - /usr/libexec/replayd\ copied remote task port right 52503 to local port 10e80f\ got task port for pid 171\ new thread running in child: 1237\ thread state updated in target: 1237\ remote function call return value: 6d\ pid: 171 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookThumbnailing.framework/Support/com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsAgent\ copied remote task port right 52603 to local port 10e90f\ got task port for pid 169\ new thread running in child: 123b\ thread state updated in target: 123b\ remote function call return value: 50\ pid: 169 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/coresymbolicationd\ copied remote task port right 52703 to local port 10ea0f\ got task port for pid 172\ new thread running in child: 123f\ thread state updated in target: 123f\ remote function call return value: 33\ pid: 172 - /System/Library/CoreServices/CacheDeleteITunesStore\ copied remote task port right 52803 to local port 10eb0f\ got task port for pid 170\ new thread running in child: 1243\ thread state updated in target: 1243\ remote function call return value: 14\ pid: 170 - /usr/bin/sysdiagnose\ copied remote task port right 52903 to local port 10ec0f\ got task port for pid 175\ new thread running in child: 1247\ thread state updated in target: 1247\ remote function call return value: 7b\ pid: 175 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Accessibility.framework/Frameworks/AXHearingSupport.framework/XPCServices/heard.xpc/heard\ copied remote task port right 52a03 to local port 10ed0f\ got task port for pid 176\ new thread running in child: 124b\ thread state updated in target: 124b\ remote function call return value: 4d\ pid: 176 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UserActivity.framework/Agents/useractivityd\ copied remote task port right 52b03 to local port 10ee0f\ got task port for pid 177\ new thread running in child: 124f\ thread state updated in target: 124f\ remote function call return value: 45\ pid: 177 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Pasteboard.framework/Support/pasted\ copied remote task port right 52c03 to local port 10ef0f\ got task port for pid 179\ new thread running in child: 1253\ thread state updated in target: 1253\ remote function call return value: 1b\ pid: 179 - /usr/sbin/filecoordinationd\ copied remote task port right 52d03 to local port 10f00f\ got task port for pid 180\ new thread running in child: 1257\ thread state updated in target: 1257\ remote function call return value: 20\ pid: 180 - /usr/libexec/videosubscriptionsd\ copied remote task port right 52e03 to local port 10f10f\ got task port for pid 181\ new thread running in child: 125b\ thread state updated in target: 125b\ remote function call return value: 44\ pid: 181 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.framework/suggestd\ copied remote task port right 52f03 to local port 10f20f\ got task port for pid 182\ new thread running in child: 125f\ thread state updated in target: 125f\ remote function call return value: 1e\ pid: 182 - /usr/libexec/online-auth-agent\ copied remote task port right 53003 to local port 10f30f\ got task port for pid 183\ new thread running in child: 1263\ thread state updated in target: 1263\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 183 - /usr/libexec/swcd\ copied remote task port right 53103 to local port 10f40f\ got task port for pid 184\ new thread running in child: 1267\ thread state updated in target: 1267\ remote function call return value: 81\ pid: 184 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/XPCServices/ContainerMetadataExtractor.xpc/ContainerMetadataExtractor\ copied remote task port right 53203 to local port 10f50f\ got task port for pid 133\ new thread running in child: 126b\ thread state updated in target: 126b\ remote function call return value: 41\ pid: 133 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MapsSupport.framework/mapspushd\ copied remote task port right 53303 to local port 10f60f\ got task port for pid 156\ new thread running in child: 126f\ thread state updated in target: 126f\ remote function call return value: 3c\ pid: 156 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MapsSupport.framework/navd\ copied remote task port right 53403 to local port 10f70f\ got task port for pid 161\ new thread running in child: 1273\ thread state updated in target: 1273\ remote function call return value: 1a\ pid: 161 - /usr/libexec/webbookmarksd\ copied remote task port right 53503 to local port 10f80f\ got task port for pid 173\ new thread running in child: 1277\ thread state updated in target: 1277\ remote function call return value: 3a\ pid: 173 - /System/Library/CoreServices/CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches\ copied remote task port right 53603 to local port 10f90f\ got task port for pid 178\ new thread running in child: 127b\ thread state updated in target: 127b\ remote function call return value: 3a\ pid: 178 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Search.framework/searchd\ copied remote task port right 53703 to local port 10fa0f\ got task port for pid 137\ new thread running in child: 127f\ thread state updated in target: 127f\ remote function call return value: 1d\ pid: 137 - /usr/libexec/limitadtrackingd\ copied remote task port right 53803 to local port 10fb0f\ got task port for pid 185\ new thread running in child: 1283\ thread state updated in target: 1283\ remote function call return value: 77\ pid: 185 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AGXCompilerConnection.framework/XPCServices/AGXCompilerService.xpc/AGXCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 53903 to local port 10fc0f\ got task port for pid 157\ new thread running in child: 1287\ thread state updated in target: 1287\ remote function call return value: 1b\ pid: 157 - /usr/libexec/languageassetd\ copied remote task port right 53a03 to local port 10fd0f\ got task port for pid 186\ new thread running in child: 128b\ thread state updated in target: 128b\ remote function call return value: 4d\ pid: 186 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd\ copied remote task port right 53b03 to local port 10fe0f\ got task port for pid 187\ new thread running in child: 128f\ thread state updated in target: 128f\ remote function call return value: 48\ pid: 187 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VoiceServices.framework/Support/voiced\ copied remote task port right 53c03 to local port 10ff0f\ got task port for pid 188\ new thread running in child: 1293\ thread state updated in target: 1293\ remote function call return value: e\ pid: 188 - /usr/sbin/absd\ copied remote task port right 53d03 to local port 11010f\ got task port for pid 189\ new thread running in child: 1297\ thread state updated in target: 1297\ remote function call return value: 4f\ pid: 189 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistant_service\ copied remote task port right 53e03 to local port 11020f\ got task port for pid 190\ new thread running in child: 129b\ thread state updated in target: 129b\ remote function call return value: c2\ pid: 190 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSoftwareUpdate.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.CleanupPreparePathService.xpc/com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.CleanupPreparePathService\ copied remote task port right 53f03 to local port 11030f\ got task port for pid 191\ new thread running in child: 129f\ thread state updated in target: 129f\ remote function call return value: a2\ pid: 191 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.MobileInstallationHelperService.xpc/com.apple.MobileInstallationHelperService\ copied remote task port right 54003 to local port 11040f\ got task port for pid 192\ new thread running in child: 12a3\ thread state updated in target: 12a3\ remote function call return value: 81\ pid: 192 - /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F1327DF0-0829-49EB-A247-A9FCDE996085/Drive.app/PlugIns/FileProvider.appex/FileProvider\ copied remote task port right 54103 to local port 110007\ got task port for pid 193\ new thread running in child: 12a7\ thread state updated in target: 12a7\ remote function call return value: 12\ pid: 193 - /usr/libexec/amfid\ copied remote task port right 54203 to local port 110513\ got task port for pid 194\ new thread running in child: 12ab\ thread state updated in target: 12ab\ remote function call return value: 55\ pid: 194 - /Applications/ServerDocuments.app/PlugIns/ServerFileProvider.appex/ServerFileProvider\ copied remote task port right 54303 to local port 11060f\ got task port for pid 195\ new thread running in child: 12af\ thread state updated in target: 12af\ remote function call return value: ca\ pid: 195 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Accessibility.framework/Frameworks/AccessibilityUI.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.accessibility.AccessibilityUIServer.xpc/com.apple.accessibility.AccessibilityUIServer\ copied remote task port right 54403 to local port 11070f\ got task port for pid 197\ new thread running in child: 12b3\ thread state updated in target: 12b3\ remote function call return value: 92\ pid: 197 - /System/Library/Frameworks/CallKit.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectoryMaintenance.xpc/com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectoryMaintenance\ copied remote task port right 54503 to local port 11080f\ got task port for pid 198\ new thread running in child: 12b7\ thread state updated in target: 12b7\ remote function call return value: 92\ pid: 198 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.DictionaryServiceHelper.xpc/com.apple.DictionaryServiceHelper\ copied remote task port right 54603 to local port 11090f\ got task port for pid 199\ new thread running in child: 12bb\ thread state updated in target: 12bb\ remote function call return value: 11\ pid: 199 - /usr/libexec/ptpd\ copied remote task port right 54703 to local port 110a0f\ got task port for pid 202\ new thread running in child: 12bf\ thread state updated in target: 12bf\ remote function call return value: 1c\ pid: 202 - /usr/libexec/companion_proxy\ copied remote task port right 54803 to local port 110b0f\ got task port for pid 203\ new thread running in child: 12c3\ thread state updated in target: 12c3\ remote function call return value: 1f\ pid: 203 - /usr/libexec/notification_proxy\ copied remote task port right 54903 to local port 110c0f\ got task port for pid 204\ new thread running in child: 12c7\ thread state updated in target: 12c7\ remote function call return value: 21\ pid: 204 - /usr/libexec/mobile_storage_proxy\ copied remote task port right 54a03 to local port 110d0f\ got task port for pid 207\ new thread running in child: 12cb\ thread state updated in target: 12cb\ remote function call return value: 26\ pid: 207 - /usr/libexec/mobile_installation_proxy\ copied remote task port right 54b03 to local port 110e0f\ got task port for pid 208\ new thread running in child: 12cf\ thread state updated in target: 12cf\ remote function call return value: 19\ pid: 208 - /usr/libexec/splashboardd\ copied remote task port right 54c03 to local port 110f0f\ got task port for pid 212\ new thread running in child: 12d3\ thread state updated in target: 12d3\ remote function call return value: 54\ pid: 212 - /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework/DTServiceHub\ copied remote task port right 54d03 to local port 11100f\ got task port for pid 213\ new thread running in child: 12d7\ thread state updated in target: 12d7\ remote function call return value: 60\ pid: 213 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/XPCServices/MTLCompilerService.xpc/MTLCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 54e03 to local port 6d0f\ got task port for pid 214\ new thread running in child: 12db\ thread state updated in target: 12db\ remote function call return value: 60\ pid: 214 - /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/XPCServices/MTLCompilerService.xpc/MTLCompilerService\ copied remote task port right 54f03 to local port 111113\ got task port for pid 215\ new thread running in child: 12df\ thread state updated in target: 12df\ remote function call return value: 22\ pid: 215 - /usr/libexec/streaming_zip_conduit\ copied remote task port right 55003 to local port 111207\ got task port for pid 216\ new thread running in child: 12e3\ thread state updated in target: 12e3\ remote function call return value: 88\ pid: 216 - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StreamingZip.framework/XPCServices/com.apple.StreamingUnzipService.xpc/com.apple.StreamingUnzipService\ copied remote task port right 55103 to local port 111307\ got task port for pid 217\ new thread running in child: 12e7\ thread state updated in target: 12e7\ remote function call return value: 1e\ pid: 217 - /Developer/usr/bin/debugserver\ copied remote task port right 55203 to local port 103\ got task port for pid 218\ new thread running in child: 12eb\ thread state updated in target: 12eb\ remote function call return value: 65\ pid: 218 - /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BA763A08-D25D-4493-BCAC-72104D271D30/nsxpc2pc.app/nsxpc2pc\ copied remote task port right 55303 to local port 11140b\ got task port for pid 219\ new thread running in child: 12ef\ thread state updated in target: 12ef\ remote function call return value: 4a\ pid: 219 - /System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework/Support/coreauthd\ copied remote task port right 55403 to local port 111507\ got task port for pid 221\ new thread running in child: 12f3\ thread state updated in target: 12f3\ remote function call return value: 68\ pid: 221 - /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BA763A08-D25D-4493-BCAC-72104D271D30/nsxpc2pc.app/debugserver\ failed to get the new target's task port}